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1、阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。Blue planets Space is not black,but light green,a team of astronomers announced on January 10.They studied the light sent out by 200 000 galaxies.What they found was that the average colour of the universe is a bit greener than turquoise(绿宝石)The discovery was

2、 part of an attempt to test theories about how stars and galaxies form.Most astronomers believe that the universe probably started with a“blue period”when young blue stars filled space.Now the universe is in a“green period”They believe it will finally enter a“red period”when the older,redder stars a

3、ppear. “The reason for the colour changing is that the rate of stars forming is changing,”said Ivan Baldry,an astronomer who worked to find the average colour of light in the universe.Research presented by NASA scientists shows that the highest point of starforming may have occurred earlier than pre

4、viously(以前)believed.It was probably very soon after the“Big Bang(宇宙大爆炸)”that many scientists believe gave birth to the universe.There is no way any human could actually see the green colour.“The only way to see it is if you saw all the universe from the same distance away and it was not moving,”Bald

5、ry said.Baldry and his coworker,Karl Glazebrook,have both joked about possible marketing(营销)opportunities for the new colour.Perhaps colouroftheuniverse Tshirts or coffee cups could become popular.But Baldry allowed,“I dont know if you can patent(专利)a colour,thats not our business.We havent actually

6、 been to a paint shop yet to see if they have a name for this.”1The astronomers discovered the colour of the universe_. Awhen they were researching on the age of the universe Bwhen they attempted to test theories about the forming of stars and galaxiesCto prove that the universe is continuously chan

7、gingDand showed that the stars and galaxies may have formed earlier than previously believed答案:B第二段第一句“The discovery was part of an attempt to test theories about how stars and galaxies form.”说明了discovery是在理论检测过程当中作出的。2According to the astronomers,_.Athe universe is changing its colour all the timeB

8、all the heavenly bodies are green at presentCthe universe has changed its colour several timesDthe universe will finally turn red答案:D第二段最后一句“They believe it will finally enter ared period when the older,redder stars appear.”为该选项提供了依据。从第二段可看出宇宙的颜色由蓝到绿,最终将变而还会变红,所以C选项中的已经变了几次不符合事实。而all the heavenly bo

9、dies远远大于文中的stars这一范围。A选项中的all the time表示的频率过高。3We can infer that the most popular colour of Tshirts would be_.Ared Bblue Cgreen Dlight green答案:D综合第一段第三句“What they found was that the average colour of the universe is a bit greener than turquoise(绿宝石)”和最后一段第一句“Perhaps colouroftheuniverse Tshirts or co

10、ffee cups could become popular.”可看出答案。 4Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?ANo human can see the real colour of the universe.BThe theory of“Big Bang”is widely received by scientists.CThe rate of stars forming is causing the change of the universes colour.DHumans can receive light

11、 from at least 200,000 galaxies. 答案:AD选项来自于第一段第二句;C选项来自第三段第一句;B选项来自第四段最后一句。A选项与第六段有很大的差异。阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。Amy Pankratz spent a few nights in the hospital with her daughter, Isabella, who caught a bad flu. “Lying in bed beside Isabella, I could hear the cries of children in pa

12、in, ”says Amy. “It completely broke my heart. ”When Isabella was getting well and could leave her room, she wore her prized possessiona“superhero cape(短斗篷)”Amy had sewn to encourage herand walked into the hallway. The pink cape was an instant hit with the other young patients, who were doing exercis

13、e around the nursing station. “Then, all the kids were taking turns wearing the cape, giggling, ”Amy says. “These were some of the same children I had heard crying the night before, and here they were playing and having funkids just being kids! ”From that moment on, Amy began making Comfort Capes fo

14、r little ones battling with serious illnesses. “I felt God presenting an opportunity, ”she says. “I hoped Comfort Capes can help these kids feel brave, to lift some of the fear away. ”Since then, Amy has made and donated more than 5, 000 capes in the United States. Amy usually pays for materials her

15、self, although she accepts donations. The capes she makes for kids in treatment are different from those her own children have. Before Amy starts to sew she learns what image or character the little boy or girl connects with. “I choose the pattern, color and theme specifically for each child, ”expla

16、ins Amy. When she is not sewing, Amy is raising awareness of childhood cancers and looking into ways to get Comfort Capes to more kids who need them. “If a cape can help a child, even only for a moment, forget his illness, its worth the time spent sewing, ”she says. 【文章大意】本文讲述Amy在女儿生病的时候为女儿缝制了一件短斗篷,

17、 就是这件斗篷为医院里生病的孩子带来了欢乐。由此, Amy产生了灵感决定通过为生病的孩子缝制斗篷, 让孩子们暂时忘却疾病带来的痛苦。1. What made Amy feel sad when she was staying with her daughter in the hospital? A. Her daughters serious illness. B. The tiredness from sewing the cape. C. The crying of children in pain. D. The illness of children in her daughters

18、room. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。从文章第一段“I could hear the cries of children in pain, ”. . . “It completely broke my heart. ”得知, Amy因为听见孩子们在痛苦中哭泣而感到心碎。故选C。2. What purpose did Amy have when she began making Comfort Capes for sick children? A. To make them feel warm. B. To make them happy and fearless. C. To find fri

19、ends for her daughter. D. To raise the awareness of childrens illness. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。由第三段“I hoped Comfort Capes can help these kids feel brave, to lift some of the fear away. ”可知Amy缝制“安慰斗篷”是为了让孩子们快乐, 忘掉病痛带来的折磨, 更勇敢地面对疾病。3. According to the passage, we can get that the authors attitude towards Amys be

20、haviour is. A. supportiveB. neutralC. negativeD. indifferent【解析】选A。观点态度题。作者以平铺直叙的方式为我们讲述了一位伟大的母亲的行为, 字里行间流露出对Amy的赞扬之情。supportive给予支持, 鼓励的, 符合题意。4. Which of the following can be the best title of the text? A. Amy: a Considerate WomanB. How to Treat the Sick ChildrenC. A Strong Mom Who Helps OthersD.

21、Turning Sick Kids into Superheroes【解析】选D。主旨大意题。根据文章的内容可知, 一个母亲为生病的孩子缝制了一件超级英雄的斗篷, 从这次的经历中她获得了帮助更多人的灵感, 她决定帮助更多生病的孩子, 使生病的孩子快乐而勇敢, D项正确。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Chinese politeness have always been formal to follow strict rules, although sometimes Chinese people seem to be impolite according

22、 to Western standards in public places. To well understand Chinese, some concepts should not be ignored.MianziThe idea of shame, usually expressed as face could be loosely defined as the status or self-respect in Chinese and by no means alien to foreigners. It is the worst thing for a Chinese to los

23、e face. Never insult, embarrass, shame, yell at or otherwise demean a person. Since all these actions would risk putting a Chinese in a situation that he might lose face, neither try to prove someone wrong nor shout at him in public. In order to get a successful effect without letting a Chinese lose

24、 face, any criticism should be delivered privately, carefully, or else, just opposite to what you wish. GuanxiThroughout much of Chinese history, the fundamental glue that has held society together is the concept of guanxi, relationships between people. It is very important for the Chinese to have g

25、ood relationships. They often regard good social relations as a symbol of personal ability and influence. Someone who has no connections would be disrespected and is only half-Chinese. KeqiKeqi not only means considerate, polite, and well mannered, but also represents respect and modesty. It is impo

26、lite to talk too proudly about oneself or ones inner circle. The expression is most often used in the negative, as in buyao keqi, meaning you shouldnt be so kind and polite to me, or youre welcome. Besides, Chinese seldom express what they think directly and they prefer a roundabout way. Neither sho

27、w their emotions and feelings in public. They rarely greet people with a handshake, though it is very popular among foreigners, and say nothing of embracing or kissing when greeting or saying good-bye. Consequently, it is better not to behave too carefree in public, even though you are well-intentio

28、ned. Also, it is advisable to be fairly cautious in political discussions. Do not particularly push yourself forward, or else you are unwelcome. To sum up, do in Rome as Rome does, but you need not worry about these cultural barriers since most Chinese are hospitable and friendly and will not mind y

29、our no accomplishment. 1. In most Chineses eyes, the fundamental glue holding society together is the idea of _.A. relationships between people B. influences upon othersC. dependence on others D. kindness to others2. The underlined word “demean” in the first paragraph means make people _.A. respectf

30、ulB. happyC. shameful D. weak3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. It is impolite to insult, embarrass, shame or shout at a person.B. It is polite that you should bring gifts to others when invited to dinner.C. It is necessary to show your character of being considerate, poli

31、te, and well mannered.D. It is important for the Chinese to have good relationships between people.4. Which of the following proverbs has the same meaning as the underlined sentence “Do in Rome as Rome does.”?A. Caution is the parent of safety. B. Many hands make light work.C. Theres no smoke withou

32、t fire.D. If you are elsewhere, live as they do there.【参考答案】14、ACBD 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。We now think of chocolate as sweet, but once it was bitter. We think of it as a candy, but once it was a medicine. Today, chocolate can be a hot drink, a frozen dessert, or just a snack. Sometimes

33、it is an ingredient in the main course of a meal. Mexicans make a hot chocolate sauce called mole and pour it over chicken. The Mexicans also eat chocolate with spices like chili peppers.Chocolate is a product of the tropical cacao tree. The beans taste so bitter that even the monkeys say “Ugh!” and

34、 run away. Workers must first dry and then roast the beans. This removes the bitter taste.The word “chocolate” comes from a Mayan word. The Mayas were an ancient people who once lived in Mexico. They valued the cacao tree. Some used the beans for money, while others crushed them to make a drink.When

35、 the Spaniards came to Mexico in the sixteenth century, they started drinking cacao too. Because the drink was strong and bitter, they thought it was a medicine. No one had the idea of adding sugar. The Spaniards took some beans back to Europe and opened cafes. Wealthy people drank cacao and said it

36、 was good for the digestion. In the 1800s, the owner of a chocolate factory in England discovered that sugar removed the bitter taste of cacao. It quickly became a cheap and popular drink. Soon afterwards, a factory made the first solid block of sweetened chocolate. Later on, another factory mixed m

37、ilk and chocolate together. People liked the taste of milk chocolate even better. Besides the chocolate candy bar, one of the most popular American snacks is the chocolate chip cookie. Favorite desserts are chocolate cream pie and of course an ice cream sundae with hot fudge sauce. 1. It was _that d

38、iscovered sugar could remove the bitter taste of cacao. A. the workers in the chocolate factory B. the Spaniards C. the people in England D. the owner of a chocolate factory. 2. According to the passage which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Nobody had the idea of adding sugar until the sixtee

39、nth century. B. The word “chocolate” comes from a Mexican word. C. The beans taste so bitter that even the monkeys like them. D. Workers must dry and roast the beans to remove the bitter taste. 3. It can be inferred from the passage that_. A. chocolate can be a hot drink, a frozen dessert, or a cand

40、y bar B. Mexicans like chocolate very muchC. chocolate is a product of the cacao treeD. people liked the taste of chocolate mixed with milk4. Which is the right time order of the events regarding chocolate? a. Chocolate became a cheap and popular drink in England. b. A factory made the first solid b

41、lock of sweetened chocolate. c. The Spaniards started drinking cacao. d. It was found that sugar removed the bitter taste of cacao. e. A factory mixed milk and chocolate together. A. a-b-c-d-e B. c-d-e-b-a C. c-d-a-b-e D. c-d-b-e-a【参考答案】14、DDBC短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删

42、除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I was born in a farmer family in Suizhong county, LiaoningProvince in June, in 1965 When I was a child, I dreamed of flyingin the sky I joined the army in June, 1983 In 1992, I was sent tothe air force base In Au

43、gust, 1996, I was one of the first 14 members from 1,500 pilots through the physical examination I worked hardly, because I was among the first astronauts of our country in 1998. 20090318I was chosen one of the first man space aircraft astronautslater On Oct15, 2003, I successfully fly to space, cir

44、cledaround the earth about 14 circle and then returned I was honoredto have given the chance to be the first Chinese to travel in space 参考答案短文改错1farmer改为farmer,s2 去掉1965前面的in 3 an air force base。4 把hardly改为hard 5把because改为so6在chosen后加as7 manned8 flew 9 把circle改为circles 10 在have后面加been 1.短文改错下面短文中有10

45、处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在下面加上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Well never forget the day which my classmates and I paid a visit to the factory last week. It was a larger one with nearly 2,000 workers. It looked a garden and

46、 we could see colorful flowers, grass and trees anywhere. We also visited some workshops and saw worker working very hard. We talked with them and learned a lot of. We understood them further. On the way home we felt tiring. We all thought that we had a very good day. We real hoped that we could get

47、 more chances of leave the school and learn social experience.【参考答案】1.短文改错Well never forget the day which my classmates and I paid a visit to the factory last week. when aIt was a larger with nearly 2,000 workers. It looked a garden and we could see colorful large likeflowers, grass and trees anywhe

48、re. We also visited some workshops and saw worker working everywhere workersvery hard. We talked with them and learned a lot of. We understood them further. On theway home we felt tiring. We all thought that we had a very good day. We real hoped that tired reallywe could get more chances of leave th

49、e school and learn social experience. leaving2.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。College students have a little ways to pay their college

50、fees. Many students have their parents to pay the fees. Some students may apply to a bank loan and others will try to find part-time jobs in and out of the campus. Apart from this, many good student can win a scholarship. By this way they can pay at least part of the fees. As for me, I will let my p

51、arents pay half of their fees because they are rich enough. Beside my study, I will take up a part-time job by teach some high school students maths, physics, chemistry and English, as Im very good at these important subjects. Of course I will also work very hard at my lessons in order to I can easi

52、ly win a scholarship.【参考答案】2.短文改错College students have a little(few )ways to pay their college fees. Many students have their parents to (去掉to)pay the fees. Some students may apply to(for )a bank loan and others will try to find part-time jobs in and out of the campus. Apart from this, many good stu

53、dent(students) can win a scholarship. By(In) this way they can pay at least part of the fees. As for me, I will let my parents pay half of their(my) fees because they are(not) rich enough. Beside(Besides)my study, I will take up a part-time job by teach(teaching) some high school students maths, phy

54、sics, chemistry and English, as Im very good at these important subjects. Of course I will also work very hard at my lessons in order to(that)I can easily win a scholarship.3.短文改错下面短文中有10处语言错误,请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改

55、均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I used to going to the countryside to draw animals and plants. One day I was walking across a field looking rabbits to draw. Lost in thought, I didnt notice the bull running towards me. About 100 meters ahead was a tree under that I would sit and draw. Sudden, I hear

56、d a loud noise behind me. I turned around and saw a bull. Knowing a bull could run much more faster than a man, I quickly reached the tree and climb up. From there I saw the bull kicking me food bag with its feet. It kept do this for 15 minute and then moved away. But I was quite nervous in the tree

57、. 【参考答案】3.短文改错I used to going (go) to the countryside to draw animals and plants. One day I was walking across a field looking (for) rabbits to draw. Lost in thought, I didnt notice the (a) bull running towards me. About 100 meters ahead was a tree under that (which) I would sit and draw. Sudden,(Su

58、ddenly) I heard a loud noise coming from behind me. I turned around and saw a bull. Knowing a bull could run much more (去掉) faster than a man, I quickly reached the tree and climb(climbed)up. From there I saw the bull kicking me (my) food bag with its feet. It kept do (doing) this for 15 minute (minutes) and then moved away. But I was quite nervous in the tree.


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