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优化方案2013高二英语总复习电子题库 重庆专用:UNIT6 SECTIONⅢ知能演练轻巧夺冠(重大版选修6) WORD版含答案.doc

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优化方案2013高二英语总复习电子题库 重庆专用:UNIT6 SECTIONⅢ知能演练轻巧夺冠(重大版选修6) WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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优化方案2013高二英语总复习电子题库 重庆专用:UNIT6 SECTIONⅢ知能演练轻巧夺冠(重大版选修6) WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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优化方案2013高二英语总复习电子题库 重庆专用:UNIT6 SECTIONⅢ知能演练轻巧夺冠(重大版选修6) WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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优化方案2013高二英语总复习电子题库 重庆专用:UNIT6 SECTIONⅢ知能演练轻巧夺冠(重大版选修6) WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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优化方案2013高二英语总复习电子题库 重庆专用:UNIT6 SECTIONⅢ知能演练轻巧夺冠(重大版选修6) WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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1、.品句填词The crowd_(散开)when the police came to the spot.An _(冰冷的)wind blowing,no one preferred to stay at home rather than go out.Sophia stood,_(凝视)at the beautiful picture.The doctor told him to_(放松)a month before going back to work.Her cheeks_(脸红)for a moment with pleasure.答案:1.scattered2.icy3.gazing4

2、.relax5.flushed.选词填空take it easy,communicate with,do good to,at the foot of,out of sightAs we know,taking exercise every day_your health._Id like to take care of your pet when you go on a travel.We waved until the car was_of Mount Tai is my hometown.While he was in prison he was not allowed to_his f

3、amily.答案:1.does good to2.Take it easy3.out of sight4.At the foot ofmunicate with.单项填空Watching too much TV_your eyes.Adoes harm toBis harmful forCdoes wrong to Ddo harm to解析:选A。句意:看电视太多对眼睛有害。do harm to“对有害”。doing形式作主语时谓语动词用单数。It is _to protect the traditional culture.Aimportantly Bof great importance

4、Cof very importance Dof important解析:选B。句意:保护传统文化是非常重要的。考查“be ofn.”结构。The train went round and was soon_Aout of order Bout of sightClose sight of Dcatch sight of解析:选B。句意:火车转弯不久就不见了。out of order“混乱的”;out of sight“看不见”;lose sight of“看不见”是动词短语,catch sight of“看见”。_by his words,all the audience clapped no

5、w and then until his address came to an end.AImpressed BImpressingCTo be impressed DHaving impressed解析:选A。根据上下文的语境,impress与句子中的audience之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词作状语;B、D两项为主动语态;C项不定式位于句首表示目的。Teachers should keep students_a distance,but not _the distance.Aat;in Bin;inCat;at Din;at解析:选A。考查由distance构成的短语。句意:老师应该跟学生

6、保持一定的距离,但又不要距离太远。keep (sb.)at a distance与(某人)保持一定距离,in the distance在远处,此处表示距离远,故应选at 和in。He returned from a long journey,_Aexhaust BexhaustedCto exhaust Dexhausting解析:选B。句意:他长途旅行回来,精疲力尽。形容词作伴随状语表状态。Being somewhat shortsighted,she had the habit of_at people.Aglancing BglaringCgazing Dscanning解析:选C。句意

7、:由于眼睛有点近视,她习惯盯着人看。gaze意为“凝视”;glance意为“看一眼,扫视”;glare意为“怒目而视”,常含有生气或威胁之意;scan意为“浏览,审视”。根据句意和语境可知选C。Mr. Pearson_regarded this as a great joke.Aslightly BevidentlyClikely Dlonely解析:选B。句意:很显然Mr. Pearson把这看作一个大笑话了。evidently“显然地”;slightly“稍微地”;likely和lonely均为形容词。After they got married,they decided to move

8、back to the village and _here.Aput down Bcalm downCset down Dsettle down解析:选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们结婚之后打算搬回到农村在那里定居下来。settle down “定居”put down“放下,镇压”;calm down“(使)平静下来”;set down“记下,放下”。根据句意可知选D。As is known to all,a _diet should keep your body healthy.Abalance BbalancedCbalancing Dbalance of解析:选B。a balanced

9、 diet“均衡的饮食”。.完形填空My first job was at a local restaurant,where I worked for seven years.Being a waitress changed my_1_I tried my best to do what I loved_2_people.I always made everyone,customers and coworkers,_3_good.One of my_4_customers was Fred Hasbrook.He _5_came for breakfast on Sunday mornings

10、._6_I saw the old man coming,I always smiled at him and _7_him the best service.One day,Fred saw me and asked,“_8_?Youre not smiling today.”I told him that I dreamed of having my own_9_.But when I called my parents to ask for a loan(贷款),they said,“We just dont have the _10_”“Fred,”I said to the old

11、man,“I know I can_11_more if somebody would just have faith in me.”The next day,Fred came and _12_me a check totaling$50,000along with a _13_that read,“The only collateral(抵押品)on this loan is my _14_in your honesty as a person.Good people with a dream should have the chance to_15_that dream.”I accep

12、ted the money and made plans for the restaurant I would_16_Things did not go well.My plans_17_,and I lost the money.Later I decided to_18_a job at Merrill Lynch.Even though I had no experience,I was_19_and became a prettygood agent(经纪人)_20_I paid back Fred the $50,000.Five years later,I was able to

13、open my own firm. A. workB. lifeC. attitude D. opinion解析:选B。句意:作者当饭店招待员时,认识了弗莱德哈斯布鲁克,因为弗莱德哈斯布鲁克的信任,使她得到实现自己梦想的资金,最终有了自己的公司,故在饭店作女招待改变了她的人生(life)。A. pleasing B. serving C. supporting D. understanding解析:选B。从上文“Being a waitress.”可推知,她的工作是招待(serve)人。 A. seem B. remainC. feel D. stay解析:选C。句意:我总是让每一个人、顾客、

14、同事感觉(feel)舒服。 A. daily B. ordinaryC. normal D. regular解析:选D。从下文“He_5_came for breakfast on Sunday mornings.”可推知,弗莱德哈斯布鲁克是定期(regular)来用餐的顾客。A. ever B. seldomC. even D. always解析:选D。句意:他总是(always)星期天早晨来吃早点。A. As soon as B. Every timeC. Because D. Since答案:BA. left B. madeC. got D. offered解析:选D。句意:每次(eve

15、ry time)看到弗莱德哈斯布鲁克来了,我总是微笑着,给他提供(offer)最好的服务。A. Is it OK B. Are you readyC. Whats up D. Whats that解析:选C。从下一句话“Youre not smiling today”可推知,弗莱德哈斯布鲁克感觉“我”可能遇到什么事情,故问其原因。whats up在此意思是“怎么啦”。A. house B. wayC. restaurant D. company解析:选C。从下文“.made plans for the restaurant I would_16_”可推知此处用restaurant。A. tim

16、e B. moneyC. courage D. luck解析:选B。从上文“.ask for a loan(贷款).”可推知此处用money。A. do B. giveC. have D. share解析:选A。从语境中可知,作者借钱是要实现自己的抱负,是想有一番作为。故此处意为“如果有人信任我,我会做得更多”。A. handed B. showedC. bought D. lent解析:选A。从下文可知弗莱德哈斯布鲁克借给了“我”一笔钱,故此处用“递给(hand)我一张支票”符合语境。A. gift B. noteC. picture D. book解析:选B。由下文直接引语的内容可以推知,

17、这是一张条子上写的内容,因此该空应用note。A. wish B. trustC. guess D. demand解析:选B。句意:这个借款的唯一抵押品就是我对你诚实的信任(trust)。A. express B. proveC. realize D. explain解析:选C。句意:有梦想的好人应该有实现(realize)梦想的机会。A. visit B. introduceC. sell D. open解析:选D。此处用open,意为“开办”。A. finished B. changedC. succeeded D. failed解析:选D。从上文“Things did not go we

18、ll.”和下文“.and I lost the money.”可推知,“我”的计划失败(fail)了。A. keep on with B. put up withC. apply for D. give up解析:选C。从下文“Even though I had no experience,I was_19_and became a prettygood agent(经纪人)”可推知,“我”决定申请 一份工作。A. paid B. employedC. interviewed D. praised解析:选B。从下文“became a prettygood agent”可推知,“我”被雇用(em

19、ployed)了。A. Generally B. ActuallyC. Finally D. Fortunately解析:选C。因为“我”经历了失败的挫折,故此处用finally(终于)符合语境。.阅读理解(2012浙江金华十校联考)She is a cute,quiet girl.As a daughter,she has no secrets from her mother,who is very pleased with her. But recently she has become somewhat mysterious,and not so open as before. She

20、has a diary that she keeps under lock and key. Her mother cannot help worrying about her: what if she falls in love,which is too early for a girl of her age? After all she is reaching the “dangerous stage”. These thoughts have caused trouble in the mothers mind.One weekend the girl came to tell her

21、mother that she was going to the cinema with her schoolmate and would return late. This was the first time her mother agreed,and she couldnt help worrying because her daughter had never been away at night before. The mother waited till nine and her uneasiness got the upper hand over her. She decided

22、 to go out to meet her daughter. Just at that moment the noise of a car pulling up drew her to the window andthere was her daughter, waving goodbye to a boy. Her heart missed a beat. When the girl came in,the mother was watching TV,pretending nothing had happened. “Mum, Im back.”“Yeah.”“Sorry to be

23、late. Still sitting up? ”“Yes, Oh,that. Whos that boy?”The daughter was stunned for a moment. “Ah. Its my monitor. He gave me a lift on his way home. Mum,Im going to bed. ”“All right. Go to sleep early.”Next morning when the mother went to the daughters room to do some tidying,she found her diary le

24、ft at her pillow. After a few minutes hesitation she eventually opened it to the entry of the night before. It reads: Mum,its love that made you ask, but it would show your understanding of me if you hadnt.Holding the diary,the mother fell into thought.Which is the correct order according to the sto

25、ry?a. She took a lift back in her monitors car.b. She went to see a film with her schoolmate.c. She wrote in her diary to her mother.d. Her mother pretended to watch TV.e. Her mother worried about her daughters returning late.Ab,e,a,d,cBe,b,a,d,cCb,a,e,d,c Db,e,a,c,d解析:选A。通读全文可知,A项的顺序与原文内容一致。Which o

26、f the following is TRUE according to the story?A. The girl knew her mother would ask her the question about the boy.B. What the daughter did recently had worried her mother.C. The mother was eager to read her daughters diary the next day.D. The girls diary was always unlocked.解析:选B。由第一段第三至第五句话可知,女儿最

27、近表现有些反常,这让母亲很担心。 The main purpose of this article is to show that parents should_A. care about what their children really think and feelB. not give much freedom to their childrenC. talk with their children about their early loveD. keep silent about their childrens privacy(隐私)解析:选A。通读全文并结合文章倒数第二段中女儿日记本上的话可知,A项正确。Which can be the best title for this story?A. Mothers True LoveB. Early Love Between StudentsC. To Ask or Not to AskDDangerous Age解析:选C。文章告诉我们,刚开始时这位母亲虽然对女儿有所怀疑,但她犹豫不决,没有问;而最终还是没有忍住,问了女儿。因此C项作为标题很恰当,表现出母亲对这个问题的犹豫不决,符合文章内容。版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()


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