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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(外研版必修一)课时作业:MODULE 5 PERIOD THREE WORD版含解析.doc

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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(外研版必修一)课时作业:MODULE 5 PERIOD THREE WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(外研版必修一)课时作业:MODULE 5 PERIOD THREE WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(外研版必修一)课时作业:MODULE 5 PERIOD THREE WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(外研版必修一)课时作业:MODULE 5 PERIOD THREE WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(外研版必修一)课时作业:MODULE 5 PERIOD THREE WORD版含解析.doc_第5页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Period ThreeIntegrating Skills.语境填词1_ (水蒸气) has fogged the bathroom mirror.2The empty boat was _ (漂浮) on the sea.3His research _ (形成) the basis of his new book.4In what way is a laboratory balance different from a _ (天平) found in a store?5The candle _ (火焰) flickered and went out.6Sug

2、ar _ (溶解) in water.选词填空be different from,the same as,lose weight,go ahead,in the end,at the end1Please _ with your work.2She is on a diet to _.3_,he refused to do the work.4_ of the street,there is a small shop.5My plan _ yours.6His dictionary is _ mine.同义词辨析1用find或find out的适当形式填空(1)I _ a book on th

3、e ground.(2)He hurried off to _ what the problem was.(3)We never _ her real name.2用close或closely的适当形式填空(1)Dont get _ to the tigers.They are dangerous.(2)These two subjects were _ linked.(3)Come _ so that I can see you clearly.单项填空1Could you be so kind as to close the window?_.AWith pleasure BGo ahea

4、dCYes,please DThats OK2I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight._.Im not using it anyhow.ASure,go ahead BI dont knowCSorry DYou can3The editors job is to keep the newspaper_ and_ to the readers.Abalanced;interestedBbalancing;interestingCbalanced;interestingDbalancing;interested4Reading

5、is an experience quite different from watching TV;there are pictures _ in your mind instead of before your eyes.Ato form BformCforming Dhaving formed5Now that he has missed his _,he will have to wait for the next round.Achance BturnCduty Dclass6Do you think I could borrow your bike?_.AYes,you may bo

6、rrow BYes,you couldCYes,help yourself DYes,go on7Are you feeling_?Yes,Im fine now.Aany well Bany betterCquite good Dquite better8When did Yao Ming turn _ basketball player?Agreat Chinese BChinese greatCa great Chinese Da Chinese great9Every means _ prevent the water from _.Ais used to;pollutingBis u

7、sed to;pollutedCare used to;being pollutedDis used to;being polluted10The shortage of supplies is _ the price.Akeeping off Bkeeping outCkeeping up Dkeeping from.完形填空How is a photograph produced?It is produced by the effect of _1_ on certain chemicals.Certain chemicals change _2_ light reaches them._

8、3_ the light is strong,they get less dark.For this reason the “negative” (底片) picture _4_ by a camera shows light objects as dark shapes,and _5_ objects as lighter shapes.Only when scientists _6_ something about the effects of light was _7_ possible to take photographs.Scientific _8_ have important

9、effects on society.The discoveries about light _9_ by scientists had farreaching _10_.Life would not be the same _11_ the camera,and the television set.When Sir Alexander Fleming _12_ penicillin,he was not able to know the effect on society _13_ his new medicine would produce.The effect of penicilli

10、n _14_ a human body is to kill some of the dangerous germs (细菌) quickly _15_ they have time to produce very harmful effects on the _16_ person.Before penicillin was discovered,millions of people died every year of illnesses _17_ by these germs._18_ deaths was greatly reduced by penicillin.So the eff

11、ects of penicillin on human societies were to make them _19_ larger by adding millions of people to the numbers which _20_ before.1A.colorBlightCpictureDscene2A.beforeBafterCwhenDuntil3A.WhereBWhenCBecauseDSince4A.takingBto takeCtakenDbeing taken5A.freezingBfascinatingClightDdark6A.discoverBdiscover

12、edCare discoveringDhad discovered7A.thatBwhatCitDthis8A.discoveriesBinventionsCproductsDorganizations9A.makingBmadeCto be madeDbeing made10A.effortsBeffectsCaffectsDenergy11A.withoutBwithCforDas for12A.producedBmadeCinventedDdiscovered13A.whatBwhichCwhereDwho14A.onBwithCinDat15A.whenBafterCbeforeDin

13、 case16A.abandonedBordinaryCsickDhealthy17A.causedBcausingCto be causedDbeing caused18A.A great manyBA great dealofCA number ofDThe number of19A.veryBfairlyCmanyDmuch20A.survivedBexistedCcontractedDexpandedThe比较级,the比较级越就越(1)The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes youll make.你越小心,出现的问题就越少。(2)The

14、 more you talked,the less attention he paid to you.你说得越多,他越不注意听你讲。答案.1.Steam2.floating3.formed4.balance5.flame6.dissolves.1.go ahead2.lose weight3.In the end4.At the end5.is different from6.the same as.1.(1)found(2)find out(3)found out解析(1)find指通过寻找或偶然发现,碰到。(2)find out指通过观察、调查了解弄清事实的真相。2(1)close(2)c

15、losely(3)closer解析(1)close adv.靠近,接近,经常与to连用。(2)closely adv.紧密地,密切地。.1.A问句句意为:你能帮忙关上窗户吗?with pleasure十分乐意,用于回答别人的请求,符合句意。go ahead前进;干吧;走吧;说吧;Yes,please和问句自相矛盾;Thats OK行,好吧,均不合句意。2ASure,go ahead.“当然;用吧!”。3C考查形容词作宾语补足语。句意为:编辑的任务是使报纸保持平衡,引起读者的兴趣。balanced在此是过去分词作宾补,意为“平衡的”;interesting作形容词修饰物,interested修饰

16、人。4C考查分词作定语以及form的用法。句意为:读书是一个与看电视完全不同的事;图像在你的脑海中形成而不是出现在眼前。用现在分词短语forming in your mind作后置定语修饰pictures,表示主动语态。5Bmiss ones turn错过了某人的顺序。由句意知B项正确。6CYes,help yourself.“可以,自己去推吧!”。7Bany可修饰比较级;quite修饰原级;well的比较级为better,故选B项。8A此题考查turn作连系动词的特殊用法,即turn作连系动词时后接表语名词,省略冠词。句意为:姚明是何时成为伟大的中国篮球队员的?故选A项。9Dbe used

17、to do sth.被用于做某事,为固定搭配,且主语every means表示单数概念,所以谓语动词用单数;prevent.from doing sth.为固定短语,加之pollute与water为动宾关系,故用being polluted。10C句意为:供应不足使价格保持坚挺。.1.B根据下文的提示可知是光对某种化学物质作用的结果。2C当光到达的时候,某种化学物质会发生变化。3A光强的地方,化学物质的颜色就变得不那么深。where引导地点状语从句。4Cpicture与动词take之间为被动关系,故用过去分词作定语,且take动作发生在谓语动词之前,故选C项。5D底片上浅色的物体呈现出深色的形

18、状,而深色的物体颜色却浅一些。根据上文的“shows light objects as dark shapes” 的提示可知此处应为dark。6D根据主句中的was可知动词discover应使用过去完成时。7C此处it为形式主语,代替后面的to take photographs。作形式主语的it不可用其他代词代替。8A科学发现对社会有重要的影响。根据下句中“The discoveries”的提示可知选A项。9Bmade by scientists为过去分词短语作定语,修饰light,与light构成被动关系,且发生在谓语动词之前。10B科学家对光的发现有深远的影响。have (an) effe

19、ct on为固定搭配,意为“对有影响”。effort努力;affect影响,为动词;energy能量。11A没有照相机和电视机,生活将完全不同。12Ddiscover表示“发现客观存在而不为人知的事实”,符合题意。13B此处which引导定语从句,修饰the effect,在从句中作produce的宾语。14Athe effect on.对的影响,为固定搭配。15C盘尼西林的作用就是在细菌对病人造成伤害之前快速将其杀死。16C根据常识可知是对病人的作用。17A此处为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰illnesses。18Dthe number of.的数量,谓语动词用单数形式,符合题意。其余三项均表示“大量的,许多的”。19D四个选项中只有much能修饰形容词比较级larger。20B先前就已经存在的数目。exist存在,符合题意。survive死里逃生,大难不死;contract收缩;expand膨胀。 版权所有高考资源网诚招驻站老师,联系QQ2355394696


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