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2013届高考英语听力特训1(WORD文本): 28.doc

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1、Lesson Twenty-EightSection One:Tapescript.Functions and Happenings:(a)Tomatoes! Tomatoes! Forty p a pound. Yer lovely salad tomatoes today. Lots olovely mush. Fifty p half pound, and a punnet ostrawberries . for one pound.(b)You have exactly three and a half hours before polling stations close. Thre

2、e and a half hours, which means, obviously that youve got three and a half hours in which to cast your vote, a vote which I know youre all going to cast for Mary Hargreaves, the future member of Parliament. Mary Hargreaves has campaigned furiously and industriously over.(c)Welcome to Tescos. May we

3、inform our customers that today we have English strawberries on special offer at only sixty-five p a pound and raspberries at only forty-nine p a pound and loganberries at thirty-eight p a pound. We hope you will avail yourselves of our special offers.(d)(sound of applause and cheering in background

4、)We cant continue the concert until people have cleared the central aisle. The space . Weve got to keep the path clear for emergency services and we cant continue the music until it is cleared. Now, please, clear the central aisle!(e)End Apartheid! End Apartheid! Apartheid! Out! Out! Out! Free Afric

5、a! Free Africa! Black and white together! Black and white together! Apartheid out! Apartheid out! Out! Out! Out!(f)Er, now, a, a few points for all the stewards and demonstrators before we move off. Er . er . Can you be quiet, please! Now, will all the stewards please remember to walk on the outside

6、 of the column, on the outside, very important, and the demonstrators, please pay particular attention to the route. Now, we will be walking down Park Lane to, to Piccadilly and we will be going through Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square and from then on into Trafalgar Square. No right turns, no

7、 left turns, straight on into Trafalgar Square. Is that OK?(g)Any old iron? Any old iron? Anybody, iron? Any old iron?Section Two:Tapescript.A. Kinds of People:Hes quite a solitary type of person, really. You know, he spends most of his time at home, reading, listening to the radio, things like that

8、. He goes out to the pub occasionally, and he does quite a lot of singing, toohe belongs to the local choir, I believebut you never see him at weekends. Hes always off somewhere in the country, walking or fishing. He does a lot of fishing, actuallybut always on his own. Funny sort of bloke.B. Career

9、 Woman and Marriage:Miss Barbara Pream, the Head of Pushet Advertising Agency, is being interviewed for a radio program on women and work.Interviewer: So, here you are, Miss Pream, right at the top of the profession in advertising. I suppose you have quite a lot of men working under you, dont you?Pr

10、eam: Yes, I do. Most of my employees are men, in fact.Interviewer: I see. And they dont mind having a women boss?Pream: No. Why should they? Im good at my job.Interviewer: Yes, of course. But, tell me, Miss Pream, have you never thought . about getting married? I mean, most women do think about it f

11、rom time to time.Pream: But, I am married.Interviewer: Im sorry. I didnt realize, Mrs. .Pream: I prefer not to use my married name in the office.Interviewer: And your husband, how does he like being married to a career woman?Pream: He has nothing to complain about.Interviewer: No, of course not. By

12、the way, what does he do?Pream: Well, he prefers to stay at home and run the house. He enjoys doing that as a matter of fact.C. The Uncle I Hardly Knew:Beale: Well, uh . Ill come straight to the point. As you know, your uncle, Eduardo Gatto, died last December.Bruno: Yes. I was very sorry to hear th

13、at, even though I hadnt heard from him for a long time.Beale: Hmm. Did you know that he was a very rich man?Bruno: Uh . n . no . I didnt.Beale: Yes. Thats why Ive come to see you. I . I have some news for you.Bruno: What?Beale: Hes left everything to you.Bruno: What?!Beale: Yes. The sum comes to mor

14、e than two million Australian dollars.Bruno: What?! I . I cant believe it.Beale: Its all true. In his will, Mr. Gatto left clear instructions that I should come to London personally to see you.Bruno: I . I just cant get over it. I . I feel its just . just too good to be true.Beale: Oh, its true all

15、right. Believe me. However, there are certain restrictions about how you can use the money. Would you like me to go through them with you now?Bruno: Yes, yes. Please do!Beale: Well, first of all, you mustnt spend it all at once. The money will you paid to you gradually, over a period of ten years.Br

16、uno: Yes, yes . I understand, but, before you go on, could you tell me how my uncle made all this money?Beale: Pizza.Bruno: Pardon?Beale: Pizza. You know, the thing people eat, with cheese and.Bruno: Yes, yes, of course! But how could he make so much money with pizza?Beale: Well, he introduced it in

17、to Australia just before it became very popular. And he set up a chain of pizza restaurants. Theyre very successful. He was a very intelligent, good businessman.Bruno: Its strange that he never wrote to us. Never. I know he was very fond of me.Beale: But he couldnt. That was his problem.Bruno: Pardo

18、n? He couldnt what?Beale: Write.Bruno: He couldnt . Do you really mean he couldnt.Beale: Write. Even though he was very intelligent. And that brings me to the other restriction in his will. You must use part of the money for your own further education. Mr. Gatto was a great believer in it. He always

19、 regretted he didnt get one himself.D. Bargains:Cathy: Im fed up with sitting on packing cases, Joe. Dont you think we could buy at least two chairs?Joe: Do you know how much new chairs cost? One cheap comfortable armchair . eighty pounds.Cathy: Yes, I know. Its terrible. But I have an idea. Why don

20、t we look for chairs at a street market? Ive always wanted to see one.Joe: All right. Which one shall we go to?Cathy: Portobello Road, I think. There are a lot of second-hand things there. But well have to go tomorrow. Its only open on Saturdays.Joe: What time do you want to go? Not too early I hope

21、.Cathy: The guide-book says the market is open from nine to six. Its a very popular market so wed better be there when it opens.Joe: Right. Ill set the alarm.* * *Cathy: Oh, Joe. Look at the crowd.Joe: They must have the same guide book that we have.Cathy: But its very exciting . look at that old ta

22、blecloth and those beautiful curtains.Joe: Arent we looking for chairs?Cathy: Yes, but we need curtains. Come on.* * *Cathy: Whew. Im so tired that I cant even remember what weve bought.Joe: I can. A lot of rubbish. Ill make some tea. You can have a look at our bargains.Cathy: Joe, the curtains are

23、beautiful but theyre very dirty.Joe: What did you say?Cathy: I said the curtains were very dirty.Joe: Why dont you wash them?Cathy: I cant. Theyre too big. Ill have them dry-cleaned.Joe: And what are going to do about those holes. Can you mend them?Cathy: I cant. I cant sew. Ill have them mended.Joe

24、: How much will all that cost? I never want to see another bargain . and we still havent got any chairs.Section Three:Tapescript.A. A Mugging:One night, Mrs. Riley, an elderly widow, was walking along a dark, London street. She was carrying her handbag in one hand and a plastic carrier bag in the ot

25、her. There was nobody else in the street except two youths. They were standing in a dark shop doorway. One of them was very tall with fair hair, the other was short and fat with a beard and moustache.The youths waited for a few moments, and then ran quickly and quietly towards Mrs. Riley. The tall y

26、outh held her from behind while the other youth tried to snatch her handbag.Suddenly, Mrs. Riley threw the tall youth over her shoulder. He crashed into the other youth and they both landed on the ground. Without speaking, Mrs. Riley struck both of them on the head with her handbag, and walked calml

27、y away.The two surprised youths were still sitting on the ground when Mrs. Riley crossed the street towards a door with a lighted sign above it. Mrs. Riley paused, turned round, smiled at the youths and walked into the South West London Judo Club.B. Bank Robbery:The scene is in a bank. A clerk is si

28、tting behind the desk and a customer is writing out a cheque.Clerk: Would you mind showing me your cheque card?Customer: Certainly. Here you are.(Suddenly a robber bursts in, he is holding a gun.)Robber: This is a hold-up! (points gun at Clerk) Hands up!Hand over the money or Ill shoot.Clerk: Just a

29、 minute. Would you mind waiting your turn? This lady was before you.Robber: All right, but hurry up!Clerk: (to the customer) How would you like the money?Customer: In fives, please.(Clerk counts out the money and hands it to the Customer, who goes to the side to count the money.)Clerk: (to the Robbe

30、r) Now then, sir. What can I do for you?Robber: Ive just told you. This is a hold-up and I want some money.Clerk: Well, Im afraid its not that easy. If you want me to give you some money, youll have to open account first.Robber: Do you mean that if I open an account, then youll give me some money?Cl

31、erk: That would be the first step.Robber: Okay, Ill open an account. Hand over the form. Quickly.Clerk: (gets a form) Here we are. Just fill it in and sign at the bottom.Robber: I havent got a pen!Customer: You could borrow mine if you like.Robber: Thanks.(The Robber tries to fill in the form, but h

32、as difficulties because he is holding the gun in his right hand is unable to write with his left hand.)Customer: If it would make thins easier, Ill hold that for you (points to gun).Robber: Okay.(The Customer holds the gun while the Robber fills in the form. When the Robber has finished, the Custome

33、r hands back the gun.)Robber: Right. Now hand over the money. Quickly.Clerk: Im sorry, but before we can open the account youll need referees.Robber: (points to Customer) Will she do?Customer: Id be happy to write a reference.Clerk: No, she doesnt know you well enough.Robber: What about my doctor?Cl

34、erk: Yes, thatll be fine for one. And the other?Robber: (thinks hard) Would my probation officer do?Clerk: Yes, I should think so. Would you like to ask him to fill in these forms and then bring them back next week?Robber: So, if I bring back these forms next week, youll give me some money?Clerk: Well, well see what we can do.Robber: (folds up forms and puts gun away) Right, then. Ill see you next week. Thanks for being so helpful.Clerk: Its all part of the service. Good morning.Robber: Good morning.Customer: Good morning.


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