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《名校推荐》广东省佛山市第一中学高一英语北师大版必修1《UNIT 2 HEROES (VOCABULARY REVIEW)》教案.doc

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《名校推荐》广东省佛山市第一中学高一英语北师大版必修1《UNIT 2 HEROES (VOCABULARY REVIEW)》教案.doc_第1页
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1、Module 1 Unit 2 Heroes (Vocabulary Review)佛山市第一中学 英语科组 邱宝芹一、 学情分析对于很多高一学生来说,上高中以后词汇数量和难度的增大是他们最急需适应的方面。学生总是学了新课的单词就忘记了之前学过的内容。本课是第二单元的最后一个课时,旨在帮学生从词汇的意思、词性、拼写到词的用法、搭配等复习本单元的常用词汇。词汇复习课主要是以练习为主,本课尝试用不同形式的练习来提高学生学习词汇的积极性。同时在词汇练习的中渗透本单元的主题:英雄。二、 教学目标1. 复习第二单元常用词汇的拼写、词性、意思。2. 复习第二单元常用词汇的用法、搭配及注意容易出错的地方。3

2、. 使用第二单元常用词汇写句子。4. 深层次理解“英雄”的定义。三、 教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图IntentionsStep 1T shows a picture of Bethune and another picture of some doctors fighting Ebola and asks the Ss to describe them using one word.以设问的方式开始本课,设置悬念,激发学生的学习热情。Step 2T introduces the tasks of this lesson.明确学习目标,为单词复习做准备。Step 3Ss fini

3、sh four different vocabulary games based on the new words of each lesson. T checks the answers with Ss after each exercise.词汇练习由易到难,帮助学生复习词汇的词性、拼写和意思。Step 4Ss play a game by answering the Ts questions based on the uses of the words. Every correct answer will be rewarded with a piece of a puzzle.通过抢答

4、的活动帮助学生复习词汇的用法。每个组要通过答题来完成该组的拼图。Step 5Ss find what is hidden in the puzzle and know the answer to the question T raised at the beginning of the lesson.揭晓教师在上课前设下的悬念。Step 6T talks about the different definitions of heroes.引导学生理解“英雄”的不同定义。Step 7Ss talk about the hero or heroine in their hearts using t

5、he new words or phrases provided.让学生结合对“英雄“的理解使用刚复习的词汇写句子。Step 8Ss report what they write. Other Ss report the new words or phrases that are used. 学生汇报成果,让其他学生再次重温词汇。Step 9T shows a video clip of another definition of hero and ecnourages the Ss to improve themselves. 通过视频再次升华“英雄”的意义,鼓励学生完善自我。HomeworkFinish the vocabulary exercises of unit 2.Vocabulary in Unit 2 Heroes


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