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1、高考资源网( ),您身边的高考专家SBIIA Unit 3 Art and architecture北京古典建筑 素材新挖掘 考点1. design vt. & n.设计;计划 If you were free to design your own dream house, what would that house look like? The gloves were designed for extremely cold climates.这些手套是为严寒地区制造的。design vt. & n. 设计;计划be designed for 打算;预备be designed to do打算干

2、某事(1)The bridge wasnt _(预备)for such heavy traffic. (2)I _(构思了)a plan for increasing profits. (3)_(设计)faults have been discovered in the car. (4)The new building _(被设计)by an American architect. (5)他设计了一所很美的房子。(写作小练笔:主谓宾; house) _designeddesignedDesignwas designed He designed a beautiful house.考点2. co

3、nvenient adj. 方便的;近便的It is also convenient to live close to your work.I have to find a convenient location for the shelves.我得找一合适的地方放这些书架。convenient adj. 便利的;方便的提醒:一般不用人作主语convenience n. 便利;方便convenience n. (C) 方便的设施(1)It is a _(方便)time to receive guests.(2)Id like an apartment that is _(近便)to shopp

4、ing and transportation.(3)_(方便吗)for you to come in the morning? (4)您何时方便呢?(写作小练笔:主系表;it) _(5)If it is quite _ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday. A. convenient B. fair C. easy D. comfortableA。it is convenient to sb.“对某人方便”。convenientconvenientWill it be convenient When is it convenient for you?【高

5、考链接】Would it be _ for you to pick me up at four oclock andtake me to the airport?(2008年高考山东卷) A. free B. vacant C. handy D. convenient【答案】D。【解析】此题考查形容词辨析。convenient“方便的”,一般不用人作主语。handy“就近的;容易取得的”。考点3. stand vt. 忍受;经受;承担 Both in the choice of materials and shape of buildings, ancientarchitecture stan

6、ds much closer to nature.This work will hardly stand close examination.这种作品很难经得起认真的检验。stand =bear vt. 忍受;经受;承担put up with忍受;容忍suffer from忍受 stand vi. 坐落;屹立(1)When he could _(忍受)it no longer, he rose suddenly to his feet. (2)I cant _(容忍)that woman-shes so rude.stand stand (3)The house _(坐落)at the top

7、 of the hill. (4)I couldnt stand going hungry any longer.(替换)_(5)_(我忍受不了)being laughed at! (6)我再也忍受不了你了。(写作小练笔:主谓宾; any longer) _【高考链接】I cant stand _ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses _ talking while she works. (06北京)A. working; stopping B. to work; stopping C. working; to stop D. to wo

8、rk; to stop【答案】C。【解析】stand“忍受”。cant stand doing“忍受不了干某事”, refuse to do “拒绝干某事”。考点4. construct vt. 建造;建设 They wanted their buildings constructed in a way to look unnatural.stands bear I cant stand I cant stand you any longer.Experts say it is one of the most perfect buildings ever constructed.专家们说这是人

9、类建筑史上最完美的建筑物之一。construct vt. 建造;建设construction n. 建筑;建筑物;构架under construction 在建设中(1)Early houses were _(建造)out of mud and sticks. (2)A new bridge is now under _(建造). (3)The new pyramid was a _(建成)of glass and steel. (4)This factory _(由我们公司建造). (5)大楼正在建设中。(写作小练笔:主系表; under) _考点5. impress vt. 铭刻;使感动;

10、给极深的印象;使感动 Modern buildings impress us because they are huge, but many people do not find them beautiful.Our teacher impress us with the importance of industry and economy.constructed constructionconstruction was constructed by our companyThe building is under construction. 老师要我们牢牢记住工业和经济的重要性。impres

11、s vt. 铭刻;使感动;给极深的印象impress on sb. 使印象深刻impression n. 印象;表情(1)It _(使感动)me that he understood immediately what I meant.(2)His words are strongly_(深深铭记)on my memory. (3)I _(印象深刻)on him the importance of his work. (4)She _(给人的印象)of being older than she really is. (5)那部影片给我留下了深刻的印象。 (写作小练笔:主谓宾; deeply) _

12、(6)Shes always trying to _ people with her new clothes. A. move B. shock C. interest D. impressD。impress sb.“给某人留下深刻印象”。impressedimpressed impressed gives the impression The film impressed me deeply.考点6. rent vt. 租用;出租n. 租金Some art companies asked if they could move into the empty space and rent par

13、ts of the factory.Do you own or rent the video?录像带是你自己的还是租的?rent vt. 租用rent n. 租金;租费rent out出租rent at以出租(1)My father _(租了)an office in the city. (2)He pays 100 dollars a week _(租金). (3)We could _(出租)the small bedroom to a student.(4)The apartment _(出租)at $2, 000 a month. (5)_(我租了一个房间)from Mrs. Smith

14、. (6)我们应该租房还是买房?(写作小练笔:主谓宾;rent; buy) _rentsrentrent outrentsI rent a room Should we rent or buy a house?考点7. act as充当;扮演;担当The buildings look like boxes with flat roofs, sharp corners and glass walls that act as mirrors. He acted as a hero.他表现得像个英雄。act as担任, 充当; 起作用serve as充当serve as an interpreter

15、担任译员(1)A newly-devised microcomputer can_(充任)a guide to a blind person.(2)He _(充当)host to visitors.(3)A dog can be trained to act as a guide for the blind.(英译汉) _【高考链接】We went to Canada to travel and my cousin _ as our guide. A. played B. showed C. acted D. performed 【答案】C。【解析】act as是固定词组“充当”,即“充当我们

16、的向导”。act as acted as 狗可以被训练来做盲人的向导。考点8. When you look around at buildings, streets, squares and parks, you will find them designed, planned and built in different styles.当你看看周围的建筑、街道、广场和公园的时候,你会发现它们在设计、规划、和建造的风格上都不一样。They found the place deserted.他们发现那个地方人烟绝迹。Find (have, want)+ sth +过去分词:过去分词作宾补,与宾语

17、是被动关系(1)She found the house _(被暴风雨摧毁).(2)We want the work_(明天完成).(3)You mustnt leave the more important things undone.(英译汉) _(4)He had his house_(被闯入)last night.destroyed by the stormfinished by tomorrow你不能把更重要的事情留下不做。 broken into SBIIA Unit 4 A garden of poems 杜甫诗意 素材新挖掘 考点1. absence n.不在;缺席;缺乏Once

18、 published, his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.His long absence raised fears about his safety.他长期不在引起了大家对他的安全的担心。absence n. 不在;缺席;缺乏absent adj. 缺席的;不在场的present adj. 出席的;到场的presence n. 出席;到场(1)The first thing I noticed about the place was the _ (缺乏)of noise. (2)Fr

19、equent _(缺席)due to illness meant he was behind with his work. absenceabsences (3)He is _(缺席)on business. (4)How many people were _(出席)at the meeting? (5)She was so quiet that_(她的出现)was hardly noticed.(6)His _ from the team will greatly weaken it. A. presence B. absence C. appearance D. lack B。absenc

20、e“不在”。考点2. recommend vt. 推荐;介绍;建议 Ask your teacher to recommend poems to you.I recommend going by airplane.我建议搭飞机去。recommend vt. 推荐;介绍recommend sb sth向某人推荐某事物recommend sb to do向某人推荐干某事recommend vt.劝告;建议recommend that 建议(从句用虚拟语气)recommend doing sth建议absent presenther presence(1)The head of her depart

21、ment _(举荐) her for promotion. (2)Can you _(介绍)a good dictionary? (3)I _(建议)that you get some legal advice. (4)I wouldnt _(建议)your traveling on your own. It can be dangerous. (5)Could you _(给我推荐)a good hotel in Paris?(6)We hope that _ (你推荐这家餐馆)you to all your friends.(7)你推荐哪部电影?(书写小练笔:主谓宾;film) _【高考链

22、接】The doctor recommended that you swim after eating a large meal. (2009年高考浙江卷) A. wouldnt B. couldnt C. neednt D. shouldnt 【答案】D。【解析】此题考查虚拟语气。recommend后接的宾语从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气(should) do; 其它情态动词不搭配。recommendedrecommendrecommendrecommendrecommend meyou will recommend this restaurantWhich film would you rec

23、ommend?考点3. contribute vi. 作出贡献;捐献;投稿vt. 贡献;提供;捐献;投稿Collect your favorite poems in a notebook and ask your friends to contribute to it.Each worker contributed one dollar to the Red Cross.每个工人都向红十字会捐献了一美元。contribute vt. & vi. 做出贡献;捐献contribute vt. 投(稿)contribute to为作贡献contribution to/toward 贡献; 捐献(1)

24、Would you like to _(捐款)towards our collection?(2)We _(凑钱)$5 each towards a retirement present for her. (3)He _(投稿)an article to the China Daily.(4)He made a significant_(贡献)to the countrys struggle for independence. (5)Every member of the team _ (对这次胜利做出了贡献).contribute contributed contributed contri

25、bution contributed to the victory考点4. call up 召换;使人想起;调动(力量、人员等);提出(议案等);(给)打电话 Poetry also calls up all the colours, feelings, experiences and curious images of a dream world.These photos call up his memories of his happy youth.这些照片让他想起了快乐的青春。call up 召集 call up 使人想起call up打电话 call for 要求call on 号召(

26、1)He _(打电话)me up to tell me the good news. (2)All the men between the ages of 18 and 25 were _ (征召入伍)up. (3)Please _(打电话)me up before you go out. (4)The sound of happy laughter _ memories of his childhood. A. called on B. called out C. called off D. called upD。call up“使人想起”。calledcalled call 【高考链接】A

27、s I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village _ scenes of my childhood. A. called up B. called for C. called on D. called in 【答案】A。【解析】call up 的意思是“使回忆起;使想起”。考点5. light up照亮;使放光彩;点上(烟等)吸起来Quietly, we embraceIn a world lit up by words.The candles lit up the room.烛光照亮

28、了房间。light up点燃 light up照亮light up使容光焕发(1)Will you _(点上火)the fire for me? (2)Her face_(喜形于色)at the gift. (3)We lit the candle and the candle _(照亮了)the room. (4)He struck a match and _(点着了香烟). light up lit up lit up lit up a cigar 考点6. come into being 出现;形成;产生Modern English came into being from about

29、the end of the 16th century. Such a custom came into being long ago .这种风俗很久以前就有了。come into being 现;形成;产生appear vt. 出现take shape 形成(1)When did this organization _(形成)?(2)Emperor Qin had all the walls joined up, and thus the Great Wall came into being.(英译汉)_(3)世界是什么时候形成的?(写作小练笔: 主谓;world) _考点7. send f

30、or使某人来到;要求将某物取来或送到If trapped in a burning building, you should send for e into being 秦始皇下令把所有的城墙连接起来,因此,万里长城就形成了。When did the world come into being?He was so ill that we had to send for a doctor.他病得很重,我们只好给他请医生了。send for召唤;派人去拿send sb. abroad 派人出国send off寄出; 送别send out放射(光、热等); 放出(1)He is going to _

31、(订购)that book on wild birds. (2)One day the king _(把三个儿子叫来).(3)_(请了警察来)to maintain order.(4)她派人去请医生。(汉译英) _考点8. Besides, no matter how well a poem is translated, something of the spirit of the original work is lost. 除此以外,不管翻译得多好,原著的精髓性的东西还是会丢失了。No matter how hard he may try, he will not succeed.不管他怎

32、么努力去干都不会成功的。send for sent for his three sonsPolice were sent forShe sent for the doctor. no matter how/who/what/ where/when无论however/whoever/whatever/wherever无论(1)You wont move that stone, _(不管多么强壮) you are. (2)You can travel _(随心所欲)you like. (3)No matter how late it was, Mother always waited for hi

33、m for supper.(替换)_【高考链接】In peace, too, the Red Cross is expected to send help _ thereis human suffering. whoever B. however C. whatever D. wherever 【答案】D。【解析】本题考查定语从句。wherever引导地点状语从句“无论何地”。however strong however However SBIIA Unit 5 The British Isles 英伦风光 素材新挖掘 考点1. consist vi. 由组成;由构成It forms the

34、mainland of Great Britain and consists of three countries: Scotland in the north ,Wales in the west and England in the south and east.How many players does a baseball team consist of? 棒球队由几名队员组成?consist vi. 由组成consist of= be made up of 由组成;由构成consist with 一致,符合(1)The band _(由组成)a singer, two guitari

35、sts and a drummer.(2)Her job consisted in welcoming the guests as they arrived. (英译汉) _consists of她的工作主要是接待来宾。(3)Theory should _(相一致)practice.(4)The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.(替换)_(5)这房子由六个房间组成。(写作小练笔:主谓+介词; house) _考点2. state n. 国家;政府;状态vt. 陈述;声明;阐明 Wales had alr

36、eady been conquered by England in 1283, but it was not until 250 years later that they formed a single state. The state owns the factories.这种工厂由国家所有。state vt. 陈述state n. 国家;政府;州 in a state of 处于某种状态state that 陈述;声明;阐明statement n. 陈述,叙述;声明consist withis made up ofThe house consists of six rooms.(1)Pa

37、kistan has been an independent _(国家)since 1947.(2)Shes in a very strange _(状态)of mind.(3)Please _(填写)your name, age and occupation on the form.(4)The busmen have _(声明)that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.(5)_(这点早些时候我已经阐明), I do not believe

38、 that this information is accurate. (6)他在会上阐明了自己对这个问题的看法。 (写作小练笔:主谓宾; view, question) _考点3. influence n. 影响;作用;势力vt. 影响;对有作用 The culture of the people of the British Isles was influenced by the culture of the people on European mainland. state state state stated As I stated earlier He stated his vie

39、ws on the question at the meeting.Influenced by the weather, the football match was cancelled. 受天气的影响,足球赛取消了。influence n. 影响;感化;力权力have influence on 对有影响influence vt. 影响同义词affect和effect(1)My teachers _(影响)made me study science at college. (2)Outside factors _(影响)him to resign.(3)Many a woman has had

40、 great influence upon her husband. (英译汉) _(4)不要让我影响你的决定。(写作小练笔:谓宾+宾补;decision) _influence influenced 许多妇女对其丈夫有影响。Dont let me influence your decision.考点4. judge vt. 判断;判决;评价n. 法官;裁判员Dont judge a person only on the influence of first impressions. As can be judged from her eyes, she has no hatred to us

41、.当能从她的眼睛被判断之时,她对我们没有个人的敌意。judge vt. 审判;审理;裁决;裁判judge from/by. 评论;评判;判断judge n. 专家; 法官; 鉴定人;鉴赏家judging from 根据判断judg(e)ment n. 判断(1)He said it was the hardest case he had ever had to _ (审理). (2)Dont _(判断)people by appearances.(3)Its difficult to _(判断)how long the project will take. (4)Youre a good _(

42、鉴定者)of character-what do you think of him? judgejudgejudgejudge(5)_(从他所说的话来判断), his work is going well. (6)我判断他是一位英语教师。 (写作小练笔:主谓宾+to do;teacher) _考点5. own vt. 拥有adj. 自己的 He owns a production company with a long-time friend.Her husband owns the garage.她丈夫是那个车行的老板。own adj. 自己的 ones own; of ones own某人

43、自己的own vt. 拥有on ones own =by oneself 独自;靠自己(1)The two countries had a territorial argument over which one _(拥有这个岛子).(2)We dont own the video. We just rent it.(替换)_Judging from what he saidI judged him to be an English teacher.owned the islandhave/possess(3)Although her father is in the firm she got

44、the job _ (凭她自己的力量).(4)许多老年人独立生活。(写作小练笔:主谓+介词;older people) _(5)I would like a car _(我自己的).考点6. employ vt. 雇用;利用The city of Salisbury has two important kinds of produce and trade, which employ the poor of a great part of the country round-namely, making cloth and sheets, called Salisbury Whites.If y

45、ou do not trust him , why do you employ him?如果你不信任他,那你为什么聘用他?employ vt. 雇用; 从事employ oneself in doing 从事employ vt. 生僻义:利用employer n. 老板employee n. 雇员 on her ownMany older people live on their own.of my own(1)He _(从事)himself (in) teaching English.(2)He is _(受雇于)in a car factory.(3)She _(利用)her time w

46、isely.(4)He is employing by this company.(改错) _(5)The firm employs about 100 men.(替换) _(6)经理雇用了三个雇员。(写作小练笔:主谓宾;manager) _考点7. approach vi. 向靠近;接近n. 靠近;途径He approached Salisbury from the east. The train slowed up as it approached the new bridge.火车接近那座新的桥梁时速度减慢下来。approach vi. 向靠近;接近approach vt. 着手处理;与

47、打交道approach n. 靠近;临近(1)The day of his wedding was coming. (替换)_(2)Im going to _(接洽)my bank manager about a loan.employedemployedemploysemploying改为employedhiresThe manager employed three employees.approached approach (3)The _(临近)of winter brings cold weather.(4)What is the best way to approach this p

48、roblem?(替换)_(5)我们静悄悄地逼近敌人的营地。 (写作小练笔:主谓宾;silently, camp) _考点8. in general 总的来说;大体上;通常In general, Scotland is colder throughout the year, and received more rain. I think the reform is proceeding smoothly in general. 我看,改革总的进展比较顺利。in general 总的来说;大体上(= as a general rule) generally speaking 大体上说as usua

49、l 通常as a whole总体上generally 通常in a word总之all in all 总之approach deal with Silently we approached the enemys .(1)_(总的来说), I agree with you. (2)_(大致上说), its quite a fair settlement. (3)_(总的来说), his work has been good, but this essay is dreadful. (4)I like games in general, and especially football. (英译汉) _(5)总体来说,这是一部精彩的电影。 (写作小练笔:主系表;movie) _In generalGenerally speakingIn general 各种运动我一般都喜欢,尤其是足球。In general, its a great movie.欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。


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