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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)必修三课时作业:UNIT2 MORALS AND VIRTUES SECTIONⅢ READING FOR WRITING WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)必修三课时作业:UNIT2 MORALS AND VIRTUES SECTIONⅢ READING FOR WRITING WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)必修三课时作业:UNIT2 MORALS AND VIRTUES SECTIONⅢ READING FOR WRITING WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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1、Unit 2 Morals and VirtuesUnit 2Section 单词拼写1Compared with those who stand by, I am proud of what I have done for the injured lady in the _accident_(事故)2The doctor will set out to perform the _operation_(手术), so please keep calm.3The baby is sleeping, so they fall their voice to a _whisper_(低语)4It wa

2、s not until _midnight_(午夜) that they reached the camp site.5India _exports_(出口) tea and cotton to many different countries.6Any dog _bite_(咬伤), no matter how small, needs immediate medical attention.7I am willing to _assist_(帮助) you whenever there is an opportunity.8The _chairman_(主席) declared the m

3、eeting open at 8:00 this morning.9We tend to have a better _memory_(记忆力) for things that excite our senses or appeal to our emotions than for straight facts.10When I saw the bowl of olives the _waitress_(女服务员) brought,I knew I wasnt in Cleveland anymore.单句语法填空1It _is whispered_(whisper) that the fir

4、m is likely to go bankrupt.2Every year in this country more than 50,000 children are _bitten_ (bite) by dogs.3She assisted him _in_ his experiments.4There is convincing evidence that listening to loud music can do great harm _to_ our hearing.5We have a growing population and _therefore_ we need more

5、 food.6But for most people _reading_(read) a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation.7The statue was built in memory _of_ the famous scientist.8We, also in _tears_(tear), looked at him as he proudly showed his certificate (证书)9A great deal of attention _has been paid_(

6、pay) to protecting the environment since then.10Winter _coming_ (come),it gets colder and colder.选词填空trip over,in tears,in despair,at ones first attempt,come across1I dont know what it was in the moving novel that made her _in tears_.2Remove the box from the road or someone might _trip over_ it in t

7、he darkness.3When reading articles of science and technology, we often _come across_ difficult or unfamiliar words.4Shelly has been preparing for the test so that she can be sure of passing it _at her first attempt_.5He was _in despair_ finally when there was no hope of being rescued.完成句子1I have spe

8、nt _a great deal of time_ improving my maths.我已经花了大量时间提升我的数学。2A great assembly was held _in memory of_ the 70th birthday of our country.为了纪念祖国70岁生日举办了大型集会。3I helped an old lady who _tripped over_ by a fallen branch on the road.我帮助了一位被路上树枝绊倒的老妇人。4We feel quite secure now because of presence of police

9、men _in disguise_ in the public.在公众场合由于便衣警察的存在,我们现在感觉安全多了。5I cant focus on my study, _a group of people dancing_ on the square.一群人在广场上跳舞,我难以集中精力学习。.课文语法填空根据课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。There once lived a king with the belief that _1.a_ nation whose people only expect others to solve their problems

10、wouldnt have a bright future.Early one morning, the _2.disguised_ (disguise) king went to a village.He placed a large stone in the middle of the main street _3.and_ hid gold coins under the stone. After that, he hid behind a tree, watching what would happen.The first person down the street tripped o

11、ver the stone and _4.angrily_(angry) went away.Although several _5.passers-by_(passer-by) crashed into the stone, none of them stopped _6.to move_(move) the stone out of the way. Instead, they complained and left the stone where it was.Just as the king was in despair, a young girl came.Though _7.tir

12、ed_ (tire) out, she managed to move it to the side of the road because she thought the stone was a danger to anyone _ing_ (come) down the street.To her surprise, she saw the gold coins where the stone _9.had been placed_ (place)At that time, the king stepped out _10.from_ behind the tree and told th

13、e girl everything and asked her to keep the coins, for she was worth the award.解析:1考查冠词。nation在此表示“国家,民族”,为可数名词,空处表示泛指,且nation的发音以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a。2考查非谓语动词。空处作定语,修饰king,且king与disguise之间为动宾关系,故应用其过去分词形式。3考查连词。由语境可知,空处前后所表示的两个动作placed和hid为并列关系,故应用and。4考查副词。空处在句中作状语修饰谓语went away,故用副词angrily。5考查名词的数。根据前面的

14、several可知,空处应用复数形式;passer-by为复合名词,其复数形式应在中心词后加-s。6考查非谓语动词。此处指虽然被绊倒了,但没有一个人停下来将石头搬走。stop to do sth.意为“停下来去做某事”。7考查形容词。该句中Though后面省略了she was,表示虽然这个女孩很累了;be tired out意为“精疲力尽”。8考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作后置定语修饰anyone,且与anyone之间为主谓关系,故用coming。9考查动词的时态和语态。根据语境可知,place所表示的动作发生在saw所表示的动作之前,应用过去完成时;且place与the stone之间为动宾关系,故应用过去完成时的被动语态。10考查介词。此处指国王从树后走出来,故应用介词from。注意from后可接介词短语,例如from under the bed,from behind the door等。


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