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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修八 UNIT 1 THE WRITTEN WORD 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc

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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修八 UNIT 1 THE WRITTEN WORD 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修八 UNIT 1 THE WRITTEN WORD 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修八 UNIT 1 THE WRITTEN WORD 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修八 UNIT 1 THE WRITTEN WORD 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修八 UNIT 1 THE WRITTEN WORD 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第5页
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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修八 UNIT 1 THE WRITTEN WORD 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第6页
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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修八 UNIT 1 THE WRITTEN WORD 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第7页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家The written word课时跟踪检测B卷.完形填空(2015盐城高三模拟)A woman who had a bad temper scolded everyone around her and she _1_ the violent rage (愤怒) inside her was everyone elses fault.She went to see a wellrespected Buddhist monk to ask for _2_.The monk told her to take a large clay jug (水壶) from hi

2、s kitchen, fill it with water and _3_outside.“When people _4_, you must offer them a glass of water. Do this until there is no _5_ left inside you.”the monk said.So she stood outside with a water jug and _6_ water to passersby every day for the next several weeks. And every morning she asked herself

3、 _7_ rage still pulsed through her body, and every morning the answer was“yes.”So she _8_ serving water. Until this afternoon when a rude man walked up, _9_ the water jug out of her hand, drank _10_ out of it, and then threw the jug on the ground as he continued on his way.The rage within the woman

4、turned into an uncontrollable fit. Unable to _11_ herself, she picked up the jug off the ground and, threw it at the rude man as he walked away. The jug suddenly _12_ into pieces over the back of his head and he fell to the ground, _13_ and bleeding.When the woman _14_ down, she realized what she ha

5、d done and began to cry. She reported the incident to the police and two police cars arrived at the _15_ moments later.Then one of the police officers walked over to the woman, who was still _16_, and said, “The city _17_ you a bigthank youThat man has been on our most _18_ list for over a year now.

6、”Now we see if we completely rid ourselves of our inner darkness, then we will always make the _19_ choices. _20_, life isnt predictable.So, to forgive yourself is to set a prisoner free and the discoverer of the prisoner is you yourself.1A.discoveredBhopedCannounced Dbelieved2A.choice BadviceCapolo

7、gy Dpermission3A.regret BreflectCstand Dshout4A.starve BpassCcomplain Dleave5A.water BgriefCrage Denergy6A.served BdrankCdelivered Dpoured7A.why BifCwhen Dhow8A.continued BstartedCstopped Drefused9A.spilled BstoleCrobbed Dsnatched10A.accidentally BcarefullyCdirectly Dexactly11A.express BdescribeCcon

8、trol Dchange12A.blew BdividedCbroke Dexploded13A.awake BunconsciousCdead Dalert14A.turned BlayCbroke Dcalmed15A.background BcaseCsituation Dscene16A.talking BsobbingCscreaming Dlaughing来源:学科网ZXXK17A.allows BoffersCowes Dappreciates18A.needed BrequiredClacked Dwanted19A.real BrightCwrong Dpractical20

9、A.At all BAfter allCIn all DAbove all.阅读理解(2015苏北四市第三次调研)Before the Industrial Revolution, only a small percentage of the worlds population was literate(有文化的 ). Literacy rates increased throughout the 19th century, as people started moving from the countryside to towns and cities for the job opportu

10、nities opening up in the newly industrialized societies. Many of these new jobs, especially the higher paying ones, required the ability to read and write. With the rise of universal education in almost all countries around the world, literacy rates have steadily gone up over the past hundred years.

11、But basic literacy is no longer enough. For years now, routine human tasks, that is, those tasks that can well be described by a set of rules, have been taken over by technology substitution (代替) and automation (自动化). Many bluecollar manufacturing activities in assembly plans have fallen into this c

12、ategory. So have an increasing number of whitecollar informationbased activities, including record keeping and many kinds of administrative tasks.Not surprisingly, our knowledgebased digital economy requires better educated workers with specific skills requirements. For example, we are surrounded by

13、 smart machines cars, music players, TVs, video recorders, smart phones, PCs, the Internet, email, the Web, ecommerce sites and on and on and on. They have become indispensable tools at work and at home. Digital literacy, the ability to deal with the sophisticated machines all around and use them ef

14、fectively to help us address complex problems, has become a very important skill.In general, people who are comfortable dealing with complexity are better able to handle more demanding, higher paying jobs. In our complex world, unanticipated situations often arise that we have not encountered before

15、 and thus require good problemsolving skills. Similar cognitive skills are necessary to help us evaluate the options involved in making complex decisions.A 2011 study by the McKinsey Global Institute projects a continuous demand for workers with at least a postsecondary education to meet the demands

16、 of business. According to McKinsey, employers are already having trouble filling positions requiring technical skills. Many workers will not necessarily have the skills needed for the jobs that are most likely to be in demand.Moreover, as we look into the future, digital technologies will continue

17、to be applied to activities requiring cognitive capabilities and problemsolving intelligence that not long ago were viewed as the exclusive domain of humans. As a result, we will need to continually upgrade our skills in order to keep up with our increasingly smart machines and fast changing job req

18、uirements.1. Why is advanced literacy necessary?AThere are more human tasks which can be described by a set of rules.BThere are more bluecollar manufacturing activities.CMore routine human tasks have been taken over.DMore record keeping and many kinds of administrative tasks appear.2Which of the fol

19、lowing best describes what our digital economy needs?ASmart machines cars, music players, TVs, the Internet, and so on.BWorkers with good education and specific requirements.CSophisticated machines all around.DIndispensable tools at work and at home.3From Paragraph 5, we can learn that McKinsey agre

20、es that_.Aemployers find it difficult to find skilled workersBemployees have difficulty filling in the formsCworkers surely have the skills needed for the jobsDall skills are in demand in the future4Which of the following is the best title for the passage?AWorlds Literacy RatesBThe Development of Di

21、gital TechnologiesCFast Changing Attitudes来源:Zxxk.ComDJobs and Lifelong Learning .任务型阅读 (2015无锡市高三上学期期末)The parents of a troubled teen may feel unsure as to whom to turn to in order to find help for their child. They may feel as if they have exhausted all of their options, and sometimes they are on

22、the point of giving up. But there is hope, schools for troubled teens offer discipline and in some cases, drug treatment programs that can provide important life skills, and more importantly, a fresh start.The following is a list of the most effective types of schools for troubled teens. Not every f

23、acility is a match for every child. But by knowing the differences between them, parents can decide better where to send their teenagers.Boarding SchoolsWhen a child is unable to deal with the relative freedom of a standard school day, boarding schools might be a good choice. At boarding schools, th

24、e child lives in a dorm setting, where almost every minute of the day is scheduled by school administrators.Treatment CentersWhen a teenager has an addiction to drugs or alcohol. A treatment center that specializes in young people is an outstanding way to help them break the cycle of addiction.Treat

25、ment centers feature individual and group counseling(咨询) to help identify the root causes of the drug problem and help develop the life skills needed to stay clean when the program is over.Wilderness ProgramsDesigned to help improve the discipline and selfreliance of the child, wilderness programs s

26、end kids back to nature. By placing them in a foreign and sometimes uncomfortable setting, wilderness programs hope to improve childrens behavior. Programs generally include hikes, exercise programs and team building exercise.Boot CampsBoot camps are the most extreme style of school for troubled tee

27、ns. These facilities are modeled after actual military boot camps.where the individual must get into shape. Work as part of a team, and follow a long, hard set of rules and regulations. However, boot camps might not be the best choice for a teen with a drug addiction.(1)_Schools for Troubled Teenage

28、rsProblemHaving (2)_out all the options. Parents of troubled teens may feel unsure about whom to turn to for help.来源:Zxxk.Com(3)_ of schoolsBoarding schools have students time (4)_ carefully.Treatment centers help students (5)_ to drugs return to normal.Wilderness programs are (6)_to improve student

29、s behavior by putting them in a foreign and sometimes uncomfortable setting.Boot camps are beneficial to (7)_up their body and developing their sense of (8) _. (9)_By knowing the differences between them, parents can make a better (10)_about where to send their teenagers.答 案.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。有个脾气很坏的女

30、人,她总是对着身边的人大嚷大叫。在一位高僧的建议下,她每天为路过的人送上一杯水。结果在遇到一个脾气暴躁的男子时,她忍不住爆发了,用水壶打昏了他,而那位男子竟然是一名通缉犯。1选D根据空格后“the violent rage (愤怒) inside her was everyone elses fault”并结合选项可知,她认为自己内心的愤怒是其他所有人的错,因此只有believed与语境相符。2选B根据空格后“The monk told her to take .”可知,她去向一个德高望重的高僧征求建议。3选C根据下文中的“So she stood outside .”可知,高僧让她站在外面。

31、4选B根据下文中的“water to passersby every day”可知,此处指的是当人们经过时,因此pass符合语境。5选C根据第一段第一句中的“A woman who had a bad temper . the violent rage (愤怒) inside her”可知,高僧让她给路过的每个人一杯水,直到她心中没有愤怒为止。由此可知,rage最恰当。6选A根据第三段第三句中的“serving water”可知,她每天给过路的人供应水。在选项中,serve“供应,服务,招待”,符合语境。7选B根据语境可知,每天早晨她都问自己心中是否还有愤怒,因此if符合语境。8选A根据上一句

32、可知,她每天问自己是否还有愤怒,每次的回答都是“还有”,因此她应该是继续给过路的人供应水。选项中continued与语境相符。9选D根据空格后的“out of her hand”,并结合选项可知,一个粗鲁的男人走过来,一把从她手里抢走了水壶,snatch“抢夺,抢走,强夺”,符合语境。10选C根据空格后的“out of it”可知,他直接从水壶里喝水,directly“直接地,立刻”,与语境相符。来源:Z&xx&k.Com11选C根据上文中的“an uncontrollable fit”可知,她难以控制自己。12选C根据空格后的“into pieces”,并结合选项可知,此处指的是水壶砸在男人

33、的头上,突然摔成了碎片。在选项中,broke可与空格后构成动词短语“break into pieces”“摔成碎片”,与语境相符。13选B结合下一段内容可知,那个男子倒在地上,失去了知觉,unconscious“无意识的,失去知觉的,不省人事的”,符合语境。14选D根据空格后的“she realized what she had done”可知,当她冷静下来时,她意识到自己做了什么,calm down“冷静下来”。15选D根据空格前的“She reported the incident to the police .”可知,两辆警车到达了现场,scene“现场,场面”,与语境相符。16选B根据

34、上文中的“began to cry”可知,当一个警察走到她面前时,她还在呜咽,因此sobbing符合语境。17选C根据空格后的“you a bigthank you”,并结合选项可知,此处指的是这座城市应给予你感谢,owe“应给予,把归因于,欠”,与语境相符。18选D结合上文的语境可知,那个男人是头号通缉犯。在选项中,wanted 为形容词,意为“被通缉的”,可与空格前的most 连用,意为“头号通缉犯”,符合语境。19选B根据本句中的“Now we see if we completely rid ourselves of our inner darkness”可知,我们总会做出正确的选择。

35、故选B。来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K20选B结合空格后的“life isnt predictable”可知,此处指毕竟生活是不可预测的,因此B项符合语境。.语篇解读:文章提及不同的时代对劳动者的能力提出了不同要求,指出劳动者需要终身学习以跟上科技的迅猛发展以及就业市场的快速变化。1选C细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一、二句可知,基本的读写能力已经不够用了。多年来,常规的劳动任务,即那些可以被一系列规则所描述出来的工作,已被技术产品和自动化所取代。故答案为 C。2选B细节理解题。文章第三段第一句提到“不足为奇的是,以知识为基础的数字经济要求劳动者受到过更好的教育,具备特定的技能”,之后列举了我们

36、身边各种各样的智能机器的名称。故答案为 B。3选A推理判断题。文章第五段谈到麦肯锡全球研究所 2011 年的一份研究报告预测。根据该段最后两句可知,麦肯锡表示,企业在招聘技术岗位时已经感觉到难度很大,许多劳动者并不完全具备那些工作岗位所需的职业技能。故答案为 A。4选D标题概括题。通读全文可知,文章谈及不同时代对劳动者不同的技能要求,由此可知,为满足不同时期的就业需要,劳动者需要不断地学习。故答案为 D。.1.Title/Topic2.tried3.Types/Kinds4.managed/scheduled/planned5.addicted6.intended/meant/designed7.building 8cooperation/teamwork9.Conclusion 10decision/choice高考资源网版权所有,侵权必究!


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