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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高一英语必修二基础知识:求助信 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、应用文写作求助信假定你是李华,你和同学根据英语课文改编了一个短剧。给外教 Miss Evans写封邮件,请她帮忙指导。邮件内容包括:1.剧情简介;2指导内容;3.商定时间地点。注意:1.词数100左右;2.结束语已为你写好。文思梳理该篇写作属于书信中的求助信,命题形式为提纲式。求助信是针对自己目前遇到的困难而写信请求对方给予帮助的信件类型。其结构通常为:1开门见山,表明求助意图(针对陌生对象要自我介绍)2求助事由3期盼回复并表示感谢本篇求助信的主题是请外教帮忙修改英语短剧。根据题干信息及所给要点可列出提纲第一段:说明写这封邮件的目的(请求外教帮忙指导,并让对方知晓请求的内容);第二段:详细介绍

2、英语短剧的剧情并指出需指导的细节问题;第三段:表达感谢,并期待早日得到回复。要点1求助意图 1. How is everything going? Im writing to ask for your assistance with our drama adapted from The Million Pound Bank Note. /Im writing in sincerity to ask you a favor regarding a short play we adapted according to the English textbook. 2. My classmates a

3、nd I have adapted a story from our English textbook for a short play recently. Could you give us some advice on how to improve it? Here are some relevant details about it.要点2剧情简介 Written by Mark Twain, The Million Pound Bank Note is about a poor man who unexpectedly receives a million pound bank not

4、e from two rich gentlemen.要点3指导内容1.However, the adaption is quite challenge. Having written the English script,we dont want anything inappropriate to spoil the play, So would you please spare some time to review the draft script attached to this email and make necessary revisions? 2. We hope that yo

5、u can give us some advice/ guidance/direction on how to make dialogues based on the textbook.3. Would you please help us polish the language?4. We would be very grateful if you could take/set aside some time to watch our rehearsal/ performance/practice and give us some advice. 5. I know before comin

6、g to China you were an instructor of a school drama club, so I wonder if you could teach us how to read the script clearly and gesture properly on the stage.6. Given your busy schedule Id be very appreciative if you are willing to give some professional advice.要点4商定时间和地点 1. If it is convenient, may

7、I pay you a visit to your office next Tuesday to give you more details? 2. If possible, could I meet you in your office at 5 pm this Friday? 3. May I make an appointment with you? How about 5 pm this Friday in the lecture hall? 4. Is it good for you to meet me in the conference room at 5 pm this Fri

8、day? Or you can set time and a place at your convenience.范文Dear Miss Evans,How is everything? I was wondering if you could guide us to revise a short play adapted from our English textbook.(求助事由)The story, The Million Pound Bank Note, is about the adventure of a poor young man who was given a millio

9、n pound bank note by two rich gentlemen. He turned millionaire overnight and met dramatic changes to his life When adapting the play, we met some difficulties. Could you kindly give us guidance on two aspects? Firstly, we hope that you can check the use of the language for us. Secondly, please give

10、us some direction on our acting and tones. Would it be possible for us to meet in our classroom at 5 pm this Friday? We are looking forward to your reply.(商定时间,表达期望) Yours sincerely, Li Hua模板素材求助信常用表达说明目的:1.I m writing to ask you for some help/to do me favor/to give me hand.我写信是想向你求助。2. Could you pl

11、ease offer me some advice on.?能就给我提些建议吗?3. Would you please give me hand with the following problems?你能帮我解决下列问题吗?描述问题: 1. I have some difficulty in doing. . which bothers me a lot. So I have no choice but to turn to you for help.我在做方面有困难,这很困扰我。所以我别无选择,只能向你求助。 2. Some problems trouble me a lot. First

12、, . Whats worse,. What bothers me most is.有些问题让我很烦恼。首先,更糟的是最让我烦恼的是3. Ive finished. but still find it far from satisfactory Firstly.我已经完成了,但我仍然觉得远远不能令人满意。首先 4. Unfortunately, I still feel it difficult to. What makes things worse is that.不幸的的是,我仍然觉得很难更糟糕的是 5. Recently,.has made me terribly distressed.

13、 Besides/Whats worse, .All of these upset me because.最近使我非常苦恼。此外更的是所有这些让我很不高兴,因为表达期望:1. I will be grateful if you can spare time to give me a hand. /I would appreciate it if you could be so kind as to give/ offer me some useful/practical tips/suggestions.如果你能抽出时间来帮助我,我将很感激。/如果你能非常友好地给我提供一些有用的/实用的建议,我将不胜感激。2. Th hanks for considering my request. Your early reply is well appreciated. /Thanks for your attention. m looking forward to your reply.多谢考虑我的要求。期盼您的早日答复。/感谢您的关注。期待您的答复。


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