1、00:00.00This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社新闻。00:04.56Congressional leaders huddle at the White House where they may hear about a limited proposal from the president,国会领导人齐聚白宫,听取总统奥巴马的提议,00:09.35aimed at avoiding the tax increase and spending cuts taking effect next week.会议旨在避免下周税率增长和裁剪开支措施的实施。00:13.61Tra
2、ffic will keep moving at East Coast ports after a deal is struck averting a strike by scores of longshoremen.为避免大量码头工人罢工而签订的协议使得东海岸的港口恢复了交通畅通。00:19.30Their expired contract is extended another 30 days as talks continue.由于经济方案的讨论仍在继续,原本即将要到期的合同被延期30天。00:24.53In New York City, some subway riders say t
3、hey are being more cautious on the platform after a woman pushes a man in front of a train.纽约市一名女子将一名男子推入地铁轨道后,乘坐地铁的民众在月台上更加小心翼翼了。00:31.68Police say she got up and shoved him just as the train was coming.警方表示当时那名女子在列车即将进站时推搡了一名男子。00:35.62Mississippi paddle wheelers made famous by Mark Twain novels, making a comeback along the might river.密西西比的桨轮船因马克吐温的小说而出名,现在又再度火了一把,许多人慕名而来参观密西西比河上的桨轮船。00:41.25The renovated steamships are for tourists willing to pay top dollar for a leisurely float.游客们还付高金搭载翻新过的蒸汽船,在河上自在游览。00:46.60Lee Powell, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.李鲍威尔报道,美联社新闻一分钟。