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浙江省2020届新高考英语全真冲刺模拟卷01 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、2020年新高考英语全真模拟卷(浙江专用)英 语选择题部分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt? A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.答案是C。 1. What has happened to the

2、cup with little hearts? A. It has been lost.B. It has been damaged.C. It has been given to the man.2. What did the man ask the woman to do? A. Sew some clothes.B. Clean up the floors.C. Pay more attention next time.3. How many classes does the girl have on Monday? A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.4. Why does

3、 the woman advise the man to run? A. To catch the postman.B. To borrow some stamps.C. To reach the post office before closing.5. What is across from the new clothing store? A. A bank.B. A movie theater.C. A bookstore.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应

4、位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题6. How does the man feel? A. Confident.B. Tired.C. Confused.7. Which country was the man born in? A. Japan.B. China.C. Australia.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题8. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Classmates.B. Tut

5、or and student.C. Mother and son.9. What subject is the boy struggling with? A. Math.B. English.C. Geography.10. What activity is related to the womans job? A. Testing.B. Writing.C. Teaching.听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13三个小题11. Where are the speakers probably? A. In a store.B. In a gallery.C. In the mans apartm

6、ent.12. What color is the womans colored wall? A. Purple.B. Cream.C. Orange.13. Where is the wallpaper located? A. Under the brushes. B. Next to the sheets. C. Across from the paint.听下面一段对话,回答第14至第17四个小题14. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A missing pet.B. A late package.C. A wrong foo

7、d order.15. Who is Tommy? A. The womans son.B. The womans pet.C. The womans boss.16. What is wrong with the delivery drivers? A. They are ill.B. They are out for lunch.C. They have left the company.17. What will the woman get the money for according to the man?A. Her lost item.B. Delivery costs.C. H

8、er time spent on the phone.听下面一段独白,回答第18和至第20三个小题18. Why does the nursery offer the plans? A. To keep children safe.B. To make children healthy.C. To help children find their way.19. When are the teachers on duty? A. 8:00 p.m. on Monday.B. 7:00 a.m. on Thursday.C. 9:00 a.m. on Saturday.20. To whom i

9、s the speaker mainly talking? A. Children at the nursery.B. New teachers.C. Childrens parents.【答案】1-5:BCBCB 6-10: CACAB 11-15: AACBB 16-20 :ACABC【解析】听力原文Text 1W: Have you seen my favorite cup? The one with little hearts on it. I think Ive lost it.M: Sorry, I meant to tell you that I broke it last we

10、ek while washing it. (1) But I got you this one to replace it.W: I love it!Text 2M: Mindy, I found a needle on the floor. I almost stepped on it. You should be more careful. (2)W: It wasnt me, Ben. It was my mother. She came over to help with the childrens clothes. But Ill sweep the floor right now

11、to make sure there arent any more.Text 3M: I have dance class first thing, and then music straight after lunch.W: Lucky you. For me, its a busy Monday. I have double classes of math and then geography. (3)Text 4M: Do you have any stamps I can borrow? I want to send this straight away.W: Im afraid I

12、dont. But if you run, you might just catch the post office. (4)Text 5M: I was in that new clothing store next to the bank and they had some shirts that would really suit you.W: Is it opposite the cinema? What did the place use to be before the clothing store opened?M: Yeah, (5) it was a bookstore be

13、fore.Text 6M: Excuse me, can you help me? I cant understand part of this form. (6)W: Certainly, sir. What part are you having problems with?M: Part 3A. Im not quite sure what its asking. Ive read it several times but it does not make any sense. (6)W: That part of the form is only for foreign travele

14、rs.M: Technically, I am. Im originally from Japan, (7) but then I was raised in Australia before coming to China.W: Where do you live now?M: I live in Hong Kong.W: You are well traveled.M: I am, but sometimes these forms still confuse me.Text 7 (第8题为推断题)W: Malcolm, have you finished your homework ye

15、t?M: Not yet, I need dads help with one of the questions. (9)W: Well, maybe I can help?M: Thanks, but dad knows more about algebra than you. (9)W: I am just as capable as your father. We both went to university.M: But dad uses it all the time in his job. You write a lot in your job, (10) so I come t

16、o you when I need help with my English tests.W: Thats very smart, but sometimes your father wont be able to help you. So if you need it, Im here. Im also good at geography.M: OK then. Can you tell me the answer to this one?W: No, but I can show you how to find the answer yourself.Text 8 (第11题为推断题)M:

17、 Excuse me, can you tell me where the paint section is?W: Its straight down there.M: Thank you. Were going to paint my apartment.W: Oh, I love decorating. What color are you going for?M: Maybe something in cream or white. We might sell it soon, so we want it to look airy.W: A lot of people these day

18、s have one wall in a bright or distinct color to make it stand out. I have a purple one in my bedroom. (12)M: I did see one at a friends house. He had painted one side of his living room orange. It looked very smart. Im just not sure I could do as good a job. Im not an artist.W: Well, we have all th

19、e tools you need next to the paint, (13) like brushes and sheets to keep your furniture clean. Or if you want a challenge, the wallpaper is on the opposite side. (13)M: Youve been most helpful.W: If you need anything else, just let me know.Text 9 (第14题为总结题)W: I have been on hold for half an hour try

20、ing to find out where my delivery is!M: I apologize, Mrs. Smith. This is not the level of service we usually offer.W: Then what is the problem? Its a present for my little Tommy. Its his birthday tomorrow. I picked some dog food for him. (15) Why havent I received his present yet?M: We had to use a

21、delivery service instead of our own drivers.W: Why?M: I shouldnt really say.W: I demand an explanation, or I want to speak to your boss.M: Our drivers all eat from the same restaurant at lunch. They have all got food poisoning. (16)W: Well, Im sorry to hear that. I hope they are OK.M: Me, too. Becau

22、se you are such a loyal customer, I would like to offer you a full refund for the item.W: I guess that would be acceptable. Hold on, theres someone at my door.M: Hello, Mrs. Smith?W: That was your driver. It arrived! Thank you so much.M: Im glad it all worked out fine. We would still like to offer y

23、ou a refund, for the length of the call. (17)W: Thank you. That would be lovely.Text 10 (第20题为推断题)There is another thing to point out about safety before we start todays nursery tour. The safety of your children is, of course, our main concern and we are constantly working to improve it in any possi

24、ble way. We also try to make sure that your children enjoy their time at nursery and benefit from it as much as possible. The nursery offers two plans to ensure you know that your children are safe. (18) The Bus Trip plan is to make sure that children get where they need to go after nursery with a t

25、eacher on duty to protect them, whether they are going straight home or somewhere else. The In-School plan gives you peace of mind when the children are being taught. A careful record is kept of where children are in the building so that we can locate them quickly at any time. You are provided with

26、a number, so you can call the nursery between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on the weekdays. (19) Requirements can also be made by text and email. All in all, we are trying our best to make sure your children are safe while they are attending the nursery.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,

27、从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。A Recently,my husband and three kids were playing in Mediterranean(地中海),swimming and floating in the pictureperfect sea.It was ridiculously beautiful in Majorca,Spain.The way the sun danced across the water and how the blue horizon was dotted with storybook sail

28、boats were such beautiful scenes.My husband and I always dreamed about taking our kids on a trip around the world.It was one of the things we talked at length about.When we imagined our life with the children,we hoped we would have.Fourteen years later,we had three boys who were growing up faster by

29、 the day.It was time to make good on those plans.We renewed our passports,and then packed our bags.We showed our kids the world.It was about experiencing the dozens of flights and trains and taxis together.We showed them how wonderful,how diverse,and how fascinating the world is.We wanted them to le

30、arn all that we had learned ourselves,through our own travels.But there was something more than that:What we really wanted is to slow down time.We wanted the days to last a bit longer,and the weeks to take their time.The years with our children are going too fast.We wanted to put the brakes on our b

31、usy lives for a year,and just be with our kids.We wanted a break from the daily morning routine of making lunches,eating breakfast and going out the door in time for school.We needed family time out.It was the wonderful two months in Europe,full of incredible moments.When we look back at our lives,I

32、 know well be glad we did it.I know well be happy that this is a chapter of the story of our family.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。丈夫和“我”很早就梦想着带孩子们一起去旅游,享受美景和家人陪伴的时光。十四年后,我们实现了梦想。21What did the couple often dream of fourteen years ago?AGoing to Mediterranean.BTravelling with their children.CSome storybook sailboats

33、.DTheir childrens growing fast.【答案】 B【解析】 考查推理判断。根据第二段第一句My husband and I always dreamed about taking our kids on a trip around the world可推知,14年前,“我”和丈夫梦想着带孩子们环游世界,故B项正确。22What does the underlined part“make good on” probably mean?ADo good to. BCarry out. CMake up. DPut off.【答案】 B【解析】 考查词义猜测。根据上文可知,“

34、我”和丈夫梦想着带孩子们环游世界,结合第三段第二句It was time to make good on those plans可推知,是实行这些计划的时候了。由此可推知,画线部分意为“实行”,故B项正确。23What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?AThe travel. BThe children.CThe transportation. DThe diverse world.【答案】 A【解析】考查段落大意。根据第三段的内容可知,该段主要介绍了实行旅游计划,和三个孩子一起去旅游的情况,故A项正确。BAmericans are worried about new

35、technology. They are concerned that machines, including robots, will take over work now done by humans.These findings come from a new report by the Pew Research Center of Washington DC.About 75 percent of Americans questioned by Pew said automation will increase income inequality between the rich an

36、d the middle class and the poor. And 64 percent of people expect automation to be so common in America that people will face difficulty finding things to do with their lives.Some of the concerns about technology come from a distrust about whether machines will always make the right decision. Many Am

37、ericans believe humans have better judgment in dealing with complex matters. One example is selecting a person for a job. Three quarters of Americans said they would not want to apply for a job that uses a computer program to choose the most qualified person.Most Americans want the government to lim

38、it automation. For example, 87 percent support a requirement that all driverless vehicles have a human in the drivers seat who can take control when needed.And 85 percent want to limit machines to mostly doing jobs that are dangerous or unhealthy for humans.And only 25 percent expect more jobs to co

39、me from automation, Pew said.Mark Zuckerberg, the cofounder of Facebook, spoke last May to graduating seniors from Harvard University in Massachusetts. His talk centered on the uncertain future facing young people, “Our generation will have to deal with tens of millions of jobs replaced by automatio

40、n like selfdriving cars and trucks,”Zuckerberg told the graduates.Zuckerberg said young people will have to find projects that will bring both jobs and direct benefits to the people of the world. He said in his speech that 300, 000 people worked to put a man on the moon, and millions of people built

41、 the Hoover Dam as well as other great projects over the last 100 years.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。美国人担心随着科技发展机器人会抢走工作岗位,增加富人、中产阶级和穷人之间的收入差距,主张政府限制自动化。24What do Americans think of technology?AUseful. BEffective. CDangerous. DUndependable.【答案】 D【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Americans are worried about new technology.”,第二段中的

42、“About 75 percent of Americans questioned.the middle class and the poor.”,第三段中的“Some of the concerns.make the right decision.”及第四段中的“Most Americans want the government to limit automation.”等信息可知美国人对科技的态度,即他们担心新技术带来的变化,认为自动化将加大富人、中产阶级和穷人之间的收入差距,主张限制自动化。由以上观点可以看出美国人认为科技是不可信赖的。故选D。25What did Zuckerberg

43、 encourage the students to do?ARefuse selfdriving vehicles. BCreate new job chances.CConsider large projects. DFight against robots.【答案】 B【解析】推理判断题。根据最后两段的内容尤其是最后一段中的“young people will have to find projects that will bring both jobs and.”可知,Zuckerberg认为年轻人必须面对许多工作自动化的现实,并鼓励学生寻找一些能带来工作机会的项目。故选B。26Whi

44、ch of the following can be the best title for the text?ANew Technology Creates More JobsBNew Technology Makes New UnfairnessCAmericans Worry Robots Will Take JobsDRobots Make Work Easy to Do for Workers【答案】 C【解析】 标题归纳题。根据第一段中的 “Americans are worried about new technology.will take over work now done

45、by humans.”和下面各段中心句可知,美国人担心随着科技发展机器人会抢走人类的工作岗位,增加富人、中产阶级和穷人之间的收入差距。Americans Worry Robots Will Take Jobs概括了全文内容,适合作为文章标题。故选C。CJapan recently lowered its voting age from 20 to 18.This decision was in order to help young people feel more engaged in politics.But it may also signal the change of social

46、views regarding the beginning of adulthood.Adulthood has traditionally been defined by a combination of age and the achievement of social milestones(里程碑)Most countries have a legally defined age to determine when a person becomes an adultthe age of majority.In Australia,most states consider a person

47、 to be an adult in court at 18.The age of 18 is also consistent with other adult privileges,such as the right to purchase alcohol and to marry.However,17yearolds can serve in the army and get a drivers licence.The law defines adulthood on the basis of age and it also recognizes the process of becomi

48、ng an adult as involving himself gradually in social responsibility.This legal approach to adulthood is mirrored in other countries,where there are differences between the age of majority and social responsibility given to young people.Socially,determinants of adulthood traditionally focus on a pers

49、on taking increasing responsibility for their lives in various ways.Completing school,taking fulltime employment,getting married and parenthoodthese are all observable indicators to determine when a person is viewed as an adult.Since the 1980s,however,people have achieved some of these observable mi

50、lestones at later ages.Increased access to education has delayed young people leaving home and developing romantic relationships.Economic changes have also resulted in unstable employment markets and increases in costs of living,prompting many young people to remain at home and dependent on parents.

51、Due to these social changes,our expectations of young people and their level of social responsibility have also changed.The recognition of a new life stageemerging(发展初期的) adulthoodhas been recommended to account for the changes to social milestones that have traditionally represented adulthood. 【语篇解

52、读】本文是一篇议论文。主要论述了由于教育机会的增加、经济上的变化等社会变化,年轻人进入成年人生阶段的时间推迟了。 27What can we learn about adulthood from the text?APeople reach observable indicators much later.BAge alone is a reliable determinant of adulthood.CParticipation in politics is a responsibility for adulthood.DEconomic changes mainly shift peop

53、les views on adulthood.【答案】 C【解析】考查推理判断。根据第一段第一、二句可知,日本最近将投票年龄从20岁降至18岁,这一决定在某种程度上是为了帮助年轻人更好地参与政治;又根据本段第三句可推知,参与政治是成年人的责任,故C项正确。28What right can people enjoy at the age of 17 in most states of Australia?AVoting. BBuying wines. CGetting married. DDriving legally.【答案】 D【解析】 考查细节理解。根据第二段的内容,尤其是第五句Howev

54、er, 17yearolds can serve in the army and get a drivers licence可知,在澳大利亚的大部分州,人们在17岁时可以服兵役和获得驾照,故D项正确。29What does the underlined word“prompting”in Paragraph 4 probably mean?AEncouraging. BAdvising. CForbidding. DPersuading.【答案】 A【解析】考查词义猜测。根据第四段尾句可知,经济上的变化也导致了不稳定的就业市场和生活成本的增加,这促使许多年轻人留在家里并依赖父母;据此可推知,A

55、项“促进,助长”与画线词意思相近,故A项正确。30Whats the main idea of the text?AEmerging adulthood reflects a new life stage.BAdulthood is defined differently in different places.CSocial changes are challenging the idea of adulthood.DAdulthood is a combination of rights and responsibilities.【答案】 C【解析】考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,文章尾段第一

56、句为全文的主题句;又结合全文内容可知,本文主要论述了由于社会的变化,年轻人进入成年人生阶段的时间发生了变化,而人们关于“成年”这一概念的看法也发生了变化,故C项正确。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Being a good parent means helping your kids acquire healthy habits and drop the bad ones. To help you along, we have created a list of things you should te

57、ach your child._31_We never feel like a failure when we have friends who can help us get through lifes darkest moments. Therefore, teaching your children how to make genuine(真诚的) friends and what it means to be a good friend themselves is truly a blessing._32_.And then encourage them to make friends

58、 with kids of their age.HonestyAnd finally, we come to honesty. Teach your children how to be true to themselves, their friends, and to you. _33_. This is because a lie is always found out in the end. To be happy and satisfied, they have to be real and true to what they believe in.Eating healthy foo

59、dBy feeding them healthy products, you will increase their energy and promote better wellbeing. Some families are successful in getting their children to eat healthily by not introducing junk foods into their diet at all and letting children understand the benefits of healthy eating. _34_.Being posi

60、tive_35_.Try to cheer your children up even when things are not going as well as you would want them to. You can always find a bright side and encourage your whole family.A. Healthy eatingBBeing a good friendCDont be a negative personDTaking care of your health is vitalEFirst, be a good friend to yo

61、ur kidsFHelp them understand that lying or pretending never worksGAlso, it might be easier if you make eating healthy into a fun activity【解析】【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,给出了培养孩子健康习惯的几条建议。31B此处是本段的主题句。根据本段首句中的“.we have friends.”可知,本段与交朋友有关。故选B。32E根据下文的“And then encourage them to make friends with kids of their age

62、.”可知E项与下文内容衔接。33F根据该段的标题Honesty,以及下一句“This is because alie is always found out in the end.”可知,F项“谎言或假装不会起作用”与本段主题一致。34G本段的主题是“吃健康的食物”,而G项与“吃健康的食物”相关。35C根据本段主题“Being positive”可知,C项“不要做一个消极的人”与之内容衔接。第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂

63、黑。I was out for my usual morning run and found myself in the latesummer heat, thirsty. If only I had taken a _36_ bottle. After I stopped under a bridge to shelter myself from the sun for a moment of _37_, I saw two young,_38_ men standing next to their sleeping bags. One smiled and gently _39_ his

64、hand as if he were about to say hello, but he didnt say a word. He wasnt asking for _40_. I smiled and raised my hand, too.As I started back on my _41_, I thought about how much we all _42_ to connect with other people. At that moment, this homeless man seemed to want to connect with someone else _4

65、3_ he wanted food or money.We have all had _44_ of feeling separate and lonely.I once felt lonely being in a relationship that _45_ an emotional connection. Feeling separated doesnt have anything to do with being alone, _46_ is about the human desire to feel _47_ by being seen and valued by another

66、person.We all _48_ from connection. That homeless man affected my day. After meeting him, I felt more grateful and it made me _49_ all that I have.He made me feel concerned for him.I had the choice to move toward _50_or connection. Separation is looking at the homeless person and focusing on how _51

67、_ he looks.Connection is understanding that he influenced my day by _52_ to me. I can _53_times in my life when, like him, I was in a situation I had never expected.There have been times when I felt down, and times when I needed someone to _54_ what he was doing and say hello to me.Pay attention tod

68、ay and notice whether you tend to move toward separation or toward connection. If your tendency is to spend time alone,_55_ saying “yes” to invitations. Practice moving toward rather than away from people.36 A.wine BwaterCglass Dmetal【答案】B【解析】结合上下文,“我”像往常一样,早起晨跑,结果发现自己被夏末的热浪热得够呛,真希望当时带了一瓶水(water)喝。故

69、选B。37 A.peace BjoyCshade Dbreath【答案】C【解析】根据上文的“I was out for my usual morning run and found myself in the latesummer heat”可知,炎热的天气晨跑的“我”跑到一座桥下,为了在桥下的阴影处(shade)乘一会儿凉。故选C。38 A.handsome Bhomeless Cdisabled Dtall【答案】B【解析】根据空格后的“their sleeping bags”和下文中的“this homeless man”可知,作者看见两个无家可归的(homeless)男人站在睡袋旁。

70、故选B。39 A.took Bdropped Ccrossed Draised【答案】C【解析】根据空格后的“as if he were about to say hello”以及下文的“I smiled and raised my hand,too.”可知,一个人微笑着轻轻举起(raise)手,好像要说“你好”,却一个字也没说。故选D。40 A.anything Bnothing Ceverything Dall【答案】A【解析】他没有要求任何东西(anything)。“我”微笑着和他做了同样的动作。故选A。41 A.wandering Bwalking Crunning Dhiking【答

71、案】C【解析】根据句首的“I was out for my usual morning run”可知,此处指当作者开始继续跑步(running)时。故选C。42 A.need BhaveCtry Dseek【答案】A【解析】作者意识到我们是多么渴望与别人建立关系。need to do表示“需要做”。故选A。43 A.other than Bless thanCrather than Dbetter than【答案】C【解析】根据空格前的“this homeless man seemed to want to connect with someone else”可知,在那一刻,这个无家可归的人似

72、乎更想要人与人之间的联系而不是(rather than)想要食物或金钱。故选C。44 A.expectations BpurposesCexperiences Dworries【答案】C【解析】根据下文的“I once felt lonely”可知,作者认为我们都有过孤独的经历(experience)。故选C。45 A.lacked BcontainedCEnjoyedDvalued【答案】A【解析】根据空格前的“I once felt lonely”可知,“我”曾在一段缺乏(lack)情感沟通的关系中感受过孤独。故选A。46 A.orBandCso Dbut【答案】D【解析】根据空格前的“F

73、eeling separated doesnt have anything to do with being alone”可知,孤独感的产生与孑然一身没有任何关系,再由空格后的“is about the human desire”可知此处表转折。故选D。47 A.amazedBconnectedCamusedDentertained【答案】B【解析】根据空格后的“by being seen and valued by another person”可知,人们渴望的是那种被人看见并珍视的感觉,这也是一种与他人相联系(connected)的感觉。故选B。48 A.benefitBrecoverCs

74、uffer Dcome【答案】A【解析】根据下文“I felt more grateful”可知,我们都会从与人交流中受益(benefit)。那位无家可归的人影响了“我”的一天。故选A。49 A.loseBquestionCrecognizeDappreciate【答案】D【解析】由空格前的“I felt more grateful”可知,遇到他后,“我”变得更为感恩,感激(appreciate)“我”所拥有的一切。故选D。50 A.ignorance BseparationCdepression Ddesperation【答案】B【解析】我们可以选择是拒人于千里之外还是接纳别人。空格后下一句

75、出现的“Separation”是同词复现,也是线索和提示。故选B。51 A.kind BneatCunhappy Dunclean【答案】D【解析】拒人于千里之外,就是看到无家可归的人时只注意到他看起来是多么脏乱(unclean)。故选D。52 A.reaching out Bgiving inCturning Dreplying【答案】A【解析】此处表示他通过主动接触“我”影响了“我”的一天。reach out to sb.表示“把手伸向;接触”。故选A。53 A.forget about Bkeep up withCreflect on Dreturn to【答案】C【解析】“我”能回想起

76、自己生命中与他所处境遇一样的时刻,像这样处于一个“我”从未预料到的境况之中。reflect on“回想;反思”。故选C。54 A.continue BaccomplishChandle DStop【答案】D【解析】根据上下文语境可知,此处表述“我”也有需要有人为“我”停下(stop)脚步并对“我”表示关怀的时候。故选D。55 A.keep BpracticeCdeny Dimagine【答案】B【解析】句意为:注意你是倾向于独处还是与人建立良好关系。如果你是倾向于独处,你要练习(practice)对邀请说“是”。练习走向人群而不是远离人们。故选B。第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节

77、(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The (56)_ (construct) of three mobile cabin hospitals in Wuhan, Hubei province has picked up steam on Monday night. The temporary hospitals will be equipped(57)_ beddings, tables and chairs, electric blankets and other essentials.Medical staff

78、 will (58)_(dispatch) to the three hospitals to take care of patients (59)_ test positive for the virus but show no severe symptoms as soon as they are completed. (60)_a patients symptoms worsen, he or she will be transferred to Jinyintan Hospital, one of the citys designated (61)_ (hospital) to adm

79、it patients infected with the virus.Putting into operation temporary hospitals with a large number of beds inside a giant space is a major public health measure China has taken, said Wang Chen, a renowned respiratory expert and president of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. It is a key measur

80、e taken by the authorities at a critical time, said Wang. (62)_(like) field hospitals during wartime or quake-relief efforts, the makeshift hospitals in Wuhan are unprecedented in China. Wang said the new measure is (63)_(specifical) designed to address the pressing issue of virus transmission in ho

81、useholds and communities. If (64)_ large number of patients with mild symptoms live at home or suspected patients roam around in the community, they will become the main source to spread the virus, Wang said. Moreover, (65)_hospital beds are in short supply, their lives could be in danger if they ar

82、e not effectively treated, the expert added. 【解析】56 construction 考查名词 57 be equipped with为固定短语,故此处为“with” 58 be dispatched 考查被动语态 59 who/that 考查定语从句,先行词为人,从句中缺少主语,故此处为“who或者that” 60 Once 考查连词的用法,once在此处表示“一旦” 61 hospitals one of 结构中“of”后面跟上名词的复数形式 62 Unlike 强调不同,故此处为“unlike” 63 specifically 此处需要用副词来

83、修饰谓语 64 a number of 表示“许多、大量”,故此处为“a” 65 because/as/since 前后两句之间为因果关系,故此处填写表示原因的连词第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)假定你是李华,你所在的山西国际学校要征集一封英文感谢信,以致意奋战在抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎第一线的医护人员,请你根据下列要点写一封信用于投稿。1. 表达谢意;2. 个人感受;3. 表达信心。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。参考词汇:流行病epidemic 疫情 epidemic situation 新型冠状病毒

84、 novel corona virus参考范文Dear Medical workers,I am Li Hua,a high middle school student in Shanxi. Im writing to express sincere gratitude to you all for your devotion and sacrifice in this battle against the Novel Corona Virus.In this epidemic, it is you who, despite the lack of equipment and the pote

85、ntial of infection, desperately rescue those infected but striving for life. It is also you who have shed new light on the virus with expertise to build up our confidence to defeat it. It is you who deserve all the admiration and love!I can never express our thankfulness too much for your selfless c

86、ontribution. Its widely believed that our joint efforts China will win the battle and make a quick recovery.Good luck and stay well!Yours sincerely,Li Hua第二节 概要写作(满分15分) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的概要。With limited space for parks and gardens, architects and city planners often find it challenging to includ

87、e greenery in neighborhoods in cities. One creative solution is to grow plants on unused areas like walls and rooftops. Its a popular idea, and now rooftop gardens and green walls have been sprouting up(大量冒出)in cities around the world.There are many benefits of having green spaces to the urban lands

88、cape. Adding gardens to rooftops or walls can create a pleasant environment what was once a gray cement(水泥)wall can become a colorful, blooming garden. The CaxiaForum art gallery in Madrid, Spain, is a famous example one of its walls is covered with 15,000 plants from over 250 different species. In

89、other cities, green walls are being used more functionally, to cover up construction sites and empty buildings and to decorate the lobbies of office buildings. Using plants to cover walls and rooftops can also keep cities cooler in the summer. Buildings and roads absorb the suns heat and hold it, ca

90、using a building or neighborhood to stay warmer longer. Plants, on the other hand, provide an enormous amount of shade. There is evidence that growing a roof or wall garden can lower a buildings energy costs. In New York City, public schools plant rooftop gardens that can reduce heating and cooling

91、costs. In addition to saving the school money, teachers and parents love the gardens because of their educational value its a fun and healthy way for their kids to investigate the world around them. “For the children, its exciting when you grow something edible(可食用的), ” said Lauren Fontana, principa

92、l of a New York public school.Rooftop gardens and green walls may require a bit more effort to grow and maintain. However, hard work always brings rewards, and with green spaces, the rewards are plentiful.【参考范文】:Due to the limited space in cities, rooftop gardens and green walls have emerged.(要点1)On

93、e benefit of adding green to rooftops and walls is to offer an agreeable surroundings.(要点2)Besides, shade can be created to make cities stay cooler longer, thus reducing the costs in energy. (要点3)Whats more, green gardens in school bear educational value of childrens exploring the world. (要点4)Though hard to maintain, green spaces in cities ensure abundant rewards.(要点5)


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