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优化方案2013高二英语总复习电子题库 福建专用:UNIT5 SECTIONⅢ 知能演练轻巧夺冠(新人教版必修5) WORD版含答案.doc

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优化方案2013高二英语总复习电子题库 福建专用:UNIT5 SECTIONⅢ 知能演练轻巧夺冠(新人教版必修5) WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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优化方案2013高二英语总复习电子题库 福建专用:UNIT5 SECTIONⅢ 知能演练轻巧夺冠(新人教版必修5) WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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优化方案2013高二英语总复习电子题库 福建专用:UNIT5 SECTIONⅢ 知能演练轻巧夺冠(新人教版必修5) WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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优化方案2013高二英语总复习电子题库 福建专用:UNIT5 SECTIONⅢ 知能演练轻巧夺冠(新人教版必修5) WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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优化方案2013高二英语总复习电子题库 福建专用:UNIT5 SECTIONⅢ 知能演练轻巧夺冠(新人教版必修5) WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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1、.品句填词1The fans _ (涌出) out of the stadium cheering wildly.答案:poured2The new technology will be _(应用到) to the production.答案:applied3If you come to the hospital,you will be _ (治疗) in a good service.答案:treated4The blouse is too _ (紧的) and please change a larger size for me.答案:tight5I dont run on the str

2、eet because its highimpact exercise.Every time I run,my knees _(肿)答案:swollen6Now people have enough money to taste a rich _(种类) of foods.答案:variety7The problem is so _(复杂的) that we should think about it carefully.答案:complex8It makes the hand _ (流血) that uses it.答案:bleed9The government saw the introd

3、uction of new technology as _(重要的)答案:vital10In a direct _(液体的) system,city water circulates through the collector.答案:liquid.选词填空1He _ after having been caught in the rain that time.答案:fell ill2The teacher should tell us more advice on _.答案:first aid3Try it _,and you will find that this matter easy t

4、o settle.答案:over and over again4Your room is too messy and everything is _.答案:not in its place5He never thought he would _so great on his education career.答案:make a difference.单项填空1(2012广东广雅中学高二期中)Now a lot of new technologies can _ problems in industry.Abe applied to solveBbe applied to solving Cap

5、ply to solve Dapply to solving解析:选A。句意:如今很多新的科学技术可以被用来解决工业方面的问题。apply用作及物动词表示“应用”之意,动词不定式to solve表示目的。2(2012江西新余一中高二段考)When he fell over his own feet,his left ankle was sprained,his right hand became _ and his nose_.Aswelling;bleeding Bswollen;bled Cswelling;bled Dswollen;bleeding解析:选B。句意:当他被自己的脚绊倒时

6、,扭伤了左脚踝,他的右手肿胀,鼻子流血。swollen是swell的过去分词,表示“肿胀了的”之意,符合语境;而bleed是不及物动词,表示“出血,流血”之意,此处用其一般过去时形式。3He took off his wet clothes and _ the water out.Asqueezed BcrowdedCpressed Dpoured解析:选A。句意:他脱下湿衣服,拧干了水。squeeze“榨出,挤出”之意;符合语境;crowd“拥挤”;press“压,按”;pour“注,倒出”。4_ fired,your health care and other benefits will

7、not be immediately cut off.AWould you be BShould you beCCould you be DMight you be解析:选B。句意:如果万一你被解雇了,你的医疗问题以及其他的利益问题不会立即就被停止。if引导的性能条件状语从句中,若省略if,可以将should,were,had等词提到句首,构成倒装语序;故选择B项。5If you go to the West Lake in Hangzhou,youll find it more attractive than commonly _.Asupposing BsupposedCto suppos

8、e Dis supposed解析:选B。句意:如果你要去杭州西湖的话,你会发现,那里的景色比通常想象的要更加迷人。此处是than引导的比较状语从句的省略,若补全为than it is commonly supposed。故答案为B项。6You should have thanked the hostess before leaving.I meant _.But I couldnt find her when I was leaving.Ato do BtoCdoing Ddoing so解析:选B。句意:在离开前,你本来应该向女主人道谢的。我本打算这样做的。但是在我离开时,我没有找到她。动词

9、不定式短语做mean 的宾语,为了避免与上文的重复,可以省略动词不定式符号后面的动词,只保留to。7Teachers recommend parents _ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.Anot allow Bdo not allowCmustnt allow Dcouldnt allow解析:选A。句意:为了安全起见老师建议父母不应该允许12岁以下的孩子独自骑车到学校。recommend表示“建议”,其后用虚拟语气should do的形式,should可以省略。8Though _ to see u

10、s,the professor gave us a warm welcome.Asurprising Bwas surprisedCsurprised Dbeing surprised解析:选C。句意:尽管看到我们很惊讶,教授还是热情地欢迎我们。考查though引导的让步状语从句的省略,若补全为Though the professor was surprised.。9Whats the matter with Della?Well,her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party,but she still_.Ahopes to Bhopes s

11、oChopes not Dhopes for解析:选A。句意:黛拉怎么了?哦,她父母不允许她去参加聚会,但是她仍然希望会去。hope to do表示“希望干某事”,为了避免与上文重复,省略to后面的成分,只保留to。10Have you been to the Great Wall?_,it might have been during my early childhood.AIf any BIf everCIf once DIf not解析:选B。句意:如果曾经去参观过长城的话,也是在我童年早期去的。if ever表示“如果曾经”,是if I have ever been to the Gr

12、eat Wall的省略。.完形填空Three weeks ago,Paul Davis was given up for dead.Today the 24yearold truck driver is on the road to getting _1_,thanks to the quick,_2_ first aid of six skilled college student nurses,who were travelling a few minutes _3_his truck and got to him _4_ it crashed (撞坏)The student nurses

13、 were on the way back from a day of medical _5_at a hospital.When they saw the _6_,they jumped out of their car.They _7_ that Davis was already dead,but they wouldnt move on without seeing for _8_.With the help of three men,they lifted him out.He was bleeding _9_ and his heart almost stopped beating

14、.He was obviously _10_.One girl found an icecream _11_on the ground and made an airway down his throat.Another student held his tongue down.Then a third girl found a towel (毛巾) and _12_ down with it on Davis neck to slow the bleeding.A fourth nurse brought a blanket and _13_ Davis to warm him up.The

15、y kept his legs _14_.“We kept talking to him,” Miss Taylor said.“We _15_ that the last thing one loses is your _16_.”The student nurses kept Davis _17_until he could be sent to hospital.There,he was brought out of _18_.A doctor said that Davis would have choked and bled to death without the _19_ of

16、the six student nurses.That is _20_ he is alive today.1A.wellBworseCburied Daway解析:选A。well用作形容词,表示“身体健康的;好的”,做系动词get的表语,即“身体好转起来”。2A.physical BscientificCgentle Dexact解析:选B。多亏了快速的科学的急救措施。考查了scientific表示“科学的”之意的用法;physical“物理的;身体的”;gentle“轻柔的;温柔的”;exact“确切的;精确的”。3A.earlier BlaterCbehind Dbefore解析:选C。

17、比这辆卡车晚了几分钟。故用behind,表示“拖后”;earlier“稍早”;later“较晚的;后来的”;before“在之前”。4A.before long Blong before Clong after Dsoon after解析:选D。在卡车撞坏不久就赶到了现场。故用soon after 是“在后不久”之意。before long“不久之后”;long before“很久以前”;long after“在之后很久”。5A.training BteamCexercise Dexamination解析:选A。由下文的The student nurses 可知,此处是指medical tra

18、ining 是“医疗培训”;符合语境。6A.driver BaccidentCincident Dcarracing解析:选B。当他们看到这起交通事故时,就跳出了车。accident“交通事故”;incident“小事件;小插曲”;carracing“赛车活动”。7A.were told BdiscoveredCchecked Dreminded解析:选A。由下文此处是指“有人告诉他们Davis已经死了,但是他们没有径直走过不理睬Davis”,而不是“他们自己发现他已经死了”,由此可知,用were told。8A.him BthemChimself Dthemselves解析:选D。 但是他们

19、并没有不亲自看看就径直离开。for oneself “自己;独立”。9A.hardly BbadlyCsadly Dslightly解析:选B。badly“严重地;厉害地”。即“流血流的特别多”。 hardly“几乎不”;sadly“悲伤地”;slightly“轻微地;微小地”。 10A.died BdeadCdying Ddeath解析:选C。他的心脏几乎停止了跳动,他很明显是就要死去了。故选择dying表示“即将要死去”之意。11A.stick BboxCpaper Dpacket解析:选A。由此处的语义环境可知,只有stick可以与icecream连用,指“冰激凌棍棒”。 stick表示

20、“棍棒”之意。12A.pulled BtookCpressed Dlay解析:选C。用一块手巾往下压,以减慢血液的流失。故用press表示“压;压迫”之意的用法。13A.covered BremovedCdressed Doffered解析:选A。用毯子把Davis包裹住,cover表示“包裹”之意;符合语境。remove“去除;除掉”;dress“穿衣服”;offer“提供;主动提出”。14A.rising BrisenCraising Draised解析:选D。raise和leg之间是动宾关系,故此处应该用raised的形式。15A.found out BsuggestedCthought

21、 Dlearned解析:选D。我们曾经学到一个人最后失去的是他的听力。find out“发现”;suggest“建议”;think“认为”。16A.breathing BseeingChearing Dsmelling解析:选C。hearing是名词,表示“听力”之意。breathing“呼吸”;seeing“看见”;smelling“嗅觉”。17A.living BliveCalive Dlively解析:选C。keep sb.alive是“使某人活着”之意;alive是形容词,表示“活的;有生命的”;多做表语或后置定语。而living 是“活着的”,多用作前置定语,并且多用来修饰人;liv

22、e“活的;有生命的”,多做前置定语,而且多用来修饰物。lively“栩栩如生的;生动有趣的”。18A.control BdangerCcar Dlife解析:选B。out of danger 是“脱离危境”之意,符合语境;out of control“失去控制”。19A.care BcureCtalk Dstudy解析:选A。若是没有六个实习护士的照顾的话,就会失去生命。故用care表示“照顾”之意。20A.because BwhyCwhat Dwhere解析:选B。上文所述就是为什么他还活着的原因。故用why引导表语从句,做is的表语。.阅读理解When it comes to their

23、health,men are the weaker sex: They dont get checkups as often as women,are hospitalized more often with preventable illnesses,and die younger.Now,just in time for Fathers Day,publichealth officials are trying to change that.About 57% of men have visited the doctor within the past year,compared with

24、 about 74% of women,according to surveys by the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)Black and Hispanic men are even less likely than white men to have routine checkups.At the same time,men are hospitalized at significantly higher rates than women for preventable conditions and p

25、neumonia that can be prevented with a vaccination.While there is no scientific evidence as to why men avoid doctors,many physicians attribute it to a macho(男子汉的) culture which equates doctor visits with weakness,unwillingness to undergo physical tests and fear of finding out that something might be

26、wrong.The Department of Health and Human Services is launching a new public service and campaign aimed at convincing men to get more preventive checkups.“Most men who are young think they are immortal (不朽的),and unless theyve gone to war they never feel their lives are at risk,” says heart surgeon Me

27、hmet Oz,whose medical TV show and website,will promote the campaign and link to the ads.In addition to targeting men,he says,the aim is to persuade families to urge them into getting checkups.Women tend to be more engaged in their health care because of their reproductive needs.But even excluding re

28、productive needs,women are more likely to seek care than men,says Carolyn Clancy,director of the AHRQ,which worked with the Ad Council on the publicservice campaign.The gender distinction are obvious early,she says: In one study of 8 and 9yearold campers with headaches,girls were more likely than bo

29、ys to see the camp nurse.1Which of the following can show the weakness of the male when it comes to health?AMen get checkups as often as women.BMen are more likely to be put in hospital because they catch illness more easily.CMen are hospitalized more often due to the preventive illness because they

30、 visit doctors less.DMen have taken more responsibility because of the macho culture.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段的第2句话“They dont get checkups as often as women,are hospitalized more often with preventable illnesses.”可知“男性不和女性一样经常地去体检,更容易会因为一些可以预防的疾病而入院”;C项所述与此相吻合。2The aim of the medical TV show and website, ma

31、de by heart surgeon Mehmet Oz is to _.Atarget the men only to persuade them to have a regular physical examinationBurge the families to persuade the men to visit the doctors regularly besides targeting the menCgive the men more preventive checkups Dspread out the importance of the preventive checkup

32、s for the people解析:选B。细节理解题。文中第五段的最后1句话“In addition to targeting men,he says,the aim is to persuade families to urge them into getting checkups.” 说到“目的是锁定男性同时也劝说家人督促男士进行检查”。3The underlined word in the last paragraph probably means _.AdifferenceBsimilarityCfamiliarity Dindifference解析:选A。词义猜测题。此处表示对下文

33、的提示,即“这种性别的差异是很早就会出现的”;故选择A项;而similarity是“相似性”;familiarity是“熟悉”;indifference是“冷漠;不关心”;均为干扰项。4The text is aimed mainly to tell us _.Athe weak points of the male Bmen are weaker sex in health due to their unwillingness to visit doctors regularlyCthe women are stronger in strength and in the health Dmen need more medical treatment解析:选B。主旨大意题。根据首段的内容以及全文内容可知,本文主要是告诉我们男性因为不情愿去定期进行体检而在健康方面成为弱势性别。版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()


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