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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 27 PERIOD 1(北师大版必修九课标通版).doc

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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 27 PERIOD 1(北师大版必修九课标通版).doc_第1页
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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 27 PERIOD 1(北师大版必修九课标通版).doc_第8页
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1、Unit27 Behaviour Period One Warmup & Reading 课时精练(北师大版选修9,课标通用)(时间:40分钟满分:56分).单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1He fought bravely and gained his comrades _.Arespectable BrespectfulCrespect Drespects2The film is _.Aworthy to see Bworth seeing itCworth to be seen Dworthy of being seen3He didnt give John the mo

2、ney,but he gave it to me _.Ahowever BthereforeCotherwise Dinstead4The message is very important,so it is supposed _ as soon as possible.Ato be sent Bto sendCbeing sent Dsending5_ is often the case,we have worked out the production plan.AWhich BWhen CWhat DAs6I really appreciate _ to relax with you o

3、n this nice island.Ato have had time Bhaving timeCto have time Dto having time7After he hung up,he felt more tired and decided to _ calling the detective agency until the next day.Adesire Bsuggest Cderive Dpostpone8The government tried hard to _ ways to halt corruption and increase efficiency.Aprohi

4、bit Bseek Cintrude Daccept9I havent heard from Henry for a long time.What do you suppose _ to him?Awas happening Bto happenChas happened Dhad happened10A diligent worker,however,does not necessarily _ many achievements or honors.Atake over Bresult in Chold on Dkeep to答案1.C2.D3.D4.A5.D6.B7.D8.D 9C10.

5、B.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)The Rich FamilyIll never forget Easter 1946.I was fourteen,my _11_ sister,Ocy,was twelve and my elder sister,Darlene,was sixteen.We lived at home with our mother,and the four of us knew what it was to do without.My dad had died five years _12_,leaving Mom with no money and

6、 seven schoolaged kids to _13_._14_ 1946,my brothers had left home and my elder sisters were married.A month before the minister(牧师) of our church _15_ that a special holiday offering would be taken to help a poor family.He asked _16_ to save and give sacrificially(牺牲地)When we got home,we talked abo

7、ut _17_ we could do.We decided to buy fifty pounds of potatoes and live _18_ them for a month.This would allow us to _19_ twenty dollars of our grocery money for the offering.Then we thought that if we kept our electric lights _20_ as much as possible and didnt listen to the radio,wed save money on

8、that months _21_ bill.The night before Easter,we were so _22_ that we could hardly sleep.We didnt _23_ that we wouldnt have new clothes for Easter;we had _24_ dollars for the sacrificial offering.We could hardly wait to get to the _25_!Then we sat in the church _26_.When the sacrificial offering was

9、 taken,we were sitting in the second row from the front.Mom put in the tendollar bill,and _27_ of us kids put in a twentydollar bill.We sang all the way home from the church.Later that afternoon,the minister drove up in his car.Mom went to the door,talked with him for a(n) _28_,and then came back wi

10、th an envelope in her hand.We asked what it was,_29_ she didnt say a word.She opened the envelope and out _30_ a bunch of money.There were three crisp twentydollar bills,one tendollar bill and seventeen onedollar bills.11A.big BlittleCold Dadolescent答案B从前后几个人的年龄大小可判断出是妹妹,即little sister,而adolescent是“

11、青少年的”。12A.ago Bthen Cbefore Dlate答案Cago表示从现在往前推,B和D属于干扰项,不符合上下文意思,前面的had died可做提示选C。13A.educate Bhelp Cfeed Draise答案Deducate,help,feed的意思太单一。有七个孩子要养育,故选raise,意义全面。14A.In BUntil CBy DAfter答案C由下文my brothers had left home可得线索。by接过去时间,句子应用过去完成时。15A.said Bannounced Ctold Dremarked答案Bsaid和told太随意,不合文章中郑重其

12、事的味道,而remarked过于正式,多用于文学故事中,announced表“通知”、“宣布”。16A.somebody BanybodyCnobody Deverybody答案Dsomebody是“某个人”,anybody常用在疑问句和否定句中。牧师通知所有教民捐献,故选everybody。17A.which Bwhat Chow Dwhen答案B根据上下文的意思及we could do缺宾语,应选what。18A.on Bin Cat Dby答案Alive on “靠生存/生活”;live in/at “住/生活在”;live by “靠某种方式生存”。由potatoes和them可得出答

13、案。19A.spend Bwaste Csave Duse答案C此处最能体现上下文线索在完形填空中的作用,且前后有几处save。文章说的是从日常用品的开销中省出twenty dollars来捐献,故选save。20A.turned in Bturned outCturned down Dturned up答案Bturned in“上交”,turned out“结果是;关闭”,turned down“拒绝,把调低”,turned up“出现”。由文中可知尽可能多关灯为了省电钱。21A.water Bgas Celectric Dmeal答案C由前文可知是省电费,故选electric。22A.fr

14、ightened BexcitedCworried Dnervous答案B从上下文来看应该是积极参与捐献的激动心情。23A.like Bhope Ccare Ddesire答案C过节了,为了捐献没新衣服穿也不在乎,故选care“关心、在乎”。24A.forty Bfifty Cseventy Deighty答案C从下文Mom put in the tendollar bill,and each of us kids put in a twentydollar bill可得答案。25A.church BhospitalCorphanage(孤儿院) Dschool答案A上下文会告诉读者,捐献活动

15、在教堂进行。26A.nervously BproudlyCsurprised Dshyly答案B积极参与捐款,应“自豪地”才对。27A.every Ball Cnone Deach答案D根据后面的three crisp twentydollar bill可知应选each;不能说every of.。28A.hour Bmoment Csecond Dday答案Bfor a moment“一会儿”,表talked的时间。29A.and Bso Cbut Dunless答案C由于本句前后为转折关系得出答案。30A.carried Bfell Cwalked Dflew答案B打开信封,a bunch

16、of money就自然掉落下来,故选fell,out fell是倒装形式。.阅读理解(共8小题;每小题2分,满分16分)AYou dont need millions to be happy.In fact,at the Happiness Institute in Australia,a couple of hundred dollars may be enough.The institute opened its door last year,and,since then,men and women of all ages have been paying $200 an hour for

17、 lessons on how to feel great.“You can actually increase your happiness levels.Thats what we teach,” said Timothy Sharp,founder of the institute.Experts say that only about 15 percent of happiness comes from income,assets and other financial factors.As much as 85 percent comes from things such as at

18、titude,life control and relationships.Most of us are significantly better off financially than our parents and grandparents,but happiness levels havent changed to reflect that.Studies show that once the basic needs of shelter and food are met,additional wealth adds very little to happiness.Many deca

19、des ago,the “sage of Baltimore,Maryland”,editor H L Mencken,defined(下定义)wealth as earning $100 more than your “wifes sisters husband”Behavioral economists now say part of the reason we are richer but not happier is that we compare ourselves to people better off materially.“The argument is that if yo

20、u want to be happy theres a very simple thing you can do:Compare yourself to people who are less well_off than youpoorer,smaller house and car,” said Sharp.The Happiness Institute aims to show you how to overcome these unhappiness factors by focusing on “more than just your bank account”“If I compar

21、e myself to Bill Gates then Im always going to be down,” said Sharp.A better thing to compare with,he said,might be Kerry Packer,Australias richest person who has had a kidney transplant(肾脏移植)and heart surgery in recent years.31Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AYou

22、can increase your happiness levels by attending the classes at The Happiness Institute.BMost of us are happier than our parents or grandparents since we earn more.CEarning $100 more than your wifes sisters husband if you want to be happy.DBoth Bill Gates and Kerry Packer are examples of those who ar

23、e extremely rich but obviously unhappy.答案A推理判断题。文中第二段讲每小时花费200美元就可在The Happiness Institute上如何提高幸福水平的课。32The underlined phrase has the same meaning as the word _.Ahealthy BunhealthyCfree Dwealthy答案D词义理解题。从倒数后四段Sharp所说的话可知,把自己与比你穷的人相比,你就会有幸福感。33The author wrote the passage to tell us _.Ahappiness is e

24、verythingBwealth is the foundation of happinessCwe can have fun at The Happiness InstituteDmoney doesnt always mean happiness答案D主旨大意题。文中讲我们大多数人的经济状况比我们的父母和祖父母好,但幸福水平并没有随之改变;基本的衣食住行得到满足后,额外的财富并不能增添快乐;文中末尾讲澳大利亚首富需要做肾脏移植以及心脏手术,他并不快乐。作者在文中是想告诉我们金钱并不总使我们幸福。34According to the passage,happiness mainly depe

25、nds on _.Aincome,assets and other financial factorsBadditional wealth apart from the satisfaction of the basic needs of shelter and foodCthings like attitude,life control and relationshipsDsociety development答案C细节理解题。文中第四段中专家说大约只有15%的快乐来自于收入、财产和其他经济因素;而高达85%的快乐来源于状态、生活的控制与人际关系。BFew people would ques

26、tion the value of taking part in sports for young people.With proper training,supervision,protective equipment and techniques,and a proper emphasis on winning,sports can develop a healthy body and spirit and a lifelong interest in being active and fit.Without such measures,childhood sports can lead

27、to injuries and even paralysis or death.Even in the best conditions,no activity can be riskfree.But most serious hazards are preventable.Cyclists and football players can reduce their risks by wearing helmets;hockey players by wearing masks;basketball and tennis players by wearing eye guards;basebal

28、l players by wearing batting helmets.Besides,risks to individual players can often be found,and thus prevented,through a properly performed medical exam before a child plays.For accidents that may not be preventable,having an emergency plan and firstaid equipment,and someone trained to use the equip

29、ment,can be lifesaving.Still,each year,according to the American College of Sports Medicine,more than 775,000 children under 14 are treated in emergency rooms for sports injuries,nearly half of them preventable.An estimated 300,000 athletes experience exerciserelated head illnesses each year,and alm

30、ost all of them should have been avoided.Further,from half to threefourths of sportsrelated concussions(脑震荡) are never even diagnosed;the injured are often sent back to play too soon and put at risk of another more serious braindamaging concussion.To help reduce these risks,the National Center for S

31、ports Safety,with the National Athletic TrainersAssociation,offers a threehour online safety course for coaches for $28 at www.SportsSafety.org.【解题导语】 本文谈的是人们在体育锻炼时存在的一些安全隐患及相关的保护措施。35Which of the following is true according to the passage?AAll the accidents can be prevented.BAll the accidents canno

32、t be prevented.CLives can be saved so long as there is proper equipment.DLives cannot be saved even if there is proper equipment.答案B正误判断题。根据文章第二段前两句可排除A而得出B正确;根据文章第三段内容可知C、D两项说法太绝对。36What does the underlined word “hazards”(in Paragraph 2) mean?AMistakes. BDiseases. CDangers. DSituations.答案C词义猜测题。根据画

33、线词所在句的前一句及后面的preventable可推知答案为C。37It is implied in the passage that _.Aprevention of injuries is not paid enough attention toBchildren under 14 are more easily hurt in sportsCmost head illnesses are related with exerciseDnone of the head illnesses should have happened答案A推理判断题。由第四段所说的“有超过775 000名孩子因运

34、动受伤,而近一半是可以避免的”“有约300 000名运动员头部受伤,而本来基本上可以全部避免的”可知,人们没有对预防受伤给予足够的重视。38What can coaches mainly learn from the online safety course?AHow to cure braindamaging concussion.BHow to diagnose braindamaging concussion.CHow to predict the possibility of brain damage.DHow to deal with the injured properly.答案D细节理解题。根据最后一段所谈内容可知此课程的目的是告诉教练们怎样正确救助(处理)受伤者。


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