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2018届高三英语北师大版一轮复习文档 课后分层集训 选修7 UNIT 21 HUMAN BIOLOGY (B卷) WORD版含答案.doc

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2018届高三英语北师大版一轮复习文档 课后分层集训 选修7 UNIT 21 HUMAN BIOLOGY (B卷) WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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2018届高三英语北师大版一轮复习文档 课后分层集训 选修7 UNIT 21 HUMAN BIOLOGY (B卷) WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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2018届高三英语北师大版一轮复习文档 课后分层集训 选修7 UNIT 21 HUMAN BIOLOGY (B卷) WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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2018届高三英语北师大版一轮复习文档 课后分层集训 选修7 UNIT 21 HUMAN BIOLOGY (B卷) WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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2018届高三英语北师大版一轮复习文档 课后分层集训 选修7 UNIT 21 HUMAN BIOLOGY (B卷) WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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2018届高三英语北师大版一轮复习文档 课后分层集训 选修7 UNIT 21 HUMAN BIOLOGY (B卷) WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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2018届高三英语北师大版一轮复习文档 课后分层集训 选修7 UNIT 21 HUMAN BIOLOGY (B卷) WORD版含答案.doc_第7页
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2018届高三英语北师大版一轮复习文档 课后分层集训 选修7 UNIT 21 HUMAN BIOLOGY (B卷) WORD版含答案.doc_第8页
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2018届高三英语北师大版一轮复习文档 课后分层集训 选修7 UNIT 21 HUMAN BIOLOGY (B卷) WORD版含答案.doc_第9页
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2018届高三英语北师大版一轮复习文档 课后分层集训 选修7 UNIT 21 HUMAN BIOLOGY (B卷) WORD版含答案.doc_第10页
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1、课后分层集训选修7Unit 21Human Biology (B卷).阅读理解A(2017福建高中毕业班质检)The World Health Organization (WHO) said that processed meat may be carcinogenic (致癌)Do you still dare eat cancerlinked processed meat? Here are some comments on the website.Bill (Australia) Id rather live a short,pleasant life than a long,unhap

2、py one,denying (拒绝给予) myself tasty food just because some experts say its not healthy.We should all enjoy the one life we haveif I had listened to every piece of health advice I would never go anywhere,eat anything or enjoy life in any way.So,I wont change my habit.I am going to have a bacon sandwic

3、h,glass of wine,burger,can of coke whenever I feel like it.Tim (America) Is meat really as bad as smoking?I dont think so.According to the WHO 34,000 people die worldwide per year because they eat processed meat.In 2012,8.2 million people died of cancer worldwide.That means if you eat a lot of proce

4、ssed meat you have a chance of being among the 0.41 percent of people dying of cancer because of processed meat.Ill take the chance.Helen (Switzerland) The WHO doesnt say that just one bite of meat causes cancer,it is rather saying that people should vary their diet.People who eat more meat often ha

5、ve other unhealthy habits.They usually eat fewer fruits and vegetables and they also often exercise less.Van(China) Perhaps this report will make people consider becoming vegetarians (素食者)So for your health,the environment and future generations,it is not difficult; it just needs a change of attitud

6、e.There is a vast variety of other delicious food available to enjoy.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了一些网民对于世界卫生组织公布的食用加工肉制品可能致癌这一信息的个人看法。1What if Bill has to change his habit?AHell feel unhappy.BHell live a pleasant life.CHell go on a diet.DHell become a vegetarian.A推理判断题。根据第二段的“Id rather live a short,pleasant life th

7、an a long,unhappy one,denying (拒绝给予)myself tasty food just because some experts say its not healthy.”可推知,Bill如果改变目前的饮食习惯,他会不开心的。 2What does Tim think about eating processed meat?AToo risky.BFairly safe.CPopular worldwide.DVery unhealthy.B推理判断题。根据第三段的“Is meat really as bad as smoking?I dont think so.

8、”和“That means if you eat a lot of processed meat you have a chance of being among the 0.41 percent of people dying of cancer because of processed meat.Ill take the chance.”可知,Tim认为吃加工肉制品并不是什么要命的事儿,还是比较安全的。3What may be Helens response to WHOs warning?ACaring little about it.BEating whatever she likes

9、.CVarying the diet and doing exercise.DTaking a diet without meat.C细节理解题。根据第四段的“it is rather saying that people should vary their diet.People who eat more meat often have other unhealthy habits.They usually eat fewer fruits and vegetables and they also often exercise less.”可知,Helen对WHO的警告的回应是应该饮食多样化

10、并多锻炼身体。4Who have the most similar viewpoints?ABill and Tim.BTim and Helen.CHelen and Van.DBill and Van.A细节理解题。根据对文章第二段和第三段的整体理解可知,Bill和Tim都认为是可以吃加工肉制品的。B(2017济南高三模拟)People need to seek out new foods because the world has so many mouths to feed.As of 2015,there are more than seven billion people on E

11、arth,according to the United Nations.And by 2100 that number may double.Feeding all of these people means not only improving the way foods are grown,but also finding new sources of nutrition.And that_quest is becoming ever more urgent.If nothing changes,within 35 years,the worlds appetite will be gr

12、eater than the amount of foods produced.Thats according to a report released last year.It was prepared by the Global Harvest Initiative,a private agriculture group based in Washington,D.C.Global warming,too,is changing food production.Scientists predict that rising temperatures will reduce the growt

13、h of important crops like wheats,corns and soybeans.Lowincome developing countries will be hit the hardest.When harvests fall,crops become more expensive.And since those foods are also used to feed animals like cows and pigs,meat prices,too,will rise.All over the world,researchers are racing against

14、 the clock to figure out how best to feed more people in a fastchanging world.And some surprising ideas have begun to come up.Two years ago,scientists introduced the first burger made from meat grown in a lab.The project cost more than $300,000,but its a start.Other researchers are developing seeds

15、that can survive high temperatures and drought.Still others are finding ways to improve the genes of meat animals so they produce more meat and can stand the heat.A gloomy (悲观的) forecast for the planet isnt the only reason to study foods for the future.Its a creative quest that will inspire people w

16、ho can think in new ways about existing plants and animalseven insects.These researchers have used their talents in ways that even they never would have predicted.【语篇解读】本文主要讲的是在全球变暖的环境下,人们应如何应对日益膨胀的人口的温饱问题。5What do the underlined words “that quest” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AThe research on foods.BThe

17、 increase of population.CThe variety of nutrition.DThe change of appetite.A词义猜测题。根据第一段的最后一句及下文的食物研究可知,画线词指对食物的研究。6How does global warming affect lowincome developing countries?aIncrease meat prices.bRaise the temperature.cReduce the growth of crops.dLead to the high cost of life.eCause a higher pric

18、e for crops.AbacdeBcabdeCdecabDbceadD细节理解题。根据第三段的整体内容可知,全球变暖首先是导致气温上升,然后是农作物减产,从而农作物价格上涨,进而肉类涨价,最终会导致人们生活成本增加。7What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 4?ANew ways of farming.BSome great researchers.CProgress in food research.DAchievements in lab experiments.C段落大意题。根据第四段的第二句“And some surprising idea

19、s have begun to come up”并结合本段的整体内容可推知,本段主要讲述的是食物研究方面的进步。8What will be discussed in the following paragraph?AExamples of successful food researchers.BDifferent opinions about the future food.CMethods of dealing with global warming.DPossibilities of feeding the present population.A推理判断题。根据最后一段的最后一句“Th

20、ese researchers have used their talents in ways that even they never would have predicted”并结合本段的整体内容可推知,下文会举一些成功的食物研究者的例子。 【导学号:34802250】.完形填空(2016浙江高考)During the war,my husband was stationed at an army camp in a desert in California.I went to live there in order to be _1_ him.I hated the place.I ha

21、d never _2_ been so unhappy.My husband was ordered out on a longterm duty,and I was left in a tiny shack (棚屋) alone.The heat was _3_almost 125F even in the shade of a cactus (仙人掌)_4_ a soul to talk to.The wind blew nonstop,and all the food I ate,and the very air I breathed,were _5_ with sand,sand,sa

22、nd!I was so sorry for myself that I wrote to my parents.I told them I was _6_ and coming back home.I said I couldnt stand it one minute longer.I _7_ be in prison!My father answered my _8_ with just two linestwo lines that will always sing in my _9_two lines that completely changed my life:Two men lo

23、oked out from prison bars,One saw the mud,the other saw the stars.I read those two lines _10_I was ashamed of myself.I made up my mind I would find out what was good in my present _11_;I would look for the stars.I made friends with the natives,and their _12_amazed me.They gave me presents of their f

24、avorite artworks which they had _13_ to sell to tourists.I studied the delightful forms of the cactus.I watched for the desert sunsets,and _14_ for seashells that had been left there millions of years ago when the sands of the desert had been an ocean _15_What brought about this _16_ change in me? T

25、he desert hadnt changed,_17_ I had.I had changed my _18_And by doing so,I changed an unhappy experience into the most amazing _19_ of my life.I was excited by this new world that I had discovered.I had looked out of my selfcreated prison and _20_ the stars.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者为了陪伴丈夫来到沙漠。恶劣的生存环境让作者

26、感到不快乐。而作者父亲回信中的两行话彻底改变了她,让她改变了生活态度,学会了在逆境中享受生活。1A.offBbehindCnearDbeyondC上文语境题。根据空格前的went to live there可以看出,作者到那里住的目的是希望离丈夫近(near)一些。off离开;behind在后面;near在附近;beyond超出,远于。2A.beforeBalreadyCthenDstillA上下文语境题。根据上文使用的过去时及下文I said I couldnt stand it one minute longer.可知,作者在此之前(before)从未那么不快乐过。before在之前;al

27、ready已经;then然后,那么;still仍然。3A.inflexibleBincomprehensibleCuncontrollableDunbearableD下文语境题。由破折号后的almost 125F even in the shade of a cactus可知,即便是在仙人掌的阴凉里,这种炎热也是让人无法忍受的(unbearable)。inflexible缺乏弹性的,不可改变的;incomprehensible难懂的,不可理解的;uncontrollable控制不住的,无法管束的;unbearable无法忍受的,承受不住的。4A.OnlyBNotCManyDSuchB上下文语境

28、题。由该段内容可以看出,作者所居住地方的炎热的天气、永无休止的风、所吃的食物、呼吸的空气都令人无法忍受。空格处应该指这里没有(not)作者可以与之聊天的人。only仅仅,只有;not没有;many许多;such那样的。5A.coveredBfilledCburiedDchargedB上下文语境题。此处各选项均可填入构成短语:be covered with用覆盖;be filled with充满;be buried with被掩埋;be charged with被指控犯(罪)。由该句语境可以看出,无论是作者吃的食物还是呼吸的空气,到处都充满了(were filled with)沙子。6A.cat

29、ching upBkeeping upCgiving upDgetting upC下文语境题。由后面的I said I couldnt stand it one minute longer.可以看出,由于居住地恶劣的环境,作者打算放弃(give up)并准备回家。catch up赶上;keep up保持,维持;give up放弃;get up起床。7A.ought toBmight wellCwould ratherDhad betterC上下文语境题。由该空所在句可知,作者在信中告诉父母,她一分钟也坚持不下去了,她宁愿(would rather)去蹲监狱。ought to应该;might w

30、ell有充分理由,足以;would rather宁愿;had better最好。8A.requestBcallCquestionDletterD上文语境题。由该段第一句中的I wrote to my parents可知,作者给自己的父母写了封信。request请求,要求;call通话,召唤;question问题;letter信。9A.comparisonBimaginationCconsiderationDmemoryD下文语境题。由下文可以看出,作者父亲的这两行话彻底改变了作者对生活的态度,所以这两行话总是在她的记忆(memory)里唱响。comparison对比;imagination想象

31、;consideration考虑,体贴;memory记忆。10A.over and overBby and byCup and downDnow and thenA上下文语境题。由上下文语境可知,作者收到父亲的信后反复(over and over)阅读,并为自己感到羞愧。over and over再三,反复;by and by不久,很快;up and down上上下下,来回;now and then不时,时常。11A.companyBoccupationCsituationDrelationshipC上文语境题。由上文可知,空格所在句表示作者下定决心找到自己目前处境(situation)的优势


33、se)卖给游客的艺术品当作礼物送给作者。refuse拒绝;fail失败,不及格;manage管理;happen发生,碰巧。14A.askedBhuntedCwaitedDheadedB上下文语境题。各选项均可与空格后的for构成短语。ask for请求,要求;hunt for寻找;wait for等待;head for前往。由下文中的定语从句that had been left there millions of years ago可知,作者在沙漠里寻找(hunt for)几百万年前遗留下来的贝壳。15A.floorBsurfaceCrockDlevelA上文语境题。由空格所在句when th

34、e sands of the desert had been an ocean _35_可知,沙漠里的沙地曾经是海底(floor)。floor底部,地面;surface表面;rock岩石;level水平。16A.shockingBchallengingCpuzzlingDastonishingD上文语境题。由上文可以看出,作者由最初的抱怨并打算放弃在沙漠中的生活,到后来接受自己的处境并学会欣赏生活中的美好可以看出,作者的变化是令人十分惊讶的(astonishing)。shocking骇人的;challenging具有挑战性的;puzzling令人感到迷惑的;astonishing令人十分惊讶的


36、与该句中的experience相对应。vacation假期;operation操作,手术;affair事务,事件;adventure冒险,奇遇。20A.soughtBcountedCfoundDreachedC上文语境题。作者将自己从最初感受到沙漠之苦到后来体验到沙漠生活的快乐的转变比喻为在自设的监狱里发现(find)了星星。seek寻找;count数数;find发现;reach到达。.书面表达(2017太原高三模拟)假如你叫李华,你想邀请你的美国朋友Mr.Smith与你一起参观画展。请你根据以下要点给他发一封email。要点:1.介绍画展中外名画 展期:本月25日30日 地点:艺术博物馆2约

37、定会面的时间和地点。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头、结尾已为你写好。Dear Mr.Smith,_Yours,Li Hua【参考范文】Dear_Mr.Smith,There will be an exhibition of paintings from 25th to 30th this month in the Art Museum of our city.A lot of famous Chinese traditional paintings by top artists will be exhibited there.Additionally,the

38、re are great works from around the world,which,I think,will certainly attract visitors eyes.Whats more,we will see famous painters drawing on the spot.Would you like to go to the exhibition with me on the 25th?If so,Ill pick you up at your home at 8 oclock in the morning.Please reply to me by email as soon as possible.Yours,Li_Hua


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