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2020-2021学年九年级英语全册 单元写作训练 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected(含解析)(新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2020-2021学年九年级英语全册 单元写作训练 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected(含解析)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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1、Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.本话题主要涉及生活中那些出乎意料的事,主要运用记叙,可适当发挥自己的看法。有用表达:1. take a shower洗浴 2. leave my backpack at home把背包忘在家里 3. get back to school返回学校 4. start teaching开始教学 5. go off响铃 6. rush out the door冲出房门 7. give sb a lift捎某人一程 8. miss both events错过两个事件 9. full of unexpected充满着不可预知性

2、10. be about to do sth正要做某事 11. stare in disbelief at难以置信地盯着. 12. raise above the burning building从正在燃烧的楼上升起13. jump out of bed跳下床14. collect the math homework收数学作业 15. complete the work for my boss完成老板的工作16. make the apple pie制作苹果馅饼 17. show up赶到,出现 18. add the green beans加绿豆荚 19. get dressed紧张20.

3、hand in homework 上交作业 21. costume party化装舞会22. take place发生 23. play all kinds of tricks and jokes on each other相互开各种玩笑24. sell out卖完,售完 25. lose weight减肥 26. by the end of that day到那天结束时 27. end up以结束 28. get married结婚 29. have a happy ending有一个幸福的结局 30. fear spread across the whole country恐惧席卷整个国家

4、31. the unluckiest day of my life一生中最不幸的一天 32. head west 向西行驶 33. n the middle of the road在路中间i34. turn around 调头 35. make an unexpected discovery作一个出乎意料的发现36. cancel the plan取消计划 37. By the time I got outside, the bus had already gone. 当我出来时,公汽已经走了。38. When I got to school, I realized I had left my

5、 backpack at home.当我到达学校时,我才意识到我把背包忘在家里了。39. I didnt even brush my teeth or wash my face. 我甚至没有刷牙也没有洗脸。40. My bad luck had unexpectedly turned into a good thing.我的坏运气出乎意料地变成了好事。41. I am so glad that I canceled my plan to go to the market我是如此高兴以致取消了去商场的计划。【典型例题】假如你是Tom, 请记述你昨天不同寻常的一天:1. 闹钟没响,所以起床晚了;2

6、. 想洗澡时,爸爸已经在洗澡了;3.没吃早餐去赶公交,可到达公交站时车已经走了,只好跑到学校去;4.到达学校时,老师已经开始上课,对你的迟到感到很生气;5.交作业时发现作业放在家里了;6.历史课上受到老师的表扬,因为在家做了大量的准备工作。_【优秀范文】Yesterday was a really bad day for me.To start with, my alarm clock didnt go off so that I got up late. By the time I got up, my father had already gotten into the shower. T

7、hen I rushed to the bus stop without breakfast. By the time I got there, the bus had already left and I had to rushed to school. When I got to school, my teacher had already started teaching and he was really angry with me. Then it was time to hand in homework, but I had left it at home. I was reall

8、y embarrassed at that time.One good thing was that my history teacher said something good to me because I had done a lot to prepare for this class. It was the only good thing for me yesterday.Writing1(2020浙江衢州中考真题)假设你是Daming,以下是你的英国朋友Tony发给你的一封电子邮件,请根据该邮件内容给他回一封邮件。To:DamingFrom:TonySubject:Life with

9、 familyHi Daming, Long time no see. Ive never spent so much time staying at home like this holiday. So I have more chances to stay with my family, I have a deep feeling of their love. And I want to do something for them, but I have no idea about it. What do you often do to show your love to your fam

10、ily? And whats the best way to spend your time together? Hope to get your reply soon!Yours,Tony要求:1考生需按电子邮件格式完成整封邮件:2邮件中不能出现真实姓名、校名等相关信息;3词数:90110。To:From:Subject:_【范文】To:TonyFrom:DamingSubject:Life with familyHi Tony,Im glad that we both have a wonderful family time these days. Deeply touched by th

11、eir love, I try to do something to show my love, too. As you know, I was a lazy boy. But now things change a lot. I often help Mum with housework, such as sweeping, washing and so on. Can you believe I can cook now? My parents are proud to see Im growing. As for the common time with the family toget

12、her, I think the best way is to do something alike. Last time Dad and I enjoyed a wonderful film together, and then shared our feelings. What a brilliant time! Hope this helps!Yours,Daming【解析】1.题干解读:本题属于书信作文,写作时要注意书信标准格式。文章主要内容在于解答托尼在来信中提出的两个问题,即“大明通过做什么事来表现对家人的爱”和“与家人在一起时最好做些什么事”。2.写作指导:本文是大明阐述自己的经

13、历叙述和建议,应用第一人称进行写作,叙述的经历已经发生则应用一般过去时,其他事实陈述则用一般现在时。文章思路要清晰,解答题目中所列问题,并注意单词拼写及时态。Writing2(2020浙江海宁初三一模) 假如你是李华,你校每年都举行英语演讲比赛,今年的演讲主题是The English Novel I Like Best。你是去年的英语演讲冠军,请你在比赛开始前做一个简短发言。发言内容包括:The purpose of the competitionImprove students listening and speaking skills Form good habits of reading

14、 English novels Your advice for the speakersFinish your speech within 5 minutes Speak clearly and loudly Use your body languages Your wish for the competition 注意:1. 发言必须包括以上提示内容,并适当发挥;2. 词数:100左右;3. 发言稿的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入词数。Good afternoon, everyone, Welcome to this years English speech competition. _Than

15、k you!【范文】Good afternoon, everyone, Welcome to this years English speech competition. I feel greatly honored to be standing here and introduce to you this competition. As we know, being part of this competition can offer us a good chance to improve our listening and speaking skills. It can also help

16、 us form good habits of reading English novels. Here is some advice for the speakers who are going to compete in this years competition. First, make sure to finish your speech within 5 minutes. Second, try to speak clearly and loudly and put your idea across to the audience. Also, using your body la

17、nguages in proper ways can always make yourself better understood. Lastly, I want to give my best wishes to all the speakers on stage. Thank you!【解析】题干解读:该题属于演讲稿写作。写作时要注意文章的格式和表格里的信息要写齐全。写作指导:例文采用五段式,第一大段表达自己的心情;第二大段陈述比赛的目的;第三大段陈述对演讲者的建议,第四大段表达对演讲者的祝愿;第五大段致谢。结构清晰,段落分明。主要用第三人称,第一人称复数来进行写作;时态采用一般现在时为主

18、。Writing3(2020全国初三单元测试) 假如你是Kate,今天发生了一些不开心的事,请你根据提示以“An unlucky day”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。要点:1.因为闹钟没有响,早上起床晚了;2没赶上校车,不得不步行去上学;3到校后,老师让交家庭作业时,才发现作业落在了家里;4文章结尾进行总结:糟糕的一天。An unlucky day _【范文】An unlucky dayI got up late this morning because my alarm clock didnt go off. When I woke up, it was 7:10. So I washed

19、 my face quickly and ran to the bus stop without breakfast. By the time I got there,the school bus had already gone. I missed it. So I had to walk to school. Finally, when I got to school, it was already 9:10. I was late for class. When the teacher asked for my homework, I found I had left it at hom

20、e. What a bad day it was!【解析】1.题干解读:本篇材料作文要求以Kate的身份,用第一人称的方式讲述不开心的一天;讲述过去的事情,用一般过去时;书写时要注意用全所给材料,文句通顺,内容完整。2.例文点评:本例文按时间顺序got up late this morning7:10.By the time I got there,when I got to schoolWhen the teacher asked for my homework讲述今天发生过不愉快的事情,文字表达清楚,内容完整连贯。3.高分亮点:短语:get up late;wash my face qui

21、ckly ;run to the bus stop without breakfast;be late for class.;ask for;leave it at home句型:原因状语从句I got up late this morning because my alarm clock didnt go off.;时间状语从句By the time I got there, the school bus had already gone;宾语从句When the teacher asked for my homework, I found I had left it at home;感叹句

22、What a bad day it was!【点睛】本篇是材料作文,书写前要认真他阅读题干,了解题干的要求,叙述发生过的事情用一般过去式时;书写时要围绕题干提示的要点,按时间顺序、有条理地讲述自己不幸的一天。Writing4(2020全国初三课时练习)假如你是李华,今天你去省城买电脑,却经历了倒霉的一天。请你根据下面表格中所给的提示内容,用英语写一篇日记。At 8:30 a. m. 到达汽车站后发现没有带钱包,于是返回家去取At 9:30 a. m. 坐上公交车,但由于交通阻塞而受堵(be stuck in a traffic jam)一个小时At 11:30 a. m. 到达商店后发现自己喜

23、欢的那款电脑已经卖完了,于是花了很长时间挑选另一款电脑At 6:30 p. m. 赶到汽车站发现最后一班车已经走了,不得不打车回家December 30,Sunday,Fine _ 【范文】December 30,SundayFineToday I went to buy a computer,but some bad things happened to me. By the time I arrived at the bus station at 8:30 a. m. ,I found I had left my wallet at home, so I went back to get

24、it. At 9:00 a. m. ,I got on the bus,but I was stuck in a traffic jam for an hour. At 11:30 a. m. ,when I got to the shop, I was told that the computer I liked had been sold out. Then it took me a long time to choose another kind of computer. Finally, when I hurried to the bus station at 6:30 p. m.,I

25、 found the last bus had left. I had to go home by taxi. What a bad day!【解析】1. 题干解读:文章主要是围绕“去省城买电脑”这件事情而发生的不顺利的一些事情的描述。把表格中的内容按照顺序描写清楚具体即可,要注意时态的应用。2. 例文点评:文章分四段描写。第一段开篇点题说明要去买电脑,但是发生了一些糟糕的事情;第二段写在去的途中发生的一些事情;第三段描写在买电脑的过程中发生的一些事情;第四段总结这糟糕的一天。整个文章结构完整,语言表达井然有序,用词合适,意思明确易懂。3. 高分亮点:短语:happen to;arrive a

26、t;get on;traffic jam;sell out;hurry to。句型:but连接的并列句;by the time引导的时间状语从句;when引导的时间状语从句;What引导的感叹句。Writing5(2019山东初三单元测试)根据下面的中文提示,写一篇语句通顺、意思连贯的短文,可增加内容,词数不少于80。提示:一天晚上,Amy去看电影。在去电影院的路上,她发现忘记带电影票了,所以不得不回家去取。当她到达电影院时,电影已经开演半个多小时了。电影非常有趣,她很遗憾没有看到电影的开头。_【范文】One day Amy wanted to see a film. On her way h

27、ome she bought a ticket and put it in her schoolbag. When she got home, she put her schoolbag on the chair, and she had a quick supper and went to the cinema. On the way she realized she forgot to take the ticket with her, so she had to go back to get it. When she hurried to the cinema, the film had

28、 been on for more than half an hour. The film was very interesting, but she felt very sorry that she didnt see the beginning of the film.【解析】1.题干解读:本文是一个小故事,属于记叙文写作。先交代故事发生的原因,接着叙述经过,最后是结果。2.例文点评:这篇习作是“总分总”结构,结构完整。主要用第三人称叙述,时态是一般过去时态为主,过程清楚,重点突出,表达条理,是一篇优秀的习作。3.高分亮点:短语:want to do, see a film, on one

29、s way home, put it in her schoolbag, get home, go back, have to do, the beginning of句型:On her way home she bought a ticket and put it in her schoolbag.(并列结构)On the way she realized she forgot to take the ticket with her(宾语从句)When she got home, she put her schoolbag on the chair,(时间状语从句)【点睛】书面表达题既不是汉

30、译英,也不是可任意发挥的作文。它要求将所规定的材料内容经整理后展开思维,考查运用所学英语知识准确表达意思的能力。所以,考生不能遗漏要点,要尽量使用自己熟悉的单词、短语和句式,如when引导的时间状语从句,尽可能使用高级词汇和较复杂的句式结构以便得到较高的分数。Writing6(2019全国初三单元测试)今天是你最不幸运的一天,昨晚因为所以今天早晨起床起床后发现没有当你赶到车站时当你跑到学校时,听见老师已经在教室里坐下后又发现吃午饭时又发现没有带放学到家时又不能进门,因为请根据所给信息以“ My Most Unlucky Day”为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文。My Most Unlucky D

31、ay_【范文】My Most Unlucky DayToday is my most unlucky day. I kept on watching an interesting TV play last night and didnt go to bed until 12 oclock. And my alarm clock didnt go off in the morning. So I got up quite late. After I got up, I found my parents had gone to work, and they didnt buy breakfast

32、for me. When I hurried to the bus stop without breakfast, the bus had already gone. So I had to run to school. When I reached school, I heard our English teacher had begun his class. After I sat down on my chair, I realized that I had left my school bag at home. At noon when I got ready to have lunc

33、h, I found that I hadnt taken any money with me. When I got home in the afternoon after school, I couldnt find my key to the door, because I had left it in the desk.What an unlucky day!【解析】这篇作文要求我们以My Most Unlucky Day为题,介绍自己这不幸运的一天是怎么度过的。题目中给出了一个大概的提纲,但是不完整的,我们需要将这些不完整的部分补充完整,使之成为内容充实的一篇文章,然后用正确的英语表


35、详尽的描述,使文章更加的充实、丰富。短文结构清晰,叙述有条理,按照时间和事情发生的顺序进行叙述。其次短文中使用了正确的时态和人称,文章以第一人称、一般过去时态来叙述,符合题目要求,谓语动词变成了过去式,尤其是注意了不规则动词过去式的变化,例如got, kept, had, found, left, heard等。语法规范,句式结构以简单句为主,也使用了状语从句、宾语从句等复合句以及非谓语动词等复杂结构,提升了作文水平。短文中较好的句型有I kept on watching an interesting TV play last night and didnt go to bed until 12 oclock.、After I got up, I found my parents had gone to work, and they didnt buy breakfast for me、When I reached school, I heard our English teacher had begun his class、When I got home in the afternoon after school, I couldnt find my key to the door, because I had left it in the desk.等等。


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