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《名师一号》2015高考英语(人教版)一轮课时检测40:语法对点讲练十 代词.doc

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1、高考资源网( ),您身边的高考专家课时跟踪检测语法对点讲练十代词(计时:45分钟).语法知识1(2013浙江卷)Half of _ surveyed in 16 countries say they go first to their closest friend to share their deepest wishes and darkest fears.A. these B. someC. ones D. those答案与解析Dthose特指可数名词复数; ones泛指; some“一些”; these“这些”,近指,由surveyed in 16 countries可知those符合句

2、意。2(2013北京丰台区练习二)The two runners are neck and neck; _ of them could win the race.A. either B. neitherC. all D. none答案与解析A句意:两位赛跑者齐头并进,所以他们中任何一个都可能赢得比赛。表示两者中的任何一个用either。故选A项。3(2013山东规范化学校联考)I dont think _ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A. this B. thatC. its D. it答案与解析

3、Dit作形式宾语,真正宾语是后面的不定式短语。4(2014兰州一中第一次月考)Chinese have a dream, _ we devote ourselves to.A. it B. thatC. what D. one答案与解析D在one we devote ourselves to中, one指代a dream,作同位语, we devote ourselves to是定语从句。one表示泛指,而it指同一个, that指代上文提到的同一名词,表特指,所以只有D项正确。5(2013衡水二模)You may depend on _ that they will look after y

4、our daughter when you are away.A. them B. thisC. her D. it答案与解析D句意:当你离开后,你可以放心,他们会照顾好你的女儿。根据句意并分析句子成分可知,空处it作形式宾语, that引导的从句是真正宾语,故选D项。.单句语法填空6The sick salesman was happy to stay at home because doing _ was a thorough rest for him.答案与解析nothing由句意特别是sick, happy, thorough rest等词可知。7The students who do

5、 well in exams are usually _ who ask questions in class.答案与解析those空白处代替the students, students为名词复数。所填词有定语从句限定,表示特指,用those。8 Hurry up! Cant you drive faster, Jack? No. If I got _ speeding ticket, my dad would take away my car.答案与解析anotheranother在此作定语用,表示“另外的一个”,修饰单数可数名词。9 Madam, the two pairs of shoe

6、s are the new arrival of this season. Well, I like _ of them. Do you have another pair?答案与解析neither第一个讲话者提到的是两双鞋,又根据答语“Do you have another pair?”可知答话者对被推荐的两双鞋都不喜欢,所以她说“I like neither of them”, neither表示两者全部否定。10 Mum, have you seen my new book? _ you bought last Sunday? Im afraid I havent seen _.答案与解

7、析The one; it句意:妈妈,你看见了我的新书吗?你上星期日买的那本吗?我没有看见。第一空指代上文出现过的同类事物,且表特指,因此用the one;第二空指代上文出现过的同一事物,因此用it。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。When Sam first got to his boarding school with his parents, he _11_ (be) very happy. He thought he would be able to go home every weekend. When he was told t

8、hat he would not, he started crying because _12_ thought of not seeing his parents was driving him crazy.He _13_ (give) uniforms and all other things that he would need for the term. He started crying when _14_ was time for his parents to leave. He was then taken to the dorm, _15_ he saw other child

9、ren happy. He tried as much as he could _16_ (fit) in but could not because his mind was at home. He started feeling homesick (想家) and wanted to go home as soon as possible.He got sick soon _17_ he could not eat the school food. He could not concentrate in the classroom. All he could think of was _1

10、8_ (be) at home with his family. He had no mobile phone or _19_ means to get in touch with his parents. He was angry and felt lonely. He thought his parents hated him and that was _20_ they left him in a boarding school.答案与解析11was所给词在句中作谓语,且表过去的状态,故填was。12the特指看不见父母的想法,填the。13was given所给词在句中作谓语且表被动,

11、故填was given。14itit was time for sb. to do sth.“是某人该做某事的时候了”。15where先行词是the dorm,空格后面的从句中缺少地点状语,故填where引导定语从句。16to fit本句为He tried as much as he could (try) to fit in .“他竭力去适应”。17becausebecause引导原因状语从句,说明原因。18being动名词作表语。句意:他想的全是和家人在一起。19otherother means“其他方式”。20whythat was why .“这就是为什么”。.完形填空Yesterda

12、y, our teacher asked us when a man could be referred as an old man.David stood up and said people with wrinkles could be called old people. However, Mary didnt _21_, for some people may gain wrinkles at an earlier age owing to their _22_ work.Then Lily expressed her idea that those reaching their 60

13、s or more could be called old people.This time, Emily expressed her _23_ that some old people may still be energetic and trying to pursue their dreams, which makes them appear _24_. The class was over and we still didnt reach any _25_, so the teacher asked us to think about it after class.The _26_ h

14、as reminded me of the saying of JBarrymore that a man isnt old as long as he is _27_ something.My grandma is such a woman who pursues her dream _28_ when shes 70 now.She has _29_ her dream of being a painter since she was a little child. _30_, because her family was poor, she had to _31_ her dream a

15、nd stepped into _32_ to raise money so as to support her family.Though she has _33_ abandoned her dream, she could hardly find any _34_ to realize it because of the tough work. _35_, chance came when she retired from her work.She began taking her painting lessons _36_ she had allwhite hair and lots

16、of wrinkles.At first, I was _37_ her idea of attending school at so old an age, but after seeing her paint happily and enjoyably, I _38_ feeling it a good choice.She seems energetic and _39_ fine.So if we have our dreams and seek for them, we arent old.Its when we dont know what we want and let _40_

17、 be the centre point of our lives that we can finally be regarded as the old.21A. respond B. agree C. identify D. understand22A. negative B. boring C. tough D. challenging23A. certainty B. wish C. theory D. doubt24A. attractive B. young C. intelligent D. ambitious25A. conclusion B. contract C. decis

18、ion D. destination26A. embarrassment B. obstacle C. question D. confusion 27.A. preserving B. seeking C. treasuring D. possessing 28.A. even B. nearly C. only D. hardly29A. realized B. changed C. promoted D. kept30A. However B. Instead C. Moreover D. Therefore31A. give up B. search for C. put aside

19、D. stick to32A. reality B. society C. world D. nature33A. seldom B. occasionally C. already D. never34A. time B. energy C. help D. money35A. Suddenly B. Finally C. Soon D. Fortunately36 A. because B. once C. though D. unless37A. against B. for C. at D. with38A. risked B. rejected C. continued D. beg

20、an39A. feels B. proves C. looks D. grows40A. achievements B. regrets C. dreams D. difficulties答案与解析21B根据空后“因为一些人有可能由于工作艰苦过早地长皱纹。”可知玛丽不同意戴维的看法。22Ctough“艰苦的”,符合上下文意思。negative“消极的”; boring“烦人的”; challenging“挑战的”。23D莉莉表达了自己的见解,她认为人到60多岁就算老年了,这时埃米莉表示出了怀疑。express doubt“表示怀疑”。24B在埃米莉看来,一些老年人仍然精力充沛,追求着他们的梦想

21、,这就使得他们显得很年轻。25Areach a conclusion“得出结论”。26C根据上文可知这里用question,即那个老师要我们课后继续讨论的问题。embarrassment“窘迫;难堪”; obstacle“障碍”; confusion“混淆;困惑”。27B根据上文的“be energetic and trying to pursue their dream”可知,选用seek“追求”。preserve“保护”; treasure“珍惜”; possess“占有”。28Aeven“甚至”,用于强调状语从句。29Dkeep ones dream“怀抱梦想”。30Ahowever“然

22、而”,表示转折。31C由于家庭贫困她只好把自己的梦想暂时搁置一边儿,进入社会去挣钱,以便养家糊口。put aside“暂不考虑”; give up“放弃”; search for“寻找”; stick to“坚持”。32Bstep into society“进入社会”。33D由于工作艰苦,她虽然决心不放弃,但是几乎找不到时间来实现她的梦想。34A根据“because of the tough work”可知她没有时间。35B根据下文,她实现自己梦想的机会“终于”来了。36C虽然她已经满头白发,脸上布满了皱纹,还是开始参加绘画课程。37Abe against“反对”。38D我开始感到这是一个好的

23、选择。39C她似乎精力充沛,气色很好。look“看起来”,是给人的感觉或印象。feel“感觉”; prove“证明是”; grow“变得”。40B只有在我们不知道我们的欲望是什么,把遗憾放在我们生活中心位置时,我们才最终被认为是老了。.阅读理解Where Are They Now: Life after Olympic GoldThese celebrated Olympic champions from decades past wrote sports history, but what are they up to now? Heres the latest on some of the

24、 greatest.Edwin Moses_How_you_know_him:_Gold Medals in 400 Metres Hurdles (1976 Montreal Games, 1984 Los Angeles Games)Where_he_is_today:_Moses earned a degree in physics and later held a fulltime job as an engineer.After retirement, he earned his masters degree in business.In 2000, Moses took on th

25、e role of executive chairman of Laureus.Kerri StrugHow_you_know_her:_Gold Medal in Gymnastics (1996 Atlanta), when she competed through the pain of the ankle damage to land the goldwinning vault (跳马)Where_she_is_today:_Strug lives in Tucson, Arizona.She does public relations for USA Gymnastics, spea

26、king regularly at events and attending the Games on behalf of sponsors.Dick FosburyHow_you_know_him:_Gold Medal in High Jump (1968 Mexico City Games)Where_he_is_today:_Fosbury is an executive committee member of the World Olympians Association.But he hasnt left the tracks just yet he coaches teenage

27、r athletes at Dick Fosbury Track Camps.Greg LouganisHow_you_know_him:_Gold Medals in Diving (1984 Los Angeles Games, 1988 Seoul Games)Where_he_is_today:_Louganis developed AIDS and retired in 1989.It wasnt until the mid90s that he announced he was HIVpositive.Since then, Louganis has been an outspok

28、en advocate for HIV awareness.Dominique DawesHow_you_know_her:_Gold Medal in Gymnastics (1996 Atlanta Games)Where_she_is_today:_President Barack Obama appointed her and New Orleans Saints quarterback (四分卫) Drew Brees as cochairs of the Presidents Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition.Dawes is als

29、o the cohost for Yahoo News Weekend Edition.41Who won two gold medals?A. Edwin Moses and Greg Louganis.B. Dominique Dawes and Edwin Moses.C. Dick Fosbury and Kerri Strug.D. Greg Louganis and Dick Fosbury.答案与解析A根据Edwin Moses一栏中的“(1976 Montreal Games, 1984 Los Angeles Games)”和Greg Louganis一栏中的“(1984 L

30、os Angeles Games, 1988 Seoul Games)”可知,获得两次金牌的是爱德温摩西和格雷格洛加尼斯。42_ won the gold medal in Gymnastics in spite of injury.A. Edwin Moses B. Dominique DawesC. Greg Louganis D. Kerri Strug答案与解析D根据Kerri Strug一栏中的“. when she competed through the pain of the ankle damaged to land the goldwinning vault.”可知,在体操比赛中,尽管克里斯特鲁格受了伤,她还是稳稳地完成了最后一跃,获得金牌。43The gold medalist who is still training young sportsmen is _.A. Greg Louganis B. Dick FosburyC. Edwin Moses D. Dominique Dawes答案与解析B根据Dick Fosbury一栏中的“he coaches teenager athletes at Dick Fosbury Track Camps.”可知,迪克福斯伯里现在还在迪克背越式跳高训练营训练青少年运动员。欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。


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