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2021全国统考英语外研版一轮课后提能练:选修⑧ MODULE 6 THE TANG POEMS WORD版含解析.DOC

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2021全国统考英语外研版一轮课后提能练:选修⑧ MODULE 6 THE TANG POEMS WORD版含解析.DOC_第1页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家课后提能练(四十八)选修Module 6The Tang Poems.阅读理解2020太原高三模拟试题(二)A day in the life of a sun bear is what you might expect from the name: sunny. In its natural habitat, the sun bear spends over 80 percent of its active waking time in daylight.But when disturbed by human activity, that changes dr

2、amatically. In areas where people are pushing into the sun bears habitat, the animals are spending 90 percent of their waking time after dark, Effectively, the threat of human presence is making the sun bear change into “the moon bear”Led by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, the

3、study found that human activity is driving scores of mammals to shift their activity from the daytime into the dark hours of the night. As many animals have already been forced out of their local habitats, others are attempting to avoid interaction with humans by separating themselves in time rather

4、 than in space.For the work, the researchers examined the behaviors of 64 mammal species, including deer, tigers, boars(野猪), and, of course, sun bears. They observed increased nocturnal(夜间发生的) behavior in a large majority of them, with species that are naturally active during the day tending to shif

5、t their activity to after dark, and those that are naturally nocturnal becoming more so. The mammals affected ranged across body size, the habitat type, the region of the world, and diet.Human activity of all sorts affect animals lives, including activities like hunting, agriculture and land develop

6、ment, harvesting local natural resources, even hiking or walking through wild areas. Sport hunting in the Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe drove antelopes to spend more of their active waking hours at night, restricting their access to water. Similarly, hikers in the Santa Cruz Mountains in Californ

7、ia made coyotes(郊狼) more nocturnal, forcing them to find new preys(猎物) among traditionally nocturnal animals.The researchers warn that profound shifts in the natural behavior patterns of so many species disturb dynamics that have evolved over generations, leading to a series of unknown effects on th

8、e entire ecosystems.1What did the study find?AMore animals separate themselves in space.BHuman activity changes animals way of life.CMany animals were pushed out of their local habitats.DThe sun bear spends over 80% waking time in daylight.2What does the underlined word “that” refer to?AThe sun bear

9、. BThe waking time.CHuman activity. DThe natural habitat.3What can we infer from paragraph 5?AAntelopes have easier access to water.BCoyotes have to prey on new types for survival.CHuman activity shortens animals sleeping time.DAnimals have managed to escape interaction with humans.4What does the au

10、thor want to tell us in the text?AHuman threat makes the sun bear nocturnal.BAnimals are badly hurt by human presence.CAnimals become more adaptable thanks to humans.DEcosystems may be reshaped due to human activity.完形填空2019成都第三次诊断I recently visited India to meet women with AIDS. Having AIDS is cons

11、idered as a mark of disgrace and the punishment is abandonment. Most of these women had been _1_ by their family. What I_2_ most is how much they wanted to touch me and be touched as if physical _3_ somehow proved their _4_.I spent time with the dying and saw rows of cots(折叠床)Every cot was _5_ excep

12、t for one in the corner, so I went there, hoping to provide some help. The _6_ was a woman in her 30s. She had _7_ eyes and was skinny._8_, I suddenly felt helpless. I had nothing to _9_ her. I couldnt save her, either.I _10_down and reached out to touch her and when she_11_ my hand, she grabbed it

13、and wouldnt let go. We had been there together for a while when she pointed upwards. It took me some time to _12_ that she wanted to go up to the roof and sit outside. It was getting _13_ and the sun was going down, and no one seemed _14_ to take her upstairs.I carried her up. She sat on a chair, fa

14、cing the west and watching the _15_. I reminded the workers to _16_ her later. Then I had to leave. But she never _17_me.Sometimes its the people you cant help who _18_ you the most . Optimism isnt a passive expectation that things will get better. It is a(n) _19_ that we can make things better and

15、we can help people if we dont lose hope and dont look _20_.1A.beaten BabandonedCscolded Dcheated2A.value BcomplainCremember Dwonder3A.excitement BcollisionCpleasure Dcontact4A.birth BfailureCworth Dfuture5A.occupied BattendedCmade Dcovered6A.patient BwitnessCnurse Dworker7A.shining BbeautifulCsorrow

16、ful Dgreedy8A.Otherwise BHoweverCInstead DBesides9A.entertain BprotectCconvince Doffer10A.knelt BcalmedCwent Djumped11A.pushed BfeltCshook Dwarmed12A.figure out Bget acrossCpoint out Dput down13A.clear BcloudyClate Dwindy14A.brave BdeterminedCconfident Dwilling15A.night BsunsetCroof Dperformance16A.

17、treat BsaveCcomfort Dfetch17A.left BforgotCforgave Dthanked18A.challenge BconfuseCsatisfy Dinspire19A.opportunity BpromiseCbelief Dintention20A.away BupCout Dback.短文改错2019武汉市高三五月训练题When I got up on this morning, I had a strange feeling that it isnt going to be my day. First, I got up later, missing

18、breakfast. Then, dashed to the bus stop, I slipped and fell on the ground. To make matters bad, the bus didnt stop for me because it was overcrowded. It had no choice but to take a taxi. Not until the taxi got to my school I realize I have left my wallet at home. After I did lots of explain and apol

19、ogizing, the driver let me go. In a end, I reached the school gate. To my astonishment, I suddenly realized it was a school holiday.应用文写作2019山东潍坊高考模拟假定你是李华,你想邀请你的朋友John在周六晚上去看科幻电影The Wandering Earth,请用英语给他写一封邮件,内容包括:1发出邀请;2介绍电影(主题:保护人类共同的地球家园;观众评价等);3请求回复。注意:1词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_课后提能练(四十八).阅读理解

20、【语篇解读】研究发现,人类活动正迫使许多哺乳动物将它们的活动时间从白天转移到黑夜,这样一来,将会影响到整个生态系统。1B考查细节理解。根据第三段第一句中的“the study found that human activity is driving scores of mammals to shift their activity from the daytime into the dark hours of the night”可知,研究发现,人类活动正迫使许多哺乳动物将它们的活动从白天转移到黑夜。由此可知,人类活动改变了动物的生活方式。故选B项。2B考查代词指代。根据第一段最后一句“In

21、its natural habitat, the sun bear spends over 80 percent of its active waking time in daylight”可知,在自然栖息地,太阳熊白天超过80%的时间度过它们的waking time,并结合画线词所在句可知,当受到人类活动的干扰,太阳熊waking time极大地改变了。故画线词指代The waking time。故选B项。3B考查细节理解。根据第五段第三句“Similarly, hikers in the Santa Cruz Mountains in California made coyotes(郊狼)

22、 more nocturnal, forcing them to find new preys(猎物) among traditionally nocturnal animals”可知,因为人类活动,郊狼为了生存不得不寻找新的猎物。故选B项。4D考查写作意图。根据最后一段“The researchers warn that profound shifts in the natural behavior patterns of so many species disturb dynamics that have evolved over generations, leading to a ser

23、ies of unknown effects on the entire ecosystems”并结合文章其他内容可知,作者想要告诉我们,由于人类活动,生态系统可能会被重塑。故选D项。.完形填空【语篇解读】我到印度去看望那些患有艾滋病、被家庭抛弃的妇女;在那里我遇到了一位女病人,她要我带她到屋顶上;我将她带到上面,然后就离开了,但是这个人却永远留在了我的心中;我由此次经历明白,只要心存希望并且不随便放弃,我们终究会使事情变好,帮助到别人。【高频词回顾】consider v. 认为;考虑 grab v. 抓住 expectation n. 期望,期待1B根据上文中的“the punishment

24、 is abandonment”可知,这些妇女中大多数已经被她们的家人抛弃了。故选B。2C根据文章开头的“I recently visited India”可知,文章叙述的是作者的回忆。由此可知,这里表示我记得最清楚的就是她们很想要触碰我并被触碰。故选C。3D根据第1小题的分析以及该空前的“touch me”和“be touched”可知,她们希望和我有身体接触(contact),好像这样能以某种方式证明她们的价值(worth)。B项意为“碰撞事故,冲突”。4C参见上题解析。5B根据该空后的“hoping to provide some help”可知,每个折叠床(的病人)都有人照看,除了角落

25、里的一个,所以我希望能给这个床的病人一些帮助。B项意为“看护,照料”,故选B。A项意为“占用,占领”。6A根据第一段第一句中的“women with AIDS”可知,这里住的都是身患艾滋病的病人。故选A。7C根据语境以及该空后的“skinny”可知,她有一双悲伤的眼睛且骨瘦如柴。D项意为“贪婪的”。8B根据第5空后的“hoping to provide some help”以及该空后的“I suddenly felt helpless”可知,本来我想帮助她,但突然发现我无能为力。此处与上文构成转折关系,故选B。9D根据上题解析并结合该空后的“I couldnt save her, either

26、”可知,我什么也给不了她。故选D。10A根据该空后的“reached out to touch her”可推知,我跪下来(knelt down),然后伸手去触碰她。故选A。11B根据该空前的“touch her”以及该空后的“she grabbed it and wouldnt let go”可知,当我用手触碰她的时候,她感觉到了我的手,并且抓住它,不肯松开。故选B。12A根据空后的“she wanted to go up to the roof”可推知,我花了一些时间,才弄明白她是要到屋顶上去坐一坐。A项意为“弄明白”,故选A。B项意为“解释清楚,传达”;C项意为“指出”;D项意为“记下,写

27、下”。13C根据该空后的“the sun was going down”可知,天已经很晚了。故选C。14D根据第5、13小题的分析可知,之前没人照看她,并且由于天太晚了,似乎没有人愿意带她到外面去。故选D。15B根据第13空后的“the sun was going down”可知,她坐在椅子上,面朝西方,看着日落。故选B。16D根据空后的“I had to leave”可知,我要走了,所以我提醒工作人员稍后去将她接回来。故选D。17A根据空前的“I had to leave”和语境可推知,虽然我离开了她,但是她却仍然在我心中,没有离开,故选A。18D结合上文内容可知,有时候,正是那些你无法给予

28、帮助的人,给你的启发最大。inspire意为“启发思考”,故选D。19C根据空前一句可知,乐观不是被动地期待事情会变好。它是一种信念,即如果我们心存希望,不看向别处(即放弃),那么我们就能够将事情变好,能够帮助别人。故选C。20A参见上题解析。.短文改错When I got up this morning, I had a strange feeling that it isn going to be my day. First, I got up_late, missing breakfast. Then, dashe to the bus stop, I slipped and fell

29、on the ground. To make matters ba, the bus didnt stop for me because it was overcrowded. I had no choice but to take a taxi. Not until the taxi got to my school I realize I hav left my wallet at home. After I did lots of explai and apologizing, the driver let me go. In end, I reached the school gate

30、. To my astonishment, I suddenly realized it was a school holiday.删除this morning前的on考查介词。表时间的名词前带有last, next, this, these, that等指示性限定修饰语且其前没有冠词时,其前要省略介词。isnt改为wasnt考查时态。本文讲的是过去的事情,应用过去时。later改为late考查副词。本处意为“起来得晚”,故用副词late“迟,晚”修饰其前的动词词组。dashed改为dashing考查非谓语动词。句意:然后冲向公交车站时,我滑了一下,摔倒在地。分析句子结构可知,动词dash与句

31、子主语I之间为逻辑上的主谓关系。故应用其现在分词形式。bad改为worse考查形容词的比较级。此处表示“使事情更为糟糕的是”,含比较的含义,应用比较级。It改为I考查代词。句意:除了坐公交车,我别无选择。根据句意可知,此处应用I。my school后加did考查倒装。Not until置于句首时,句子主干部分用倒装结构。本句为过去时态,故用助动词did。have改为had考查时态。“钱包落在家里”发生在“我意识到”之前,为“过去的过去”,应用过去完成时。explain改为explaining考查动名词。此处与apologizing并列,故把explain改为explaining。a改为the考

32、查冠词。in the end是固定短语,意为“最后”。.应用文写作【范文赏读】Dear John,Knowing that you are interested in science fiction, Id like to invite you to see a film this weekend.The Wandering Earth is being shown these days, whose aim is to save the earth and protect our common home. Viewers describe it as a breakthrough of th

33、e Chinese film industry and it has received a wide range of positive reviews so far. Shall we go to watch the film if you are available? How about this Saturday evening? Please contact me at your earliest convenience so that I can book the tickets in advance.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua高考资源网版权所有,侵权必究!


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