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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)配套文档:UNIT 18 PERIOD FIVE WORD版含解析.docx

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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)配套文档:UNIT 18 PERIOD FIVE WORD版含解析.docx_第1页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)配套文档:UNIT 18 PERIOD FIVE WORD版含解析.docx_第2页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)配套文档:UNIT 18 PERIOD FIVE WORD版含解析.docx_第3页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)配套文档:UNIT 18 PERIOD FIVE WORD版含解析.docx_第4页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)配套文档:UNIT 18 PERIOD FIVE WORD版含解析.docx_第5页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)配套文档:UNIT 18 PERIOD FIVE WORD版含解析.docx_第6页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)配套文档:UNIT 18 PERIOD FIVE WORD版含解析.docx_第7页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)配套文档:UNIT 18 PERIOD FIVE WORD版含解析.docx_第8页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)配套文档:UNIT 18 PERIOD FIVE WORD版含解析.docx_第9页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)配套文档:UNIT 18 PERIOD FIVE WORD版含解析.docx_第10页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)配套文档:UNIT 18 PERIOD FIVE WORD版含解析.docx_第11页
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1、Period FiveGrammar & Writing一、would与used to1.would与used to的共同之处(1)would与used to都可用来表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作,常常可以换用。When we were boys we used to/would go swimming every summer.小时候,每到夏天我们都要去游泳。He used to/would spend every penny he earned on books.过去,他通常把挣来的钱全花在买书上。(2)would与used to都不能用来表示动作发生的具体频度或具体的一段时间。I went

2、 to France six times.我去过法国6次。不能说:I would/used to go to France six times.2.would与used to的主要区别(1)used to可指过去的状态或情况,would则不能。School children used to know the story of how Abraham Lincoln walked five miles to return a penny hed overcharged a customer.(不能用would)过去,学校的孩子们都知道亚伯拉罕林肯怎样步行5英里退还多收顾客一便士的故事。Yet,h

3、e cannot but remember China as it used to be.(不能用would)然而,他不会不记得旧日的中国。(2)would表示反复发生的动作。如果某一动作没有反复性,就不能用would,只能用used to。And from that day on,as soon as the table was cleared and the dishes were gone,mother would disappear into her sewing room to practise.从那天起,只要碗盘撤掉、饭桌一清理干净,妈妈就马上躲进做针线活的房间练习起来。(具有反复

4、性)I used to live in Beijing.我过去住在北京。(没有反复性)(3)used to表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作或状态现在已经结束,would则表示有可能再发生。People used to believe that the earth was flat.过去,人们总以为地球是扁平的。(现在已不再这样认为)He would go to the park as soon as he was free.过去,他一有空就去公园。(现在有可能再去)(4)used to的否定式和疑问式:过去我不喜欢歌剧。I used not to like opera.I usednt to li

5、ke opera.I didnt use to like opera.过去你喜欢歌剧吗?Used you to like opera?Did you use to like opera?你过去不喜欢歌剧吗?Didnt you use to like opera?你过去喜欢歌剧,是吗?You used to like opera,didnt you?过去这里有座教堂,是不是?There used to be a church here,usednt there?高考链接1.用would或used to填空(1)The girl used to be shy,but is gradually ge

6、tting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.(2015湖北)(2)“Every time you eat a sweet,drink green tea.” This is what my mother used to tell me.(2014浙江)(3)Ralph W.Emerson would always set down new ideas that occurred to him.(2014陕西)(4)They made up their mind that they would buy a n

7、ew house once Larry changed jobs.(2014山东)(5)I still remember my happy childhood when my mother would take me to Disneyland at weekends.(2014四川) (6)When I was little,my mother used to sit by my bed,telling me stories till I fell asleep.(2013重庆) (7)“Life is like walking in the snow,”Granny used to say

8、,“because every step shows.”(2012新课标全国) (8)After the accident,we are more concerned with the safety of school buses than we used to be.(2012上海春招).单句改错She used to holding me on her knees and sing old songs.(2013新课标全国,短文改错)holdinghold即时跟踪1用used to或would填空(1)I dont smoke these days,but I used to.(2)The

9、re used to be a building at the street corner,but it has been pulled down.(3)We used to live in a crowded flat in New York.(4)I used to/would buy sweets the size of golf balls.(5)Did you use to play chess a lot when you were a child?二、限定词的用法限定词与名词的搭配和用法限定词的选择取决于随后的名词的类别,即:单数名词、复数可数名词、不可数名词三类。1.只能与单数

10、名词搭配的限定词有a(n),one,another,each,every,either,neither,many a等。如:each employee,either book,a banana,another book,every student等。2.只能与可数名词复数搭配的限定词有both,two,another two/three,many,(a) few,several,these,those,a (great) number of等。如:both computers,several magazines,a number of travelers,many desks,(a) few

11、buildings,these/those apple trees,another two/three artists等。3.只能与不可数名词搭配的限定词有a (little) bit of,a great amount of,a great deal of,(a)little,much等。如:a bit of milk,a great amount of water,a great deal of work,(a)little time,much noise等。4.能与可数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词有a lot of,lots of,enough,more,most,such等。如:a l

12、ot of buses,a lot of money,plenty of chairs,plenty of water,more articles,more time,most students,most work等。高考链接2.用适当的限定词填空(1)The adobe dwellings(土坯房) built by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even the most modern of architects and engineers.(2015全国)(2)He owned a farm,whi

13、ch looked almost abandoned.(2015广东)(3)They chose Tom to be the captain of the team because they knew he was a smart leader.(2014江西)(4)The paper is due next month,and I am working seven days a week,often long into the night.(2014浙江)(5)Life is like an ocean: Only the strongwilled can reach the other s

14、hore.(2014天津)(6)What did you do last weekend?Oh,nothing much.(2014大纲全国)(7)In some countries,people eat with chopsticks,while in others,knives and forks.(2014福建)(8)Its an eitheror situationwe can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we cant do both.(2013新课标全国).单句改错(1)Much rare animals

15、are dying out.(2015全国,短文改错)MuchMany(2)A woman saw him crying and told him to wait outside a shop.(2015全国,短文改错)第二个athe(3)I was always interested to see the drivers in hurry in the morning.(2015浙江,短文改错)hurry前加a即时跟踪2(1)A Miss Zhang(一位张小姐) is waiting for you at the gate.(2)All the four applicants(这四位申请者

16、) are below the average.(3)He took so many boxes(如此多盒子) with him that he had to call a taxi.(4)Wont you have another cup of(再来一杯) coffee?(5)How was your recent visit to Qingdao?It was great.We visited some friends,and spent the last few sunny days(最后几个阳光灿烂的日子) at the seaside.用would或used to填空1.When w

17、orking in the same office,we used to/would have coffee together.2.When he was young,he would sleep late on Sundays,just as he does now.3.When she was sad,she would/used to sit in front of that mirror doing nothing.4.She doesnt write so often to her family as she used to.5.They used to live near the

18、mountain.完成句子1.You used to see a lot of her,didnt you?你过去常见她,是吗?2.He used to live in Africa for twenty years.他在非洲住过20年。 3.I didnt use to like him much when we were at school.以前我们同学时,我并不太喜欢他。 4.Could you tell me the way to the Johns,please?Sorry,we dont have a John here in the village.请告诉我去约翰家怎么走?对不起

19、,这个村庄里没有一个叫约翰的人。5.Each of the students wanted to be a live Lei Feng.每位学生都想成为活雷锋。6.Qingdao is a most beautiful city.青岛是一个非常美丽的城市。写作任务好莱坞电影阿凡达(Hollywood Film Avatar)已上映。请根据下面内容写篇短文,介绍该电影的有关情况及你的观后感。短文内容包括:1.阿凡达已在大陆上映,超过泰坦尼克号(Titanic),创票房新纪录。2.该电影拍摄历时五年多,是最昂贵的电影之一,赢得了金球奖(Golden Globe),获得了九项奥斯卡提名(an Osc

20、ar nomination)。3.该电影以2154年为背景,讲述了一个残疾(disabled)军人被派往潘多拉星球(Pandora)去说服那里的人们让地球人在他们的星球开采自然资源的故事。4.你的感想。审题谋篇第一步明确要求1.本文是一篇有关影视评论的文章,时态应采用一般现在时态。2.简要介绍阿凡达这部影片的制作过程,获奖情况和影片内容,为评论奠定基础。3.谈谈对阿凡达的感想,从社会角度肯定这部影片的积极意义。第二步确定段落Para.1简介电影近况(上映、拍摄、九项奥斯卡提名);Para.2叙述电影拍摄背景和电影情节;Para.3谈个人感受(对电影的评价)。第三步提炼要点句式It is rep

21、orted that the film takes more than five years to make.Avatar has been shown/on show on the Chinese mainland.Besides,it has got nine Oscar nominations.The film is set in 2154.It tells a story of a disabled soldier,who is sent to Pandora.第四步扩点成句1.阿凡达已在大陆上映,超过泰坦尼克号(Titanic),创票房新纪录。(一般表达)Avatar,a Holly

22、wood film,has been showed on the Chinese mainland.It has broken the record set by Titanic to become the highest boxoffice film so far.(句式升级)Avatar,a Hollywood film,which has been showed on the Chinese mainland has broken the record set by Titanic to become the highest boxoffice film so far.2.该电影拍摄历时

23、五年多,是最昂贵的电影之一。(一般表达)The film takes more than five years to make and it is perhaps one of the most expensive ones in the film history.(句式升级)It is reported that the film takes more than five years to make and is perhaps one of the most expensive ones in the film history.3.它近来赢得了金球奖(Golden Globe),获得了九项

24、奥斯卡提名(an Oscar nomination)。(一般表达) So far it has won a Golden Globe and got nine Oscar nominations.(句式升级1)Recently it has been awarded a Golden Globe.Besides,it has got nine Oscar nominations.(句式升级2)Not only has it been awarded a Golden Globe recently,but also it has got nine Oscar nominations.4.该电影以

25、2154年为背景,讲述了一个残疾(disabled)军人被派往潘多拉星球(Pandora)去说服那里的人们让地球人在他们的星球开采自然资源的故事。(一般表达)The film is set in 2154.It tells a story of a disabled soldier.He is sent to Pandora to persuade the inhabitants to let his mates mine their homeland for natural resources.(句式升级)The film is set in 2154 and tells a story o

26、f a disabled soldier,who is sent to Pandora to persuade the inhabitants to let his mates mine their homeland for natural resources.5.不同种族的人应该彼此尊重而不是战争。(一般表达)Different races should respect each other.They should live in harmony and dont fight with each other.(句式升级)Different races should respect each

27、other and live in harmony,instead of being at war.范文赏析Avatar,a Hollywood film,which has been showed on the Chinese mainland has broken the record set by Titanic to become the highest boxoffice film so far.It is reported that the film takes more than five years to make and is perhaps one of the most

28、expensive ones in the film history.Recently it has been awarded a Golden Globe.Besides,it has got nine Oscar nominations.The film is set in 2154 and tells a story of a disabled soldier,who is sent to Pandora to persuade the inhabitants to let his mates mine their homeland for natural resources.In my

29、 eyes,it is one of the favourite films,and the audience are especially impressed by its sound effects.From it we learn that different races should respect each other and live in harmony,instead of being at war.亮点点评1.文章要点概括清晰,共提到了:据说电影拍摄历时五年多;阿凡达已在大陆上映;而且还获得了九项奥斯卡提名;电影以2154年为背景;它讲述了一个残疾军人被派往潘多拉星球的故事五

30、个要点;2.各要点之间、句与之间、段落之间过渡自然,用词准确,使用了恰当的关联词:Recently,Besides,In my eyes等;3.be shown,be set in,besides/in addition,be especially impressed by,in harmony等高级词汇的使用,成为文章的亮点;4.复杂句式which,who连接的定语从句;It is reported.等名词性从句成为文章的又一得分点。.单元语法A)在下列句中空白处填入适当的冠词,不需用冠词处划/1.There is a picture of an elephant on the wall.2

31、.This is a useful book.Ive read it for an hour.3.An elephant is much heavier than a horse.4.The doctor told him to take the medicine three times a day.5.Its too hot.Open the door,please.6.The Changjiang River is the longest river in / China.7.Are you going to do it a second time?8.The Turners are li

32、ving at the end of the Turner Street.B)完成句子9.He used to be a policeman(曾做过警察),but now he is a worker.10.The old lady would sit under the tree(总会坐在树下),waiting for her lost son.11.Our school is not what it used to be(以前的样子).12.Where did you use to live(你曾住在哪儿) before you came here?13.Used you to go to

33、 church/Did you use to go to church(你过去去教堂吗) regularly?14.There used to be an old temple(那儿曾是一座古庙) but now a school has been built up.阅读理解Cameroon is a country in the west Central Africa region.It has a population of about 22 million people.But the country only has 40 heart surgeons.Most are in the

34、cities of Douala or Yaounde.Sometimes the heart experts needed can only be found outside the country.But the country is now experimenting with Africas first mobile system to send heart signal over a wireless network.The system will give much needed medical assistance to heart patients in rural areas

35、.It was Cameroonian Arthur Zang that invented the device called the Cardiopad.Arthur Zang started the Cardiopad project five years ago.The young computer engineer said he needed more training and 45,000 to develop the device.His family didnt have the money.Banks would not give him loans.He also says

36、 that because he was basically a computer science engineer,he didnt have the knowledge when he decided to design the tablet at the electronic level.So he shared his idea on social media.The president of Cameroon,Paul Biya,answered the appeal with money for the project.Mr.Zang also received free onli

37、ne training from an engineering school in India.The Cardiopad is a touch screen medical tablet that enables heart examinations to be performed.The results of the tests are sent wirelessly to specialists in other parts of Cameroon who can interpret them.Simplice Momo,a 55yearold heart patient in a ru

38、ral area of Cameroon says,“Its about a year since I had cardiovascular disease.Ive been traveling to the city to take treatment.But since they brought this machine,they just put the machine inside me so I no longer travel to the city,which was expensive for me before.”The Cameroon scientific communi

39、ty has recognized the Cardiopad as extremely effective.The device costs about 4,000.The government of Cameroon has not been able to provide the device to hospitals in need.Most of them lack Internet and enough electricity.But the Cardiopad testing at the Bafia Hospital is gaining attention and may g

40、et the assistance needed.15.For what purpose did Arthur Zang create the Cardiopad?A.To provide medical help to heart patients in rural areas.B.To prove that he is an extraordinary computer engineer.C.To give heart patients a new way to selftreat their disease.D.To get people in rural areas to gain a

41、ccess to the new mobiles.答案A解析目的意图题。根据第一段最后一句“The system will give much needed medical assistance to heart patients in rural areas.”可知,这项研究将为居住在偏远地区的心脏病患者提供医疗援助。16.When starting to invent the Cardiopad,Arthur Zang .A.was misunderstood by his familyB.met lots of unexpected difficultiesC.got many supp

42、orts from the publicD.lacked money to receive further education答案B解析细节理解题。根据第二段可知,Arthur Zang在发明这种设备时,家中无钱,银行不给贷款,缺乏技术,即遇到很多意想不到的麻烦。17.What was Simplice Momos attitude to the Cardiopad?A.Doubtful. B.Tolerant.C.Grateful. D.Indifferent.答案C解析推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中Simplice Momo所说的话“But since they brought this m

43、achine,they just put the machine inside me so I no longer travel to the city,which was expensive for me before.”可推知,他从中受益,因此其态度是充满感激的。18.What can we infer about the Cardiopad from the last paragraph?A.Its expensive for common people to buy the Cardiopad.B.Its dangerous for heart patients to use the

44、Cardiopad.C.Its hard to persuade the hospitals to use the Cardiopad.D.It may be a long way to promote the Cardiopad.答案D解析推理判断题。根据最后一段第三句“The government of Cameroon has not been able to provide the device to hospitals in need.Most of them lack Internet and enough electricity.”可知,这项技术的推广还需要很多方面的支持,因此推

45、广这项技术很困难。.七选五We are not born with courage,but neither are we born with fear.Fears,even the most basic ones,can totally destroy our ambitions.Fear can destroy fortunes.Fear can destroy relationships.Fear,if left unchecked,can destroy our lives.Fear is one of the many enemies living inside us. 19 The

46、first enemy we face is indecision.Indecision is the thief of opportunity. 20 Take a sword to this enemy.The second enemy inside is doubt. 21 But you also cant let doubt take over.Many people doubt the past,doubt the future,doubt each other,doubt the government,doubt the possibilities and doubt the o

47、pportunities.Worst of all,they doubt themselves.Im telling you,doubt will destroy your life and your chances of success.It will empty both your bank account and your heart. 22 Do battle with the enemies.Do battle with your fears. 23 Be courageous in your life and in your pursuit of the things you wa

48、nt and the person you want to become.A.Sure,theres room for healthy doubt.You cant believe everything.B.Build your courage to fight whats holding you back,whats keeping you from your goals and dreams.C.Let me tell you about two of the other enemies we face from within.D.Below are the ways which migh

49、t be useful for us to overcome our fears.E.Doubt is an enemy.Go after it.Get rid of it.F.It will steal your chances for a better future.G.Some people doubt everything.答案19.C20.F21.A22.E23.B.语法填空Sam:Which do you prefer,life in 24.the countryside or in town?Ted:Honestly 25.speaking(speak),I prefer the

50、 latter.Living in town has many advantages over living in the countryside.Dont you think so?Sam:In many ways thats true.But I still prefer the countryside,26.where its peaceful and quiet,while its much too 27.crowded(crowd) and noisy in town.28.Besides,the air and water in town are usually 29.pollut

51、ed(pollute) by factories.Ted:Thats true to some degree.But in spite of this,I think that life in town is preferable.Travel is more convenient,and so is shopping.Sam:And there are 30.better(good) education and job opportunities in town than in the countryside,arent there?Ted:Thats right.And nobody 31

52、.can deny the fact.Sam:So lets say that living in town or in the countryside either has 32.its own advantages and 33.disadvantages.Ted:Exactly.短文改错Mr.Johnson is a hardworking teacher.Every day,he spends too much time with his work.With little sleep and hardly any break,so he works from morning to ni

53、ght.Hard work have made him very ill.“He has ruined his healthy.We are worried about him.”That is which other teachers say.Yesterday afternoon,I paid visit to Mr.Johnson.I was eager to see him,but outside her room I stopped.I had to calm myself down.Quietly I step into the room.I saw him lying in be

54、d,looking at some of the picture we had taken together.I understood that he missed us just as many as we missed him.答案Mr.Johnson is a hardworking teacher.Every day,he spends too much time his work.With little sleep and hardly any break,so he works from morning to night.Hard work made him very ill.“H

55、e has ruined his .We are worried about him.” That is other teachers say.Yesterday afternoon,I paid visit to Mr.Johnson.I was eager to see him,but outside room I stopped.I had to calm myself down.Quietly I into the room.I saw him lying in bed,looking at some of the we had taken together.I understood

56、that he missed us just as as we missed him.书面表达学生会就“什么是美丽”开展了一次讨论,观点如下:观点理由观点一好脸蛋就是一封介绍信在社交、竞争、求职等方面作用大观点二漂亮不能当饭吃追求外在美而放弃内在美不是真正的美请选择一种观点作为论点,谈一谈你对美的看法。注意:词数100左右。参考范文Everyone admires beauty.Everyone has his own standard about beauty.But I think beauty will buy no beef.The appearance is given by our

57、 parents and is unique in the world.Everyone should value it.I would rather regard nature as the standard of beauty.Just accept yourself,accept everything the god gives to you,and create the beautiful life belonging to you.Dont be eager to judge whether a person is beautiful or not without a thorough understanding of him.A beautiful person is not the one with good looks,but with a broad and kind heart.Good look is pleasant while spiritual beauty is more important.As an old saying goes,“Virtue is fairer than beauty.” If you have a kind heart,you own real beauty.


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