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2021届通用版高考英语一轮复习:每日小练 45-46 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、2021届通用版高考英语一轮复习:每日小练45 班级_ 姓名_一语法填空:Kids who use media in unhealthy ways may have problems _41_relationships, conduct and other emotional symptoms, lead author of a US new study warned.A study of the University of Michigan (UM) _42_ (release) recently on its website found that how children use the

2、devices, rather than how much time they spend on them, _43_ (be) the strongest predictor of emotional or social problems connected with screen _44_ (addict ).The study revealed that _45_ matters most is whether screen use causes problems in other areas of life or has become _46_all-consuming activit

3、y.Some of the warning _47_ (sign) include: if screen time interferes with daily activities, causes conflict for the child or in the family, or is the only activity _48_brings the child joy. Though much research _49_ (exist) on adolescents and screen use, this is considered as the first tool to measu

4、re how addicted children are to screen media. It will be a _50_ (value) tool for parents, clinicians and researchers.41._42. _43._44._45._46. _47._48._49._50._二短文改错 Dear Ms Smith,I am Li Hua. I am writing to ask a several-hour leave. I was to give a speech to welcome a group of American visiting tea

5、chers on Wednesday morning. I am terrible sorry to tell you that I cant come to attend at your class. How a pity! Perspectives on American Literature are always my favourite course. I do hope you can excuse my absence. As to the lessons to be missing, I wonder if it is possible for them to be record

6、ed so that I can listen to it later. Or I will just read my classmates notes and making them up as soon as possible.Your permit will be appreciated. Thanks a lot !Yours,Li Hua2021届通用版高考英语一轮复习:每日小练46 班级_ 姓名_一语法填空:I want you, my dear readers, to live a life like a dog. Am I crazy? No. What I tell you

7、is really useful.Be yourself. When we adopted Rocky, I almost forgot to ask his name. The clerk said, “Its Rocky, but IM change it to Pierre, if I _41_ (be) you.” We soon learned this black boy was anything but a Pierre. Hes athletic, funny,_42_ (society), and free. The name Rocky suits him well. No

8、 matter _43_ others think you should be like, its always best to be your true self.Master the basics. Eat, sleep, exercise, and connect with your family. Rocky is never too busy to eat, too distracted to sleep, or too tired for a walk,_44_ does he ever turn down an opportunity to connect. His waggin

9、g-tail greetings, kisses, and ability _45_ (land) directly in the middle of the sitting room _46_ (be) all powerful statements of just how basic the need to connect really is. And yet, in todays world,_47_ is often easy to forget that family and friends are _48_ (actual) basics.Explore, explore, exp

10、lore. Curious and smart, Rocky always seems ready to explore new territory. Hell happily learn a new “trick”, climb new hills, or try new toys. In life, the _49_ (choose) is yours: play it safe and keep staying,_50_ face the unknown and continue to grow.41._42. _43._44._45._47. _47._48._49._50._二短文改

11、错 Last week, our school hold an activity about how to help some poor children to go to school and live their childhood happy. First, some old textbooks were collected and sent to those children so that the books could reused by them. Second, we made speeches in the public to appeal to more people an

12、d organization to help and care for those poor children. Beside, after the speeches, some students even donated his pocket money and clothes. They were proud of that they did.Thanks for the activity, I have made up my mind to do more to help the children in need, for giving is better than receive.参考答案4545【答案】41. with/in 42. released 43. is 44. addiction 45. what 46. an 47. signs 48. that 49. exists 50. valuable参考答案4646.【答案】41. were 42. social 43. what 44. nor/neither 45. to land 46. are 47. it 48. actually 49. choice 50. or


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