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2012届英语一轮精品复习导学案:UNITS 1-4(译林牛津版选修9).doc

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1、2012届英语一轮精品复习导学案:Units 1-2(译林牛津版选修9)一、知识复习 (一)词汇部分1.【原句再现】,which is said to be the longest border in the world not defended by an army or the police. (P 2)【知识要点】defend/ guard/ protect 【诊断练习】用defend, guard, protect的适当形式填空。My brother is one of those who _ our country at the boundary. Measures should b

2、e taken to _ the environment.There are two soldiers _ at the gate.2.【原句再现】Within this huge country, there are frozen wastes, There are many wild animals in the forests and on the freezing, ice-covered lands (P 2)【知识要点】freezing / freeze /frozen的用法 【诊断练习】用freeze的适当形式填空,每空一词。He was _ with a sudden stra

3、nge noise.Some people are still working in _ weather. I often buy _ preserved food from the supermarket.Water usually_ at 0.Please close the window. I am _.3.【原句再现】Finally, , which caters to every shopping need. (P 5)【知识要点】cater to的用法 【诊断练习】选择能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。(2009无锡期末)There are varieties of TV program

4、s to _ many different types of interests and tastes among the public.A. cater toB. appeal toC. apply toD. adjust to(2010扬州三模)Although the necklace is not made of real crystal, it still _ young tourists to this beautiful ancient city.A. appeals toB. caters toC. attracts toD. applies to4.【原句再现】 Owing

5、to the natural environment, many people feel that New Zealand is perfect for outdoor activities. (P 9)【知识要点】owe的用法 【诊断练习】用owe / owe sb sth / owe sth to sb / owing to完成句子。我欠房东一百美元。I the landlord one hundred dollars.I one hundred dollars the landlord.他把他的成功归功于他的父母。He _ his success _ his parents.He _ _

6、 _ his parents _ he succeeded.由于下雨,比赛取消了。_ _ the rain, the match was cancelled.5.【原句再现】 , then you are bound to be disappointed. (P 9)【知识要点】be bound to的用法 【诊断练习】选择能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 We hope the teammates will catch some fire from Yao Ming, and Rockets will be _ to succeed this year.A. boundB. bouncedC.

7、bumpedD. blamed You _ meet many difficulties and failures when you are achieving your goals.A. are contentB. are intended toC. are bound toD. are confident to 6.【原句再现】Occupying the heart of New York City, the sidewalks here are full of life and bright lights. (P 11)【知识要点】occupy的用法 【诊断练习】汉译英。敌人很快占领了这

8、个城镇。_浴室现在有人在用。_他在政府担任要职。_他在忙于照看三个小孩。_7.【原句再现】In particular, we associate ancient Greek civilization with the capital city of Athens, (P 18)【知识要点】particular的用法 【诊断练习】选择能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。-Jane didnt buy any clothes yesterday. -No, she is very about what she wears.A. special B. particular C. especial D. un

9、usual-Coffee is on at Times Supermarket this week. -Really? Ill go and buy some.A. special B. particular C. especial D. unusualNot , the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.A. obviously B. surprisingly C. particularly D. normally-What do you think of this matter?-It is a

10、matter of importance, I think.A. special B. fairly C. especial D. ratherShe returned home to see her sick mother.A. special B. especial C. specially D. especially8.【原句再现】In 1458, the Turks defeated the Greeks and seized control of Athens. (P 18)【知识要点】seize的用法 【诊断练习】根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。小偷行窃时被一个警察抓获,警察抓

11、住了他的头发。The thief was by a policeman, who him by the hair, when he was stealing.农民抓住四月的好时机插秧。The peasants the April occasion to plant rice seedlings.9.【原句再现】 the Greek government appointed a special committee to undertake the restoration of the Acropolis. (P 21)【知识要点】appoint的用法 【诊断练习】用appoint的适当形式填空。

12、Lets _ a day to have dinner together.They _ him to catch all the mice in the house.Hell only see you by _.必须事先约定,他才会见你。Our visitors arrived at the _ time.10.【原句再现】, King Henry VIII showed no mercy as he accused her of being unfaithful to his and (P 27)【知识要点】mercy的用法 【诊断练习】根据所给汉语完成下列句子。 他们对仇敌毫无怜悯之意。

13、They little the enemies. They treated the enemies _ _. 船在浪涛中随波逐流。 The ship the waves.(二)句型部分1.【原句再现】Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower. (P2)【知识要点】表语提前引起的倒装【诊断练习】选择能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。_ on the ground are various kinds of leaves.A. FallingB. FallenC. To fallD. Fell_ all the sales

14、men and saleswomen. A. Were present at the meeting B. Present were at the meeting C. Be present at the meeting D. Present at the meeting wereOn the wall _ two large portraits. A. hangs B. hang C. hanged D. hanging二、词汇识记(一)单词部分1. adv. 似乎;表面上看 _2. adj. 多元文化的 _3. v. 使坐落于_4. n. 爱好者 _5. v. 妥协 _6. adj. 灵活

15、的 _7. n. 偏爱;优先 _8. n. 弱点;虚弱 _9. adj. 模棱两可的 _10. n. 百分比 _11. vt. 使光滑,平坦 _ 12. n. 爆炸 _13. n. 摩擦_14. n. 手势 _15. adj. 专业的,职业的 _16. n. 两周 _17. n. 林荫道 _18. n. 承认;识别 _19. vt. 取消 _20. n. 最终期限 _(二)词块部分1.仅次于 _ 2.自然风景 _ 3.参加 _4.绝大多数 _ 5.主要部分 _6.感到兴奋,感到激动_7.一个多元文化的城市 _8.注定会,一定会 _ 9.不再为所拥有_10.是的所在地,是的栖息地 _11.占地(

16、面积)_ 12(离家)寻找发迹的机会 _13.填充,填写 _ 14. 大量的 _15.简称_16.是缩写形式 _ 17.丰富,富于 _18. 一把;少数 _三、巩固练习(一)单项填空:选择能填入题干空白处的最佳选项。(30分)1.After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide _ for the homeless families. (2010湖北卷22)A. accommodation B. occupation C. equipment D. furniture2. The 28-y

17、ear-old had spent six years working nights while she gained her university degree during the day. When she finally graduated she had her eye on a teaching _.A. professionB. positionC. careerD. occupation3. In considering men for jobs in our firm, we give _ to those with some experience.A. applicatio

18、nB. preferenceC. expectationD. permission4. Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have _ schedules to make it easier to care for their children. (2010山东卷)A. heavyB. smoothC. flexibleD. complex5. I am a foreigner here. Must I _ myself with the police?A. enrollB. signC. registerD. record6. -You

19、r daughter is too thin.-She would gain weight _ she is very particular about food.A. as long as B. but C. unless D. even if7. When people talk about the famous attractions in Yangzhou, the first _ comes into their mind is the Slender West Lake. A. place B. one C. that D. of them8. Anyway, I cant che

20、at him - its against all my _.(2011浙江卷)A. emotionsB. principlesC. regulationsD. opinions9. She has tried her best. Please dont be too _ about her job. (2011江西卷)A. specialB. responsibleC. unusualD. particular10. _ not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.(2009福建

21、卷)A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded11. -It shouldnt take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.-Thats right. _.A. Many hands make light workB. Something is better than nothingC. The more the merrierD. The sooner begun, the sooner done12. - I m surprised

22、to hear that Sue and Paul have _ . -So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.(2009 江苏卷)A. broken up B. finished up C. divided up D. closed up 13. There are things people accept less, _ you defend them.A. as B. while C. the moment D. the more14. It is _ really exciting experience

23、 to jump from _ plane at 10, 000 feet in the sky.A. a; the B. an; a C. a; a D. the; an15. As is known to all, Montreal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world, _.A. Paris is the largest B. Paris the largestC. Paris to be the largest D. Paris be the largest(二)完形填空:根据短文内容选择能填入短文空白处的最佳选

24、项。(40分)Many people wrongly believe that when people reach old age, their families place them in nursing homes. They are left in the _1_ of strangers for the rest of their lives. Their _2_ children visit them only occasionally, but more often, they do not have any _3_ visitors. The truth is that this

25、 idea is an unfortunate myth-an _4_ story. In fact, family members provide over 80 percent of the care _5_ elderly people need. Samuel Preston, a sociologist, studied _6_ the American family is changing. He reported that by the time the _7_ American couple reaches 40 years of age, they have more par

26、ents than children. _8_, because people today live longer after an illness than people did years _9_, family members must provide long term care. More psychologists have found that all caregivers _10_ a common characteristic: All caregivers believe that they are the best _11_ for the job. In other w

27、ords, they all felt that they _12_ do the job better than anyone else. Social workers _13_ caregivers to find out why they took _14_ the responsibility of caring for an elderly relative. Many caregivers believed they had _15_ to help their relative. Some stated that helping others _16_ them feel mor

28、e useful. Others hoped that by helping _17_ now, they would deserve care when they became old and _18_. Caring for the elderly and being taken care of can be a _19_ satisfying experience for everyone who might be _20_.1. A. hands B. arms C. bodies D. homes2. A. growing B. grown C. grow D. grows3. A.

29、 constant B. lasting C. regular D. normal4. A. imaginary B. imaginable C. imaginative D. imagery5. A. that B. this C. those D. these6. A. when B. how C. what D. where7. A. common B. ordinary C. standard D. average8. A. Still B. However C. Moreover D. Whereas9. A. before B. ago C. later D. lately10.

30、A. share B. enjoy C. divide D. permit11. A. person B. people C. character D. man12. A. would B. will C. could D. can13. A. questioned B. interviewed C. inquired D. investigate14. A. in B. up C. onD. off15. A. admiration B. motivationC. necessity D. obligation16. A. cause B. enable C. make D. get17.

31、A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. anybody18. A. elderly B. dependent C. dependable D. independent19. A. similarly B. differently C. mutually D. certainly20. A. involved B. excluded C. included D. considered(三)阅读理解:根据短文内容选择能回答所提问题或完成句子的最佳选项。(14分)AWhats On StageAn acrobatic show: To celebrate its 50

32、th anniversary, the China Acrobatic Troupe(剧团)will present “The Soul of China”, where the seemingly impossible is made real. Chills will run down your spine(脊柱)as you watch breathlessly as performers take their art and their bodies to the edge.Time: 7:30 p.m., September 13-19Place: Capital Theatre,

33、22 Wangfujing Dajie, Dongcheng DistrictExhibitionsJoint Show: A group ink painting exhibition is running at the Huangshicheng Art Gallery in Beijing. About 50 works by 25 young artists including Ge Yun and Yu Yang are on display.Time: 9:00 a. m.5:00 p.m. until September 10Place: Huangshicheng Art Ga

34、llery, 136 Nanchizi Dajie, Dongcheng DistrictOil paintings: The Wanfung Art Gallery will host a joint show of oil painting by 10 young and middle-aged artists. On display are more than 30 of their latest works, which capture the wondrous variety of life in unique styles.Time: 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. unti

35、l September 15Place: 136 Nanchizi Street, Dongcheng DistrictLiterature museum: The National Museum of Modern Chinese Literature offers an in-depth study of the evolution of Chinese contemporary literature from 1919 to 1949.Time: 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m., dailyPlace: 45 Anyuan Donglu, Chaoyang District(Sha

36、oyaoju area)ConcertsBeijing rocks: “The Fashion Night of Chinese Rock” is set to bring rock fans out by the thousands next month. Nine Chinese rock bands will perform at the concert, including older generation bands, middle generation and some recent arrivals. The audience will be given a chance to

37、decide what songs they want to hear, which is sure to bring a storm.Time: September 16Place: The Olympic CenterBelgium Orchestra:La Petite Bande, the Baroque Orehestra of Belgium, will perform in Beijing at the Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities as part of activities across the wo

38、rld in memory of the 250th anniversary of Bachs death.Time: 7:30 p.m. September 1114Place: Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities1. What do you think of the acrobatic show mentioned here? A. When you watch it, you will certainly feel cold. B. Something strange will puzzle everyone, in

39、cluding scientists. C. Unexpected things will make you excited and surprised. D. Even the bravest ones will be too frightened to go on watching2. The most characteristic thing about the Fashion Night of Chinese Rock is that . A. it will let the audience choose the performers and the music B. it is t

40、o bring thousands of rock fans out of their homes C. it will certainly cause a rock storm throughout China D. it is to be held in memory of one of the greatest musicians3. Suppose it is September 14 today, how many activities can people choose to attend? A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.D. 5.4. On the whole, we can c

41、onclude . A. people in Beijing prefer modern culture to something traditional B. there are usually more cultural activities in September than in any other month C. most of the cultural activities in Beijing are for foreign visitors only D. we can enjoy a large variety of cultural activities in Beiji

42、ngBOne of the most interesting paradoxes in America today is that Harvard University, the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States, is now engaged in a serious debate about what a university should be, and whether it is measuring up. Like the Roman Catholic Church and other ancient

43、 institutions, it is asking - still in private rather than in public - whether its past assumptions about faculty, authority, admissions, courses of study, are really relevant to the problems of the new era. Should Harvard or any other university be an intellectual sanctuary, apart from the politica

44、l and social revolution of the age, or should it be a laboratory for experiment with these political and social revolutions; or even an engine of the revolution? This is what is being discussed privately in the big clapboard houses of faculty members around the Harvard Yard. The issue was defined by

45、 Waiter Lippmann, a distinguished Harvard graduate, several years ago. “If the universities are to do their work,” he said, “they must be independent and they must be fair They are places to which men can turn for judgements which are unbiased by partisanship and special interest. Obviously, the mom

46、ent the universities fall under political control, or under the control of private interests, or the moment they themselves take a hand in politics and the leadership of government, their value as independent and disinterested sources of judgement is impaired.” This is part of the argument that is g

47、oing on at Harvard today. Another part is the argument of the militant and even many moderate students: that a university is the keeper of our ideals and morals, and should not be “fair” but activist in bringing the nations ideals and actions together. Harvards men of today seem more troubled and le

48、ss sure about personal, political and academic purpose than they did at the beginning. They are not even clear about how they should debate and resolve their problems, but they are struggling with them privately, and how they come out is bound to influence American university and political life in t

49、he new era.5. The issues in the debate on Harvards goals are whether the universities should remain independent of our society and its problems, and whether they should _.A. fight militarism B. overcome the widespread drug dependency C. take an active part in solving societys ills D. support our old

50、 and established institutions6. The word “paradox” in paragraph 1 is _.A. an inserted expression B. a difficult puzzle C. an abnormal condition D. a self-contradiction7. In the authors judgement, the debate going on at Harvard _.A. is a sad symbol of our general confusion B. will soon be over, becau

51、se times are bound to change C. is of interest mostly to Harvard men and their friends D. will influence future life in America(四)完成句子:根据所给汉语完成下列句子。(16分)1. 就进球来说,他仅次于姚明。_ _ _ scoring goals, he _ _ _ _ Yao Min.2. 出席会议的有世界各地的科学家。 _ _ _ _ _ _from all over the world.3. 在“淘金热”中,很多中国人到加利福利亚去寻找发财机会。Many Ch

52、inese people went to_ _ _ in California in the “Gold Rush”.4. 用语言交谈的能力使人类有别于低等动物。_ to talk _ human beings _ the lower animals.5. 尽管我能理解你所说的,但我无法赞同。_ I can understand _ _ _, I cant agree with you.6. 就人类而言,污染问题总是最严重的问题之一。_ _ _ mankind_ _, the problem of pollution is always one of the most serious ones

53、.7. 那个故事对小孩子产生很大的影响。That story _ _ _ _ _children. 一、知识复习(一)词汇部分1. 【参考答案】defend protect guarding【点拨拓展】defend指“保卫、防御”, 应用范围很广, 对象可以是具体的, 也可以是抽象的, 例:defend oneself against enemy 防御敌人。guard 指“注意观察、戒备, 以免受可能的攻击或伤害”, 例:guard a coastline 守卫海岸线。protect 指“保护以免遭受危险或伤害等”, 例:protect the children from harm 保护儿童免

54、受伤害。2.【参考答案】frozen freezing frozen freezes freezing【点拨拓展】分词作表语通常看作形容词来用。现在分词表示主语的性质;过去分词表示主语的感受或状态。freezing adj. 冻结的、冰冻的、极冷的 例:Its freezing outside now. 现在外面冷极了。 Its very cold today; the temperature has dropped to freezing point. 今天很冷,温度降到了冰点。 (态度)非常冷淡的 adv. 冰冻一样地 例如:be freezing cold 冰冻一样地冷 frozen a

55、dj. freeze 的过去分词 冰冻的、冻僵的;严寒的;冻结的 例:I am absolutely frozen. 我完全冻僵了。 a frozen chicken 冷冻鸡 The man sat frozen with fear. 那人吓得呆坐着。3.【参考答案】A A【点拨拓展】appeal to 表示“向呼吁、恳求;诉诸、求助于”例:They never appealed to us for mercy. 他们从不向我们乞求怜悯。 You should not appeal to force. 你们不应该诉诸武力。 cater to 表示“迎合;为服务”例:Those newspape

56、rs cater to the lowest tastes. 这些报纸迎合低级趣味。4.【参考答案】owed; owed, to owed, to; owed it to, that Owing to【点拨拓展】 owe to欠(债等); owe to/ owe it to sb that归功于表达“因为”的介词短语:because of, owing to, as a result/consequence of, on account of, due to, thanks to5.【参考答案】A C【点拨拓展】be bound to 表示注定要、计划好的意思。例:Should any eme

57、rgency occur, I would be bound to take my responsibility. 如果出现任何问题,我将一定负起责任。be bound to/for some place 正要去某地,开往某地的(车、船等)。例:Where is the coach bound for? 这辆长途车开往哪里?6.【参考答案】The enemies soon occupied the town. The bathroom is occupied now. He occupies an important position in the government. He is occu

58、pied in looking after the 3 children.【点拨拓展】 occupy占领、占据;占(时间、空间);担任(职务),居(某种地位)常见搭配:be occupied with sth(in doing sth)/occupy oneself with sth(in doing sth)使忙碌、使从事n. occupation 占领;职业7.【参考答案】B A B C C【点拨拓展】B be particular about 挑剔 A be on special 特价 B不出所料,并不意外的是 C especial 特别的,尤其的 C specially 表示“专门地,

59、专程”8.【参考答案】caught; seized seized【点拨拓展】seize, catch, grasp三词都可表示“抓”。catch指通过侦察、追踪等,以突然袭击的方式把某人或某物“抓获”。seize 指突然用力地“抓住”或“夺取”,也可指“抓住(时间、机会等抽象的事物)”。grasp表示用手或爪紧紧抓住。9.【参考答案】appointappointedappointment appointed【点拨拓展】appoint vt. 任命、委任;约定,指定(时间、地点)appoint sb. to sth. 任命某人为-的成员 appoint sb. to be/as 任命某人为app

60、oint sb. to do sth. 指定某人做某事n. appointment 任命;约会make/fix an appointment with sb. 与某人约会/预约10.【参考答案】 showed , mercy to; without mercy was at the mercy of【点拨拓展】mercy n.仁慈;怜悯;宽恕 merciful adj. mercifully adv. at the mercy of 受所支配;任摆布show mercy to 对表示怜悯without mercy 毫不留情地,残忍地(二)句型部分1.【参考答案】B D B【点拨拓展】表语放在句

61、首构成完全倒装,即将系动词置于主语的前面。地点状语置于句首,也引起完全倒装。二、词汇识记(一)单词部分1. seemingly2. multicultural3. locate4. enthusiast5. compromise6. flexible7. preference8. weakness9. ambiguous10. percentage11. smooth12. explosion13. friction14. gesture15. professional16. fortnight17. avenue18. recognition19. cancel 20. deadline(二

62、)词块部分1. second only to 2. natural scenery 3. participate in4. a vast majority of 5. part and parcel 6. be thrilled by7. a multicultural city 8. be bound to do 9. be lost to10. be home to 11. cover an area of 12. seek ones fortunes13. fill out 14. a large amount of 15. for short 16. be short for 17.

63、be abundant in 18. a handful of三、巩固练习(一)1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. B 11. A 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. B(二)1. A 惯用搭配题。in the hands of 意为“由控制或照料”,是惯用搭配,刚好与句意相符,所以A正确。2. B 逻辑衔接题。此处缺少的是定语,四个选项中A、B都可以充当定语,growing意为“成长的,正在长大的”,grown意为“长大成人的,成年的”,结合前文内容可知,应选B。3. C 词义辨析题。regular意为“定期的,有规律的”

64、,与visitors搭配指“定期来看望的人”,故选C。normal意为“正常的”,constant意为“经常的”,lasting意为“持续的”,均排除。4. A 词义辨析题。下文对前面提到的观点进行了反驳,也就是说前面所说的情况不是真实存在的,故选A(不真实的、虚构的)。imaginable意为“可想象的”,imaginative意为“富于想象力的”,imagery意为“肖像”,均排除。5.A 逻辑衔接题。此处应用that引导定语从句充当care的定语,故选A。6. B 逻辑衔接题。根据上下文可知,该句谈到社会学家研究了美国家庭如何在改变,应该用how引导宾语从句,表示改变的方式,故选B。7.

65、 D 词义辨析题。common意为“普通的,共同的”,强调一种趋同的ordinary与special相对立,强调平凡,毫无特性;standard意为“标准的”;average意为“一般的,平均的”,强调的是在类型或特征上通常的或平均情况由此可知本题选D。8 C 词义辨析题。still意为“尽管如此,但仍然”,表让步,however意为“然而”,表转折,moreover意为“而且”,whereas意为“尽管”。分析上下文可知,前后两句应为递进关系,故选C。9. B 词义辨析题。ago意为“以前”,指从现在算起,故选B。before意为“以前”指从过去某个时刻算起,做排除。10. A 词义辨析题。

66、share意为“共享,共有”,与a common characteristic搭配意为“具有共同的特征”,所以A正确。11. B 词义辨题。句中谓语为are,故此处应填入一个复数形式的名词,所以B正确。12. C 逻辑衔接题。本句的主句是过去时,故排除will和can,而would表示一种意愿,也应排除,故选C。13. B 词义解析题。question和inquire意为“询问,疑问”,investigate意为“调查”,interview意为“面试,访问”,此处句意为“社会工作者该问护理人员想弄明白为什么他们要承担照顾年纪大的亲戚的责任”,所以B正确。14. C 惯用搭配题。take in意

67、为“欺骗;收容”,take up意为“从事”,take on意为“承担”,take off意为“脱下;起飞”,只有take on能与responsibility搭配,故选C。15. D 词义辨析题。admiration意为“羡慕”,motivation意为“动力”,necessity意为“必要性”,obligation意为“责任,义务”,此处句意为“护理人员相信他们有这个义务帮助他们的亲戚”,所以D正确。16. C 惯用搭配题。make sb. do sth.意为“使某人做某事”,符合句意,所以C正确。17. A 词义辨析题。someone泛指某个人,anyone和anybody指任何人,ev

68、eryone指每个人,结构句意可知,A正确。18. B 词义辨析题。elderly意为“年纪稍老的”,dependent意为“依靠别人的”,dependable意为“可靠的”,independent意为“独立的”,此处句意为“当他们老了需要依靠别人时,他们应该得到照顾”,所以B正确。19. C 词义辨析题。similarly意为“同样地、相似地”,differently意为“不同地”,mutually意为“共同地”,certainly意为“当然地”,结合句意,照顾老人和被照顾是一种相互关系,由此可知,C正确。20. A 词义辨析题。involved意为“涉及的,牵涉到的”,excluded意为

69、“排除在外的,不包括的”,included意为“包含的”,considered意为“被考虑到”,此句意为“照顾老人和被照顾是一种相互的关系,每个人都有可能涉足其中”,所以A正确。(三)14 CACD 57 CDD(四)1. In terms of, is next/ second only to 2. Present at the meeting were scientists 3. seek their fortunes 4. Abilities, distinguish, from 5. While, what you say 6. As far as, is concerned 7. h

70、as a great impact on 2012届英语一轮精品复习导学案:Units 3-4(译林牛津版选修9)一、知识复习 (一)词汇部分1.【原句再现】 , along with its values, beliefs and culture. (P 34)【知识要点】value的用法 【诊断练习】用value, cost, price, worth填空。Whats the _ of rice?The _ of living is much higher now than it was.His advice is of great _.Thousands of pounds _ of d

71、amage has been done to the apple crop.2.【原句再现】Ten years later, the conclusion of the French Revolution led to fundamental changes throughout the country. (P 34)【知识要点】conclusion的用法 【诊断练习】汉译英。他们从这些事实中得出了不同的结论。_最后,我要感谢你们为我所做的一切。_我们应该把这件事情早日了结。_3.【原句再现】The French Revolution was successful in ridding soc

72、iety of inequality, (P 34)【知识要点】rid的用法【诊断练习】根据所给汉语完成下列句子。他终于摆脱了债务的忧虑。He finally _ _ _ all worries of debts.他忙于清除室内老鼠。He is busy _ the house _ mice.他烧退了。He _ _ _ fever.4.【原句再现】The French Revolution was successful in ridding society of inequality, (P 34)【知识要点】inequality及其同根词【诊断练习】根据所给汉语完成下列句子。 妇女仍在争取与

73、男人真正平等。Women are still struggling for true _ _ men.女工们还是因为待遇上的不平等而感到不高兴。The women workers are still unhappy with the_ _ treatment.他似乎不太合乎我们的要求。 He doesnt seem_ _ meeting our demands. 妇女要求同工同酬。 Women demand_ pay for _ work. 他觉得他们和他地位相等。 He feels that they are _ _. 她认为能胜任该项工作。 She feels_ _ the task. 他

74、和我力气一样大。 Hes my _ _ strength. 不管是容貌还是舞艺我们都比不上她。 None of us can _ her, either in beauty or as a dancer5.【原句再现】The flag, which could not be further simplified, is a red band over a white one, (P 35)【知识要点】further的用法 【诊断练习】英译汉。Further, it has come to my attention. The society was dedicated to furthering

75、 the cause of world peace. This house is not large enough for us, and further, it is too far from the town. I was too tired to walk any further. 6.【原句再现】 is based a national flag dating back to the 13th century that had nine red and white stripes. (P 35)【知识要点】date back to的用法 【诊断练习】根据所给汉语完成下列句子。这座古庙可

76、以追溯到15世纪。The old temple _ _ _ 15th century.这座始建于15世纪的古庙每天吸引了很多游客。The old temple _ _ 15th century attracts many visitors everyday.7.【原句再现】They refused to resign themselves to this status, so they started a revolution. (P 37)【知识要点】resign的用法 【诊断练习】汉译英。辞职 从公司辞职 我把孩子委托给他照顾。 我听从你的指导。 8.【原句再现】A purple face

77、 shows a just and calm character. (P 43)【知识要点】calm/ still/quiet/silent的辨析 【诊断练习】根据句意和搭配,用适当的形容词填空。The room was _ at the end of the speech. Youd better be _ about what happen. You should keep_ even in face of danger. Mary Pickford was a famous star of the_ movies.She is a girl of a _ nature, so she l

78、ikes to live a _ life. (二)句型部分1.【原句再现】Therefore, the next time you choose an outfit, you should not be arbitrary about what you pick. (P47)【知识要点】起连词作用的名词短语【诊断练习】选择能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。_ I met him, he was working as a secretary in a big company.(2011杭州模拟)A. For the first timeB. The first timeC. The first ti

79、me whenD. When the first time二、词汇识记(一)单词部分1. n. 结论 _2. vt. 加强 _3. vt. 替代,替换_4. adj. 官僚的 _5. n. 独立 _6. adj. 精神上的 _7. n. 解放 _8. n. 个性,人格 _9. n. 背叛 _10. adj. 武断的 _11. adj. 含糊的 _12. vt. 加下划线 _13. adj. 宗教的 _14. n. 重负,负担 _15. vt. 无意中听到 _16. n. 载体 _17. v. & n. 牺牲 _18. n. 延伸,扩展 _19. n. 口译者 _20. vt. 指令,讲授 _(

80、二)词块部分1. 一个独立的国家 _ 2. 独特的身份 _ 3. 饿死 _ 4. 根本性的改变_ 5. 视觉提示 _6. 消除社会不平等_ 7. 用来替代 _ 8. 组成 _ 9. 对不高兴 _ 10. 有发言权 _11. 借助于;由于 _ 12. 与有联系_ 13. 悔过自新 _ 14.把当作,把视为 _15. 精通,掌握 _ 16. 打磨;提高,改进 _ 17. 以 举例 _ 18. 以为中心,围绕 _ 19. 原则上 _ 20. 在有很强的能力 _ 21. 设宴庆祝 _ 22.把描绘成 _ 23. 亏本出售 _三、巩固练习(一)单项填空:选择能填入题干空白处的最佳选项。(30分)1. I

81、t was found out that the low-flying aircraft which almost caused _ political and civil unrest _ the Air Force One and a fighter.A. /; was B. a; was C. /; were D. a; were2. In the big car factory we are very excited to see home-made parts of cars made here _ for imported ones.A. being supplied B. sup

82、plied C. being substituted D. substituted3. This years A H1N1 flu outbreak tells us that strengthen a sound public health system should be built up and _ in our country.A.promoted B.raised C.increasedD. strengthened4. When he realized the police had seen him, the man_ the exit as quickly as possible

83、.A. made up B. made for C. made out D. made off 5. Fred didnt marry again for he never freed himself from the shadow which he had been trying to_ himself of for so long. A. devote B. resign C. rid D. keep6. All the _ raised their hand to_ Betty Rivers head of the medical team. A. present members; ch

84、oose B present members; pick C members present; select D members present; elect7. The cost of distribution and sales _ a large part of prices that are paid for all products. A. consist of B. make up C. make up of D. compose of8. Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour oper

85、ation to have _ one-year-old twins in the end.A. isolated B. separated C. divided D. removed9. These countries will join one another _ terrorism, _ was agreed to at the international conference.A. against; as B. oppose; asC. against; whatD. oppose; what10. We both strongly _ your decision to go abro

86、ad at this time of danger. It is not a wise decision.A. approve B. insist C. oppose D. appreciate11.(2011江苏卷)Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional _.A. consequenceB. independenceC. competence D. intelligence12.(2011浙江卷)Anyway, I cant cheat himits

87、against all my_. A. emotions B. principles C. regulations D. opinions13.(2011安徽卷)His writing is so confusing that its difficult to make out _ it is he is trying to express.A. thatB. howC. whoD. what14.(2011济宁模拟)They are leaving for Hangzhou in ten days - _, next Friday.A. in other wordsB. in many wa

88、ysC. on the wholeD. on the contrary15.(2011安庆模拟)Attention, please, everybody! Please stay _ while I take a photograph of you.A. stillB. calmC. quietD. alive(二)完形填空:根据短文内容选择能填入短文空白处的最佳选项。(30分)I had a philosophy(哲学)professor. His untidy appearance was highlighted (突出) by a 1 sport coat and poor-fittin

89、g thick glasses, which often 2 on the tip of his nose. Every now and then, as most philosophy professors do, he would go off on one of those hard-to-understand and existential “whats the meaning of _3_” discussions. Many of those discussions went 4 , but there were a few that really hit home (切中要害).

90、 This was one of them.“Respond (回应) to the following questions by a 5 of hands,” my professor instructed.“How many of you can tell me something about your parents?” Everyones hand 6 .“How many of you can tell me something about your grandparents?” About three-fourths raised their hands.“How many of

91、you can tell me something about your gleat-grandparents?” Two out of sixty students raised their hands.“Look around the _7_,” he said. “In just two short generations 8 any of us even know who our own great-grandparents were. Oh sure, maybe we have a(n) 9 photograph in a musty (发霉的) cigar box or know

92、 the classic family ,_10_ about how one of them walked i5ve miles to school barefoot. But how many of us 11 know who they were, what they thought, what they were proud of, what they were afraid of, or what they 12 _ about? Think about that. Within three generations our ancestors are all but forgotte

93、n. Will this 13 to you?“Heres a better question. Look 14 three generations. You are long 15 .Instead of you sitting in this room, now its your great-grandchildren. What will they have to say 16 you? Will they know about you? Or will you be 17 , too?“Is your life going to be a 18 or an example? What

94、legacy(遗产)will you leave? The 19 is yours. Class dismissed.”Nobody rose from their 20 for five minutes.1. A. well-designedB. well-wornC. well-ironedD. well-cut2. A. ranB. stoodC. restedD. lay3. A. lifeB. familyC. workD. study4. A. somewhereB. anywhereC. everywhereD. nowhere5. A. showB. clapC. touchD

95、. rub6. A. went downB. went upC. went aroundD. went forward7. A. worldB. schoolC. roomD. house8. A. almostB. nearlyC. notD. hardly9. A. oldB. unusualC. strangeD. dirty10. A. historyB. storyC. treeD. song11. A. simplyB. roughlyC. generallyD. really12. A. talkedB. quarreledC. dreamedD. joked13. A. hap

96、penB. belongC. referD. pass14. A. backB. aheadC. forD. around15. A. readyB. aliveC. goneD. lost16. A. toB. forC. behindD. about17. A. forgottenB. rememberedC. respectedD. scolded18. A. learningB. meaningC. warningD. turning19. A. wayB. reasonC. explanationD. choice20. A. desksB. seatsC. classroomD.

97、lines(三)任务型阅读:根据短文内容填空,每空一词。(20分)Autumn blues? Let the sunshine in falling leaves, withering flowers, cold winds, faint sunshine. For many people late autumn can be a season of gloom and depression. Spirits can be low. people who suffer from “the autumn blues” often are extremely exhausted, lack ene

98、rgy, need more sleep, feel increased appetite and gain weight. “The exact cause of this condition, often called seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is not known yet,” says Chen Jue, associate professor at Shanghai Mental Health Center. “But recent studies indicate that weather

99、change is influential and strongly suggest that this condition is caused by changes in the availability of sunlight.” One theory is that with decreased exposure to sunlight, the biological clock that regulates mood, sleep, and hormones is delayed, running more slowly in winter. Exposure to light may

100、 reset the biological clock. Another theory is that brain chemicals that transmit information between nerves may be altered in individuals with SAD. It is believed that exposure to light can correct these imbalances. “It is a sad season, but you can try to make it happy. Remember, spring always live

101、s in your heart,” Chen says. Here are some tips to deal with autumn depression. - Go outdoors and get some sunlight. Move around. Fresh air and exercise improve the respiratory(呼吸) system and blood circulation and regulate the nervous system. Thus, exercise is calming and relieves ones mood. - Relax

102、 at work. Stretch, breathe deeply. Take a tea break. Think of your next vacation. - Keep a chocolate bar in your pocket. Chocolate and sugar raise the spirits. - Look at bright colors, such as red and orange. Color therapy improves mood. - Listen to your favorite music. You can dance to it, or just

103、lie on a cozy couch, reading a novel. - Decorate your room and work space with flowers. Blooming plants are cheering. - Call friends or family when you feel lonely or depressed. Recall some happy memories. Autumn BluesAutumn blues is also called autumn (1) .The real cause for it is still (2) to us.

104、Exposure to sunlight can help to cure it.There are some (3) that can help to deal with it.The first reason is that exposure to sunshine can reset the biological clock (4)_ _mood, sleep and hormones.The second is (5)_ with the balance of nerves that transmit information.Outdoor (6)_May reduce the ten

105、sion that brings you the low spirits.You can relax yourselves while working. Food (7)_In calories and sugar does help too. (8)_Treatment also works in handling low mood. Music also (9)_a role in treating autumn blues.Green plants are cheering. Calling your friends will (10)_yourLoneliness away.Think

106、ing of the sweet past is regarded as a good way as well.(四)完成句子:根据所给汉语完成下列句子。(20分)1. 中国是一个有影响力的国家。China is an country.2. 他终于让自己摆脱了经济上的困扰。He was finally able to _ _ _ all _ worries.3. 这小孩不能忍受在家中没有发言权。The child cant in the family.4. 我们都知道50州构成了美国。Its known to all that the USA 50 states.5. 科学家们成功地提前完成了

107、计划。The scientists were the plan ahead of time.6. 这种音乐可追溯到18世纪。 This kind of music the 18th century. 7. 他不止是一个演讲家,他还是个作家。He is _ _ a lecturer; he is a writer, too.一、知识复习(一)词汇部分1. 【参考答案】 price cost value worth【点拨拓展】value常指物的本身的价值,有时也被用作市价或交换价值。在这种意义上,一物的value常以人的主观见解的改变而改变。price指买者对于物品所要求的价钱。cost指对物所付

108、的代价。包括物的发现、产出、制造、装修、搬运及其它使此物变成现状时所花去的一切费用。通常物的“price”高于“cost”。worth指物的本来的价值,属永久的和不变的东西。例如:绘画的worth常是同一的。而它的value却依人们的嗜好或时代不同而不同。注意:“价值高或低”只能说a high(low)price或Something is expensive(cheap)。at any price或at all (any)costs, “无论花多大的代价”。2.【参考答案】They drew different conclusions from the fact. In conclusion,

109、 I want to thank you for all that you have done for me. We should bring the matter to an early conclusion.【点拨拓展】conclusion n. 结论、推论;决定C+that;结尾,结局C终结、结束US例:The debate did not come to a conclusion until midnight. 辩论直到午夜才结束。(条约等的)缔结;(买卖等的)议定U(+of)例:the conclusion of this agreement 常用短语:in conclusion/

110、draw (come to, reach, arrive at) a conclusion conclude v.3.【参考答案】rid himself of ridding; of is(gets) rid of【点拨拓展】rid sth / oneself of, get / be rid of (使)消除,(使)摆脱4.【参考答案】equality with inequality of equal to equal; equal his equals equal to equal in equal【点拨拓展】equal adj.,n.,v. - equally adv. - equali

111、ty n. - inequality n.例:depend v. - dependence n. - independence n.重点短语:be equal to 5.【参考答案】此外,我已注意到 该协会致力于推动世界和平事业。 这栋房子对我们来说不够大,而且离城太远了。 我累得再也走不动了。【点拨拓展】further adj. 更远的 adv. 此外,进一步地 v. 促进,推动 vt. 促进 6.【参考答案】dates back to dating from【点拨拓展】 date back to = date from, 常用一般现在时态和主动语态。7.【参考答案】 resign the

112、job resign from the company I resigned my child to his care. I resign myself to your guidance.【点拨拓展】resign vt, vi 辞职;委托(resign sb / sth / oneself to);听从,顺从(resign oneself to / be resigned to)8.【参考答案】still silent calm silent quiet, quiet 【点拨拓展】在英语中, still, quiet , silent, calm 都可以表示“静”的意思,但它们各自的侧重点有所

113、不同。现分析如下:still 指“静止的,寂静的”,侧重于完全不动或完全无声响,带有感情色彩。 still 可以用来说人“不动”或人“不好动”。例:All sounds are still. 万籁俱寂。The Swede stood quite still, except that his lips moved slightly. 那个瑞典人纹丝不动地站着,只有嘴唇在微微动着。Keep/Stay still while I take photos of you. 我为你拍照时,请勿动。quiet 侧重指由于无骚扰而产生的“安静,无动静,无声响”,或心里没有烦恼、焦虑。例:Ask them to

114、 be quiet. 让他们保持安静。They lived a quiet life in the countryside. 他们在乡村过着宁静的生活。silent 指“寂静的、无声的”或“声音极小”;也指人“沉默不语、不发出响声”。例:Youd better be silent about whats happened. 对已经发生的事,你最好保持沉默。The children went out, and the room was silent. 孩子们都出去了,房子变得寂静无声。calm 指天气、海洋的“风平浪静”,还可指人的心情“平静”、态度“安详”。例:The sea was very

115、 calm. 海面很平静。The doctor did what he could to make the girl calm. 医生尽力让那女孩平静下来。比较: Keep still. (=Dont move.)Keep calm. (=Dont be excited.)Keep quiet. (=Keep silent.)(二)句型部分1.【参考答案】B【点拨拓展】I recognize Mike the moment I saw him.句中the moment是一个名词词组,在现代英语中,它已被用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意思是“一就”,等于as soon as,因此该题的意思是“我一

116、看见迈克就认出了他。”又如:I started the moment I got your letter. 我一接到你的信就动身了。英语中类似于the moment起连词作用的名词词组还有其它一些。现举例如下:(1) the minute, the instant, the second, 与the moment用法相同,意为“一就”。例:Ill tell him the news the minute he comes. 他一来我就告诉他这消息。I sent you the news the instant I heard it.我一听到这消息就立刻通知你了。Telephone me the

117、 second you get the result. 你一得到结果就给我打电话。(2) 由time构成的名词词组。如:the first/last time, each/every time, next time, all the time, any time等。例:He impressed me that way the first time I met him. 我第一次碰到他时他就给我这个印象。He was seriously ill the last time I saw him. 我上次见到他时,他病得很厉害。Each time I called on him he was bus

118、y with his work. 我每次去看他,他都忙于工作。Do not stop every time you come to a word or a phrase you dont know. 不要每碰到一个不认识的单词或短语就停下来。He was thinking of something else all the time you were talking to him. 你和他谈话的时候,他一直在想别的事情。Be sure to call on us next time you come. 你下次来时一定来看我们。You are welcome to come back any t

119、ime you want to. 你什么时候想回来,我们都欢迎。(3) the day, the week, the year, the spring, the summer, the autumn, the winter等。例:The day I left here,they all came to see me off. 我离开这里的那一天,他们都来给我送行。He left Europe the year World War II broke out. 第二次世界大战爆发的那一年他离开了欧洲。The summer Mary was 14 her family traveled to tha

120、t country. 玛丽十四岁的那年夏天,她家人到那个国家去旅行。注意:immediately/ instantly/ directly/ presently 可以是副词作连词引导时间状语从句,也相当于as soon as,意思是“一就”。例:The thief ran away immediately / directly he saw the policeman.二、词汇识记(一)单词部分1. conclusion2. strengthen3. substitute4. bureaucratic 5. independence6. spiritual7. liberation8. per

121、sonality9. betrayal10. arbitrary11.vague12. underline13. religious14. burden 15. overhear16. carrier17. sacrifice18. extension19. interpreter20. instruct(二)词块部分1. an independent country 2. a unique identity 3. die of starvation 4. fundamental changes 5. a visual reminder 6. rid society of inequality

122、 7. substitute with 8. make up 9. be unhappy with 10. have a say 11. by virtue of 12. have a link with 13. mend ones ways 14. refer to as 15. have a thorough understanding of 16. polish up 17. take as an example 18. centre (sth.) around19. in principle 20. a high level of competence in21. kill the f

123、atted calf 22. picture as 23. sell at a sacrifice三、巩固练习(一)15 CCDBC 610 DBBAC1115 C B D A A(二)1-5 BCADA 6-10 BCDAB 11-15DCABC16-20 DACDB(三)1.depression 2.unknown 3.waysmethods 4.regulating 5.connected 6.activitiessports 7.richhigh 8.Colour 9.plays 10.drive(四)1. influential 2. rid himself of; financial 3. tolerate not having a say 4. consists of 5. successful in completing 6.dates back to 7. more than .w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u


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