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《优化方案》2013高考总复习英语(陕西专用)课时作业二十五(必修五) WORD版含答案.doc

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1、高三英语陕西专用(RJ) 必修五Unit 5班级:姓名:学号:课时作业25Unit 5First aid.单项填空1According to the local newspaper,_electric shock happening in the kindergarten came as_big shock to the public.A不填;theBthe;aC不填;a Dthe;the2The doctors treat cancer in different ways,_on the affected organs.Adepends Bto dependCdepended Ddepend

2、ing3It was in the very place_the climate was very damp that the scientists discovered the poisonous plant.Athat BwhereCon which Dthere4Teachers are under a lot of_from school authorities to improve test scores.Abarrier BtemperCcharacter Dpressure5Will Mr.Black go to the opening ceremony this weekend

3、?No.He has finally decided_.Anot Bnot toCnot to go Dnot to go to6The teacher told Jack,who had often been late,that_he arrived on time,they would set off without him. Aunless BsinceCalthough Duntil7The lady is so_that she is said never to lose her temper with anyone.Aslight BpaleCmild Dlight8The bur

4、ning building got everything nearby_,forcing people to watch in the distance. Aburning BburntCto burn Dto be burning9I suggested that the worker_to the hospital immediately,but he himself insisted that he_quite well then.Abe sent;was feelingBwas sent;feltCbe sent;feelDshould be sent;should feel10Do

5、watch out when you are crossing the highway;_,you may get run over by a rushing car.Aif so Bif notCif by any chance Deven if11The traffic policeman has been searching for evidence to prove the accused man is_,but in vain.Afalse BguiltyCmistaken Dfaulty12It wasnt a comfortable trip at all with five o

6、f us_into the back seat of the car.Asqueezed BsqueezingCsqueeze Dto squeeze13What you said in the class meeting yesterday was indeed an injury_the girls pride.Aon BinCdown Dto14As is known to us all,it was from the role of “Xu Sanduo” that Wang Baoqiangs acting career_.Atook up Btook inCtook off Dto

7、ok down15I think it_that she should be knowledgeable about computers for her present job.Aurgent BnormalCessential Dgifted.阅读理解A(2011西安质量检测)On Sundays my father always wore that black apronthe one with the race cars all over it.After breakfast Dad always announced:“Go ahead everyone.Ill take care of

8、 the dishes!” With that my mother disappeared into the Sunday paper.Off_came_the_suit_coat_he_had_worn_to_church_that_morning.Up_went_the_shirtsleeves.On_went_that_apron.For the next hour Dad did the dishes,singing songs like “Who Put the Chow in Mrs.Murphys Chowder?”I suppose it was strange for a f

9、ather to wear an aproneven one with race carsbut I never thought much of it until that Sunday when we walked home from church together.“Tommy,” he said,“There comes a time in every boys life when he must take on responsibilities.” “Responsibilities?” I asked.“Yes.Its time you took a greater role in

10、the household.Starting today,I want you to do the dishes on Sunday morning so your mother and I can relax.” “The dishes!?” “Anything wrong with taking over the dishes?” I started to say something about a mans job,but I knew immediately that my protests would fall on deaf ears.I didnt taste a bit of

11、breakfast that morning.My father announced to my mother,“Lets go to read the paper,honey.Our oldest son has generously offered to fill the position.” So this was what my life had come to.People often say there is a special chemistry between a father and a son.He came back into the kitchen just as I

12、was about to storm out.In his right hand was the old apron.“I want you to have this,Tommy.Itll keep your clothes from getting wet.” And before I could do anything,he had put that apron on me.“Thanks,son.Your mother and I appreciate this.”With that he disappeared into the Sunday paper.I looked down a

13、t the apron.It had seen better days.I could see my dad reaching for the dishes.Soon I was singing about Mrs.Murphys Chowder.1What is the main purpose of the underlined sentences in the first paragraph?ATo show the unwillingness of his father when doing dishes.BTo instruct the main steps of how his f

14、ather does dishes.CTo emphasize his fathers clumsy way of doing dishes.DTo stress the enjoyment and happiness of his fathers doing dishes.2What does the underlined word “responsibilities” in the second paragraph refer to?ATaking care of the brothers.BMaking progress academically.CDoing all the dishe

15、s.DWashing the apron with race cars.3What did the author mean by saying “People often say there is a special chemistry between a father and a son.” in the fourth paragraph?AMind acts upon mind.BLike father like son.CA child is better unborn than untaught.DObedience is the first duty of a boy.4How di

16、d the author feel at the end of the passage?AProud.BEnjoyable.CSurprised. DRegretful.B (2012宁德质量检测)Many businesses today use conferences as a means of discussing new plans of the company.As people are paying more attention to the environment and green problems,more businesses are looking for ways to

17、 reduce their negative effect on the environment.Many businesses do this by using Web conferencing.Web conferencing is a technology that allows people to communicate more effectively over the Internet.Its an easy way of hosting and attending conferences without having to leave the office.Each of the

18、 people involved in a Web conference will be posted an invitation to the conference with the time and date of the Web conference on it.When the conference is ready to begin,all participants (参与者) must sit at their computers and they will be connected over the Internet.With Web conferencing all parti

19、cipants attend the conference from the comfort of their own desk.Obviously,in doing this no fuel is used in traveling to and from a conference,and less work time is taken up in attending a conference.Any material to be used during Web conferencing is simply emailed to all the participants before the

20、 conference.Participants can then either choose to print material or read it on screen.This not only saves paper but also greatly reduces mailing costs for the business.As a conference hall or business center isnt being used,it means that the only power that is used is the power used by the particip

21、ants personal computers.Similarly conference organizers dont have to arrange for food or overnight accommodation (住宿) for participants of their conferences.All this means that less energy is used.Often in business some companies actively choose to do business with other companies that do many things

22、 to reduce their negative impact on the environment.And Web conferencing helps you show other businesses that you are willing to work hard for the green cause.So Web conferencing is much cheaper and greener and more people are willing to host and attend a Web conference.5What is the passage mainly a

23、bout?AWays of protecting the environment.BGreen benefits of Web conferencing.CWays of hosting a Web conference.DImpact of Web conferencing on costs.6According to Paragraph 1,many companies use Web conferencing because they_.Aare interested in using any new technologyBbelieve that Web conferencing is

24、 more convenientCwant to do something to protect the environmentDhavent enough money to hold a traditional conference7The participants of a Web conference_.Awill be emailed an invitation before the conferenceBare required to sit in an office togetherCwill receive many paper materialDmust have access

25、 to the Internet8Which of the following words best describes the authors opinion about a Web conference?AUseless.BEnvironmentally friendly.CInconvenient.DMoneyconsuming.短文改错The other day,I was invited my friend Sams home for dinner.I felt a bit surprising when I saw Bill there.It was two month since

26、 we two had quarreled,so I was embarrassed and didnt know how to do.I sat down on the sofa but began to watch TV.Later Sam came to ask I to make up with Bill.Until then I realize that Sam had arranged the meeting on purpose.I went up to Bill and greeted him warmly,smiled at him.He looked very happil

27、y and talked with me excitedly.That night,we had a great fun together.Unit 5First aid.单项填空1【解析】选B。考查冠词。句意为:根据当地报纸报道,发生在幼儿园的电击事件在公众中引起了很大震动。前空用the表特指;后空shock为抽象名词具体化,根据句意此处表示“一件引起震惊的事”。2【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词。句意为:医生依据患病部位,采用不同的方法治疗癌症。此处为动词ing形式作状语。3【解析】选B。考查定语从句。本题的第一个陷阱是误导我们只考虑强调句型的用法,It was.that the scient

28、ists.才是句子的主干;第二个陷阱是用the very place误导我们考虑定语从句中用that。分析句子成分可知,此处先行词为place,定语从句缺地点状语,应用where引导。4【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。句意为:老师正经受着学校领导要求提高考试成绩的巨大压力。barrier障碍;temper脾气;character性格;pressure压力。5【解析】选B。考查省略。全句补充完整后为He has finally decided not to go to the opening ceremony this weekend.省略的部分应为上句重复的内容,不定式在省略时要保留to。故选B项

29、。6【解析】选A。考查连词辨析。根据语境可知,除非Jack按时到达,否则他们将弃他而去。unlessif.not.,符合句意。7【解析】选C。考查形容词辨析。根据她从未跟任何人发过脾气,可知这位女士性情温和。mild温和的,符合句意。slight轻微的,纤弱的;pale苍白的;light轻的。8【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意为:燃烧的大楼把周围一切东西都烧焦了,人们只能在远处观望。get sb./sth.done使某人/某物被,符合句意。9【解析】选A。考查动词用法及虚拟语气。suggest在本句中意为“建议”,其后宾语从句的动词需使用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形”的形式;ins

30、ist作“坚持说,坚持陈述某事实”解时,宾语从句的动词用陈述语气。句意为:我建议立即送那位工人去医院,但他当时坚持说他感觉身体很好。10【解析】选B。考查省略。if not是if you dont watch out的省略。句意为:穿过高速公路时一定要小心,如果(不小心),你或许就会被疾驰的汽车撞倒。11【解析】选B。考查形容词辨析。false错误的,虚伪的;guilty有罪的,内疚的;mistaken犯错的,错误的;faulty有缺陷的,有错误的,有缺点的。句意为:那位交通警察一直在寻找证据以证明被告有罪,但未能如愿。12【解析】选B。考查with的复合结构。宾语和宾补之间为主谓关系,所以用

31、现在分词作宾补。句意为:那次旅行一点也不舒服,因为我们中的五人挤进了汽车的后座。13【解析】选D。词组搭配。an injury to a persons pride表示“对某人自尊心的伤害”。句意为:昨天你在班会上所讲的话的确伤害了那个女孩的自尊心。14【解析】选C。考查动词短语。take up拿起,接受,开始,从事,继续,占据;take in接受,让进入,理解,包括,欺骗;take off脱掉,起飞,事业腾飞;take down取下,记下,拆卸。句意为:众所周知,王宝强的演艺事业正是从许三多这一角色开始腾飞的。15【解析】选C。根据后面宾语从句的结构可以判断出所填的词必须具有能使其后的从句是

32、虚拟语气的功能,四个词中只有essential“必不可少的”有此用法。.阅读理解【解题导语】一条黑色的围裙,一对心照不宣的父子,维系着一个无比温馨的家庭。1【解析】选D。推理判断题。下一句提到作者的父亲一边唱歌一边洗刷餐具,再结合本段中他所说的话可推测这三个倒装句是为了强调作者的父亲非常享受这个过程,乐在其中。2【解析】选C。猜测词义题。根据下文中的“Starting today,I want you to do the dishes.”可知画线词指的是“洗刷所有的餐具”。3【解析】选A。推理判断题。下一句提到正当作者要冲出来时,作者的父亲拿着那件旧围裙来到了厨房,由此可推出两人“心有灵犀一点

33、通”。后三项分别表示“有其父必有其子”“养不教,父之过”“男孩以服从命令为天职”,都不符合语境。4【解析】选B。推理判断题。最后一段最后一句提到作者也效仿父亲的做法,边唱那首歌曲边洗刷餐具,由此可推断作者感到非常“愉快”。【解题导语】本文介绍网络会议对保护环境的种种好处。5【解析】选B。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章介绍了网络会议对环保带来的好处,故B项概括了文章的主旨。6【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句可知许多公司这样做是因为想为环保做点儿事。7【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的they will be connected over the Internet可知网络是参与者

34、参加网络会议的必要条件。所以选D。8【解析】选B。作者态度题。根据文章第一段对网络会议的介绍尤其是最后一段可知作者认为网络会议是对环境有利的,所以选B。.短文改错The other day,I was invited my friend Sams home for dinner.I felt a bit when I saw Bill there.It was two since we two had quarreled,so I was embarrassed and didnt know to do.I sat down on the sofa began to watch TV.Later Sam came to ask to make up with Bill.Until then I that Sam had arranged the meeting on purpose.I went up to Bill and greeted him warmly, at him.He looked very and talked with me excitedly.That night,we had a great fun together.


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