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2013届高考英语二轮语法强化训练22 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、强化训练22 介词(时间:15分钟 分数:27分).单项选择(每题1分,共20分) 1(2012北京市重点高中联考)Living with cancer has made her realize how important it is to take every chance to live her life _ the fullest.Aat Bon Cto Dwith答案C考查介词用法。句意:身患癌症让她意识到利用每一次机会把人生过得最充实是多么重要。“to the fullest”表示“最充分地”,是固定结构。2(2012崇明中学4月模拟)Germs are everywhere,jus

2、t waiting to enter your body and infect you _ a cold,the flu or other sickness.Ato Bat Cfrom Dwith答案D考查介词。infect sb with sth是固定词组,表示“使某人感染上”,故用with,其他都无此搭配,所以答案应选D项。3(2012成都一诊)It is important to know what colours look good _ your skin before you buy clothes.Afor Bupon Cagainst Dwith答案C考查介词。句意:在购买衣物前

3、,了解哪些颜色衬你的肤色很重要。此处要用介词against表示“在衬托下,以为背景”。4(2012宁夏质检)The plane departs at 8:00,so we may as well be at the airport _ 7:00 at the latest.Aby Bafter Ctill Din答案A考查介词。句意:飞机在8点起飞,所以我们最晚7点赶到机场。by时间,表示“不迟于,在之前”,根据句意可知,A项符合题意。5(2010江西卷)Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients _ name,not case number.Aof B

4、as C by Dwith答案C句意:如今有些医院是以姓名来查阅患者的,而不是凭病例编号(去查询的)。by name按姓名。6Everybody was touched _ words after they heard her moving story.Abeyond Bwithout Cof Din答案Abeyond words“无法用语言表达”。语意为:听过她的这个动人的故事以后,每个人都被感动得说不出话来。7It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot _ easy reach.Anear Bupon Cwithin

5、Daround答案C句意:在厨房里把你经常使用的东西放在触手可及的地方会节省许多时间。within reach触手可及,在可达到的范围之内,为习惯搭配。8Lets learn to use the problem we are facing _ a steppingstone to future success.Ato Bfor C as Dby答案C句意:让我们学会将我们面对的问题用作我们未来成功的垫脚石。use.as.表“将当做使用”,为固定搭配。9(2012南充二模)Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter _

6、physical and mental health.Aof;at Bby;inCof;on Don;at答案Cbe convinced of确信,the effect on sth对的作用,对的效果。句意为:科学家深信笑声会给人们的身心健康带来积极的作用。10(2012聊城期中考试)When did it begin to snow?It started _ the night.Aduring Bby Cin Dat答案A从语意“雪在晚上就开始下了”知,开始下雪发生在“晚上”的某个时刻,故用介词during“在期间的某个时候。”所以这里选A项。11(2012宁夏质检)_ only 20 mi

7、nutes to go before the train left,I felt uneasy in the taxi to the railway station.AFor BAs CBecause DWith答案Dwith由于,因为。语意为:因为离火车离开仅有20分钟,我在去火车站的出租车上感到不安。12(2012南京二模)Shes got the job because she has the advantage _ others of knowing more knowledge.Aover Babove Cagainst Dbeyond答案A固定搭配have an advantage

8、 over胜过,优于。13They were stationed _ a small island far _ the mainland _ the East China Sea.Aon;from;on Bon;off;inCon;on;in Dat;off;on答案B在小岛上用介词on,off表示“与相距,相隔”,在海中用介词in,而on the sea表示在海边。句意为“他们驻扎在中国东海一个远离大陆的小岛上。”14He came back late,_ which time all the guests had already left.Aafter Bby Cat Dduring答案B

9、by在这里表示“到为止,不迟于”,即到他回来时,所有客人都已经离开了。15The invention of artificial hearts marked a turning point in the battle _ heart disease.Aamong Bfor Cagainst Dbetween答案C句意:人造心脏的发明标志着在预防心脏病的斗争中出现了转折点。此处against表示“防,抗”。16Lily made the same mistake again.Oh,its _ me.Aabove Bwith Cbeyond Dover答案C“its beyond me”在句中表示

10、“我无法理解”。be beyond sb表示“使人无法想象(理解、做等)”。17In spite of failing to save every endangered species,we may preserve the majority _ extinction.Aagainst Bwith Cfrom Dbeyond答案Cpreserve sth from.意为:保护免遭伤害,在此表示保护大多数濒危物种免遭灭绝。故选C。18In the end,it was Becky _ whom he turned for a gentle word and a smile.Aon Bin Cto

11、 Dfor答案C句意:最后,为了一句温柔的话和一个微笑,他向Becky求助。turn to sb向某人求助。19As a football player,John is second _ skill _ none in his team.Ain;at Bat;to Cto;to Din;to答案Din skill在技巧方面:second to none不比任何人差,首屈一指。句意为“作为一名足球运动员,约翰在技巧方面是首屈一指的”。20I agree to his suggestion _ the condition that he drops all charges.Aby Bin Con

12、Dto答案C句意:我同意接受他的提议,条件是他撤销全部的指控。on condition that与连词if同义,表示“在条件下”,后接条件状语从句。根据语意选C项。.试说新语(每题1分,共7分)21promise(熟义:v.&n.许诺)The dark clouds promise rain._Promising_22pronounce(熟义:v.发音)The judge pronounced against her appeal._23put up(熟义:建设;张贴)Could you put me up for the night?_24race(熟义:vt.和比赛;n.赛跑)Race t

13、o see what is happening._25rate(熟义:n.比率,速度)These potatoes rate among the best._26raw(熟义:adj.材料未加工的)These fish are often eaten raw._27read(熟义:v.阅读)I didnt read mothers thoughts at that time._答案21.v.有希望;可能会有;adj.有前程的;很有希望的22v.宣称,宣布;判决23.留某人住宿24.v.快速移动;快速运转25.v.对作出评价,被认为,被评价为26.adj.未煮的,生的27.v.理解,领会版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()


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