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四川省广安市岳池县第一中学高中英语外研版必修3导学案 MODULE 5 GREAT PEOPLE AND GREAT INVENTIONS OF ANCIENT CHINA 第2课时.doc_第1页
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四川省广安市岳池县第一中学高中英语外研版必修3导学案 MODULE 5 GREAT PEOPLE AND GREAT INVENTIONS OF ANCIENT CHINA 第2课时.doc_第2页
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四川省广安市岳池县第一中学高中英语外研版必修3导学案 MODULE 5 GREAT PEOPLE AND GREAT INVENTIONS OF ANCIENT CHINA 第2课时.doc_第3页
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四川省广安市岳池县第一中学高中英语外研版必修3导学案 MODULE 5 GREAT PEOPLE AND GREAT INVENTIONS OF ANCIENT CHINA 第2课时.doc_第4页
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四川省广安市岳池县第一中学高中英语外研版必修3导学案 MODULE 5 GREAT PEOPLE AND GREAT INVENTIONS OF ANCIENT CHINA 第2课时.doc_第5页
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1、Period 2 Reading学习目标: 1.知识和技能:让学生了解古代中国的一些伟人和发明 2.情感态度:培养文化意识 3.培养快速阅读的能力学习重点: 帮助学生准确理解课文并且用自己的话复述课文.学习难点: 良好阅读习惯和阅读能力的培养课前预习使用说明与学法指导:1. 了解背景知识加深对文章的理解2. 15分钟之内完成预习自测:课文原句背诵1_,he came from a family which was very poor.他出生于公元前476年,来自一个贫穷的家庭。2As a result,he _ where people would follow his teachings.因

2、此,他花了很多年试图找到一个人们会遵循他的学说的诸侯国。3However,we _ that in 1092 AD he invented printing.然而,我们的确知道,在公元1092年,他发明了印刷术。我的疑问:_课内探究质疑探究:I. Revision.1. an idea that influences the way you behave _2. to start an organisation or philosophy _3. the feeling that something is true and exists _4. when people obey laws an

3、d rules and do not cause trouble _ 5. to look after children until they are adults _6. give a lot of importance to _7. job _8. doing what he suggested _9. tell your employer that you are going to leave your job _ 10. someone who gives advice _11. having a lot of influence _II. Reading and understand

4、ing 1. Confucius stressed the importance of the following aspects except_A. Kindness B. friendship C. order D. duty2. Which is NOT the right statement about Mozi?A. He was known for his unusual clothes and behavior.B. He hated the idea of war.C. All his beliefs were the same as Confucius.D. He belie

5、ved all men were equal.3. Which belief by Mozi was similar to that of Confucius?A. We should love all human beings.B. The government shouldnt treat people badly.C. We should look after those who are weaker than ourselves.D. The government was most important.4. Whats main idea of the passage?A. The a

6、uthor wants to make people believe in the teachings by thinkers of ancient.B. The author wants to introduce three influential philosophers of ancient China.C. The author wants to tell interesting stories about three important teachers in ancient China.D. The author wants to show the history of philo

7、sophy in ancient China.5. Which shows the right order of time when the three great thinkers lived?A.Confucius- Mencius -Mozi B. Mencius-Mozi-ConfuciusC. Confucius-Mozi-Mencius D. Mozi- Mencius-Confucius6. From the text we can infer that_A. Only in time of war could philosophers produce great teachin

8、g.B. It was not easy to find a state where people would follow the thinkers teaching.C. Great philosophers must have been born in poor families.D. Influential philosophers wouldnt agree with each other.答案:B C D B C BIII. Read the text aloud and complete the following form.PhilosopherBorn timeMain id

9、easConfuciusMenciusMozi当堂检测:Complete the passage using the words and expressions given. stress bring up philosopher adviser influential resign philosophy equal teaching behaviour position unusual In Ancient China, there were many great _. Confucius is the greatest. He_ the importance of kindness, du

10、ty and order in society and these ideas influenced Chinese society for over 2,000 years. Menciuss_ were similar to those of Confucius. He was_ by his mother and became a student of Confucius ideas. Once he was given an important_ in the government. But he_ before long and became an_ to another ruler

11、. He wrote a book named The Book of Mencius containing all of his teachings. For example, people were more important than rulers. Mozi was also an _ teacher. He came from a poor family and was famous for his _ clothes and _. He founded the _ called Mohism. He believed all men were_. He taught we sho

12、uld love all human beings.课后反思:_课后训练阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 We were a group of people who took a bus to work every day. One of the 1 was a small old man who took the bus to the health centre every morning. He always 2 behind the driver. No one ever paid much 3 to him. But

13、 one July morning he said good morning to the driver and 4 at others. The driver nodded. The rest of us were 5 as usual. The next day, the old man got on the bus and said in a loud voice, “A very good 6 to you all!” Some of us looked up, 7 , and said, “Good morning.” From then on he said good mornin

14、g to us every day and we began to 8 to each other. One morning he had some flowers in his hand. The driver turned around 9 and asked, “Are these for me, Charlie?” We never got to know if his name was really “Charlie”, 10 he waved (挥动) the flowers and said 11 .People laughed. Every morning after that

15、 Charlie always 12 a flower. Until one morning Charlie wasnt 13 at his usual stop. And he wasnt there the next day and the day after that. What might have 14 to him? When we came nearer to the health centre, a woman 15 the driver to wait a moment. We all held our 16 when she went to the door. She sa

16、id she knew 17 we were talking about. The elderly gentleman was sick. They 18 him back on Monday. The next Monday when Charlie got on the bus, all of us who he had brought 19 to in that summer sat with a 20 in our hands. 1. A. passengersB. driversC. friendsD. workers 2. A. hidB. satC. shoutedD. slep

17、t3. A. interest B. energyC. attentionD. expectation4. A. called B. laughedC. pointedD. smiled5. A. upsetB. silentC. excitedD. bored6. A. tripB. mealC. morningD. time7. A. worriedB. tiredC. movedD. surprised8. A. introduceB. admitC. talkD. write9. A. politelyB. proudlyC. carefullyD. smilingly10. A. b

18、utB. soC. untilD. as11. A. sorryB. yesC. thanksD. hello12. A. boughtB. foundC. broughtD. wore13. A. walkingB. arrivingC. greetingD. waiting14. A. sent B. happenedC. spokenD. regarded15. A. orderedB. invited C. askedD. promised16. A. tearsB. flowersC. handsD. Breath17. A. whereB. whenC. who D. what18. A. keptB. gotC. lookedD. expected19. A. happinessB. luckC. concernD. power20. A. letter B. flowerC. cardD. ticket ABCDB CDCDA BCDBC DCDAB


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