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1、.请根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1China is maintaining its p_ as an economic powerhouse.2My first suggestion is that parents should control war games,r_ the opportunities of exposing children to violence.3The table shows that there are considerable differences in levels of d_ between the two countries.4Mr. Smith

2、works in a very famous company and has an i_ of $20 000 a year.5CAREs goal is to reduce _(贫困) and hunger in developing countries.6The woman believed her son did not receive adequate _ (教育)7He sat at his desk to work out the exact _(数字).完成句子1中国是亚洲的发展中国家。China is _ in Asia.2这家旅馆可供多达500位来宾住宿。This hotel

3、 can accommodate_ .3他同意让她一个人呆着。He _ leave her alone.4经理还没有想出一个适当的举措来减少多米诺效应。The manager hasnt worked out a suitable action_ the domino effect.5埃及正在努力使中东和平进程回到正轨。Egypt is _ bring the peace process in the Middle East back on track.6我们的目标是筹集尽可能多的资金。Our _ as much money as possible.单项填空1The wine industry

4、 in the area has developed in a special way,_little foreign ownership.Aby Bof Cwith Dfrom2Over the past 20 years,the Internet has helped change our world in _ way or another for the better.Aany Bone Cevery Deither3New policies have promoted the _of these areas.Adeveloping BdevelopedCdevelops Ddevelo

5、pment4Let us suppose that you are in the _ of a parent.Would you allow your child to do such a thing?Asituation BlocationCposition Dpoint5_two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.AWith BBesidesCAs for DBecause of6Have a good look round the room to make sure you _ everything.

6、Ahad packed BpackChave packed Dare packing7If you dont make up your mind to get rid of your bad habits,you wont be able to achieve your _.Agoal BtargetCbenefit Darm8Im glad to see the rapid progress _in science and technology in the past decade.Ato make BmakingCmade Dhaving made9The time students sp

7、ent on exercise _ from an average of 14 hours per week in 1997 _ 6 hours in 2007.Areduced;to Breduced;intoCincreased;to Dincreased;into10I have been waiting for 30 minutes.Take it easy.Look,here _.Acome the bus Bthe bus cameCcomes the bus Dthe bus comes参考答案.1答案:position2答案:reducing3答案:development4答案

8、:income5答案:poverty6答案:education7答案:figures.1答案:a developing country2答案:up to 500 guests3答案:agreed to 4答案:to reduce5答案:making efforts to6答案: goal is to raise.1解析:考查with复合结构。句意 “这个地区的酿酒业发展方式很特殊,几乎没有外国股份”。with意为“带有;具有”。答案:C2解析:考查数词。句意“在过去的二十年里,因特网已经使得我们这个世界在一方面或另一方面变得更好了”。one or another为固定词组,意为“一方面或另一方

9、面”,B项符合句意。答案:B3解析:“新政策促进了这些地区的发展”。D项符合句意。答案:D4解析:考查名词辨析。句意“我们假设你处在父母的位置上。你会允许你的孩子做这样的事情吗?”position“位置,职位,状态”,符合题意。situation“形势,环境”;location“地点,位置”,一般不用于指抽象的位置; point“点,观点”。答案:C5解析:句意“由于担心将要到来的两次考试,这周末我必须非常努力地学习”。“with宾语不定式”作状语,表示原因。答案:A6解析:句意“到处仔细看看这个房间,确保你已经将所有的东西捆扎好了”。由句意可知强调动作pack的完成,以及对现在的影响,应使用

10、现在完成时。答案:C7解析:考查名词辨析。句意“如果你不下定决心改掉坏习惯,你将不能达到你的目标”。achieve ones goal 达到某人的目标。答案:A8解析:句意“看到在过去的十年间在科技方面取得的快速进步,我很高兴”。由短语make rapid progress可知make与progress之间为被动关系,且该动作已发生,所以使用过去分词形式作定语。答案:C9解析:由句中所给的14 hours和6 hours可知,学生用于锻炼的时间减少了,排除C、D两项。“减少到”用介词to,故选A项。答案:A10解析:副词here置于句首,句子要倒装,the bus为单数,其谓语动词用第三人称单数。答案:C学科


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