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广东惠州市惠阳一中实验学校高二英语学案:UNIT4 MAKING THE NEWS-PRACTICE(新人教版必修5).doc

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广东惠州市惠阳一中实验学校高二英语学案:UNIT4 MAKING THE NEWS-PRACTICE(新人教版必修5).doc_第1页
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广东惠州市惠阳一中实验学校高二英语学案:UNIT4 MAKING THE NEWS-PRACTICE(新人教版必修5).doc_第2页
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广东惠州市惠阳一中实验学校高二英语学案:UNIT4 MAKING THE NEWS-PRACTICE(新人教版必修5).doc_第3页
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1、高考资源网( ),您身边的高考专家1. 句型转换 1. A: The first time well send you with an experienced reporter. B: The first time well send you with a reporter who has much _.2. A: Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university. B: I _ _ take an interest in photography but _ took a course at u

2、niversity.3. A: Its actually very interesting to me. B: Its actually _ special _ to me.4. A: A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win. B: A footballer was accused of taking money for not scoring goals _ _ so as to let the other team

3、win. 5. A: A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win. B: A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals _ _the other team could win.2. 语法(倒装)A、根据汉语意思,用倒装语序翻译下列各句,在空格处填入恰当的词。1. 铃声响了。布朗先生手里拿着一本书走进来了。_ _ the

4、bell. _ _ our teacher with a book in his hand.2. 我一辈子没听说过也没见过这样的东西。Never in my life _ I _ nor seen such a thing.3. 在地上躺着一个不到十岁的男孩子,受了重伤。On the ground _ a boy of less than 10,badly _.4. 墙上挂着一幅中国地图。On the wall _ a map of China.5. 他变化如此大以致我几乎认不出来了。So much _he _that I could hardly recognize him.6. 直到回到家

5、里我才发现到钱包丢了。Not until I reached home _ I _that I had lost the wallet.7. 学校前面是一个新建的操场,我们经常在那里打篮球。In front of our school _ a newly-built playground _ _we often play basketball.8.-你好象感冒了。-是的。-You seem to have cought a cold.-_ _ _ 9. 你想见的那个女孩子来啦!_ _the girl who you are eager to see.10. 我不想认识他,也不想了解他的一些情况

6、。I dont want to know him,_ _I want to learn something about him.3. 单句改错1. Dont rely on others. You need to do it of your own.2. He spends as much time as he can read novels.3. He left the house in a hurry, eager of the sight of his son.4. No one can say what the differences of the two lie in.5. The

7、plan has been proved of great value to our study.6. The villagers set out to search for the missed cows.7. The boy kept silent over it to avoid punished.8. When the old man arrived home, he found his jar filling with water.9. It is no need for us to pull down the temple.10. The teacher looked straig

8、htly at me, which surprised me.11. He admitted broke the car, but refused to be fined.12. The excited look on his face suggested he should won the match.13. With the lit candle in his hand, the boy stepped into the room quietly.14. Climbing the mountain was really an exciting experience for him.15.

9、Dont blame him. He took your pen by a mistake.4. 翻译1. 我们主动帮助他,他拒绝了。(offer) _2. 作为一名学生,我们必须集中精力学习。(concentrate on) _3. 他被控告没有瞻养他的年老母亲。(accuse) _4. 一本好书将对孩子的成长起到非常大的影响。(have influence on) _5. 他教学经验丰富,深受学生欢迎。(experience) _6. 全家人都指望父亲养活家庭。(support) _7. 为了不使父母失望,我决定毕业后成为一名医生。(so as not to) _8. 他建议我们认真调查这

10、个案件。(suggest) _9. 将要派谁去解这个数学难题?(arrange for) _10. 如果考上大学,父母答应给我买台电脑。(admit,promise) _ 1. 句型转换1. experience 2. not only, also 3. of, interest 4. on purpose 5. so that2、语法A、根据汉语意思,在空格处填入恰当的词。1. There comes; in came 2. have; learned 3. lay; hurt 4. hangs 5. did; change6. did; find 7. is; on which 8. So

11、 I have 9. There comes 10. neither (nor) do3. A、单句改错1. of改为on。on ones own意为“独立”。2. read改为reading。spend + time +doing结构。3. of改为for。be eager for sth.意为“渴望什么”。4. say改为tell。tell在此表示“区别”的意思。5. proved后加of。be proved of意为“被证明”。6. missed改为missing。missing用作形容词,意为“丢失的”。7. avoid后加being或punished改为punishment。avoi

12、d为及物动词,后接动名词或名词。8. filling改为filled。the jar与fill之间是被动关系。9. It改为There。这是一种习惯表达方式。10. straightly改为straight。straight可以直接用作副词。11. broke改为breaking。admit后接动名词形式。12. should改为had。Suggest在此表示“暗示”的意思,所以宾语从句要根据实际情况有相应的时态。13. lit改为lighted。lit意为“点亮”,不能作定语。14. exciting前加an。15. 去掉a。take sth by mistake意为“错拿某物”。4.1.

13、We offered to help him, but he turned it down.2. As a student, we must concentrate on studies.3. He was accused of not looking after his elderly mother.4. A good book has a great influence on childs growth.5. He is so experienced at teaching that he is very popular among the students.6. The whole fa

14、mily depend on him to support the family.7. I decide to be a doctor after graduation so as not to disappoint my parents.8. He suggests our looking into the case with great care.9. Who will be arranged for to solve the maths problem.10. If I am admitted to college, my parents promise to buy me a computer.欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。


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