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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Unit 2Working the land (2).短语填空(be) confused about,reduce to.,wash off,build up,lead to,in addition,turn to,focus on/upon,keep.free of/from.,make comments on/upon1.There is no doubt that stress can _ physical illness.2We will _ three main topics.3Im still a little _ what happened.4By

2、 losing weight,her weight has _ 98 jin.5If you have any questions,you can _ me at any time.6I dont want to _ other peoples privacy.7We would like to _a world _ violence for children.8These exercises are good for _ leg strength.9There was an earthquake and,_,there were tidal waves.10It was hard to _

3、the dirt.答案1.lead to2.focus on/upon3.confused about4reduced to5.turn to6.make comments on/upon7keep,free of/from8.building up9.in addition10wash off.单项填空1(2013长沙高一检测)This is a _ problem,which can be seen from her _ look.Aconfusing;confusing Bconfused;confusingCconfusing;confused Dconfused;confused答案

4、C考查confuse的用法。句意:从她那困惑的表情可以看出这是一个令人困惑的问题。confused困惑的;迷惑不解的;被弄糊涂的,表示人的内心感受;confusing使人困惑的;令人迷惑的;使人混乱的,表示事物的特点。因此选C。2With the pressure _,she was off work for weeks because she couldnt stand it any more.Apicking up Bmaking upCbuilding up Dputting up答案C考查短语辨析。句意:随着压力的增加,她几个星期没上班,因为她再也忍受不了了。pick up拾起,捡起;

5、make up弥补,编造;put up 张贴,搭起;build up逐渐增强。由句意可知应选C项。3All her energies are _ upon her children and she seems to have little time for anything else.Aaimed Bfocused Cguided Ddirected答案B句意:她把所有的精力都倾注在她孩子身上,几乎没有时间关注其他的事情。focus与介词on或upon连用,意为“集中(注意力、精力等)于”。aim常与介词at连用;guide意为“带领”时,常与to连用;direct“指导”。故选B项。4(20

6、13唐山高一检测)The cars give off a great deal of waste gas in the street.Yes,but Im sure something will be done to _air pollution.Areduce Bremove Ccollect Dwarn答案A考查动词辨析。句意:汽车在街道上释放出大量的废气。没错,但我相信会采取措施减少空气污染的。reduce减少;remove移开;collect 收集;warn警告。5They are working hard to _sorghum and peanuts _ from being de

7、stroyed by pests and chemicals.Akeep;free Bhunger;disturbingCequip;sunburnt Dskim;super答案A句意:他们正在努力保护高粱和花生免遭害虫和化学物质的破坏。keep.free from.使免遭侵害。6(2013杭州高一检测)Having been ill in bed for nearly a month,he had a hard time in _the exam.Apass Bto pass Cpassed Dpassing答案D句意:卧病在床接近一个月,他很困难地通过了考试。have a hard tim

8、e in doing sth做某事有困难。所填空处作介词in的宾语。7_ to the party made us very much disappointed.ANot Jacks coming BJacks not comingCJack coming DJack not coming答案B考查动名词的复合结构作主语。动名词的否定形式要将not放在动名词之前,故A项可排除。当动名词复合结构作主语时,动名词前必须使用名词所有格或形容词性物主代词,而不可用名词普通格或宾格代词代替,故C、D两项也可排除。8Can you give some explanation about the accid

9、ent caused by the sons of the rich yesterday?_.ANo comment BNo doubtCNo use DNo wonder答案A句意:你能解释一下昨天富二代引起的意外吗?无可奉告。no comment 无可奉告;no doubt 毫无疑问;no use 没用;no wonder 不足为奇。根据句意应选A。9(2013郑州高一检测)People seldom realize the voice needs _.Many people over 65 sound much older than they are.Alooking after Bto

10、 look afterClook after Dto be looking after答案A考查非谓语动词。句意:人们很少意识到声音也需要保护。很多65岁以上的人听起来要比实际年龄大。need doing 常用主动形式表示被动意义。相当于need to be done。10(2013宝鸡高一检测)We firmly believe that war never settles anything.It only _ violence.Aruns into Bcomes fromCleads to Dbegins with答案C考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们坚信战争不会解决任何问题,它只会引发暴力。

11、lead to有“导致”之意,由句意知应选C项。run into撞上;come from来自;begin with以开始,三者均与句意不符。11Since you didnt agree with him,why didnt you raise objections at the meeting?Well,now I regret _ that.Ato do Bnot to doCdoing Dnot doing答案D考查regret 的用法。句意:既然你不同意他的话,为什么不在会议上提出反对呢?噢,现在我后悔没那样做了。regret后接动名词作宾语表示“后悔做了某事”。因此选D。12As a

12、n adult,he still remembers _ to visit the Forbidden City.Ato take Bto be takenCtaking Dbeing taken答案D考查remember 后接非谓语动词作宾语。句意:当他成年时,他仍记得被带去参观紫禁城的情景。remember doing sth记得做过某事。13In my mind,_that famous university will be the only way to become a worldclass writer.Aattending BattendedCattend Dhaving att

13、ended答案A考查非谓语动词作主语。句意:我认为,上那所名校将是成为世界一流作家的唯一途径。动词ing形式在句中作主语。14Which do you like better,swimming or skating?I _ swimming to skating.Aenjoy Blike Cprefer Dlove答案C考查动词词义辨析。句意:游泳和溜冰你更喜欢哪一个?我喜欢游泳胜过溜冰。”prefer(doing) sth to(doing) sth“与(做)某事相比,更喜欢(做)某事”,为固定搭配。15_,I think the movie is moving,interesting,an

14、d worth spending time on.AIn order BIn peaceCIn return DIn summary答案D句意:总的来说,我觉得这部电影既感人又有趣,值得花时间去看。in summary“总的来说;概括起来”,符合题意。in order井然有序;in peace 和平地,和睦地;in return作为报答,作为回报。.完成句子1因此,骑上我们的自行车,一起为打造一个低碳城市而勇挑重担吧。Therefore,lets take the responsibility _ _ _ a low carbon city by riding bicycles.2我很遗憾的告

15、诉你我不能去看望你了。I _ _ _ you that I cant go to see you.3集中注意力开车是很重要的,尤其是在这样结冰的路上。_ _ your driving is very important,especially on such an icy road.4他盖上了桌子,使它远离灰尘。He put a cover on the table _ _ _ _ _ dirt.5中央电视台经常邀请著名专家评论国际局势。Famous experts are often invited to CCTV _ _ _ international situations.答案1.to b

16、uild up2.regret to tell3.Focusing on4.to keep it free from5.to comment on.完形填空AAn old man lived in a certain part of London,and he would wake up every morning and get the train right to Central London,then sit at the street corner and beg.He would do this every_1_day of his life.He had begged for al

17、most 20 years.His house was_2_and unpleasant smell came out of the house.The neighbors could not_3_the smell any more,so they called the police officers to_4_this place.The officers_5_down the door and cleaned the house.There were small bags of_6_all over the house that the old man had_7_over the ye

18、ars.The police counted the money,and they soon realized that the old man was a_8_.They waited outside his house,expecting to_9_the good news with him.When he arrived home,he was met by one of the officers who told him that there was no_10_for him to beg any more as he was a rich man now,a millionair

19、e.He said nothing at all,but went into his house and locked the door.The next morning he_11_as usual._12_,this old man had no great plans,dreams or anything significant for his life.We learn nothing from this story other than staying focused on the things we enjoy doing.1A.several Bsingle Cminor Don

20、ly答案B他一生的每一天都是这样做的。every single day意为“每一天”。2A.neat Bexpensive Cbeautiful Dmessy答案D他的房子脏乱不堪(messy),一股恶臭味从房子里传来,异常难闻。3A.permit Bfollow Cresist Dstand答案D邻居难以忍受(stand)这种恶臭味。permit允许;follow跟随;resist抵抗。4A.clear Bremove Cpaint Dsearch答案A邻居们再也忍受不了这种味道,于是他们请来警察清理此地。clear作动词,意为“扫净,清理”,下文cleaned the house可作提示。

21、5A.knocked Bbroke Chanded Dput答案Aknock down拆除,拆掉。警察把门拆除掉,打扫房子。6A.newspaper Bbooks Cmoney Dstamps答案C房子里散放着很多袋钱(bags of money)。7A.promoted Bcollected Cengaged Dremained答案B这些钱都是他在过去的二十来年里收集到的。collect收集。8A.millionaire Bthief Ccleaner Dbeggar答案A警察数了数这些钱,很快他们意识到这位老人是个百万富翁。下文as he was a rich man now,a mill

22、ionaire可作提示。9A.appreciate Bprovide Cshare Dtell答案C他们在房子外耐心等待这个老人,期望和他一起分享这个好消息。share sth.with sb.意为“与某人分享某物”。10A.possibility Balternative Cneed Ddoubt答案C警察告诉他,他没有必要再乞讨了,他现在已是个富有的人了,一个百万富翁。There is no need for sb.to do sth.为固定句型,意为“某人没有必要去做某事”。11A.begged Banswered Cescaped Dmissed答案A第二天早晨,他还是像往常一样,继续

23、乞讨(begged)。12A.Personally BObviouslyCHopefully DUnfortunately答案B很显然(Obviously),这位老人没有什么伟大的计划,没有梦想,甚至没有任何对他的生活重要的东西。我们从这一故事中也学不到什么,我们唯一能学到的是要专心于自己喜欢做的事情。BA young fisherman is thinking of a way to cross the stream without getting his_13_wet.An engineer is thinking of a_14_to get automobiles across the

24、 river without getting their wheels wet.You know the answer to_15_problems:a bridge.The fishermans bridge doesnt take_16_to build.Just place a board_17_the little stream.Will the engineer plan the same kind of bridge?You know he wont and you know why.But dont_18_sorry for the engineer.He doesnt have

25、 to_19_the very beginning with a long board.People have been thinking about bridges for thousands of years.They have designed many types of bridges.Each bridge is suited to its special_20_.The engineer can choose the type best suited to the river and the land nearby.13A.clothes Bsocks Clegs Dfeet答案D

26、这是一个常识题,即能够过小溪而不湿鞋或脚。A、B和C虽然符合语法,但却不合常理。14A.road Broute Cway Dcourse答案C语境为“工程师想出了一个办法”,对应上句的提示。15A.all Bboth Cnone Dneither答案B前文交代了“a young fisherman”和“an engineer”这两者,所以选择both“两者都”。16A.long Bspirit Cmoney Dstrength答案Along很长时间;take long花费很长时间。take money花费钱;take strength尽力做。根据后文的Just place a board_17

27、_the little stream可知,渔夫的桥不会花很长时间就能建成,用一块木板,和“花钱”无关,也不是指“尽力做某事”。17A.on Bacross Calong Dby答案B句意:在小溪上放一块板子。从一边到另一边要用介词across。其他选项无法表达此意。18A.believe Bthink Cfeel Drealize答案C四个选项中只有C项feel是系动词,后面可以接形容词作表语。补全后句意:别为工程师感到难过。19A.deal with Bdo withCend with Dstart from答案D根据后面的the very beginning可知,此处填D项,start f

28、rom the very beginning从一开始。20A.types Bpurpose Cshapes Dresults答案B根据下文“The engineer can choose the type best suited to the river and the land nearby”,此处应该选B,即“每座桥都要适合其特殊目的”。be suited to适合。.阅读理解Vegetable gardening is the relaxing(放松)art and science of turning a love for growing plants into a worthwhil

29、e activity.Vegetable gardeners agree that many homegrown vegetables picked at their best are better than those vegetables bought from markets.From spring through late fall,a wellplanned and wellkept garden can provide a supply of fresh vegetables,thus increasing the nutrition of the family diet.Free

30、zers make it possible to keep some of the vegetables to be enjoyed at a later date.Other vegetables can be stored for a few months in a cool area.Having vegetables in the backyard makes home gardening attractive to many people.Besides,vegetable gardening provides exercise and fun for families.Though

31、 the money spent for a garden may be little,one cant escape the fact that gardening needs hard work and time.Many of the gardening tasks must be performed at times that are most inconvenient.Not doing jobs that should be done regularly may result in failure and a negative(消极的)feeling.One should not

32、plant a garden that is too large for him to care for.A small wellkept garden is more enjoyable and profitable(有益的)than a large one.Vegetables do well in full sunlight and need at least five or six hours of sun during the middle of the day.Too much shading results in poor plants and few vegetables.If

33、 possible,the garden should be near the house so the gardener can work in it at irregular moments.Usually the home owner has little choice in the soil type he can choose. Fortunately,many vegetables can be grown on poor soils if the soils are properly prepared.1Homegrown vegetables_.Ahave to be eate

34、n as soon as they are pickedBsell well in market because of their good quality(质量)Cpicked at the right moment are more nutritious than those bought from the marketDcan remain standing for a long time and need not be picked immediately答案C第二段第一句中的at their best等于at the right moment,这样与C意义吻合,其他选项与文中的事实有

35、出入。2Vegetable gardening is attractive for many people because_.Ait needs little moneyBit is enjoyable and profitableCthey can work at irregular momentsDit provides vegetables for the family all through the year答案B从全文主旨可知作者从乐趣和实惠两个方面劝人们种蔬菜。3The underlined word “performed” (Paragraph 4) can be replaced by_.Aworked out Bacted outCoperated out Dcarried out答案Dperform在此处指任务的“完成”,故选D。4The writer suggests that an ideal(理想的)vegetable garden should_.Abe sunnyBbe beyond walking distanceCbe largesizedDbe made up of full soil答案A第五段说明条件是“规模小”,“阳光充足”,“距离近”;第六段表示“对土壤要求不严格”,故A正确。- 10 - 版权所有高考资源网


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