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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修七 UNIT 2 FIT FOR LIFE 单元检测 WORD版含解析.doc

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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修七 UNIT 2 FIT FOR LIFE 单元检测 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修七 UNIT 2 FIT FOR LIFE 单元检测 WORD版含解析.doc_第9页
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1、Fit for life单元检测.单项填空1(2014皖北协作区高三联考)The matter _ peoples health surely requires _ carefully.Arelated to; dealing withBrelating to; dealt withCrelated to; being dealt withDrelating to; having dealt with2(2014常州高三模拟)Is there any possibility of the film _ in Paris International Festival?Not in the lea

2、st, because the audience generally think little of it.Atrying outBtried outCto try out Dbeing tried out3(2014常德高三检测)He was _ to hear that he had lost the job, and the news was too _ to him.Aastonished; astonished Bastonishing; astonishingCastonished; astonishing Dastonishing; astonished4(2014南京四校联考)

3、Do you _ the idea of living a lowcarbon life?It sounds tough, but it is a tendency.Acorrespond to Bapply toCcater to Dsubscribe to5(2014南京金陵中学模拟)Some students, who are addicted_ the computer games, do not go to school at all.Ato play BplayingCto playing Dplay6(2011湖北高考)An unhappy childhood may have

4、some negative effects on a persons character; however, they are not always_.Apractical BavoidableCpermanent Dbeneficial7(2014枣庄三中阶段测试)Im really angry at Tom. He never listens to me._, Ellen. Things will work out.ADont mention it BI dont think soCTake it easy DNo problem8(2014合肥八中高三模拟)Take medicine a

5、s directed by the doctor; besides, you should also keep in mind that sunshine, fresh air, and rest often_ a persons recovery from sickness.Aaccelerate BapproveCaccomplish Daccumulate来源:Z+xx+k.Com9(2014河北高三教学质量检测)_ I couldnt fully understand what he wanted to show in his paintings, I thought his work

6、s were quite impressive.AAs BSince CIf DWhile10(2014连云港高三检测)Have you been to the Great Wall?Perhaps not in my memory._, it might have been during my early childhood.AIf any BIf everCIf not DIf possible11(2014石家庄一中期中测试)Today we have too many choices of communication through advanced technology, but w

7、e seem _ the joy of communicating face to face.Alosing Bto have lostCto be lost Dhaving lost12(2014盐城高三模拟)Kate is a woman who_ a rare intelligence and she is sure to do the work well.来源:学科网ZXXKApossess BpossessesCis possessed Dpossessed13(2014庐江二中模拟)It is vital that schools_ students to use computer

8、 technology.Ashould be taught Bmust teachCteach Dare taught14(2014南京四校联考)Did you have a good nights sleep, sir?Oh, exactly. It was such a comfortable bed. I could never have_ sleep.Aa good Bthe bestCa better Da best15_ annoys me a great deal to hear people blaming everything. Why cant they just be a

9、 little more positive?AWhat BItCThat DAs.阅读理解A(2014宿迁高三模拟)Rae and Bruce Hostetler not only work very hard, they also relax just as well.Numerous vacations help the couple to maintain their health and emotional wellbeing and its no surprise to health care professionals.“Rest, relaxation, and stress r

10、eduction are very important for peoples wellbeing and health.This can be accomplished through daily activities, such as exercise and meditation, but vacation is an important part of this as well,” said primary care physician Natasha Withers from One Medical Group in New York.Withers lists a decrease

11、d risk of heart disease and improved reaction time as some of the benefits from taking some time off.“We also know that the mind is very powerful and can help with healing, so a rested, relaxed mind is able to help the body heal better,” said Withers.Psychologists confirm the value of vacations for

12、the mind.“The impact that taking a vacation has on ones mental health is great,” said Francine Lederer, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles who specializes in stress and relationship management.“Most people have better life perspective and are more motivated to achieve their goals after a vacatio

13、n, even if it is a 24hour timeout.” The trips could be good for their health, good for their family and good for their businesses.The online travel agency Expedia conducted a survey about vacation time in 2010, and according to their data the average American earned 18 vacation days but only used 14

14、 of them.France topped the list, with the average worker earning 37 vacation days and using all but two of them.Americans responses may not be surprising in a culture where long hours on the job often are valued, but thats not always good for the individual, the family or the employer.Psychologists

15、have also found that people who dont take enough time to relax may find it harder to relax in the future.“Without time and opportunity to do this, the nerve connections that produce feelings of calm and peacefulness become weaker, making it actually more difficult to shift into lessstressed states,”

16、 Mulhern said.1How did the author introduce the topic of the text?ABy making comparisons. BBy giving an example.CBy raising questions. DBy providing data.2According to Natasha Withers, vacations can _.Aweaken reaction system来源:学科网Bcure serious diseasesCreduce the level of wellbeingDdecrease the risk

17、 of heart disease3Expedias survey shows that Americans _.Adislike family gatheringsBhave the shortest vacationCenjoy as many vacations as the FrenchDthink much of spending long hours on the job4What can be inferred from the last paragraph?AOne should never wait to relax.BWork and rest go against eac

18、h other.CTime and opportunity wait for no man.DA relaxed mind determines everything.5What is mainly talked about in the text?AWays to relax in ones free time.BThe benefits of taking time off.CDifferent opinions on holidays.DThe Hostetlers always on the go.B(2014安徽省三所示范性高中高三教学质量检查)Modern living is re

19、sulting in more people becoming disconnected from the natural world, at the expense of our health and wellbeing.Most concern is centred around children, who are missing out on opportunities afforded to previous generations, ones as simple as climbing trees or getting their knees dirty.In the modern

20、world, the adults of the future are displaying the symptoms of “naturedeficit (缺少) disorder”. The term was made up by Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods. In the introduction to his book, he said that over the past few decades the way children understood and experienced nature had “chang

21、ed greatly”. “Today, kids are aware of the global threats to the environment but their physical contact, their intimacy (亲密) with nature, is fading. Thats exactly the opposite of how it was when I was a child,” said Mr. Louv. He admitted that naturedeficit disorder was “by no means a medical diagnos

22、is”Tim Gill, author of the report Sowing the Seeds: Reconnecting Londons Children with Nature, agreed that the term does not have any meaningful clinical basis. “My idea is that regular contact with nature is part of a balanced diet of childhood experiences. If children do not have those experiences

23、 then they are not going to thrive to the same degree as if they did,” Tim Gill added. “They are also likely to grow up not caring about the world around them.”“Forest schools” are a type of outdoor education in which children visit forests, learning social and living skills. They are intended to of

24、fer children regular opportunities to develop confidence and independence through handson learning in a woodland environment. They have appeared to have a beneficial effect on children with emotional or behavioural problems.Play England is an organization that focuses on giving children access to fr

25、ee play areas. “We believe that kids should be outside playing for a good proportion of the day because it is how they can stay happy, less stressed and healthy,” said Play England director Cath Prisk.However, she added: “Research showed that parents think taking their kids to the park is something

26、you do as a rare treat instead of something you do routinely.”6As a child, Richard Louv _.Awas fond of writing medical booksBspent a lot of time playing in the open airCread a lot of books about natureDwas curious about wildlife7When children with naturedeficit disorder grow up, they will probably _

27、.Asuffer from a mental diseaseBbe confident and independentCignore the surrounding worldDhave bad social skills8What is a child not likely to learn in “forest schools” ?来源:Z*xx*k.ComACooking. BPutting up a tent.CMaking friends. DWriting.9The underlined word “routinely” in the last paragraph can be r

28、eplaced by “_”Aregularly BproperlyChardly Dcasually.书面表达阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Some post80s graduates have given up the dream of working in a big city, and heading back home has become part of future job consideration. Two of the more common ones are trying to avoid the intense competition and

29、 the pressure, and seeing unprecedented opportunities in the growing economies back home.Changping, a 22yearold student from Hainan University, said that if he would decide on starting his business, hed certainly return to his hometown, Xiangfan, in Hubei Province. That was because he has his own ne

30、twork of people who could help him in every way. Also, he could get some good business ideas like setting up advanced kindergartens in small cities. If no one was doing that, the chance of being successful seemed higher.But Chen Haihua, a college student from Guangzhou Medical College, said that she

31、 would plan to stick to a big city, Guangzhou, instead of going back to her hometown, Zhanjiang, in Guangdong Province. She wanted to struggle in the big city for a more exciting, better life. She explained that she also could be a role model, letting the kids in her hometown work hard to go to key

32、universities.写作内容1以约30个词概括该短文的内容;2然后以约120个词谈谈你对就业方向的看法,内容包括:(1)试分析在大城市和回家乡就业各自的有利因素; (2)如果你大学毕业了,你会选择在哪里就业;(3)选择的理由。写作要求 作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。_答 案.1.选A句意:与人们健康有关的问题确实需要认真处理。第一空表示“与相关的”,应该用related to作matter的后置定语,表示被动;require后面需要跟动名词主动形式或不定式的被动式作宾语。故根据句意和结构可知应选A。2选D句意:“这部电影有

33、可能入围巴黎国际艺术节吗?”“一点都不可能,因为观众对此电影评价很低。”解答该题的关键是要正确理解介词后动名词的主动式与被动式的选用以及动名词与其逻辑主语之间的关系。选项在句中作介词of的宾语,应使用动名词形式,根据句意可知,介词of后的名词the film为try out的逻辑主语,且两者之间为被动关系,故应用动名词的被动结构。3选Castonished“感到惊讶的”,作表语时,其主语通常是人;astonishing“令人惊讶的”,常用来描述事物。4选D句意:“你同意过低碳生活的观点吗?”“听起来很难,但这是一种趋势。”subscribe to“同意”,符合句意。correspond to“

34、与一致”;apply to“适合”;cater to“迎合”。5选Cbe addicted to“对上瘾”,其中to为介词,后跟名词或动名词作宾语,故选C。6. 选C句意:不幸的童年可能对人的性格有些负面影响, 但是这些影响不总是永久的。 practical “切合实际的”;avoidable“可避免的”;permanent“永久的”;beneficial“有利的”。 7选C句意:“我真的生汤姆的气。他从不听我的话。”“别急,Ellen。事情会好转的。”take it easy“放松,别烦恼,不要生气”。8选A句意:按医生说明吃药,此外,你也应牢记阳光、新鲜空气和休息常常会使一个人早日康复。a

35、ccelerate“加速”,符合句意。approve“赞成”;accomplish“完成”;accumulate“积累”。9选D句意:尽管我不能充分理解在他的画里他想要展现什么,但我觉得他的作品给人的印象很深刻。while在此处表示“尽管”,引导让步状语从句。 10选BIf ever是“If I ever have been to the Great Wall”的省略。 11选B句意:今天,我们有太多通过先进的技术进行沟通交流的选择,但我们似乎已经失去了面对面沟通的乐趣。系动词seem后应接动词不定式。分析句子结构可知,we与lose是逻辑上的主动关系,故选B。12选B句意:凯特是个具有非凡才

36、智的女人,她一定会做好这份工作。根据两个并列分句的时态可知,空格处应用一般现在时,关系代词在定语从句中作主语,定语从句谓语动词的数应与先行词一致。故选B。13选C句意:学校应该教会学生使用计算机技术,这是至关重要的。在“It is vital that .”句型中,从句谓语动词用“should动词原形”,should可省略。teach后的students是其宾语,不能用被动语态。14选C从语意看,说话人表示“从来没有睡得这样好”,“a(n)形容词的比较级名词”用在否定句中表示最高级的含义。来源:学+科+网15选B句意:听到别人每件事情都抱怨,我很烦。为什么他们不能够更积极一点儿呢?it在句中作

37、形式主语,真正的主语是“to hear people blaming everything”,故选B。.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了休息和度假对人们生活幸福和身体健康的好处。1选B推理判断题。根据第一段可知,文章通过Rae Hostetler和Bruce Hostetler夫妇的例子引出了文章的主题,故选B。2选D推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的“Rest, relaxation, and stress reduction are very important for peoples wellbeing and health.”以及“but vacation is an impor

38、tant part of this as well”可知,度假对人们的身体健康很重要。故选D。3选D细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段最后一句中的“Americans responses may not be surprising in a culture where long hours on the job often are valued”可知,美国人很认同将大量时间花在工作上的做法。故选D。4选A推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,如果没有时间和机会休息,时间久了会使得产生平静和安静的感情神经变得很弱,从而就更难产生让人放松的感觉了,由此可推知选A项“我们要及时休息”。5选B主旨大意题。文章第一

39、段通过Rae Hostetler和Bruce Hostetler夫妇的例子引出了文章的主题,即度假休息有利于人们的身心健康。故选B。语篇解读:本文为说明文。研究发现现代生活方式减少了儿童与大自然接触的机会,很多儿童患有“大自然缺失症”。“大自然缺失症”对孩子的身心发展会产生不良影响。6选B推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Today, kids are aware of the global threats .it was when I was a child,”可以推断,Richard Louv小时候经常在户外玩耍。7选C细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句可知,患有“大自然缺失症”的孩子长大后很可能对

40、周围的世界漠不关心。8选D推理判断题。根据第六段第一句可知,在“森林学校”里学生学习社交及生活技能。A、B和C三项属于这两项技能,D项则不属于。9选A词义猜测题。根据该句中的“instead of”可知,前后存在对比关系,根据“a rare treat”可推断,routinely是“常规地,日常地”之意,故选A。.参考范文:Post80s graduates hold different views towards job choices. Some, like Changping, will head back home to avoid the competition and pressu

41、re in big cities, while others, like Chen Haihua, would prefer to stay in big cities to seek a better job.Working in a big city is of course an exciting thing, which means better opportunities and more conveniences. Its easier to find a wellpaid job or a better platform to improve oneself. While in

42、a small town, where there are not so many elites to compete with, one can easily avoid the pressure from fierce competition in big cities to live a rather cosy life.As for me, a girl from a remote village, I would rather struggle in a big city like Shenzhen to make a living than go back to my hometown. Though hard, struggling itself may gain me enough experience of doing business. Therefore, after graduation, I will choose a big city as the start of my career. Thanks to the intense competition, I can grow into an experienced and competitive person, which does good to my later development.


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