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2013届高三广东北师大版英语一轮复习学案:M3 UNIT 9 WHEELS(2).doc

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1、2013届高三广东北师大版英语一轮复习学案:M3 unit 9 Wheels(2)9. compare compare作“比较”解时,常用作及物动词,与介 词with或to搭配,指同类事物的具体比较。 Compare this with that, and you will see which is better. 把这个和那个比较一下,你就可以看出哪个比 较好了。compare作“比作”解时,与介词to搭配,是非同类事物的抽象比较。Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把人生比作舞台。表示比较,可以用compare with或compar

2、e to,但表示比喻,只能用compare to。过去分词短语compared to或compared with表示“与比起来”,常在句中作状语,可位于句首或句尾,介词to和with可通用。It was a small place when compared to/with what it is now.和现在比起来,那时它还是一个小地方。10. 有关pull的短语We were still on the platform when the train pulled out.当火车离站时,我们仍在站台上。He was badly injured when falling off a horse

3、 but he will pull through.从马上掉下来后,他严重受伤,但会恢复的。That building on the corner was very old. They pulled it down and put up a modern bank.角落的那栋楼太旧了,他们把它拆毁,建成一栋现代化银行。1. 从罗马来的快车准时进站了。 The express from Rome _ on time.2. 司机遇到交通灯时将车停下来。 The driver _ when he came to the traffic lights.pulled inpulled up11. mea

4、nvt. say sth. in different words 意思是,意味着 What do you mean by saying so? 你这么说是什么意思? What does this word mean? =What is meant by this word? 这个词做什么解释? What he said meant hiring more workers. 他的意思是再雇一些工人。I didnt mean to hurt you. 我本无意要伤害你。 adj. 粗陋的,破烂不堪的;吝惜的,自私的 a mean house in a mean street 破烂街道上的简陋房屋

5、Her husband is rather mean over money matters. 她的丈夫对钱财相当吝惜。 You dont mean to say so. 你不是这个意思吧。1. Why didnt you tell Anna the truth? I _(我本来打算). But I was lacking in the courage.2. You _(应该) attend your sisters wedding. Why didnt you come?meant to havewere meant to12. agree v. 同意I asked him to help m

6、e and he agreed.我请他帮忙,他答应了。They agreed to our study plan at once.他们立即同意了我们的学习计划。I do not agree with what you have said.我不同意你所说的。They all agree on the matter.他们在这个问题上意见一致。1. 玛丽的父亲已同意她嫁给约翰。 Marys father has _ her marrying John.2. 这账单与你原来的估计不符合。 This bill does not _ your original estimate.3. 他们商定了合同的条件

7、。 They _ the terms of the contract.agreed toagree withagreed on / upon13. go up 上升;攀登 I believe prices might go up next week. 我想下周的价格也许会上涨。 1. 河水在上涨/温度在上升。The river / temperature _.2. 他们爬上了山/爬上了树。They _ the mountain/trees.【答案】1. is going up2. went up14. get stuck in 被困于 I was late because I got/was

8、stuck in the traffic jam. 因为塞车我迟到了。 When I asked Jenny Trowe of Greenpeace for advice about how to give up, she told me six things.当我问珍妮托尔关于绿色和平怎样放弃时,她告诉我6件事情。本句中,疑问词how+动词不定式to give up作介词about的宾语。此外,“疑问词+动词不定式”还可作及物动词的宾语、句子的主语和表语等。I dont know what to do next.(宾)我不知道下一步该做什么。When to start hasnt been

9、decided.(主)什么时候出发还没有决定。My problem is where to stay tonight.(表)我的问题是今晚在哪里过夜。Please give me some advice on how to learn English.(宾)请给我一些关于如何学英语的建议。你能教我怎样用电脑吗? _我不知道是否该给他回信。 _ _Can you teach me how to use the computer?I dont know whether to answer his letter(or not).如何使用高级词汇及如何使句式多样化 高考英语写作部分在语言方面的要求中有

10、:能尽量使用较高级词汇。英文写作中若有高级词汇,是获取高分的重要条件之一,但如何使用高级词汇? 1注意使用词组、习语来代替一些单词以增加文采。如:用catch sight of代替see,用care nothing for代替dislike等。 2使用一些很有“洋味”的单词。 Thank you for sharing the time with us. (用share而不用spend) The noise nearly drove me mad. (用drive而不用 make) Tom had his leg broken last week. (用have his leg broken而

11、不用break his leg) 3避免重复使用同一单词或短语。如:用We have built a new classroom building besides the oldone and we have also set up a library where the old one used to be. 比用We have built a new classroom building besides the old one and we have also built a library where the old one used to be. 好。 英文写作中,不同的思想内容要用不

12、同的句式来表达;而同一思想内容也可以用不同的句式来表达。句式不同,表达效果也就不同。只有句式多样化,文章才会生动有趣,充满活力。 可是,在实际写作中,初学写作的学生往往一篇文章都是千篇一律的简单句,文章单调乏味,毫无生气。笔者认为,恰当地使用某些方法或手段有助于实际表达形式的多样化,增强表达效果。下面将常用方法简单介绍如下: 1改变句子的开头方式。不要一味地都是主语开头, 可以把状语置于句首等。如: (原) He was still absorbed in his work deep into the night. (改) Deep into the night, he was absorbe

13、d in his work.2学会运用特殊句式。 省略句: If necessary, we shall send a telegram home. 倒装句: Not only did he refuse the gift, he also severely criticized the sender. 强调句: It was at that moment that he changed his mind.3学会使用复合句、分词状语、感叹句、with的复合结构、独立主格、it句型等多种句式。如: (原)Yesterday my father went to Tianhe Mall. He bo

14、ught us a lot of gifts. (改)Yesterday my father went to Tianhe Mall where he bought us a lot of gifts. (原)There was nothing else to do. We went home. (改)There being nothing else to do, we went home.英语的句式是多种多样的,只要从要表达的内容出发合理选用,文章的句式就会富于变化。在学习写作的过程中,学生应不断练习构造各种各样的句式,以提高语言表达能力。按要求改写下列句子1. The singer cam

15、e out of the airport. A lot of fans followed him. He had a bunch of flowers in his hand. 简单句:_(2)并列句:_Followed by a lot of fans, the singer came out of the airport, with a bunch of flowers in his hand. The singer came out of the airport, with a bunch of flowers in his hand, and a lot of fans followe

16、d him. (3)复合句:_The singer who was followed by a lot of fans came out of the airport, with a bunch of flowers in his hand.2.My uncle lives in a small town. In the town there is a big factory. He has worked there for sixteen years. (1)用it改写上组句子:_ (2)用复合句和并列句改写:_My uncle lives in a small town. In it th

17、ere is a big factory. He has worked there for sixteen years. In the small town where my uncle lives, there is a big factory, and he has worked there for sixteen years.(3)用复合句和简单句改写:_(4)用复合句改写:_My uncle lives in a small town, where there is a big factory. He has worked there for sixteen years. My uncle has worked for sixteen years in a big factory in the small town where he lives.


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