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《名师一号》2014-2015学年高中英语(外研版)选修六 双基限时练13.doc

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1、双基限时练(十三)Module 4Section 基 础 夯 实.单词拼写1Most of his near _ (亲戚) living abroad, the old couple felt lonely.答案relatives2The Chinese mainland has declared its _ (抱负) to become the leader in electric cars.答案ambition3Song Zuying _ (联合) elements of traditional Chinese music with modern pop, classical piano

2、and Chinese folk songs in her concert.答案combined4Scientists have noted that apes make _ (有特征的) sounds during play or while being tickled.答案characteristic5I cant understand French. Would you please _ (翻译) it into Chinese?答案interpret.完成句子1The food in that restaurant is good and the same _ _ _ (也是如此) t

3、he service.答案is true of2He wishes to be able to _ _ _ _(创作出自己的乐曲)答案compose his own music3His mother expects his son _ _ _ _ (与进行来往) some good children.答案to make contact with4I had a word with him _ _ _ (关于他的行为)答案regarding his behaviour5Classical Chinese music _ _ _ _ (与有紧密的联系) Chinese poetry.答案is cl

4、osely connected to6Id like to _ _ _ _ _ (与你分享我的想法), as youre my best friend.答案share my ideas with you7It is my mother who _ _ _ _ (赋予我生命) and brought me up.答案gave life to me.单句语法填空用适当的词或所给单词的适当形式填空(不多于3个单词)1 I phoned you at about 10 am., but there was no reply. Oh, that was probably the time _ I was

5、 giving a lesson.答案与解析when句意:早上10点左右我给你打过电话,但没有人接。噢,那时我可能正在上课。此处when引导定语从句,先行词为the time,同时when在从句中作时间状语。2I had thought to have a happy weekend last week with my friend Tom. But his _ (depress) face made me in low spirits, too.答案与解析depressed后句句意:但他一脸的忧愁使我的情绪大减。depressed“忧愁的;消沉的”。3Many people, our tea

6、cher _ (include), joined in that activity last Sunday.答案与解析included句意:上周日很多人包括我们的老师参加了那个活动。表示“包括”之意可表示为including sb./sth.或sb./sth. included,前者相当于一个介词短语,后者相当于一个复合结构sb./sth.(be) included。4What did he say just now in relation _ what happened yesterday?答案与解析toin relation to相当于about,意为“关于”,是固定短语。5If your

7、 skill can be combined _ my experience, we are sure to succeed.答案与解析withbe combined with“与结合在一起”。6To their great relief, the missing child returned home, _ (tire) but sound, after an absence of two weeks.答案与解析tired句意:令他们非常庆幸的是,那个失踪了两周之久的孩子回家了有点儿累却安然无恙。形容词短语tired but sound在此作伴随状语,表示主语the missing chil

8、d的状态。7Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. _ (similar), our minds are developed by learning.答案与解析Similarlysimilarly“相似地”在句中为副词作插入语。8 Would you mind my smoking in the lift? Certainly not, but the notice says that smoking _ (permit) here.答案与解析permitted答语句意:当然不介意,但是告示上说这里不允许吸烟的。permit与smokin

9、g为被动关系,应用过去分词形式,故填permitted。9Youre very cool towards your brother, but with your friends you really come _ life.答案与解析to句意:你对你弟弟冷冰冰的,但跟朋友在一起时你却很活跃。come to life表示“活跃起来”,为固定搭配。10We are too busy to give you a reply _ your (regard) recent inquiry.答案与解析regardingregarding在本处作介词,意为“关于”。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的

10、内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Researcher: Excuse me, madam. Would you mind 1._ I ask you some questions? I need your help to complete a survey.Woman: Of course not. Go ahead.Researcher: Id like to know your opinion about 2._ pop music.Woman: Modern pop music? Um. well, I dont really listen to pop music, or

11、 watch pop videos.Researcher: Oh, 3._?Woman: Because the music is too 4._(noise), and the songs are really nonsense. And just look at their hairstyles, the clothes they wear, and the way 5._ they behave.Researcher: But, you know, young people are fond of pop music.Woman: Youre 6._ (absolute) right.

12、My son, whos fifteen, is a real pop music fan. He listens to it all the time at home, and it really 7._ (annoy) my husband and me.Researcher: Is that so?Woman: Absolutely. My husband enjoys folk music and classical music. He says they make him calm and 8._ (relax), and he says he gets a headache whe

13、n he hears modern pop music.Researcher: Sounds funny.Woman: And believe 9._ or not, the moment my son turns on his music, my husband always demands that he put his headphones on, and so does my son when my husband listens to his. Each calls 10._ others music noise pollution, and the argument never e

14、nds. Ha! Ha! Ha .答案与解析这是一篇有关音乐爱好的对话。调查者询问女士对现代流行音乐的看法,女士直言不喜欢,而且自己的丈夫也不喜欢,但儿子却非常喜欢。1ifwould you mind if .“如果你介意吗”。2modern根据下文的反问“Modern pop music?”可知,此处应用modern。3why由下文女士的答语“Because the music is .”可知,此处应填疑问副词why。4noisy根据语境和空格前面的“is too”可知,此处应用提示词的形容词形式noisy。此处表示这种音乐太吵闹。5that/in which先行词是the way,空格后面

15、的从句中缺少状语,故用that/in which引导定语从句。6absolutely分析句子结构可知,此处应用形容词absolute的副词形式absolutely作状语修饰形容词right。7annoys所填词在句中作谓语,且表现在的习惯动作,故应用一般现在时,填annoys。annoy“使恼火”。8relaxed根据空格前面的“He says they make him calm”可知,此处与前面的形容词calm同作宾语补足语,此处表示使他感到平静和放松,故用relaxed“放松的”。9itbelieve it or not“信不信由你”。10the the other“(两个人或事物中的)

16、另一个”。根据语境可知,此处表示他们称对方的音乐为噪音污染。语 篇 提 能.完形填空Around twenty years ago I was working in a factory with Walter Jansen who was retired after 40 years of work; for the twentyfive years he had been the factory foreman. _1_he loved the people he worked with! And they loved him too. This was my first year to w

17、ork but it was Walters _2_. _3_ was Walter Jansen who told me about the big “Trip to the Island” tradition. Every December the two hundred workers families would _4_ and each family would place five dollars in a box and write its name on a piece of paper. Then someone would be blindfolded and draw t

18、he _5_ of the family that would go for a happy twoweek trip.“Why dont you come to the gathering?” Walter _6_ to me. “Ill _7_ you to everyone.”_8_ three oclock each family had put five dollars. But before the _9_ the announcer called Walter up and _10_ him with a medal expressing their thanks for his

19、 years of care and _11_. Then I was asked to draw the name of the _12_ family. I was blindfolded and _13_ to the box. I reached in, and _14_ settled on one.I took off the blindfold and read the piece paper.“_15_!”The _16_ were deafening. Everyone surrounded him, _17_._18_ the gathering continued I _

20、19_ to reach back into the box, and drew out a handful of pieces. Each one in _20_handwriting, carried the same name Walter Jansen.1. A. What B. How C. And D. But2. A. last B. past C. first D. second3. A. He B. She C. It D. That4. A. get together B. drop in C. go home D. travel around5. A. name B. m

21、oney C. member D. box6. A. persuaded B. advised C. allowed D. suggested7. A. show B. devote C. tell D. introduce8. A. At B. For C. By D. On9. A. drawing B. eating C. gathering D. celebrating10. A. presented B. got C. threw D. made11. A. education B. deed C. courage D. friendship12. A. famous B. help

22、ful C. lucky D. thankful13. A. led B. came C. rushed D. stuck14. A. slowly B. particularly C. finally D. attentively15. A. My family B. Announcer C. Anyone D. Walter Jansen16. A. cheers B. voices C. answers D. thunders17. A. introducing B. begging C. calming D. congratulating18. A. While B. Whenever

23、 C. Though D. However19. A. decided B. asked C. pretended D. happened20. A. the same B. colorful C. different D. careful答案与解析1Bhow作loved的程度状语。2A根据前面的first可知此处应选last。3C该句是强调句。4Aget together意为“聚会”。5Adraw the name意为“抽出幸运家庭的名字”。6D“Why dont you.?”表示建议,故选D项。7Dintroduce sb.to sb.意为“把某人介绍给某人认识”。8C根据句中的过去完成时

24、可知应选by。“by过去时间”一般与过去完成时连用。9Adrawing此处作名词,意为“抽奖”。10Apresent意为“颁发”。11D根据前面的care(关心)可知此处应选friendship(友谊)。12Clucky family此处指能出去两周免费旅行的幸运家庭。13Awas led to意为“被带到地方”。14Cfinally意为“最终”。15D根据最后的Walter Jansen选择D项。16Acheers意为“喝彩声”。17Dcongratulating意为“祝贺”。18Awhile意为“正当时候”。19Dhappened to do意为“碰巧”。20Cin different h

25、andwriting意为“用不同的笔迹”。.短文改错Dear Mr. Green,Im very exciting to learn that we will start a magazine together. That sounds great, and I definitely agree you on that.Some of the columns what you mentioned in the letter are really my cup of tea. “Cultural Express” gives us a better understanding of the wo

26、rld. Since the people from different parts of the world have different values, its necessary to learn from each others. This will offer a wonderful chance. Apart from that, “Blurt Out” is pretty good for Chinese student to learn English idioms and improving oral English. Last but not least, “Enterta

27、inment” is so cool! The popular singers, actors or celebrities are so attractively that you absolutely cant miss this part. Teenagers were just fond of popular things.Well, I cant list more. I really cant wait to read this magazine.Yours faithfully,Li Hua答案Dear Mr. Green,Im very to learn that we wil

28、l start a magazine together. That sounds great, and I definitely agree you on that.Some of the columns you mentioned in the letter are really my cup of tea. “Cultural Express” gives us a better understanding of the world. Since people from different parts of the world have different values, its nece

29、ssary to learn from 或. This will offer a wonderful chance. Apart from that, “Blurt Out” is pretty good for Chinese to learn English idioms and oral English. Last but not least, “Entertainment” is so cool! The popular singers, actors celebrities are so that you absolutely cant miss this part. Teenagers just fond of popular things.Well, I cant list more. I really cant wait to read this magazine.Yours faithfully,Li Hua


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