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1、高2014级高二下期周练(十二)2016.5.27第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)Growing up, I had a scar(疤痕) on my face a perfect arrow in the center of my cheek, pointing at my left eye. I 1 it when I was three, long before I knew that scars were a 2 thing, especially for a girl. I only knew that my scar brought me 3 and tend

2、erness and candy. As I got older, I began to take 4 in my scar, in part to stop people laughing at me, but mainly as a reaction to the thought that I should feel uncomfortable. Its true. I was 5 the first couple of times someone pointed at my 6 and asked, “Whats that?” or called me “Scarface.” But t

3、he more I heard how 7 my scar was, the more I found myself liking it. When I turned fifteen, my parents 8 the advice of a doctor decided it was time to 9 on what was now a thick, shiny red scar. “But I dont mind the scar, really,” I told my father as he 10 that I would have the operation during my s

4、ummer vacation. And my friends, 11 as I did, that my scar was 12 and almost pretty in its own way. After so many years, it was a 13 of me. But my father said it was a deformity (畸形). I dont know what 14 more that day: hearing my father call my scar a deformity, 15 realizing that it didnt 16 to him h

5、ow I felt about it. I did have the operation that summer.In my late twenties, I took a long look at my scar, something I hadnt done in years. 17 , it could be seen in the right light, but no one 18 me about it anymore. As I leaned uneasily toward the mirror, I felt a sudden 19 . There was something

6、powerful about my scar and the proud person I 20 because of it. I have never been quite so strong since they cut it out.1. A. gotB. remainedC. keptD. drew2. A. goodB. badC. strangeD. funny3. A. troubleB. shameC. attentionD. reward4. A. prideB. placeC. careD. blame5. A. uncomfortableB. proudC. please

7、dD. disappointed6. A. headB. cheekC. mouthD. nose7. A. longB. unfortunateC. beautifulD. unbelievable8. A. inB. forC. againstD. on9. A. operateB. talkC. removeD. center10. A. suggestedB. explainedC. askedD. ordered11. A. feltB. actedC. didD. hoped12. A. unluckyB. uglyC. uniqueD. necessary13. A. partB

8、. problemC. memoryD. dream14. A. interestedB. encouragedC. hurtD. surprised15. A. andB. orC. soD. but16. A. mindB. fallC. concernD. matter17. A. StillB. ThoughC. ThusD. Also18. A. caredB. askedC. questionedD. mentioned19. A. happinessB. satisfactionC. sadnessD. shock20. A. respectedB. knewC. metD. b

9、ecame第二节 阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)A quality education is the basic liberator. It can free people from poverty, giving them the power to greatly improve their lives and take a productive place in society. It can also free communities and countries, allowing them to jump forward into periods of wealth an

10、d social unity that otherwise would not be possible.For this reason,the international community has devoted itself to getting all the worlds children into primary school by 2016, a task known as Education for All.Can education for all be achieved by 2016? The answer is undoubtedly “yes,” although it

11、 is a difficult taskIf we now measure the goal in terms of children successfully completing at least five years of primary school,instead of just enrolling(注册)for classes,which used to be the measuring stick for education,then the task becomes even more difficult. Only 32 countries were formerly bel

12、ieved to be at risk of not achieving education for all on the basis of enrollment. The number rises to 88 if completion of primary school is used as the standard.Still, the goal is achievable with the right policies and the right support from the international community. 59 of the 88 countries at ri

13、sk can reach universal primary completion by 2016 if they bring the effectiveness and quality of their education systems into line with standards observed in higher-performing systems. They also need great increases in outside support. The 29 countries falling farthest behind will not reach the goal

14、 without extra fast speed of progress. But this is achievable with creative solution, including use of information technologies, enough foreign aid, and fewer people living in poverty. A key lesson of experience about what makes development effective is that a countrys ability to use aid well depend

15、s heavily on its policies, institutions and management. Where a country scores well on these, foreign assistance can be highly effective.21In the first paragraph,the author suggests that a quality education can _.Afree countries from foreign rulesBmake people freeCspeed up social progressDliberate p

16、eople from any pressure22Ideally, the goal of the program of Education for All is to _by 2016.Aenroll all the worlds children into primary schoolBget all the worlds children to complete primary schoolCgive quality education to people of 88 countriesDsupport those devoted to changing their education

17、systems23_ countries are now at risk of not achieving education for all on the basis of completing 5 years of primary school.A88B32C29D5924Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the right policy?ARaising the effectiveness of education systems.BImproving the quality of education.CUsing informatio

18、n technologies.DBuilding more primary schools.25As can be gathered from the last paragraph,foreign aid _.Ais provided only when some standards are metBmay not be highly effectiveCalone makes development possibleDis most effective for those countries falling farthest behind第三节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)As

19、 is known to all, many things can be measured in terms of data. Sometimes data can indeed tell the truth. With the help of data we can easily know the price of a can of Coke in the supermarket or the result of a football match. 26 What is more important, data seem to be fairer than words or statemen

20、ts. If the data are true, we dont have to worry about being cheated. Nowadays, as lies exist in the world, data are expected to tell the truth. Therefore, many of us would rather believe data.On the other hand, if we judge things only by data from the so-called specific research, arent we a little t

21、oo narrow-minded? Many people often treat the so-called specific data unwisely just to make sure that they are making the right decisions. 27 For example, how can you tell that somebody isnt a good student just because he or she doesnt get high marks in the final examination?28 For example, the degr

22、ee of your feeling happy in your life, the depth of love between you and your friends, and the faith you have in your country. We can only feel them in our hearts but can never express them in data.There is no doubt that analyzing the exact data is important to assessment of an actual event. But dat

23、a should be dealt with wisely. We often get wrong data which mislead us. 29 Remember, data have no feeling but we humans have. Data do not mean much to people if we do not have the abilities to analyze the data with the knowledge and confidence to judge whether they are true or false. 30 Data are da

24、ta after all. Life is much more colorful than the pale data. So give the cold data a warm heart and well find that the world is far more wonderful than the pale data can describe.A. We should try our best to be wise thinkers.B. Data can make our life easier and more comfortable.C. But sometimes we m

25、ay find that data arent everything.D. Sometimes our hearts and mind are more sensitive than data.E. Now and then the so-called specific data puzzle us very much.F. The exact data should come from assessment of an actual event.G. There are many things in our life which cannot be measured by data.第四节

26、语法填空(共10个小题;每小题2分,满分20分)Once upon a time, two dogs came to a village. The village had 31 house which had a lot of mirrors(镜子). Both of the two dogs expected 32 (enter) it and have a look inside. But only one _33_ (allow) each time.The sad dog of the two went in first. After he came into the house, h

27、e found many sad dogs _ 34_(look)at him. He didnt like it and came out quickly. When he was asked how his time in the house, the sad dog said, “It was _ 35 (terribly). I wouldnt go in again.”The happy dog was still interested in the house, so he made the decision to enter it. As soon as he came in,

28、he saw many happy dogs. They were all smiling at 36 (he). The dog played there 37 (excited) for a while. When he came out, he said to the other dog, “I really enjoyed 38 ( play) in the house. There were many happy dogs.” The other dog didnt believe him. He went in and had a look again. 39 , he still

29、 saw many sad dogs.This story tells us that 40 you want to see happy faces, be happy first.第五节 短文改错(共10个小题;每小题2分,满分20分)Henry is my neighbor. He is different from many other young man. He likes reading at home instead of go out to enjoy a night life with friends. He buys much books every month, so th

30、ere are a lot books in his house. When I was asked him why he loved reading so much, he said when he was the young boy, he loved reading very much. But his family was too poor to afford books. Now he is well paid and has extra money to do that he really likes. So he frequent buys books and read them to kill time. I decided to read more after I heard his words because I realized I was luckily to be able to afford books.宜宾市三中高二下期周练(十二)答题卡姓名_ 班级_ 得分_12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031._32_33_34_35_36_37_38_39_40_


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