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《名师一号》2015高考英语(人教版)一轮课时检测15 必修3 UNIT 2 HEALTHY EATING.doc

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1、课时跟踪检测必修三Unit 2Healthy eating(计时:45分钟).词汇知识1(2013山东模拟卷四)Dont try to cheat the taxman; youll never _ it.A. get over B. get acrossC. get out of D. get away with答案与解析D句意:别试图欺骗税收人员,你休想蒙混过关。get over“克服困难”; get across“解释清楚”; get out of“从出来”; get away with“(做坏事)不受惩罚”。根据句意选择D项。2Both China and the United Sta

2、tes _ from their growing business ties over the past four decades.A. had benefited B. benefitC. benefited D. have benefited答案与解析D题干中含有现在完成时的时间状语over the past four decades。3The cancer risks _ to smoking have been well proved.A. combined B. relatedC. caused D. joined答案与解析Brelate to .“和有联系”,符合语境及句子结构要求

3、。combine with“与结合起来”; cause和join不与with连用。4(福建卷) Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency? Well, you know, English is my _. So it is my best choice.A. strength B. talentC. ability D. skill答案与解析A句意:你为什么选择去一家国际旅行社工作?哦,你知道,英语是我的强项。因此,这是我的最佳选择。本题考查名词辨析。strength“长处;强项”; talent“才能”; abil

4、ity“能力”; skill“技能”。5If you dont pay your electricity bill, it will be _.A. cut off B. cut upC. cut down D. cut in答案与解析A句意:如果你不交电费,(你的)用电就会被切断。cut off“切断”。cut up“切碎”; cut down“削减”; cut in“插话;插嘴”。.单句语法填空6She is annoyed with obesity, so she has decided to go on _ diet to lose weight.答案与解析a句意:肥胖让她烦心。她决定

5、节食减肥。go on a diet“节食”。7 I think well give Bob a ring. We _. We have been out of touch with him for ages.答案与解析should/ought to后句句意:我们应该给他打个电话。我们很长时间没跟他联系了。should/ought to“应该”。8You _ not worry about it, as everything has been settled now.答案与解析needneednt“不需要;不必要”,强调客观条件。9It was a fine day yesterday. I n

6、eednt _ (take) my raincoat with me.答案与解析have taken句意:昨天天气晴朗,我本来就没必要带雨衣。neednt have done表示后悔,指做了没必要做的事。10 Is it good to look up every new word when I come across it in reading? No, you _, because you are likely to guess the meaning from the context.答案与解析neednt/dont have to句意:当我阅读时遇到生词是不是每个都要查词典?不,你不必

7、,因为你可以根据上下文猜测单词的意思。dont have to或neednt表示没有必要做。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Mary: Are you all ready for Christmas?Tim: Are you _11_ (kid)? I havent even started. Ive done zero shopping.Mary: Well, youd better get _12_ (go). Christmas is only a week away.Tim: I have to tell you that Im

8、one of those people _13_ really is put out by the Christmas rush.Mary: Oh, Im not. I love the holidays. I love the crowds, the shopping, the lights, the music, the food, the parties and _14_ the presents.Tim: Thats just the beginning. My wife always spends too much money on Christmas. The average Ch

9、ristmas expenses for US families is about $550. But _15_ we always spend about _16_ (two) that much. It takes me till April to pay off all our Christmas bills.Mary: Now, lets not be an Ebeneezer Scrooge about it, Tim. Think about your kids. Didnt you use to love Christmas when you _17_ a kid?Tim: I

10、guess _18_. I dont remember.Mary: I know you did. Youve actually forgotten your childhood memories. I remember you were the _19_ excited kid in the whole class. You know, Tim, maybe Christmas is for kids, but you _20_ still enjoy it through the eyes of your children.答案11.kidding12.going13.who14.all1

11、5.somehow16.twice17.were18.so19.most 20can.阅读理解(2013黄冈中学)As I stood in a stall (货摊) of Beijings Silk Market, waiting to exchange a silk garment, I watched in amazement as the young vendor (小贩) pulled out silk nightgown after nightgown for a foreigner, who sounded like an American, but frankly could

12、have been from any Englishspeaking Western country.The man appeared satisfied when she pulled out a bright, purple nightgown and said, “This one, very good.” and probably asked how much it cost, for the owner pulled out her calculator showing 800. My heart was pounding heavily. After all, I was hold

13、ing a similar gown in my hand for which I had paid all of 60 yuan ($9.39) just the previous day. I wanted to scream and say, “Wait, you are being_taken_for_a_ride”. But I just kept silent.As I moved away from the stall a thousand thoughts flashed in my mind. Should I have just stepped in and stopped

14、 it? I may have saved the man but could have brought danger to myself. Maybe I could have pretended to seek help with some English from that man and warned him not to be cheated?When I told the incident to some of my friends, most seemed to think it was unfortunate but one couldnt fault the vendor.

15、Everyone visiting China knows, or ought to know, that bargaining is a way of life here, they said.Although I do agree that the man should have been better informed, it just doesnt seem right that the place, to which tourists from all over the world are brought and made to believe is a Mecca (向往的地方)

16、for shopping in Beijing, should be allowed to get away with such daylight robbery.I still think I should have done something about what I witnessed.21The underlined part “being taken for a ride” in Paragraph 2 probably means _.A. getting a lift B. being taken inC. wasting money D. making a mistake 答

17、案与解析BYou are being taken for a ride.“你是冤大头。”take for a ride“欺骗人”being taken in “被骗了”,两者意思一致,故选B项。22The writer kept silent over this matter probably because _.A. the man should know bargaining is a way of life hereB. he couldnt exchange his nightgown if he did soC. he was worried the vendor would tak

18、e revenge on himD. he thought the nightgown was worth the money答案与解析C根据第三段中的“I may have saved the man but could have brought danger to myself.”可知,作者对这件事保持沉默是因为担心小贩会报复。23What can we know from the passage?A. The foreigner is not an American from Englishspeaking countries.B. Most think what the vendor

19、did was wrong.C. Many tourists visit the place where the stall is.D. Foreigners are often taken in in the daylight.答案与解析C根据倒数第二段可知,外国游客理解中国小商贩的做法,讨价还价是这里的交易方式,所以许多外国游客还会到这些地方来买东西。24What can be safely concluded from the passage?A. The writer regretted not having warned the man of danger.B. The writer

20、 wont buy silk nightgowns from the vendor again.C. Most tourists are not better informed when travelling in Beijing.D. Mecca is a place where a wide variety of high quality goods are sold.答案与解析A根据文章的最后一句“I still think I should have done something about what I witnessed”可知,作者依旧后悔没有提醒那位买东西的人小心上当。.七选五(

21、2014沈阳质量监测)A great life doesnt happen by accident. A great life is the result of dividing your time, energy and hard work towards what you want your life to be. Stop setting yourself up for stress and failure. _25_ Make the following secrets fit your own needs and style, and start creating your own

22、great life today!A great life is the result of simplifying your life. People often misunderstand what simplify means. _26_ Instead, its a way to free up your energy and time for the work that you enjoy and the purpose for which you are here. In order to create a great life, you will have to make roo

23、m for it first.A great life is the result of removing distractions (分心之事). Up to 75% of your mental energy can be tied up in things that are not important but distracting you. Look around at someones life you admire. What do they do that you would like to adopt in your own life? Ask them how they di

24、d it. _27_A great life is the result of your adjustments. _28_ It may mean thinking about again how you spend your time, or choosing to spend your money in a different way. It may mean looking for new ways to spend your energy that agree with your particular definition of a great life._29_ Theres th

25、e old saying everyones familiar with “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” In order to even move from the couch to the refrigerator, you have to start. Theres no better time to start than today. Its what you do TODAY that will make a difference in your life tomorrow.A. A great l

26、ife is the result of starting.B. A great life is the result of having intention.C. Its not a way to remove work from your life.D. Start setting up your life to support success and ease.E. So it requires that you should make some changes.F. Its easy to spend your days on whatever gets your attention.

27、G. Then you will find ways to free up your mental energy for more important things.答案25.D26.C27.G28.E29.A.短文改错(2013山西四校联考)Last Monday, we were having our Chinese class while the teacher suddenly slipped and fell. We were worry about her. One of the boys carried her on his back, under the help of oth

28、er students, to the nearest hospital immediately. It turned out that his right leg was broken and she had to be in hospital. The following day, we went to visit her with flower and fruit. Seeing her lying in bed with her leg wrapping in bandages, we felt sorry for her and hope that she would recover

29、 soon. This Thursday she returned back to the class in a wheelchair to give us lessons. We were all deep moved and proud of such responsible teacher.答案Last Monday, we were having our Chinese class the teacher suddenly slipped and fell. We were about her. One of the boys carried her on his back, the

30、help of other students, to the nearest hospital immediately. It turned out that right leg was broken and she had to be in hospital. The following day, we went to visit her with and fruit. Seeing her lying in bed with her leg in bandages, we felt sorry for her and that she would recover soon. This Thursday she returned to the class in a wheelchair to give us lessons. We were all moved and proud of such responsible teacher.


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