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《优化方案》2015高考英语(外研版)总复习课后达标 必修1 MODULE 1 MY FIRST DAY AT SENIOR HIGH.doc

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1、第一部分课后达标检测必修1课后达标检测1Module 1My First Day at Senior High(建议用时:30分钟).单项填空1What_pity that you must leave now!It is such_great fun to have dinner with you.Aa;aBa;theC/;a Da;/2(2014福建省四地六校联考)He wrote a series of articles,_to change peoples attitude_the disabled.Ahoped;over Bhoped;aboutCto hope;with Dhopi

2、ng;towards3Swimming is my favorite sport.There is_like swimming as a means of keeping fit.Asomething BanythingCnothing Deverything4Operate the electrical appliance following the_attached in the box,or youll be at risk.Ainstructions BexplanationsCintroductions Ddescriptions5We were_by the_news that a

3、n eightyearold child went to college in 2013.Aamazed;amazed Bamazed;amazingCamazing;amazing Damazing;amazed6(2014江西师大附中模拟)The sights of Nanchang never fail to_foreign tourists,making them abandon themselves to the beauty of the city.Aimpress BinformCconvince Daddict7If Joes wife doesnt go to the par

4、ty,_.Aneither does he Bneither will heCso does he Dso will he8(2014浙江温州中学模拟)Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with_of their parents.Athose BoneCboth Dthat9$ 100 a month will hardly_the cost of his life in such a big cit

5、y in this country in 2014.Aspend BtakeCcover Dmeet10I dont expect you can finish the work in three days,_?Adont I Bdo ICcan you Dcant you11The present I have been looking forward to_a big surprise.Abeing turning out Bis turned outCturns out Dturning out12(2014山东青岛开发区模拟)My mother_Mrs.Lin quite well.T

6、hey were introduced at a party.Ais knowing Bwas knowingChad been knowing Dknows13John found it a challenge to meet the needs of the boss._,he had no way to satisfy him.AIn need BIn caseCIn no time DIn other words14Its reported that the old railway between the two cities is_the new highspeed railway

7、in 2014.Athree times as long as Bas three times as longCas long as three times Das long three times as15Hello,Lucy._?Im fine.Bob,where have you been these days?AWhat are you doing BHow are you doingCWhat are you DHow about you.完形填空Back in the 15th century,in a tiny village in Germany lived a family

8、with eighteen children.Eighteen!In order_1_to keep food on the table,the father,a goldsmith by_2_,worked almost eighteen hours a day at his trade.Despite their seemingly_3_condition,two of the eldest children had a dream.They both wanted to pursue their talent for art,_4_they knew well that their fa

9、ther would never be able to_5_either of them to study at the Academy.After many long discussions at night in their_6_bed,the two boys finally worked out a pact.They would toss (掷) a coin.The_7_would go down into the nearby mines and,with his earnings,_8_his winning brother for the academy.Then,in fo

10、ur years,he would support the other one.Then Albrecht Durer won the toss and_9_to Nuremberg.Albert went down into the dangerous mines and,for the next four years,_10_his brother,whose work at the academy was almost an immediate sensation.By the time he graduated,he was beginning to _11_considerable

11、fees for himself.When the young artist_12_home and said to his brother,“And now,Albert,blessed brother of mine,now it is your_13_.Now you can go to the Academy to pursue your dream,and I will_14_you.”Albert rose and wiped the_15_from his cheeks.“No,brother.I cannot go to Nuremberg.It is too_16_for m

12、e.Look.look what four years in the mines have done to my_17_!I cannot even hold a glass,much less make delicate lines on canvas_18_a pen or a brush.”More than 450 years have_19_.By now,among Albrecht Durers hundreds of masterful portraits,“The Praying Hands” is one_20_creation that can catch the wor

13、lds hearts.1.A.merely BfullyCcompletely Dentirely2A.heart BmethodCprofession Dwords3A.demanding BpromisingChopeless Dcareless4A.so BandChowever Dbut5A.study BsendCgive Doffer6A.separated BcrowdedCnew Dunusual7A.winner BloserCold Dyounger8A.support BadvertiseCexpect Drequire9A.flew away Bwent offCset

14、 aside Dleft behind10A.deserved BdesiredCfinanced Denvied11A.spend BsaveCdraw Dearn12A.arrived Bregained Creturned Dgot13A.turn Btime Ctop Dfate14A.take charge of Bmake up for Cmake use of Dtake care of15A.smiles Bsweats Ctears Dhints16A.late Bnervous Ctiring Dtense17A.eyes Bhands Cpictures Dmines18

15、A.in Bof Cupon Dwith19A.passed Bkept Cremembered Dchanged20A.strange Btouching Cwonderful Dmysterious.阅读理解James Dean was not very tallhe was less than average height.He had thick,light brown hair and blue eyes.He was so nearsighted that he could hardly see anything without his glasses.He came to Hol

16、lywood when he was eighteen,hoping to get into the movies.At first,he was not successful at all,and for a time he was so short of money that he had to live entirely on dry oatmeal.Then he went to New York.He got a part in a play and was seen by the great director Elia Kazan.Kazan was planning the mo

17、vie East of Eden and realized Dean would be perfect for one of the main roles.By this time,Dean already had a reputation for being odd and difficult to work with.He then went back to Hollywood to make East of Eden and then made two more movies,Rebel Without a Cause and Giant.He almost always wore th

18、e same overcoat and jeans and he had hardly any friends at all.“If he didnt like you,he wouldnt even give you the pleasure of his anger.You could be in the same telephone booth with him,but you wouldnt exist,”someone who knew him said later.In spite of his poor eyesight,he loved driving fast motorcy

19、cles and even faster sports cars.A few days after he finished Giant,on September 25,1955,Dean went for a drive in his new Porsche.It was evening and the light was poor.Dean was not wearing his glasses.Suddenly,he saw a car in front of him.It was slowing down and trying to turn off the highway.Dean t

20、ried to slow down too,but it was too late.He hit the car at high speed and was killed immediately.Two German girls killed themselves when they heard the news because“life would be unbearable without him”A few years later,a New York salesclerk wrote a book called Jimmy Dean Returns in which she claim

21、ed that she was in contact with Dean from the other side of the grave.Half a million copies of the book were sold.It was only the beginning of a strange legend(传奇) that goes on,even today.1According to the passage,James Dean_.Ahad poor eyesight but wore no glassesBwent to Hollywood to direct a playC

22、often got his clothes changedDwas once a poor man in Hollywood2Which is the most important to Deans success in his career?AHe directed a successful movie.BHe played a role in Elia Kazans movie.CHe wrote a play for a famous director.DHis odd temper made him very famous.3Which of the following is prob

23、ably TRUE about Dean?AHe acted in two plays in Hollywood.BHe was too shy to express himself.CHe committed suicide on a highway.DHe was a crazy fan in fast driving.4What can we know from the last paragraph?APeople are still interested in Deans story.BSomeone hid Dean in another place.CDeans death mad

24、e the whole world sad.DPeople can still contact Dean now.必修1Module 1课后达标检测1.单项填空1解析:选D。句意:真遗憾你必须得走了!与你共餐真愉快。第一空pity为可数名词,泛指时用不定冠词;第二空fun为不可数名词,泛指时不用冠词。2解析:选D。句意:他写了一系列的文章,希望改变人们对于残疾人的态度。第一空用现在分词作伴随状语;attitude to/towards 对于的态度。3解析:选C。根据题干语境可知,此处为否定句式表达最高级意思。故用nothing。There is nothing like .“没有什么更能了”。

25、4解析:选A。句意:要依照盒子上的说明操作电器,否则就会有危险。instruction“(常作复数)指示;说明” 符合题意。explanation“解释”;introduction“介绍”;description“描述”。5解析:选B。amazing“令人吃惊的”,多指让人吃惊的人或事物;而amazed多指人的情感,表示“(人)感到吃惊的”,故选B。6解析:选A。句意:南昌的美景从来都是让游客印象深刻,使他们沉浸在城市的美景中。impress 使印象深刻;inform通知;convince说服;addict表示“使沉迷于”时用addict oneself to或be addicted to。7

26、解析:选B。句意:如果乔的妻子不去参加聚会,他也不去。用“neither助动词主语”表示“也不”,条件状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来,主句应用将来时。8解析:选D。句意:十分之九的父母说,和他们的父母教育他们的方法相比,他们教育子女的方法是非常不同的。考查替代词,空格内若填完整用the approach,应用that代替。9解析:选C。句意:在这个国家这么大的一个城市里,在2014年每月一百美元几乎不够日常花费。cover此处意为“(钱)足以支付”。10解析:选C。考查否定转移。以第一人称出现的否定转移句型的反意疑问句,要对从句进行反问。故选C。11解析:选C。句意:我一直期待的礼物结果让我大

27、吃一惊。此处the present为主语,I have been looking forward to为定语从句修饰the present,空格内所填的部分为谓语部分,排除A和D;turn out为不及物动词短语,故选C。12解析:选D。句意:我母亲对林太太很熟悉,她们是在一次宴会上相识的。此处表示一个事实,应用一般现在时。13解析:选D。句意:约翰发现很难达到老板的要求,换句话说,他没法让老板满意。in other words“换句话说”,符合题意。in need“需要”; in case “以免;万一”;in no time“不久以后”。14解析:选A。考查倍数表达法。倍数asadj./a

28、dv.as 。句意:据报道,2014年两座城市间的旧铁路是新高速路的三倍长。15解析:选B。根据下句的Im fine可知是询问某人的近况,故选B项,意为“你最近怎么样?” A项“你正在做什么?” C项“你是做什么的?” D项“你怎么样?”.完形填空解题导语本文是一篇人物传记,主要描述15世纪德国著名的艺术家Albrecht Durer的成长经历。1解析:选A。merely仅仅,只不过;只是;纯粹;全然;fully充分地,完全地;completely完全地;完整地;完全,彻底;entirely全部地。根据上一句“这个家庭有18个孩子”,可推知句意为:仅仅为了餐桌上有足够的食物。2解析:选C。根据

29、本句中的goldsmith可知本句说明父亲的职业;也可根据固定表达by profession在职业上,以某事为职业。3解析:选C。demanding要求高的;苛求的;强求的;费力的,吃力的;promising有前途的,有希望的;hopeless无希望的,绝望的;careless粗心的。句意:尽管他们的处境看似毫无希望,但最大的两兄弟还有他们的梦想。4解析:选D。句意:他们兄弟二人都想追逐他们的艺术梦想,但是他们很清楚父亲是没有能力培养他们任何一个人上大学的。5解析:选B。study学习,研究;send发送;give给予;offer提供。所填词后跟复合宾语,意思为:送某人做某事,只有send s

30、b.to do sth.符合句意。6解析:选B。根据第一句的“eighteen children”可以推断出,此处选B。意为:拥挤的。7解析:选B。根据后文中的“his winning brother for the academy”可知,此处选B。8解析:选A。support支持;养活;advertise做广告;expect期待,盼望;require要求。根据语境及下一句中的“he would support the other one”可知,A项符合。9解析:选B。fly away飞走;go off离开,消失;变差;set aside放在一边;储存;leave behind落后。所填动词短


32、境,故正确答案选A。14解析:选D。take charge of负责,管理;make up for补偿,弥补;make use of利用,使用;take care of照顾,照看。句意:我来支持你去上学。15解析:选C。smile微笑;sweat汗水;tear眼泪;hint暗示。根据该段内容,即哥哥在矿井所经历的辛酸,可以推断出,此处选C。16解析:选A。根据下文哥哥的叙述可知,句意应该为:对我来说太晚了。17解析:选B。根据后文中的“我甚至举不起一个玻璃杯。”可知,此处选B。18解析:选D。句意:更不用说用笔或者是刷子在帆布上画出优美的线条。19解析:选A。句意:四百五十多年过去了。根据语境

33、,正确答案选A。20解析:选B。strange奇怪的;touching令人感动的;wonderful美妙的;mysterious神秘的。根据本句中的catch the worlds hearts可以推断出此处选B。.阅读理解1解析:选D。细节理解题。根据.for a time he was so short of money that he had to live entirely on dry oatmeal.故选D。2解析:选B。细节理解题。根据He got a part in a play and was seen by the great director Elia Kazan.Kaz

34、an was planning the movie East of Eden and realized Dean would be perfect for one of the main roles.可知,由于在Elia Kazan导演的电影里演了角色而出名,故选B。3解析:选D。细节理解题。根据In spite of his poor eyesight,he loved driving fast motorcycles and even faster sports cars.可知他是一个爱开快车的人,故选D。4解析:选A。推理判断题。根据Half a million copies of the book were sold.It was only the beginning of a strange legend(传奇)that goes on,even today.可推知人们至今都对他的故事感兴趣,故选A。


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