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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家话题词汇1company n陪伴;同伴2available adj.可用的;可得到的3departure n启程;离开;出发4arrival n到来;到达5intend v想要;打算6destination n目的地7get lost迷路8feel at home感觉自在;无拘束9settle in安顿下来;迁入新居10at ones service为服务经典语篇假设由你接待一组来自美国的中学生代表团。该团经深圳、湖南等地,在北京只停留两天。团长向你征求在北京的旅行计划,请按以下提示给出你的口头建议:1首先去长城。长城是世界最古老最长的防御墙,是世界奇迹之一,有

2、两千多年的悠久历史,全部由人工建成,令世人惊叹。2其次是故宫。它建于1406年,曾有24位皇帝在那儿居住过;皇帝在那儿发号施令。参观它,可以更多地了解中国历史。3对其停留时间短暂深感遗憾,否则,可以参观更多的具有历史意义的地方和景区,如颐和园、北海公园等。注意:词数100左右。参考词汇:发号施令issue orders;令人惊奇amazing佳作欣赏Well,the first place that I advise you to visit is the Great Wall,the longest and oldest wall in the world,which is said to

3、be one of the wonders in the world.It has a history of more than twenty centuries.It is amazing to see such a huge wall was made entirely by hand.The other place worth visiting is the Palace Museum,which was built in 1406.Twentyfour emperors once lived there.From there the ruling emperors issued ord

4、ers.You can learn a lot about Chinese history by visiting this Palace.What a pity that you cant stay longer!Otherwise,you could visit many other historic places and beautiful scenes such as the Summer Palace,the Bei Hai Park. 思维发散1仿照第句用“序数词that定语从句”完成句子With Change3 successfully landing,China has bee

5、n the third country in the world that has landed on the moon.随着嫦娥3号成功着陆,中国已经成了世界上第三个在月球上着陆的国家。(2016安徽阜阳一中月考)2将第句改为and连接的并列句and it is said to be one of the wonders in the world.3将第句改为简单句The other place worth visiting is the Palace Museum built in 1406.4将第句进行句型转换Otherwise,you could visit many other hi

6、storic places and beautiful scenes like the Summer Palace,the Bei Hai Park. .重点单词A写作单词1apology (n.)道歉,认错apologize (vi.)道歉;表示歉意2laughter (n.)笑;笑声laugh (vi.)笑,嘲笑3majority (n.)大半,大多数minority (n.)少数;少数民族4anyhow (adv.)总之,反正;不管怎样5manners (n.)礼貌6movement (n.)动作;活动7familiar (adj.)熟悉的,常见的8arrival (n.)到达,抵达ar

7、rive (vi.)到达9stare (vi.)盯着看,凝视10spoken (adj.)口头的speak (vt.)讲,说speaker (n.)演讲者,讲话人11educator (n.)教育者educate (vt.)教育education (n.)教育;培训12belong (vi.)适应;属于belongings (n.)财物13forgive (vt.)宽恕,饶恕B阅读单词14owe (vt.)欠(情、债等)15absorb (vt.)理解,掌握;吸收16brief (adj.)短暂的,简短的17expectation (n.)期待的事物,预期expect (vt.)预料;期待18

8、exchange (vt.)兑换,交换19reasonable (adj.)合理的,正当的reason (n.)理由20tasty (adj.)美味的taste (v.)品尝;尝起来(n.)味觉21foggy (adj.)多雾的fog (n.)雾22modest (adj.)谦虚的;适度的23indicate (vt.)表明;表示indication (n.)表明;标示;显示24informal (adj.)非正式的formal (adj.)正式的25curiously (adv.)奇怪地;好奇地curious (adj.)好奇的curiosity (n.)好奇;好奇心26request (n

9、.)请求27aspect (n.)方面28cautious (adj.)小心翼翼的,谨慎的29whisper (vi.&n.)低语,耳语30conduct (vt.)指挥;实施conductor (n.)指挥;售票员;列车长31injure (vt.)伤害injury (n.)受伤injured (adj.)受伤的32attach (vt.)喜欢,依恋;系,固定33contrary (adj.)相反的(n.)相反34broad (adj.)各种各样的;广阔的35addition (n.)相加,增加物.重点短语1get used to习惯于2give.a lift让搭车3see.off给送行4a

10、t least至少5drop sb.off让某人下车6hang on不挂断(电话)7insist on坚持8take sth.seriously认真对待某事9bring an end to sth.结束某事10be sensitive to sth.对某事敏感,易受影响.经典句式1I had a similar experience the last time I visited China.我上次访问中国时有一次类似的经历。2I dont know what your expectations are of London,but knowing that youve never travel

11、led outside of Asia,I thought Id tell you a bit about what you can expect to find.我不知道您对伦敦有什么期望,但是我知道您从来没有到过亚洲以外的地方旅行,所以我应该告诉您一些这里您要知道的情况。3I think we should consider staying in the English countryside for a few nights as I know you enjoy hiking.我知道你喜欢远足,我想我们应该在英国乡村住几天。4I wonder if theyll ever forgiv

12、e the way theyve been treated.我想知道他们是否会原谅他们已被对待的方式。5When I first arrived in San Francisco, I had a difficult time understanding certain aspects of the American way of doing things.刚到旧金山时,有段时间我很难理解某些美国人的处事方式。.课文语法填空Xiaojin writes a letter to Aunt Mei,1.saying(say) that she has been in London for 6 mo

13、nths and that she owes Aunt Mei an 2.apology(apologize) for not writing more often.She has been busy 3.studying(study) and trying to absorb all the new things.There is so much here 4.that is different from home.She wishes Aunt Meis visit not to be so brief and tells her a bit about 5.what she can ex

14、pect to find.She tells Aunt Mei the food in London and about the British tipping system and ways 6.to exchange(exchange) travelers cheques at banks.7.Additionally(addition),she suggests they 8.(should) stay (stay) in the English countryside to wander 9.through the fields and so on.At last she says t

15、he majority of British people are 10.friendly(friend) and she has made some good friends.1owe v.欠(账、钱、人情等);归因于;归功于多词一义owing to,because of,on account of,due to(1)owe sb.sth.owe sth.to sb.欠某人某物;把归功于owe it to sb.to do sth.(为了感谢某人)应该做,有义务做(2)owing to由于(1)I owe the garage 20 for the new tyre.因那个新轮胎我欠汽车修理

16、厂20美元。(2)He owes a great deal to his publishers.他对他的出版商感激涕零。多维训练(1)完成句子He helped you a lot.You owe it to him to invite him to dinner(该请他吃顿饭)Owing to/Because of/Due to(由于) the rain,the match was cancelled.He owes it to his father(归功于他爸爸) that he got the job.(2)单句改错She owes to herself to finish the wo

17、rk by the end of the day.owes后加it2absorb v.吸收(液体、气体等)(take in);吸引全部注意力(attract);使全神贯注(interest sb.very much);使并入,吞并(1)absorb ones attention吸引某人的注意absorb.from.从中吸收(2)be absorbed in全神贯注于be absorbed by/into被吞并(吸引)(1)International affairs absorb his attention.他专心研究国际问题。(2)She was absorbed in the book.她专

18、心于这本书。特别提醒表示“全神贯注”的常见短语还有:be lost in,be buried in,fix/focus ones attention on,devote.to,concentrate ones mind on,apply oneself to,be addicted to等。多维训练(1)单句语法填空Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.Most little shops have been absorbed into/by big businesses.After absorb

19、ing(absorb) enough water,the plants grow well.(2)同义句改写He was so absorbed in TV that he forgot to sleep.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)Absorbed in TV,he forgot to sleep. 3exchange n.交换;互换(giving and receiving);交流(communication);兑换;v.调换;交换;交流(communicate);兑换(change)应试指导写作高频词汇:(1)交换生 exchange students;(2)交流思想 exchange

20、thoughts/ideas(1)exchange A for B 拿A换Bexchange sth.with sb.与某人交换某物(2)in exchange (for)作为(对的)交换(1)I wish to exchange it for another camera or declare a refund.我希望可以换一台相机,否则我要求退款。(2)He exchanged a quick smile with her then entered the lift.他和她匆匆相视一笑,然后走进了电梯。图解助记多维训练(1)单句语法填空Where can I exchange my dol

21、lars for pounds?I exchanged seats with Bill.He gave me an apple in exchange for a piece of cake.(2)同义句改写用动词exchange改写上题句He exchanged an apple with me for a piece of cake.4majority n.多数,大多数(1)in a/the majority占大多数the majority of多数(2)minority n.少数;少数民族in a/the minority占少数a minority of少数(1)The majority

22、 of people seem to prefer TV to radio.多数人喜欢电视胜过广播。(2)Only a minority of British households do not have a car.英国只有少数家庭没有汽车。特别提醒the majority单独作主语时,谓语动词可用单数也可用复数。“the/a majority of名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数与of后面的名词保持一致。多维训练(1)单句语法填空The majority was/were(be) in favor of the proposal.The majority who attended the me

23、eting yesterday were (be) students.The majority of the damage is(be) easy to repair.(2)完成句子Therere some people opposed to the plan,but they are in a/the minority(占少数)In the nursing profession,women are in a/the majority(占大多数)5request vt.& n.要求;请求(ask;ask for)应试指导虚拟语气的考查(1)request sb.to do sth.请求某人做某

24、事,request sth.from sb.向某人要求某物,request that.(should) do.要求(2)at ones requestat the request of sb.应某人的要求(1)You are kindly requested not to smoke.请不要吸烟。(2)He requested a loan from a bank yesterday.昨天他向银行申请了贷款。特别提醒动词request后的宾语从句以及名词request后的表语从句、同位语从句都要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词为“(should)动词原形”。多维训练同义句改写(1)We requeste

25、d Mr.Wang not to smoke in the office.We requested that Mr.Wang (should) not smoke in the office.(2)It is requested that all the club members attend the annual meeting.All the club members are requested to attend the annual meeting.(3)He requested that he should be transferred to another department.H

26、e was transferred to another department at his own request.6familiar adj.熟悉的;常见的应试指导作为高级词汇替换wellknownsb.be familiar with.某人对熟悉sth.be familiar to sb.某人熟悉be on familiar terms with熟悉;关系亲近的,亲密的(1)He is a familiar figure in the neighborhood.他在这个地区是大家熟悉的人物。(2)The voice on the phone sounded familiar to me.

27、电话里的声音我听起来很熟悉。多维训练单句语法填空(1)Broadband networking technology is familiar to him.(2)You certainly seem to be on familiar terms with him.(3)Are you familiar with English sounds yet?7bear vt.承受;忍耐;运送;生(孩子)多词一义bear,stand,tolerate,put up withbear doing/to do.忍受做bear sb./sb.s doing.容忍某人做bear sb.to do.忍受某人做k

28、eep/bear sth.in mind牢记(1)They will have to bear the misery of living in constant fear of war.他们不得不忍受长期生活在战争恐惧中的痛苦。(2)Bear in mind that success comes from hard work.记住:成功来自于努力。特别提醒(1)bear表示“容忍,忍耐”时多与can/could连用,且多用于否定句和疑问句中。(2)bear的过去分词形式,作“生育,生产”讲时用borne;作“出生”或“出身”时用born。多维训练(1)单句语法填空Mary has borne

29、him six sons and the eldest son was born in 1970.(bear)He cant bear being laughed/to be laughed(laugh) at.I cant bear him treating/to treat(treat) his parents like that.(2)一句多译那个妇女已生了两个孩子。The woman has borne two children.(bear)The woman has given birth to two children.(birth)The woman has been deliv

30、ered of two children.(deliver)8spot n.斑点;污渍;地点;场所;v.看见;发现(1)on the spot当场;在现场(2)be spotted with满是的斑点spot sb.doing.发现某人做(1)She has a white dress with blue spots.她有一件白底蓝点的连衣裙。(2)I finally spotted my friend in the crowd.我终于在人群中发现了我的朋友。多维训练(1)单句语法填空He spotted his friend talking (talk) with someone in th

31、e distance.The young man,who was the only man on the spot,was told to set down what he saw.(2015黄冈调研)(2)单句改错The thief was spotted run away from the entrance to the building.runrunningHis trousers spotted with ink.spotted前加were9curiously adv.奇怪地;好奇地多维训练(1)完成句子The letter wasnt addressed to me but I op

32、ened it out of curiosity.那封信不是写给我的,然而我出于好奇把它拆开了。Its curious that he left without saying goodbye.真奇怪,他不辞而别了。“What have you got in there?” Felix asked with curiosity.Felix好奇地问,“你在那儿得到了什么?”So curious were the couple about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.那

33、对夫妇对野生植物那么好奇以至于他们决定去Madagascar作进一步的研究。(用倒装语序)(2)同义句改写He was curious about Australian cities,so he read the book written by Dr.Johnson.(用形容词短语作状语改写)Curious about Australian cities,he read the book written by Dr.Johnson.10cautious adj.小心翼翼的;谨慎的多维训练(1)单句语法填空The governments are very cautious about setti

34、ng a new policy and make no decision until they are quite sure it is the right one.The teacher cautioned him against being late.He has been cautioned(caution) not to be late several times already.(2)同义句改写Those numbers need to be treated cautiously.Those numbers need to be treated with caution.11cond

35、uct v.组织,实施;传导;指挥;带领,引导;处理;举止,表现;n.行为;举止多维训练(1)写出下列句子中conduct的汉语意思Our guide conducted us round the whole tourist attraction.带领Do all the metals conduct electricity?传导You should conduct yourself at any time.行为,举止A longterm study conducted by the medical school shows that babies of smoking mothers wil

36、l be less healthy than those of nonsmoking mothers.组织,实施(2)单句改错Conducted yourself or Ill give you a thick ear!ConductedConduct12belong vi.适应,属于多维训练(1)用belong的正确形式填空The book belonging to him is on the desk.Poetry written from the perspective of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lac

37、k of sense of belonging.He was identified only by his uniform and personal belongings.(2)单句改错Put it back where it belongs to.去掉to13contrary adj.相反的多维训练(1)You didnt bother me.Just (Quite) the contrary(恰恰相反),I like your company.(2)I admit that your opinion is contrary to mine(与我的相反)(3)Any assertion(断言

38、) to the contrary(与此相反的) is simply not true.(4)Contrary to my expectation(跟我的预料相反),he won the speech competition.14see.off给送行多维训练短语填空see as,see.off,see to,see through(1)Ill see to it that he will not be late tomorrow.(2)He could see through her lies.(3)This was seen as an attempt to fool the voters.

39、(4)Anne saw Terry off at the station yesterday.15bring an end to (bring sth.to an end)结束;终止多维训练(1)同义句改写The meeting came to an end.We put/brought an end to the meeting.We brought the meeting to an end.(2)完成句子That job came to an end last month.那项工作上个月完成了。Since Mike lost his job,we cant make ends meet.

40、自从迈克失业以后,我们不能维持生计。16Would you mind giving me and my schoolmate a lift to school?,你能让我和我的同学搭你的车去上学吗?句型公式:Would you mind doing.?mind表示“介意,反对”,常用于下列句型:Would/Do you mind doing.?请你做好吗?Would/Do you mind ones doing.?某人做你反对吗?Would you mind if.did.?某人做你介意吗?Do you mind if.do.?某人做你介意吗?应注意该句型的答语:表示不介意多使用:Of cou

41、rse not./Certainly not./No,not at all./No.Go ahead./No,please do./No,I dont.;如果表示介意、反对,常用下列说法回答:Im sorry,but youd better not./Im sorry,but its not allowed./Sorry,but I do.。never mind可用于下列三种情况:回答别人的道歉;安慰别人;谢绝别人帮忙。它不用来回答含有mind的问句。(1)Do you mind if I use your phone?介意我用一下你的电话吗?(2)Would you mind if I we

42、nt ahead of you?你介意我走在你前头吗?多维训练(1)Sorry,I made a mistake again.Never mind.Practice more and youll succeed.抱歉,我又出错了。没关系。只要你多加练习一定会成功的。(2)Do you mind my/me smoking或if I smoke here?我在这抽烟你介意吗?17Decide where to go on holiday with a friend.,定好和朋友到哪儿度假。句型公式:疑问词不定式“疑问词不定式”结构可在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。(1)在“疑问词不定式”结构中,不定

43、式必须用主动式而不能用被动式。(2)why后加不定式时,不定式省略符号to。(3)whether后可接不定式,而if不可。(1)I dont know how to do it next.我不知道下一步该怎么办。(2)Why not discover what you enjoy and do that?为什么不去发现你喜欢做的然后去做呢?特别提醒疑问代词(who,which除外)后面须跟及物动词;若是不及物动词,后面须跟相应的介词。疑问副词后可以接不及物动词;若接及物动词,动词不定式须有自己的宾语。多维训练同义句改写(1)He doesnt know what he will talk ab

44、out.(改为简单句)He doesnt know what to talk about.(2)I really have no idea whether I will accept her invitation or not.(改为简单句)I really have no idea whether to accept her invitation or not.(3)Why dont you stop to have a rest?(用why not改写)Why not stop to have a rest?18I had a similar experience the last tim

45、e I visited China.上次访问中国时我的经历和你的差不多。句型公式:the last time引导时间状语从句the last time作连词,引导时间状语从句。类似的还有:the moment,the minute,the second,the instant,the day,the week,the month,the year,each/every/next/any/last time,immediately,instantly,directly等。(1)He paid back the money he owed us immediately he returned ho

46、me.他一回到家就把欠我们的钱还上了。(2)Every time I see the old man in the park,he is absorbed in reading papers.每次在公园里看到这位老人时,他都在专注地看报。特别提醒for the first time在句中只能作状语,不具有连词功能,不能用来引导状语从句。多维训练(1)同义句改写 I fell in love with you the moment I saw you.I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you.(用as soon as改写)I fell in lov

47、e with you immediately/directly/instantly I saw you.(用以ly结尾的连词改写)(2)单句改错Naturally,you were nervous when you went on the platform the first time.platform后加for单句语法填空(1)I avoid meeting(meet) him,because I dont like him.(2)I cant afford to buy(buy) the car.(3)I didnt mean to hurt(hurt) you.(4)In some pl

48、aces,missing a bus means waiting(wait) for another hour.(5)The man standing(stand) by the door is my English teacher.(6)The result of the game was disappointing(disappoint)(7)Dont keep the children working(work) on their lessons all day.(8)The fire lasted a whole night,causing(cause) great damage.语境

49、填词1Wherever human light spills into the natural world,some aspect(方面) of life is affected.(2015浙江)2In a recent study,Professor Betsy Sparrow conducted(实施) some experiments.(2015安徽)3It really benefited me a lot to preview(预习) lessons,get actively involved in class,and review what had been taught afte

50、r class.(2014江西)4Dr.Carters findings indicate(表明) that our culture might be formed through learning from each other.(2014湖北)5At no time did they actually break the rules of the game.It was unfair(不公平的) to punish them.(2013辽宁).单句语法填空1But it is useful to bear in mind that all such changes come from th

51、e technology and not some imagined desire by parents to keep their children under their wings.(2015北京)2Owing(owe) to the bad weather,the journey was put off.3Started in the 1950s there is a wide variety of shoes and boots belonging(belong) to everyone from queens and presidents to pop stars and acto

52、rs!(2012安徽)4I think sometimes we attach too much importance to our phones so that we ignore our friends.(2014重庆)5When deeply absorbed(absorb) in work,which he often was,he would forget all about eating or sleeping.(2012北京)6Im very delighted to learn that youre coming to our class to study with us as

53、 an exchange student next term.(2014天津)7It was not until the 20th century that Great Britain became the first urban society in historya society in which the majority of people live(live) in cities and do not farm for a living.(2013北京)8People spend a lot of time pointing out bad manners but it would

54、be even more helpful if wed publicly acknowledge good manners when we see them.(manner)(2013安徽)9Upon/On arrival,Jimmy found a long line of applicants waiting to be interviewed.(2013山东)10Be careful if you smoke or have an outdoor(outdoors) fire or barbecuemake sure ashes are cold before leaving.(2015

55、江苏).短语填空1If men insisted on being free from the burden of selfdependence and responsibility for the common good,they would cease to be free.(2015江苏)2He said that although he couldnt give me a lift,I should come back to his house for lunch.(2013陕西)3One study shows that 53% of Americans belong to the

56、lower class,46% the middle class,and 1% the upper class.(2013陕西)4With the help of Katia,a roommate of mine,Ive soon got used to living without my parents around.(2011重庆)5As I pulled the bus over to drop off a little girl,she handed me an earring saying I should keep it in case somebody claimed it.(2

57、012大纲全国)6We all went to the airport to see her off.7Its hoped that the talks may bring an end to the violence.8Hang on tight.Were off!.完成句子1Once we were discussing where to go for an outing.有一次我们在讨论到哪儿去远足。(2015浙江)2Mary will never forget the first time she saw him.玛丽永远也不会忘记她第一次见到他的事。(2012广东)3That can

58、 be annoyingthats why some people feel sick.那可能很恼人的,那就是为什么有些人会感到恶心的原因。(2015湖北)4You cant imagine what difficulty we had (in) walking home in the snowstorm.你难以想象我们在暴风雪中步行回家所面临的困难。5Thus,Papa insisted that we learn at least one new thing each day.于是父亲主张我们每天至少学习一样新事物。(2015福建)写作素材 (关于文化素养)1大多数人认为,谦虚谨慎对所有的

59、人来说都是一种社会美德。2另外,人们还认为积极道歉,宽恕别人也是一种有礼貌的表现。3但与我们的期望相反的是,许多人没有礼貌,他们也不勇于承认自己的错误。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用宾语从句和适当的过渡连接词等。连句成篇 (将以上句子连成一篇60词左右的英语短文)The majority of the people think that being modest and cautious is a society virtue for all the people.Whats more,it is thought that apologizing to others activel

60、y and forgiving others are also good manners.But contrary to our expectations,many people not only have bad manners but dont want to admit their own mistakes bravely.阅读理解A(建议用时8)The ancient Maya built many large cities in what is known as their classic period,which lasted from about 250 AD.until abo

61、ut 900.Each city had its own king and ruling class.The cities traded with one another,but often fought as well.Around the year 900,the Maya abandoned many of their cities.Archaeologists and other scientists have long puzzled over why the Maya left.They have examined the cities carefully,and studied

62、the settlements that surround them.In Copan they found many tools dating from 500 to about 1000 and a few tools dating from about 1000 to 1200.They found that no new monuments had been built after 822.From plant remains,they concluded that the area around Copan had been farmland,and other evidence s

63、uggested that the land had been overfarmed.In view of the evidence,the scientists concluded that a large population had lived in Copan until about 1000,but that as more people farmed the land,the soil had lost its richness and produced fewer crops,causing the Maya there to suffer from malnutrition(营

64、养不良),as an analysis of skulls has shown.As a result,people began to leave Copan around the year 1000.War may also have caused the Maya to abandon some of their cities.For example,it is thought that a rival(敌对) city,Caracol,may have once conquered Tikal.100 years later Tikal returned to power,and the

65、 ruling family built temples to honour its victory.However,by the end of the 800s,Tikal was no longer powerful,and its inhabitants left.Although we do not know for certain why many ancient Maya abandoned their cities,todays Maya may provide us with clues.The modern Maya still live on the lands in Me

66、xico and Guatemala that their ancestors occupied.Many presentday Maya still have ancient beliefs and farming practices,and studying these may help us discover more about ancient Maya culture.1According to the text,we know that Copan flourished from .A500 to 822 B250 to 900C822 to 1000 D1000 to 1200答

67、案A解析推理判断题。根据第二段可知,在公元500年至1000年期间大量的农具被发现;1000年至1200年间只发现少量的农具;但是在822年之后就没有新的遗迹出土了,故可推知,科潘城的繁荣时期应该定位在公元500至822年期间。2In Copan,scientists found evidence that the Maya .Ahad been defeated by the people of CaracolBhad overfarmed the land and suffered from poor healthChad been involved in a conflict with

68、TikalDhad left the city because of a war答案B解析细节理解题。根据第二段可知,人们对农田的过度开垦导致土地营养的流失,最终导致那里的古玛雅人营养不良。故选B项。3Its probable that scientists will not agree on why the Maya abandoned their cities .Auntil more cities are foundBwithout more physical evidenceCuntil modern practices are better understoodDwithout co

69、mparing the Maya to other ancient cultures答案B解析推理判断题。根据第二段和第三段可知研究人员为了弄明白为什么玛雅人放弃了他们赖以生存的城池故土,找了很多证据来证明,所以可以推出B项正确。4The scientists think studying the beliefs and practices of the modern Maya will help them understand ancient Mayan civilization because the modern Maya .Aare identical to the ancient o

70、nesBhave the best farming practicesCknow what their ancient civilization was likeDcarry on some of their ancestors beliefs and practices答案D解析细节理解题。根据尾段可知,科学家们之所以认为研究现代玛雅人的信仰及风俗习惯有助于了解古玛雅文明,是因为现代玛雅人传承了古玛雅人的一些信仰及风俗习惯。故选D项。B(建议用时8)We Chinese are not big huggers.A handshake or a pat on the shoulder is e

71、nough to convey our friendship or affection to one another.So when our newlyacquainted Western friends reach out in preparation for a hug,some of us feel awkward.Many questions go through our head.Where should I put my arms?Under their armpits or around their neck?What distance should I maintain?Sho

72、uld our chests touch?Its even more difficult with friends from some European countries.Should I kiss them on the cheek while hugging?Which side?Or is it both cheeks?Which side should I start on?But it isnt just people from cultures that emphasize a reservedness in expressing physical intimacy(亲密) wh

73、o find hugging confusing.Hugs can cause discomfort or even distress in people who value their personal space.In a recent article for The Wall Street Journal,US psychologist Peggy Drexler said that although the US remains a “medium touch” culture“more physically demonstrative than Japan,where a bow i

74、s the allpurpose hello and goodbye,but less demonstrative than Latin or Eastern European cultures,where hugs are strong and can include a kiss on both cheeks”,Americans do seem to be hugging more.From politicians to celebrities,hugs are given willynilly to friends,strangers and enemies alike;and the

75、 public has been quick to pick up the practice.Public figures know that nothing projects like the ability as a good hug.US First Lady Michelle Obama has put her arms around icy foreign leaders like Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and the Queen of England,on the latter occasion actually breaki

76、ng the rule of royal manners.But not all are grateful to be embraced,even by the most influential and famous.To them,any hug is offensive if its not sincere.Amanda Hess,writing for US magazine Slate,says public figures should stop imposing hugs on everyone they meet.For them,a hug is rarely a gestur

77、e of sincere fellowship,compassion or affection.Its all part of a show.Hugs are falsely intimate power plays used by public figures to establish their social dominance over those in their grasp.Cecilia Walden,a British journalist writing for The Telegraph who lives in New York,holds the same opinion

78、.“Powerhugging”,as she calls it,is “an offender dressed up as kindness”It has become a fashion in the US where “bosses are already embracing their staff (either shortly before or after firing them),men and women,their friends or enemies,in a thousand cheating displays of unity”5From the first four p

79、aragraphs,we can see that .Awe Chinese people dont know how to hugBpeople from European countries often get puzzled about huggingCpeople in Western countries seldom use hugs to express their physical closenessDhugs can bring pressure to people when used improperly答案D解析细节理解题。根据第四段可知拥抱这种肢体接触方式并不只是令那些文

80、化背景相对保守的人们感到为难,同时也会为那些注重私人空间的人们带来不适,甚至是苦恼。6The example of US First Lady Michelle Obama is given to show that .AAmericans hold a “medium touch” cultureBpublic figures know hugging functions well in publicCshe is much liked by American peopleDhugs are forbidden in England答案B解析细节理解题。根据第六段第二句“Public fig

81、ures know that nothing projects like the ability as a good hug.”可知公众人物深知没什么能比一个诚意十足的拥抱更能展现亲和力了。7“Powerhugging” in the last paragraph actually means that .Ahugs are only used sincerely by some people with powerBhugging is powerful to bosses in USCpublic figures sometimes use hugging just for a show o

82、f powerDpublic figures can hug anyone in their grasp freely答案C解析词义猜测题。根据本段的“an offender dressed up as kindness”可知选C。8What can be the best title of this passage?AHugs,Vital or Not?BHugs,Tricky Affair?CHugs and Public FiguresDHugs and Power答案B解析标题归纳题。文章主要讲述了对于一些政要名流而言,拥抱更是已经沦为一种作秀,变了味道。故选B项。.七选五(建议用时6

83、)False Fear of Big FishMany people believe sharks are dangerous and will always try to hurt or even kill humans. 9 A shark exhibition at the National Aquarium(水族馆) in Baltimore,US,proves this.Visitors can touch young sharks,see their eggs develop and watch a dozen different species swim smoothly aro

84、und a huge tank.Most people fail to realize that attacks dont happen very often.Humans are more likely to be killed by lightning than by a shark. 10 There,kids can learn,from an early age,not to fear sharks.“People fear what they dont know,” said Nancy Hotchkiss,an organizer of the exhibition.“Shark

85、s have been around for 400 million years and play an important role in the oceans food chain.We want people to discover that sharks are amazing animals that need our respect and protection.” 11 A study,published in January in the US magazine,Science,found that almost all recorded shark species have

86、fallen by half in the past 8 to 15 years.Thousands of sharks are hunted in Asia for special foods,such as shark fin(鱼翅) soup.And many others get caught in nets,while fishermen are hunting other fish. 12 “Some fishing methods are actually cleaning out the ocean for sharks,” said Dave Schofield,the ma

87、nager of the aquariums ocean health program. 13 AThey can watch them develop inside their eggs and feel the skin of the older swimmers.BA shocking 100 million sharks are killed every year around the world by humans.CIn fact,94 percent of the worlds 400 species are harmless to humans.DIt is a worryin

88、g situation and some areas have put measures in place to protect these special fish.EAnd to make this point clear,the museum has set up a special touching pool for children.FMore than half of the sharks caught are smaller than one meter long.GSharks can smell and taste blood,and trace it back to its

89、 source.答案9.C10.E11.B12.F13.D.短文改错(建议用时9)Dear Mike,Im so glad to have received your gift.Thanks so much for a lovely present.Now I would like to share with you about my plan for the coming winter vacation.First,I will go over my lesson so that you can have a better understanding of them.Then I will

90、do some exercise,that keeps me physical strong.In addition,Im going to travelling during the holiday because I want to relax myself after a long and harder term.I wonder you are available during the coming May Day holiday.Id like to invite you to China and enjoy the great spring scenery there.Yours,

91、Li Hua答案Dear Mike,Im so glad to have received your gift.Thanks so much for lovely present.Now I would like to share with you about my plan for the coming winter vacation.First,I will go over my so that can have a better understanding of them.Then I will do some exercise, keeps me strong.In addition,

92、Im going to during the holiday because I want to relax myself after a long and term.I wonder you are available during the coming May Day holiday.Id like to invite you to China and enjoy the great spring scenery .Yours,Li Hua(二).七选五(建议用时6)Whitman was one of the most original and inspiring American po

93、ets,true to his art and his role as a poet. 1 As Americans first epic poem(史诗),Leaves of Grass ran nine editions with more than 400 poems all written in free verse(诗) form,that is,poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. 2 As Whitman once said,“Leaves of Grass was the outcrop of my own e

94、motional and other personal naturean attempt,from first to last,to put a person,a human being freely,fully and truly on record.”For Whitman,science,democracy(民主) and spirituality were the three things that form the structure of modern poetry.Whitman tried to combine the world of science,the philosop

95、hy of democracy and the spiritual feeling of life into his poetry. 3 Therefore,he threw aside the traditional ornaments(修饰) and prettiness of poetry and had his own form. 4 With its frequent use of informal language and everyday events,his poetry represents a turning point in the history of American

96、 poetrypoetry fashioned out of special American experience in a clear American idiom.Whitmans special poetic creation has developed a very significant tradition in American poetry. 5 He was against slavery,respected Lincoln,supported strikes,and combined the ideal of the common people and that of th

97、e ragged individual.AThe title implies rebirth,renewal,or green life.BMany people enjoy reading his poems.CHe devoted himself to poetry praising the native American experience.DFor Whitman,the poetic form was to be organic,not restricted.EHe was once the chief editor of a famous newspaper.FBoth the

98、form and content of his poems are revolutionary.GIn his poems,he celebrated new American rather than regretted it.答案1.C2.A3.D4.F5.G.完形填空(建议用时17)Time talks.It speaks more plainly than words.Time 6 in many ways.Consider the different parts of the day,for example.The time of the day when something is d

99、one can give a 7 meaning to the event.It is not a 8 to telephone someone very early in the morning.If you telephone him early in the day, 9 he is shaving or having breakfast,the time of the call shows that something is urgent and 10 immediate attention.The same meaning is 11 telephone calls made aft

100、er 11:00 pm.If someone receives a call during sleeping hours,he may think it is a 12 of life or death.The time chosen for the call 13 its importance.In social life,time plays a very 14 part.In the United States,guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the 15 to a dinner party is extended

101、only three or four days before the party date.But this is not 16 in all countries.In other areas of the world,it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far 17 because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be 18 .The meaning of time 19 from place to place in the

102、world. 20 ,misunderstandings often arise between people from different cultures that 21 time differently.For example,promptness(准时) is 22 greatly in American life.If people are not prompt,they may be regarded as 23 or not fully responsible.In the US,no one would think of keeping a business partner 2

103、4 for an hour;it would be too rude.A person who is five minutes late is 25 to make a short apology.6A.wastes BrunsCtravels Dcommunicates答案D解析第一句Time talks跟time communicate意思一致,所以选D。7A.precious BridiculousCspecial Drare答案C解析下一句说打电话太早别人会以为是非常紧急的事情,所以固定的时间该做什么事“有特殊的”含义,故选C。8A.deal BcustomCproblem Dduty

104、答案B解析一般人都不会太早打电话打扰别人,所以用custom,选B。9A.whenever BthoughConce Dwhile答案D解析在别人刮胡子或者吃早饭的时候给他们打电话,所以选D。10A.requires BescapesCpays Dgives答案A解析太早打电话说明情况紧急需要立即予以关注。这里require相当于need,所以选A。11A.compared with Bcovered withCdevoted to Dattached to答案D解析晚上11点以后打电话的意思也是如此。attach the same meaning to表示“赋予同样的意义”,所以选D。12A

105、.matter BstoryCgame Dview答案A解析a matter of表示“关乎的问题”,这里是关乎生死的问题。故选A。13A.reduces BignoresCstresses Ddoubts答案C解析不同时间打的电话意义不同,强调的重要性不同。所以选C。14A.different BsignificantCsmall Dequal答案B解析时间扮演重要的角色。所以选B。15A.plan BwishCgift Dinvitation答案D解析派对之前提前发出的应该是邀请函,因此D项正确。16A.useful BtrueCclear Dgrateful答案B解析但并非每个国家都是如

106、此。因此选B。17A.on time Bat lengthCby chance Din advance答案D解析在世界的其他一些地区,如果太早通知的话会被人忘记。in advance提前,故选D。18A.forgotten BrememberedCcanceled Dopposed答案A解析见上题解析。19A.rushes BseparatesCvaries Dkeeps答案C解析每个地方的人对时间的理解是不同的。vary from place to place各个地方不同,所以选C。20A.Meanwhile BThusCOtherwise DBesides答案B解析因此来自不同文化背景,时

107、间观念不同的人经常会产生误会。故选B。21A.make BkillCtreat Dsave答案C解析对待时间的方式不同。treat对待,所以选C。22A.valued BcomplainedCseized Dinfluenced答案A解析在美国,人们很看重守时。value看中,认为重要,所以选A。23A.helpless BdesperateCimpolite Dunlucky答案C解析不守时会被认为很没有礼貌。下文有一个提示词rude,所以该题选C。24A.working BwaitingCapproaching Dthinking答案B解析在美国没人会想让生意伙伴等1个小时。keep sb

108、.waiting让别人等待,故选B。25A.expected BforcedCrefused Dblessed答案A解析expect期望,指望,迟到了就应该道歉,所以选A。.语法填空(建议用时10)Nowadays,more and more schools in China have rules making students wear school uniforms to school.A lot of Chinese students complain about 26.wearing(wear) their school uniforms every day.But 27.do Ame

109、rican students get annoyed about their uniforms,too?American high schools usually have a dress code,28.which is about requirements for students dressing.Boys at school must wear clean jackets every day.Girls are 29.luckier(luck) than boys,they have more flexible 30.choices(choose) than boys.They can

110、 either dress similarly to the boys 31.or wear a dress.In general,it takes a student 1015 minutes every morning 32.to dress(dress) up for class.As students do in China,plenty of American students also have their complaints about school uniforms.What if students really dislike the dress code and want

111、 to get rid of it?Instead of getting punished,33.actually(actual) therere ways to do that.At my school,“dress down” tickets 34.are sold(sell) on school days.If students are willing to buy a ticket,they dont need to wear school uniforms the following day.I have a strong 35.belief(believe) that one da

112、y Chinese students can buy these tickets,too.短文改错(建议用时9)In order to realize his dream,Bill Gates,richest man in the world,gave up studying in Harvard University,that is the most famous in the world.He set up a company and researching the computer software.As the old saying go,“Interest is the best t

113、eacher.” I quite agree with this idea.I began to be crazy about English when I was a little girl.I got extreme interested in foreign cultures or customs.To meet me curiosity,I read in English stories every day.It seemed to be the best “meal” of a day.As a result,I always did very well in English exa

114、m.Interest is the key of success.答案In order to realize his dream,Bill Gates, richest man in the world,gave up studying in Harvard University, is the most famous in the world.He set up a company and 或 the computer software.As the old saying ,“Interest is the best teacher.” I quite agree with this ide

115、a.I began to be crazy about English when I was a little girl.I got interested in foreign cultures customs.To meet curiosity,I read in English stories every day.It seemed to be the best “meal” of a day.As a result,I always did very well in English .Interest is the key success.书面表达(建议用时25)(2015河北邢台市捷径

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117、et of Bookworm Series on your website two weeks ago,but I didnt receive them until yesterday.And much to my disappointment,the books were so poorly packed up that the cover of one book was torn.To make matters worse,it is not a complete set,as I found one book missing.Im sorry to have received such

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