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《名校推荐》广东省阳东广雅学校高一下学期英语人教版必修3《UNIT 5 CANADA----“THE TRUE NORTH”》教案(7) .doc

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《名校推荐》广东省阳东广雅学校高一下学期英语人教版必修3《UNIT 5 CANADA----“THE TRUE NORTH”》教案(7) .doc_第1页
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《名校推荐》广东省阳东广雅学校高一下学期英语人教版必修3《UNIT 5 CANADA----“THE TRUE NORTH”》教案(7) .doc_第2页
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《名校推荐》广东省阳东广雅学校高一下学期英语人教版必修3《UNIT 5 CANADA----“THE TRUE NORTH”》教案(7) .doc_第3页
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《名校推荐》广东省阳东广雅学校高一下学期英语人教版必修3《UNIT 5 CANADA----“THE TRUE NORTH”》教案(7) .doc_第4页
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《名校推荐》广东省阳东广雅学校高一下学期英语人教版必修3《UNIT 5 CANADA----“THE TRUE NORTH”》教案(7) .doc_第5页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家阳东广雅中学第二学期第8周集体备课记录年级高一科目英语主备教师宋欢 日期4.23课题Revision for Mid-term Test课时 4参与人员 宋欢, 魏然 郑俏姿主备教案(由主备教师填写或另附详案)Teaching Plan:1st Period Unit 5 Listening, speaking and writing2nd Period Unit 5 Revision3rd Period Unit 1-2 Revision4th Period Unit 3-4 RevisionUnit 5 Canada-“The True North”List

2、ening, speaking and writingTeaching aims:1. To develop Ssability of listening. 2. Let Ss to learn more information about Canada. Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Homework-checkingPurpose: To make sure Ss have finished the homework and mastered what have been learned. 1. Ask Ss to revise the language poin

3、ts by translating sentences. First ask one student to translate, and then check the answer with the class. Finally, repeat it together. 这个周末和我们一块去游颐和园好吗? 远方矗立着一座塔。 真遗憾你不能和我一块去看电影。 据我所知,加拿大是世界上第二大国。 Suggested Answers: Would you like to go on a trip to the summer palace with us this weekend? There sta

4、nds a tower in the distance. Its pity that you cant go to the cinema with me. As far as I know, Canada is the second largest country in the world.2. Ask Ss to retell the text on P.74 in front of the class. Step 2. Leading-inPurpose: To prepare Ss for the listening text. 1. Ask Ss to recall the infor

5、mation learnt in last periods by asking some question.(1) What is the official language in Canada? (2) Are there other immigrants in Canada? (3) Do you want to know what the population of Canada is made up? Step 3. Listening (Using language)Purpose: To develop Ss listening skills.1. Ask Ss to go thr

6、ough the exercises on P37 and try to predict what the listening text is about.2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape carefully, try to finish the exercises on P37 and write down what they hear as much as possible. 3. Ask Ss to exchange the information in pairs and play the tape again. 4. Give Ss three minu

7、tes to ask questions if they have any. 5. Check the answers with the class. 6. Play the tape again to make sure Ss understand the information. Step 4.Speaking and WritingPurpose: To develop Ss ability of speaking and writing a short passage about trip.1. Ask Ss to work in groups of four. Imagine two

8、 of you are the cousins who travelled across Canada. The others ask questions about the trip.2. Ss presentation3. Ask Ss to write a short report about two or three most impressive things during the trip across Canada. Book 3 Unit 1RevisionTeaching goals:1.To review what you have learned in unit 1, s

9、uch as useful words, useful expressions and grammar item.2. To review how to write a short introduction about festival.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Summing up1.Divide Ss into different groups , choose one of the following topics to sum up, such as useful words, useful expressions and a new grammar it

10、em.2.Ss presentation on the blackboard. Useful Words: Useful expressions:A new grammar item3.Ss raise their questions which they have difficulties.4.Groupwork to solve the problems.Step 2. Speaking 1. Work in groups and make a list of the festivals you know in and out of China.2. Choose one of it an

11、d introduce it to the class.3. Review the phrases and sentences when we talk about festivals.Step 3. WritingWrite a short passage about your favorite festival.Book 3 Unit 2 RevisionTeaching goals:1.To review what you have learned in unit 2, such as useful words, useful expressions and grammar item.2

12、.To review how to write a short passage on keeping fit.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Summing up1.Divide Ss into different groups , choose one of the following topics to sum up, such as useful words, useful expressions and a new grammar item.2.Ss presentation on the blackboard.Useful Words:Useful expre

13、ssions:A new grammar item3.Ss raise their questions which they have difficulties.4.Groupwork to solve the problems.Step 2. Speaking 1. Work in groups to list out the problems people will usually come across when having a imbalanced diet.2. Give your suggestions on how to keep fit.Step 3 WritingGroup

14、work1. To list the phrases you know on health.2. To list the sentences when writing a suggestion letter.3. A task-based writing on keeping healthy讨论记录本周是五一假前的一周,也是期中考试进入复习阶段的一周。教学安排上,我们除了要完成必修3第5单元余下的教学任务,更要着手复习必修3第一,第二单元。在复习课的设计上,我们秉着发挥学生主观能动性,让更多的学生参与到课堂中,设计了不少的活动,如组内讨论并总结所学单词,短语,归纳语法要点,用所学知识即兴表演单

15、元话题的小故事,或演讲等。希望以活动的形式,使得复习的课堂不那么枯燥,更重要的是培养学生英语运用能力。五一假期,我们给学生布置相应的复习任务和假期作业,希望同学们在三天假期里,不浪费时间,充实得为期中备考做好准备。本周,我们还将完成高一书法大赛预赛,将年级字迹工整的书写作品进行展示,以督促高一学生写好字,端正书写态度。教学反思 必修三第一第二单元由于教授时间过长,不少同学出现单词遗忘,语法项目模糊的概念,通过小组互助,相互答疑的方式,同学们能自己归纳出相应内容。同时,把复习课上成一个话题表现表演展示课,使得课堂生动活泼些,对于基础较好的同学,他们能用所学的内容进行较好的表达,但对于基础较差的同学,他们在语言使用上还是欠缺敢于表达的勇气及口语能力。备长签名:宋欢高考资源网版权所有,侵权必究!


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