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2015-2016学年高二人教版英语选修八各单元词汇句子练习:UNIT 4 PYGMALION WORD版含答案.doc

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2015-2016学年高二人教版英语选修八各单元词汇句子练习:UNIT 4 PYGMALION WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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2015-2016学年高二人教版英语选修八各单元词汇句子练习:UNIT 4 PYGMALION WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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1、Unit 4Pygmalion单元知识点练习多项选择1. Shes hoping her first performance in the US will be the first step on the road to success, then she wants to try her _ in Hollywood.Areputation Bfortune Cfame Dtarget2. Her lack of knowledge _ her to do the kind of work that needs strength.Acondemns Bmakes Corders Dcondu

2、cts3We _ certain living things as birds not because they have long legs or short legs, but because they all have feathers.Asuppose Bclassify Clook Dinsist4. How do you know he is from Hunan Province?Oh,his accent _ when he spoke.Abetrayed Bdisplayed Cappeared Dshowed5. Dont always think you yourself

3、 are _ to the others;in fact you are just an ordinary person.Ainferior Bsuperior Csensitive Dsensible6. You can make an appropriate _ to solve the problem.Aadaptation Badoption Cpronunciation Daffection7This naughty boy is really _,which makes his mother upset.Aattractive Bactive Ctroublesome Danxio

4、us8We are at your service. Dont _to turn to us if you have any further problems.Abeg Bhesitate Cdesire Dseek9The interior decoration of the house is a(n)_between Chinese and foreign styles.Aacquaintance Badjustment Cpreparation Dcompromise10. With only five minutes left from the end, the _ of the cl

5、ose match was still in doubt.A. outlet B. outcome C. output D. outweigh11. Generally speaking, children who are under six are not admitted into school unless they are of _ intelligence.A. extraordinary B. troublesome C. disgusting D. horrible12. These are not _ cultural sites but copies of something

6、 that may or may not have really existed. A. antique B. authentic C. shabby D. brilliant 13. On hearing the horrible noise,they all went out and looked at what was happening in _.Aamusement Benjoyment Camazement Dembarrassment14Many Chinese people donate money to help those students _ financial aid.

7、Ain favor of Bin honor of Cin face of Din need of15Teachers prefer to measure our performance _the efforts we make rather than the intelligence we have.Ain addition to Bin terms of Cin honor of Din response to完成句子1He _ over whether to join the expedition. (hesitate)是否加入这个探险队,他仍拿不定主意。2_,his mother wo

8、uld wait for him to have dinner together. (however)无论他多么晚,*妈也会等他一起吃饭。3Not until the teacher explained it again _the sentence. 直到老师再次讲解,我们才理解这句话的意思。(sense)4They soon realized that,unless carefully _,the situation would become even worse.(deal)很快他们就认识到,如果不小心处理,情况就会更加糟糕。5_,they decided to accept it. (a

9、s)尽管工作很困难,他们还是决定接受它。6In terms of quality,the product of our company is _.就质量而言,我们公司的产品比其他公司的好。 (superior)7But for your help, I _ the examination. (pass)如果不是你的帮助的话,我绝不会通过考试的。8_ many times, he has lost all his possessions.(cheat)被*了很多次以后,他失去了所有的财产。9The idea _and the club was never formed.(fade)这个主意似乎被

10、淡忘了,俱乐部也没有建起来。10Look at the terrible situation I am in!If only I _. (follow)看看我所处的可怕境地。要是我听从了你的建议就好了!11. _advertisements,TV programs are often made boring.频繁被广告打断,电视节目经常被搞得很乏味。 (interrupt)12. Many people in the West _ to buy Christmas presents for their relations and friends. (make)在西方,许多人把给亲戚朋友买圣诞礼

11、物当成一种习惯。13. It is a great honour for me _.( acquaintance)结识你真是我三生有幸。14. It was wrong for him to think of everything _.(term)他事事都从钱的角度考虑,这是不对的。15. We _, which made him ashamed. (condemn)我们谴责他行为不检点,这让他感到羞耻。Unit 4Pygmalion单元知识点练习参考答案多项选择15 BABAB 610 ACBDB 11-15 ABCDB完成句子1. is still hesitating 2. Howeve

12、r late he was3. did we make sense of4. dealt with5Hard/Difficult as the work was6. superior to that of other companies7would never have passed8Having been cheated9. seemed to fade out10. had followed your advice.11. Regularly interrupted by 12. make it a rule13. to make your acquaintance14. in terms of money15. condemned him for his bad conduct


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