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2021高三全国统考英语(话题版)一轮学案:第1编 话题一 BOOK7 UNIT1 LIVING WELL WORD版含解析.doc

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1、1December 3rd, World Disabled Day, is a day which reminds people to care about disabled men.12月3日世界残疾日,这一天提醒我们要关爱残疾人。2Meanwhile, in order to enhance the personal qualities, I actively participate in various activities to increase my experience, which I believe will play an important role in dealing

2、with coming problems.同时,为了提高个人能力,我积极参加各种活动,积累经验。我相信这对处理今后的问题起着重要作用。3Whats more, making use of our time in a scientific way and finding proper methods are also what we should pay attention to.另外,科学利用时间、找到合适方法,也是我们应该注意的。4It was the book Fu Leis Family Letters that had an immense influence on me, chang

3、ing me from a troubled teen to a caring son.正是傅雷家书对我产生了巨大影响,使我从一个叛逆青年转变成一位孝子。自主排查 夯基固本核心单词(1)ambition (n.) 雄心;野心ambitious (adj.) 有雄心的;有野心的(2)suitable (adj.) 适合的;适宜的suit (v.) 适合;使适宜(3)beneficial (adj.) 有益的;受益的benefit (v.) 受益 (n.) 利益(4)adapt(vt.) 使适应;改编adaptation (n.) 适应;改编版(5)annoy (vt.) 使不悦;惹恼annoye

4、d (adj.) 烦恼的;生气的annoying (adj.) 令人生气的(6)conduct (n.) 行为;品行 (vt.) 指挥;管理;主持(7)resign (vi.& vt.) 辞职;辞去(工作、职位等)resignation (n.) 辞职;辞职书;辞呈;顺从(8)congratulate (vt.) 祝贺;庆贺congratulation (n.) 祝贺;贺词(9)adequate (adj.) 足够的;充分的(10)access (n.) (接近的)方法;通路;可接近性accessible (adj.) 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的阅读单词(1)disability (n.)

5、伤残;无力;无能(2)noisy (adj.) 吵闹的;嘈杂的(3)entry (n.) 项目;进入;入口(4)absence (n.) 缺席;不在某处(5)firm (n.) 公司 (adj.) 结实的;坚固的;坚定的(6)encouragement (n.) 鼓励;奖励(7)abolish (vt.) 废除;废止(8)assistance (n.) 协助;援助(9)approval (n.) 赞成;认可(10)profit (n.) 收益;利润;盈利单句语法填空1As we all know, fresh air is _ (benefit) to our health.答案:benefi

6、cial2His friends words were a great _ (encourage) to him.答案:encouragement3What moves me most is that he never allows his _ (disable) to prevent him from working.答案:disability4The young man had an _ (ambition) plan to build a school in the poor village.答案:ambitious5My mother was very _ (annoy) at the

7、 news, but she got over it.答案:annoyed6He didnt tell the truth, which could not account for his _ (absent) from school.答案:absence7Its a _ (noise) place with thousands of people living nearby.答案:noisy8The survey _ (conduct) in our school last month shows that about 30% of the students are addicted to

8、computer games.答案:conducted9What can be a _ (suit) title for the text?答案:suitable10They held a party _ (congratulate) him on his success.答案:to congratulate联想积累1courage相关单词一览courage n. 勇气encourage vt. 鼓励encouragement n. 鼓励encouraging adj. 鼓舞人心的discourage vt. 使泄气discouragement n. 泄气;灰心2“生气”相关单词聚焦annoy

9、 vt. 使不悦annoyed adj. 生气的annoying adj. 使人烦恼的angry adj. 生气的anger n. 生气upset adj. 心烦的1in_other_words 换句话说2adapt_to 适合3cut_out 切去;省略;停止(做某事)4out_of_breath 上气不接下气5all_in_all 总而言之6sit_around 闲坐着7as well as 和;也8in many ways 在很多方面9make fun of 取笑10never mind 不必担心11all the best (祝你)一切顺利12meet with 遇到;经历;会晤选词填

10、空1He could not stand _ in front of so many people.答案:being made fun of2The children found it hard to _ their new school.答案:adapt to3Youd better _ the last paragraph of the article.答案:cut out4We ran all the way to the cinema, arriving there quite _.答案:out of breath5The book has some weak points, but

11、_, I consider it a success.答案:all in all6My friends _ my cousin John were invited to the party.答案:as well as联想积累1all相关短语荟萃all in all 总而言之all the best 一切顺利all the same 尽管如此all at once 突然;同时all of a sudden 突然after all 毕竟;终究above all 首先;最重要in all 总计;合计first of all 首先;第一at all (否定句)一点也不;(疑问句)到底;究竟;根本2ou

12、t ofn.表示“不在某状态”out of breath 上气不接下气out of sight 看不见out of control 失控out of date 过时的out of fashion 不再流行out of order 出毛病out of question 没问题;无疑out of the question 不可能out of shape 变形;身体状况不佳out of work 失业课文原句句式梳理仿写训练For disabled customers it would be more convenient to place the toilets near the entrance

13、 to the cinema.在影院入口处的附近安排厕所会让残疾顾客感觉更加方便。It is conve nient (for sb.) to do sth.“某人方便做某事”;at ones convenience“在某人方便时”。_; meanwhile, they are easy to wash.它们使用方便,容易清洗。答案:It is convenient for you to use them直击重点 突破考点adaptvt. 使适应;改编(P2)(1)单句语法填空Children adapt _ a new environment more easily than adults.

14、I find it not easy _ (adapt) to the new life.答案:toto adapt(2)单句写作The film _ a novel. The children thought the _was good for them.这部电影改编自一篇小说。孩子们认为对他们来说这次改编很好。答案:was adapted from; adaptation(1)adapt to 适应adapt . to . 使适应(2)adapt . from . 根据改编be adapted for . 为而改编;适宜(3)adaptable adj. 能适应的(4)adaptation

15、 n. 适应;改编版;改写本在使用时,注意adapt 与adopt在拼写和意思上的差别。adopt是“采纳;收养”的意思。absencen. 缺席;不在某处(P2)(1)单句语法填空I apologize for the inconvenience my _ (absent) from our singing group may cause.答案:absence(2)单句写作You have to explain why you _ school yesterday.你需要解释一下为什么昨天没有上学。_ more suitable candidates, we decided to offer

16、 the job to Mr Conway, who is easygoing.由于没有更为合适的人选,我们决定任命平易近人的康韦先生。答案:were absent fromIn the absence of(1)absence from . 缺席/不在in ones absence 某人不在时in the absence of 不存在;缺少absence of mind 心不在焉(2)absent adj. 不在的;缺席的be absent from . 不参加/缺席absentminded adj. 心不在焉的;健忘的absent 的反义词为present (出席的;在场的),absenc

17、e的反义词为presence (出席;到场)。annoyvt. 使不悦;惹恼(P2)(1)单句语法填空He _ (annoy) at being interrupted while he was talking with an old friend whom he had not seen for a long time.Although _ (annoy), TV advertising seems to be effective.答案:was annoyedannoying(2)单句写作I like to pretend that Im OK because I dont want to

18、_ my problems.我装作没事,只是不想因自己的问题去使别人烦恼。答案:annoy others/other people with(1)annoy sb. with sth./by doing sth. 因某事使某人烦恼/通过做某事使某人不悦(2)annoyed adj. 感到恼火的;觉得生气的be annoyed with sb. 对某人感到生气be annoyed at/about/by sth. 因某事生气(3)annoying adj. 使人生气的;恼人的;烦人的(4)annoyance n. 恼怒;生气to ones annoyance 使某人生气的是accessn. (接

19、近的)方法;通路;可接近性;(使用或见到的)权利等(常与to连用)(P8)(1)单句语法填空Thus I have been allowed to gain access _ their living environment.The island is _ (access) only by boat.All students in the school have _ (accessible) to computers easily.答案:toaccessibleaccess(2)单句改错The legal aid system should be accessible for more peo

20、ple._答案:forto(1)have/get/obtain/gain access to . 拥有的机会;可以接近;进入give access to . 准许进入/接近(2)accessible adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的;易懂的be accessible to . 可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的in other words 换句话说(P2)单句写作You should form good habits. _ you should go to bed early and get up early.你应该养成好习惯。换句话说,你应该早睡早起。_, my life will be m

21、uch richer and more colorful.总之,我的生活将会变得更加丰富多彩。_ a big swimming pool would be built in our school, which really thrilled us.消息传来说我们学校将要建一个大的游泳馆,这真让我们感到兴奋。答案:In other wordsIn a/one wordWord came thatin a/one word 总之;简言之keep ones word 遵守诺言break ones word 失信;不守诺言have a word with . 与谈一谈have words with .

22、 与吵架Word came that . 消息传来说out of breath 上气不接下气(P2)(1)单句语法填空Fred entered without knocking and, very out _ breath, sank into a chair.答案:of(2)单句改错We held our breathe while Tom read the exam results aloud._答案:breathebreath(3)单句写作The race was so close that everyone was _ at the finish.这是一场势均力敌的比赛,以至于到最后每

23、个人都屏住了呼吸。答案:holding his breath(1)hold ones breath 屏住呼吸catch ones breath 喘口气;恢复正常呼吸lose ones breath 喘不过气来take a deep breath 深呼吸(2)breathe v. 呼吸never mind 不必担心;没关系;不要紧(P5)单句写作“Im sorry, I lost the notebook you gave me.”“_, I can easily buy you another one.”“对不起,我把你给我的那个笔记本弄丢了。”“哦,没关系,我再给你买一个就是了。”Tom _

24、 to overcome his shortcomings.汤姆已下定决心克服自己的缺点。We had planned to climb the mountain, but he _ and left alone.我们计划爬山,但他改变了主意,独自离开了。答案:Never mindhas made up his mindchanged his mindmake up ones mind (to do sth.) 下定决心(做某事)change ones mind 改变主意keep/bear . in mind 记住have . in mind 想到;记得;考虑on ones mind 挂在心头

25、;惦念教材原句 . it is difficult to know what the future holds.(P2)很难知道未来会怎样。(1)单句语法填空_ is our duty to take care of the old.It was pretty hard for him _ (bring) up three children on his own.答案:Itto bring(2)单句改错That is important for young people to master at least two foreign languages._答案:ThatIt(3)单句写作_ to

26、 lose friends than to make friends.失去朋友比交朋友更容易。答案:It is easier该句中不定式to know . 为真正的主语,it仅是形式主语。(1)不定式作主语时,若结构较长,谓语较短,常用it作形式主语,而将真正的主语(不定式)放在后面。(2)不定式作主语,谓语动词用单数。(3)不定式可充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、补足语、状语等。教材原句As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets.(P

27、2)除了同我的朋友们一起去看电影和足球比赛外,我还花很多时间和我的宠物们在一起。(1)单句语法填空Tom as well as his classmates _ (be) fond of music.答案:is(2)单句写作She can play tennis _ basketball.她会打篮球,也会打网球。Ellen is a fantastic dancer. I wish I danced _ her.艾伦是一位出色的舞蹈家。我希望我能够跳得和她一样好。答案:as well asas well as (1)as well as意为“和;也”,连接两个并列成分,如:名词、形容词、动词、

28、介词等。此时,as well as连接的虽然是两个并列成分,但强调的重点在前面,不在后面,意为“不但而且”“既又”。(2)as well as用来表示同级比较,指“和一样好”。(3)用作介词,相当于besides/in addition to,意为“除之外”,后面通常接名词或动名词,尤其是位于句首时。as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词的形式要和前面的主语保持一致;连接两个谓语时,两个动词的时态要保持一致。课文回练 升华运用Marty Fielding cant run or climb stairs as _1_ (quick) as other people. But he is

29、very outgoing and has learned to adapt _2_ his disability. He used to dream about playing football, _3_ he found that after a short time of running, he got out of breath. He was even too weak to go to school. Every time he returned after an _4_ (absent), he felt stupid because he was behind the othe

30、rs.His life now is much easier and nothing can make him annoyed. At _5_ same time, he just ignores those who make fun of him. All in all, he has a good life. His ambition is to work for a firm that _6_ (develop) computer software. He has a very busy life with no time to sit around _7_ (feel) sorry f

31、or _8_ (he). As well as going to the movies and football matches with his friends, he also spends lots of time with his pets. And now he wants to tell healthy children: being _9_ (disable) doesnt mean your life is not satisfying. Try to encourage the disabled _10_ (live) as rich and full a life as y

32、ou do.1_2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._答案:1.quickly2.to3.but4.absence5.the6.develops7.feeling8.himself9.disabled10.to live基础达标 自主训练.单句语法填空1She adapted herself quickly _ the climate there.答案:toadapt . to . “使适应”。2After the meeting, the manager asked him to explain his _ (absent)答案:absenceabsence “缺席;不在”

33、。由空格前的his可知应填名词absence。3Whenever you meet with anything _ (annoy), calm yourself down and then find a way out.答案:annoyingannoying “恼人的,烦人的”,描述事物的特点、特性,在句中修饰anything。4Id like to congratulate you _ your wonderful performance.答案:oncongratulate sb. on sth. “就向某人表示祝贺”。5The survey _ (conduct) by the compa

34、ny shows there is a large increase in customer satisfaction this year.答案:conducted主语survey与conduct之间为被动关系,故应填过去分词conducted充当其后置定语。6All the rooms in this building are so well designed that they are _ (access) to the disabled.答案:accessiblebe accessible to “可接近/可靠近/可使用的”。7In my opinion, you should cut

35、_ the part about racial prejudice.答案:outcut out “删掉”,为固定短语。8My grandfather often goes to the countryside, because he thinks a stay there will be _ (benefit) to his health.答案:beneficialbe beneficial to . “对有益”。9Without his _ (encourage) to me, I would have been defeated in the game.答案:encouragement此处

36、用名词encouragement “鼓励”作介词without的宾语。10_ (ambitious) plays an important role in our daily life, because it is a guide for us to make decisions and choices.答案:Ambition句中缺主语,故应填名词ambition充当主语。ambition作“雄心,野心”讲时,为不可数名词。.单句写作1To be honest, when I climbed to the top of the Great Wall, I was _ (上气不接下气)答案:ou

37、t of breath2_ (总之), I think playing table tennis can build up our strength, keep us healthy and train our brains.答案:All in all3_, only when you have enough confidence will you be able to achieve success.换句话说,只有当你有足够的自信时,你才能获得成功。答案:In other words4_骑共享单车上学很环保,而且节省能源。(as well as)答案:Riding shared bikes

38、to school is environmentally friendly as well as energysaving.5_此外,我以前做志愿者的工作经验,使我能够胜任这项职务。答案:Besides, my previous working experience as a volunteer will qualify me for the position.语法填空(2020山西省祁县中学高三月考)We want everyone to respect us. Do we respect everyone around us? The answer is a big NO! We dont

39、 respect _1_ we think is better than us, we dont respect poor and old people, and we dont respect who we feel is less better _2_ us. So how can we win respect? The easiest way _3_ (gain) respect is by giving respect.Winning respect might be difficult but not impossible. Dont use bad language. Being

40、_4_ (help) and listening to someone are a sign of giving respect and _5_ (win) respect as well. With patience and practice, you can get any kind of virtue.Flowers are the main _6_ (attract) of any type of decoration and in the same way respect is the beauty of life. Life is terrible _7_ respect. Jus

41、t think whenever you go to a party, every one there is not treated equally. Do you know why? Because of _8_ (they) manners.Why are we not treated sometimes as _9_ (expect)? Because we do the same to others who have expectations from us. Relationship can be healthy if we never cross the walls of resp

42、ect. Without respect, you cant live. You need respect everywhere, in life, in work, in society or in family. A respected person _10_ (speak) politely.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._篇章导读:本文是一篇议论文。文章主要探讨了尊重与被尊重之间的关系并告诉我们应该如何赢得他人的尊重。1who考查名词性从句的连接词。空格处引导宾语从句,连接词在从句中作主语,且主语是人,we think是插入语,不影响句子结构,故应填who。句意

43、:我们不尊重那些我们认为比我们优秀的人。故填who。2than考查介词。根据空格前的“better”可知,此处为比较级,故应填介词than。句意:我们不尊重那些我们觉得不如我们的人。故填than。3to gain考查非谓语动词。此处为不定式作后置定语,修饰名词way, the way to do sth.表示“做某事的方法”。句意:获得尊重最简单的方法就是给予尊重。故填to gain。4helpful考查词性转换。由Being可知,此处应填一个形容词,故填形容词形式helpful。句意:乐于助人和倾听他人是给予尊重和赢得尊重的标志。故填helpful。5winning考查非谓语动词。介词后跟名

44、词、代词或动名词作宾语,故此处用winning作介词of的宾语与giving为并列关系。句意:乐于助人和倾听他人是给予尊重和赢得尊重的标志。故填winning。6attraction考查词性转换。根据空格前的“the main”可推知,此处应填一个名词,故用名词形式attraction。7without考查介词。根据下文的举例可推知,没有尊重的生活是可怕的,故用介词without,后跟名词respect,表示“如果没有尊重”。故填without。8their考查代词。此处应用形容词性物主代词their修饰名词manners,在句子中作定语。故填their。9expected考查固定用法。as

45、expected为固定搭配,意为“正如所想的那样”。故填expected。10speaks考查动词的时态和主谓一致。全文时态为一般现在时,故此处也用一般现在时,且主语A respected person 为第三人称单数意义。故填speaks。.短文改错Im a junior high school student. In my spare time, I like shopping. There has a supermarket in my town. Lots of things are being sold there. So I often went there with my mot

46、her buy school things, food and drinks.Of course, sometimes I want to buy something expensive. That I want most is an MP4 player, but I mustnt afford one now. Im going to work for the English club during this summer holiday or make some money for it. We teenagers should not always ask our parents fo

47、r money.As for shopping online, I like it, because things there are more cheaper. And I dont need to walk to the shops, which helps me save for time. No matter where to shop, I enjoy it because its really relaxed.答案:Im a junior high school student. In my spare time, I like shopping. There a supermar

48、ket in my town. Lots of things are being sold there. So I often there with my mother buy school things, food and drinks.Of course, sometimes I want to buy something expensive. I want most is an MP4 player, but I afford one now. Im going to work for English club during this summer holiday make some m

49、oney for it. We teenagers should not always ask our parents for money.As for shopping online, I like it, because things there are cheaper. And I dont need to walk to the shops, which helps me save time. No matter where to shop, I enjoy it because its really .难项分析:第一处:hasis考查there be句型。there be . 是固定句型,意为“有”。第三处:buy前加to考查非谓语动词。此处用动词不定式表目的。第四处:ThatWhat考查主语从句的连接词。分析句子结构可知,空处引导主语从句,且在从句中作宾语,表示“所的东西”,故用What。


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