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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 基础知识 练习 .doc

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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 基础知识 练习 .doc_第1页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 基础知识 练习 .doc_第2页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 基础知识 练习 .doc_第3页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 基础知识 练习 .doc_第4页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 基础知识 练习 .doc_第5页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 基础知识 练习 .doc_第6页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 基础知识 练习 .doc_第7页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 基础知识 练习 .doc_第8页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 基础知识 练习 .doc_第9页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 基础知识 练习 .doc_第10页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 基础知识 练习 .doc_第11页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 基础知识 练习 .doc_第12页
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1、基础知识一、根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词。1. The a_ offered by the manager is difficult for him to finish. 2. An expert is a man who is engaged in p_ business. 3. All his c_ who work with him in the same factory are all ready to help others. 4. In the _ (案子) of Ma Haitao, he was treated unfairly. 5. He worked as a e_ in

2、 that newspaper. 6. She graduated from English d_ of Beijing University. 7. Dont just say almost, nearly; what we need is a_ number. 8. Her father will never a_ of her marriage to you.9. In harvest time, he has to _ (雇佣) more people to work for him. 10. If you have an a_ with someone, you have arran

3、ged to see them at a particular time, usually in connection with their work. 11. Industrial development is being _ (集中) in the west of China. 12. He had to rewrite his essay, because his teacher said it needed some _ (润饰) in language. 13. The little boy cried _ (故意地) to draw his mothers attention. 1

4、4. Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an _ (获得的) taste and are not in born. 15. The busy mother feels really _ (内疚的) at forgetting her daughters birthday again.二、根据句意,用所给的词或词组的适当形式填空。Look forward to, accuse of, be eager to, inform of , concentrate on, so as to, demand to, depend on, assist with,

5、ahead of 1. Tony _ this teacher _ the experiment yesterday.2. Journalists _ us _ local events.3. They _ travel abroad.4. Whether we go out _ the weather.5. The police _ him _ cheating.6. He raised his voice _ make himself heard.7. We finished the task _ time.8. Im _ the letter from my mother.9. He _

6、 taking photographs and didnt notice me.10. She was angry and _ be told everything.三、多项选择。1. Its reported that many wars broke out in the Middle East. Whats your _ of the situation there?A. assessmentB. adjustmentC. appointment D. assistance2. This book is rather difficult,because it is designed for

7、 _.A. colleagues B. professionalsC. amateurs D. editors3.The shop assistant was fired as she was _ of cheating customers.A. accused B. charged C. blamed D. caught4. Children present, _ their age and swimming skill, will be first divided into different classes.A. accounting for B. depending onC. basi

8、ng on D. turning to5. Why not phone your parents?They must be _ about you.A. eager B. guilty C. anxious D. missing6. It was a long time before the Americans completely _ from the shadow of the September 11th attack launched by the terrorists.A. healedB. improvedC. curedD. treated7. We cant keep ever

9、ything. We must decide what to _ and what to leave in.A. squeeze outB. give outC. let out D. leave out8. The plan _ just because people were unwilling to cooperate.A. broke downB. took downC. turned downD. put down9. The boy often gets up very early in the morning _ being late for class.A. in aid of

10、B. in search ofC. in place of D. in case of10. When seeing me walking towards her, she _ turned around to talk with another person to avoid meeting me.A. naturally B. deliberately C. eagerly D. accidentally11. Many reporters hurried to _ the accident after the famous actors death.A. write B. seeC. d

11、iscover D. cover12. She found the room _ with some old tables, a blackboard and an old stove.A. decoratedB. furnishedC. equippedD. prepared13. Every _ space on the wall was covered in pictures.A. availableB. valuableC. ordinaryD. comfortable14. Our government _ the measures put forward by some exper

12、ts at the meeting and decided to carry them out at once to prevent further air pollution in this area.A. agreed B. approvedC. absorbed D. allowed15. Jack sent for a doctor after we met with the accident. _ I stayed there with the injured old woman.A. Meanwhile B. HoweverC. Furthermore D. Therefore四、

13、用括号内所给的短语或句型翻译下列句子。1. 我为你的成功而高兴。(delighted)2. 我们请他帮我们设计一座新桥。(assist)3. 如果你想要通过考试,你必须注意你的听力技巧。(concentrate on)4. 这个年轻人被指控杀了这个记者。(accuse)5. 这个老人的血压很快恢复了正常。(return, normal)6. 我父亲不同意我今年离校。 (approve)7. 我要通知他母亲他安全到达了。(inform, arrival)8. 她如此的懒惰以致很难对她的能力做出评价。(assess)9. 我们的软件到了应该更新的时候了。(update, software)10.

14、我跟他约好星期天见面。(appointment, meet)五、完成句子。1. He decided to _ (全力以赴) finding somewhere to live. (concentrate)2. _ (使他大为高兴的是), he has got the first place in the competition. (delight)3.My suggestion is _ (你把你的要求提交给) the committee. (submit)4.The government has taken measures to _ (保护环境免受到污染). (protect)5. _

15、(他们刚赶到) the airport when the plane took off. (hardly)6. Only _ (当你掌握了良好的语法知识的时候) grammar can you write correctly. (acquire)7. _ (人类的天性是那样) that many people dont value the things they process until they have lost them. (such)8. _ (尽管你忙), you should set aside some time every day for exercise if you wa

16、nt to keep fit. (as)9. He _ (他否认拿了钱) but we were skeptical. (deny)10. He got up early this morning _ (以便不错过) the early bus. (order)能力提升六、完形填空。Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it improves with practice. If you want to meet people and make friends, 1 must be willing to take actions. You mu

17、st first go to the place 2 are people. You wont make friends 3 home alone. 4 a club or group, for talking with those who like the same things as you do is 5 . Or join someone in some activity. Many people are nervous when talking to people. After all, meeting strangers means facing 6 . And its human

18、 7 to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown.Most of our fears about dealing with new people 8 doubts about ourselves. We imagine other people are judging us, 9 us too tall or too short, too this or too that. 10 dont forget that they must be feeling 11 way as you. Try to accept yourself 12 you a

19、re, and try to put the other person at ease. You will 13 feel more comfortable.Try to act self-confident even if you dont feel that way. 14 you enter a room full of strangers, such as a new classroom, walk tall and straight, look 15 at other people and smile. If you see someone youd like to 16 to, s

20、ay something. Dont wait for the other person to 17 a conversation.Just meeting someone 18 doesnt mean that you will make friends with that person. Friendship is 19 on mutual (相互的) liking and “give and take”. They take time and 20 to develop. And there are things that keep a new friendship from growi

21、ng.1. A. youB. theyC. it D. I2. A. when B. whether C. where D. however3. A. arriving B. returning C. staying D. leaving4.A. Recognize B. Accept C. Share D. Join5.A. more difficult B. easier C. uncomfortable D. ordinary 6.A. a friend B. the enemiesC. trouble D. the unknown7.A. nature B. fault C. weak

22、ness D. manners8.A. come from B. give up C. get over D. carry off9. A. finding B. making C. stopping D. treating10.A. And B. Therefore C. But D. So11. A. in the B. a friendly C. different D. the same12. A. what B. as C. how D. where13. A. neither B. both C. hardly D. never14. A. When B. As if C. So

23、that D. In which15. A. specially B. directly C. shyly D. strictly16. A. refer B. write C. speak D. pay17. A. start B. stop C. develop D. hold18. A. strange B. new C. famous D. active19. A. depended B. lied C. taken D. based20. A. money B. resource C. effort D. trouble七、阅读理解。AThere was a tradition in

24、 Europe that if a dove flew around a house where someone was dying then his soul would be at peace. And there are legends (传说) which say that Satan (撒旦) can turn himself into any bird except for a dove. But it was Pablo Picasso who made the dove a modern symbol of peace when he used it on a poster f

25、or the World Peace Congress in 1949. The rainbow is another ancient and universal symbol, often representing the connection between human beings and their gods. In Greek mythology (神话) it was associated with Iris, the goddess who brought messages from the gods on Mount Olympus. In Scandinavian mytho

26、logy the rainbow was a bridge between the gods and the earth. In the Bible a rainbow showed Noah that the Biblical flood was finally over, and that God had forgiven his people. In the Chinese tradition, the rainbow is often taken as a common symbol for marriage.Nowadays the rainbow is used by many p

27、opular movements for peace and the environment, representing the possibility of a better world in the future and promising sunshine after the rain.The olive tree has always been a valuable source of food and oil. In Greek mythology, the goddess Athens gave the olive tree to the people of Athens who

28、showed their thanks by naming the city after her. But no one knows for sure when or why it began to symbolize peace. There is probably a connection with ancient Greece. The winners of the Olympic Games were given crowns (冠) of olive branches. The symbolism may come from the fact that the olive tree

29、takes a long time to produce fruit, so olives could only be grown successfully in long periods of peace. Whatever the history, the olive branch is a part of many modern flags symbolizing peace and unity. One well-known example is the United Nations symbol. 1. Which of the following is the most impor

30、tant in making the dove a modern symbol of peace?A. Greek mythology B. The European traditionC. Ancient legends D. Pablo Picasso2. How many examples does the writer give to show the rainbow as a universal symbol of peace? A. Six. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.3. Which of the following is TRUE according

31、 to the passage?A. The olive branch was regarded as a symbol of peace because it was given as gift by the goddess Athens. B. The name of the capital of Greece comes from the name of the goddess Athens. C. Olive trees do not produce fruits when there are wars in the world.D. The winners in the Olympi

32、c Games were given crowns of olive branches because they symbolized peace.4. The United Nations takes the olive branch as its symbol because _. A. it represents hope in the future B. it has economic value for the worldC. it often gives prizes to countries D. its duty is to keep peace and union5. Fro

33、m the passage we can conclude that _. A. all the symbols mentioned above are based on traditional beliefs B. all modern ideas come from Greek mythology C. all the symbols mentioned above are used on flags D. the UN has officially accepted the three symbols as symbols of peaceBA young man named Charl

34、es Lyell had different ideas. He wrote a book about them called Principles of Geology. The earth, according to Lyell, was not only thousands of years old, it was millions of years old. As to the common belief that changes in the earths surface happen suddenly because of a single earthquake or flood,

35、 he said that this might happen once in a while, but usually these changes took place very slowly. He believed that the surface of the earth had been changing from the beginning of time. The changes, he said, were caused by the long-term action of the winds and seas, and by forces such as volcanoes

36、breaking out under the earths surface. Once in a great while he thought, a mountain might appear for the first time after an earthquake. But usually mountains would rise slowly and steadily. Professor Henslow was interested in Lyells ideas, but he did not actually believe them. Charles Darwin could

37、not make up his mind about them. But they set him thinking along lines which would later change the beliefs of thoughtful people all over the world.At Cambridge, Charles Darwin studied just enough to pass the examination, and received his college degree in 1831. During this time, he had become more

38、and more interested in geology. At the end of the school year, he went to North Wales with one of his teachers to examine the rock formations (构成) and to search for fossils. Fossils are the remains of ancient living things. They are usually found fixed in rocks in the earths crust (地壳). Fossils may

39、be of animals, such as fish, insects, birds, or humans. They may be of plants from tiny leaves to huge trees. When a living creature dies, it usually decays (腐烂) or is eaten by animals. However, if it sinks into a riverbed or is quickly covered by the blowing sands of a desert storm, the bones are k

40、ept up in the earth. Over many years the soft inner parts of a bone disappear, leaving the inside hollow. Water containing mineral enters into the hollow. Slowly the mineral hardens and makes the bone hard and heavy, like stone. 6. According to Charles Lyell, it is mainly _ that the earth has been f

41、ormed like todays shape. A. from the beginning of timeB. past some experiences of big floodC. over a very long period of yearsD. because of several big earthquakes7. Charles Lyell believed the fact that a mountain is formed _. A. more by seas than by volcanoesB. more slowly than suddenlyC. more by a

42、n earthquake than by winds D. more steadily than quickly8. Unlike Professor Henslow, Charles Darwin _. A. never thought Lyells ideas were rightB. did made up his mind not to accept Lyells ideasC. thought about what the world were then thinking aboutD. thought over Lyells ideas and developed them9. T

43、he main purpose of Darwins going to North Wales was to _. A. make a study of fossilsB. appreciate the rock formationC. to do research work into dead animalsD. look for plants from tiny leaves to huge trees10. In which order are fossils formed?a. A living thing sinks into a riverbed or sands. b. Wate

44、r goes into a bone hollow together with mineral. c. Something soft in a bone disappears. d. The hardened mineral makes the bone hard.e. The bone becomes hollow inside. A. a b c d eB. c a b e dC. a c e b dD. e c d b aCPresident Coolidges statement, “The business of America is business,” still points

45、to a very important truth todaythat business organizations have more prestige in American society than any other kind of organization, including the government. Why do business institutions still possess this great prestige?One reason is that Americans view business as being more firmly based on the

46、 idea of competition than other organizations in society. Since competition is seen as the main source of progress and development by most Americans, competitive business organizations are respected. Competition is not only good in itself; it is the means by which other basic American values, such a

47、s individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work are protected.Competition protects the individual freedom by making sure that there is no monopoly (垄断) of power. Compared with one and all-powerful government, many businesses compete against each other for benefit. If one business tries

48、to take unfair advantage of its customers, it will lose to the competing business which treats its customers more fairly. Since there are many businesses competing for the customers dollars, they cannot afford to treat them unfairly and the customers would lose nothing.A contrast (对比) is often made

49、between business, which is competitive, and government, which is a monopoly. Because business is competitive, many Americans believe that it gives more support for freedom than government, even though government leaders are elected by the people while business leaders are not. Many Americans believe

50、 that competition is as important, or even more important, as democracy (民主) in protecting freedom.Competition in business is also believed to strengthen the idea of equal opportunities. Competition is seen as an open and fair race where success goes to any person regardless of his or her social cla

51、ss background. Competitive success is commonly seen as the American choice of the higher social position which is not based on ones family background. Business is therefore viewed as an expression of the idea of equal opportunities.11. Which of the following is discussed as the main topic in the pas

52、sage?A. Competition in Americas businessB. Freedom in Americas businessC. Americans different values D. Business against government12. Americans believe that they can realize their personal values _. A. when given equal opportunities B. through doing businessC. by protecting their individual freedom

53、D. by means of competition13. The underlined word “prestige” in the first paragraph probably means _. A. reputation B. opportunity C. equality D. competition 14. Who can benefit from business competition?A. Businessmen who compete.B. Customers of those businesses.C. People with the idea of equality

54、and freedom.D. Both business organizations and government.15. It could be inferred from that the author believe _.A. business in other countries are not as competitive as those in the USAB. business problems are very important to the American governmentC. the competition in business plays a very imp

55、ortant role in AmericaD. American business is the most powerful one in the whole world基础知识一、单词拼写1. assignment 2. professional 3. colleagues 4. case 5. editor 6. department 7. accurate 8. approve 9. employ 10. appointment 11. concentrated 12. polishing 13. deliberately 14. acquired 15. guilty二、选词填空1.

56、 assistedwith2. inform of 3. are eager to 4. depends on5. accusedof 6. so as to7. ahead of 8. looking forward to 9. concentrated on 10. demanded to三、多项选择1-5 ABABC 6-10 ADADB 11-15 DBABA四、翻译句子1. I am delighted at/ with/by your success.2. We asked him to assist us in designing/to design a new bridge.3

57、. If you want to pass your examination, you will have to concentrate on your listening skills.4. The young man was accused of killing the reporter.5. The old mans blood pressure returned to normal soon.6. My father doesnt approve of my leaving school this year.7. I informed his mother of his safe ar

58、rival.8. Shes so lazy that its difficult to assess her ability.9. Its about time we updated our software.10. I make an appointment to meet him on Sunday.五、完成句子1. concentrate all his efforts on2. To his great delight3. that you ( should )submit your request to4. protect the environment from being polluted5. Hardly had they got to6. when you have acquired a good knowledge of7. Such is human nature8. Busy as you are9. denied taking money/having taken money10. in order not to miss能力提升六、完形填空ACCDB DAAAC DBBAB CABDC七、阅读理解DCBDA CBDACADABC


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