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1、第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,回答第15小题。1.Where does the conversation take place?A.In a hotel.B.In a department store.C.At a railway station.2.Whats the man doing?A.Watching TV.B.Turning down the TV.C.Answering the phone.3.What does the woman mean?A.Her article is over.B.She has to review the articl

2、e.C.She expects to have some free time next weekend.4.What will the man probably do?来源: A.Go hiking.B.Play tennis.C.Meet Peter at home.5.Whats the mans opinion?A.He agrees with what the woman says.来源: B.He disagrees with what the woman says.C.He doesnt care. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第67小题。

3、6.What happened to the mans bike?A.It was hit by a car.B.It was hit by a truck.C.It was broken in the street.7.How was the bike after the accident?A.There was nothing wrong.B.It was completely damaged except the wheels.C.The wheels were both damaged.来源: 听第7段材料,回答第810小题。8.What is the man going to do?

4、A.He wants to visit the theatre.B.He wants to see Shakespeares play.C.He wants to take a long walk with the woman.9.Where do the two speakers probably come from?A.One is from England and the other is from France.B.Both of them are from France.C.They both come from England.10.What will the man probab

5、ly do in the end?A.Go to a talk about Shakespeare by taxi.B.Go for a walk with the woman.C.Go to see the play on foot.听第8段材料,回答第1113小题。11.Why was there dirt on the woman? A.She had a fall by accident.B.She was pushed to the floor.C.She took an underground train.12.Where was the woman robbed?A.In the

6、 street.B.In the bus.C.On the underground train.13.Who caught the robber?A.The conductor.B.A policeman.C.Two passengers.听第9段材料,回答第1417小题。14.How does the man feel about his interview tomorrow?A.He is worried about it.B.He is looking forward to it.C.He is sure of what to expect.15.What is the job he w

7、ants to get?A.Salesman.B.Engineer.C.Translator.16.How will the man go to the interview?A.By car.B.By bus.C.On foot.17.What impressed the woman most?A.The mans German.B.The mans experience.C.The mans business skills.听第10段材料,回答第1820小题。18.Why does a bus move slowly in London?A.Theres always speed limit

8、.B.Theres usually a lot of traffic.C.Therere many bikes on the road.19.What is one of the disadvantages in taking the underground in London?A.The stations are farther.B.It costs more money.C.It wastes more time.20.What is the speakers purpose in going to work by bike?A.To save time and money.B.To ke

9、ep in good health.C.To keep himself safe.材料及答案(Text 1)来源: M:Im leaving for Beijing tonight. I want to check out. Will you please have the bill ready for me?W:OK. Wait a minute, please. Here you are.来源: (Text 2)M:Would you mind turning down the TV a bit? Im answering the phone. W:Not at all.(Text 3)M

10、:Youve been studying for hours on end. Whats up?W:This article is totally over my head. Still I have to write a review of it if I want to free up some time for next weekend.(Text 4)W:Are you going to play tennis with us today?M:I promised Peter Id go hiking with himand Im really looking forward to i

11、t.(Text 5) W:Jim looks good in that old coat, doesnt he?M:I still wish hed get a new one.(Text 6)W:Whats the matter? Your bike is in bad shape.M:It was hit by a car yesterday.W:Oh, were you hurt?M:Not in the least, because I wasnt riding it. The bike was put in front of my house. Both wheels were da

12、maged.W:It was lucky you were all right.M:But my weekend has been wasted. I cant ride it anywhere. The wheels were both damaged.(Text 7)M:Excuse me, how can I get to the Riverside Theatre?W:Sorry. I didnt catch what you said. M:Please show me where the Riverside Theatre is?W:Do you speak French? Im

13、a foreigner here.M:Oh, wonderful! I come from Paris. Is there a Riverside Theatre?W:OK. Let me show you. Walk along the river and take the fourth turning on the left and go down until you reach the second traffic light. Turn right at the end of the road, you will see the theatre.M:Good heavens! What

14、 a long way! W:You can take a taxi if you cant remember what I told you or if you dont want to walk a long way.M:Well, I like walking. Its a fine day for walking, isnt it? And Shakespeares play is worth such a long day and such a long way!W:It sounds reasonable. I like Shakespeare!M:Thank you very m

15、uch.W:Its a pleasure.(Text 8)M:Hi, Joan. Why are you late today? You are never late for work.W:No, I never am, but.M:Wow! Your coats got very dirty! Did you fall?W:Yes, I had a terrible experience on the underground train. Listen to this! A man came up to me and pulled out a knife. He pointed it rig

16、ht at me.M:Oh, no! Are you all right? Did he hurt you?W:No, he didnt hurt me, but he took my handbag away.M:Then what happened? What did you do?W:I caught hold of his knife, and he pushed me to the floor.M:Oh, no! Why did you catch hold of his knife! Thats dangerous.W:I dont know. I didnt think.M:Wh

17、at did other passengers do? Did they help you?W:Yes, they did. Two men ran after the robber and held him.M:Did the police come?W:Yeah. The conductor called a policeman, and he took the robber to the police station.M:What a story! Thank God you are all right.(Text 9)W:Arent you going for the job inte

18、rview tomorrow?M:Thats right. I have to go at ten oclock in the morning. I dont know how to get there, though.W:I can take you there in my car, if you like.M:Thanks a lot. Thats a great help. I must say Im not happy about this interview.W:Why not? Youre the right person they are looking for. And I k

19、now they need engineers.M:I know, but I havent had much experience.W:I dont think that matters. Anyway you need the job.M:Of course I do. But theres another thing. I dont think Im good enough at languages.W:But your German is really good. I was impressed by the way you talked to the people we met on

20、 holiday last year.M:But I dont think I speak German well enough for doing business, and my French is terrible.W:Well, I dont agree, your languages are good.M:Its very nice of you to try to cheer me up, but I still dont think Im going to get the job.W:Well, well just have to wait and see, wont we?(T

21、ext 10)Today Id like to tell you something about traveling by bike in London. If you visit London, youll see a lot of buses and cars, and also a lot of bikes. Its very cheap and quick to use a bike. If you take a bus, you often have to wait for half an hour or so. Whats more, the buses move very slo

22、wly. The underground is quick but very expensive and often crowded. I used to travel to work by bus. I often arrived at work late, and tired. Then a friend of mine suggested we go to work together by bike. I followed him. Although we went slowly, we always arrived on time. Taking a bus took 50 minutes, while riding a bike took only half an hour. Now I love riding a bike to work. I ve got a little more money now, and I feel much better.答案:15.ACCAB610.ACBBC1115.BCCAB1620.AABBA


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