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1、(全国卷)2021届高考英语3月高分模拟卷(卷7)(含解析)(时间:120分钟 满分:120分)选择题部分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。A(2019福建莆田市莆田一中高三月考) Ernest Gaines, the son of sharecroppers (佃农), was born in January 15, 1933 on the River Lake Plantation near the small village of Oscar, Louisiana.

2、He attended school for kids more than five months out of the year. But that was more education than his family before him had received. He would say later in life that his ear for the stories of his elders was developed as he wrote letters for adults who couldnt read or write.In the late 1940s, at t

3、he age of 15, his family moved to the northern California where he could do something that had been forbidden in the South: visit a library. Ernest later attended San Francisco State University. Then he returned to Louisiana in 1963, inspired by James Merediths bid to enroll in the then-all-white Un

4、iversity of Mississippi. He took it as a sign that the South was changing and that he could be part of that change. “As Ive said many times before, the two greatest moves Ive made were on the day I left Louisiana in 1948, and on the day I came back to Louisiana in 1963,” he said.Less than 10 years l

5、ater, in 1971, he published the novel that brought him attention, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman which told the story of a black woman born as a slave who lives long enough to witness the civil rights era. Ernest would later say that the fictional Jane was modeled after his disabled great-au

6、nt, Augustine Jefferson, who could not walk, but was strong enough to raise a family. Another novel, A Gathering of Old Men, published in 1983, was made into a movie in 1987. He won the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1993 for his novel A Lesson Before Dying. A number of his stories and essays

7、 were gathered in the 2005 collection Mozart and Leadbelly.His permanent residence in Louisiana was a house that he and his wife built on land that was once part of River Lake Plantation. Ernest talked about his home, “If Auntie could sit here with me, or my stepfather who took me away from here, or

8、 my uncle George, who used to take me to those old beat-up bars in Baton Rouge if I could, Id just buy him a good glass of Gentleman Jack, and we could sit here and talk. Oh, I wish I could do that.”1How did Ernest benefit from writing letters for adults?AIt inspired great love for writing in him.BI

9、t made him enter the university successfully.CIt laid the foundation for his writing of his elders.DIt promoted his communication with his families.2What can we know about Ernest from paragraph 2?AErnest got the freedom of education in California.BErnests departure and return influenced his life a l

10、ot.CJames helped him apply to University of Mississippi.DErnests experience in the South affected him greatly.3In which novel can you know about Ernests auntie?AMozart and Leadbelly.BA Lesson Before Dying.CA Gathering of Old Men.DThe Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman.4What does Ernest convey in his

11、 words in the last paragraph?AHe misses his relatives.BHe hopes to leave again.CHe cherishes his childhood.DHe loves drinking and chatting. B(2020浙江高三月考) Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe the parent of a preschooler in your family just called to say they need extra help with child care, and a sick neighbor

12、 wants to know if you can pick up some groceries for her. Meanwhile, your best friend keeps calling in need of someone to open up to.In less stressful times, perhaps, youd have jumped to help out and lend an ear. But after months of social isolation (孤立), coping with work demands, and caring for lov

13、ed ones, the balance has started to tip. Suddenly your own need for emotional support is outweighing your capacity for kindness.Thats understandable, and OK. If youre feeling insensitive or overburdened these days in response to anothers pain or request for help, that doesnt make you unkind. What yo

14、ure feeling could instead be what we mental health professionals call “compassion fatigue (同情疲劳)”. Anxiety, sadness, and low self-worth can also be symptoms of this sort of emotional tiredness, the American Institute of Stress notes. Often we associate this stress condition with health care workers,

15、 but the American Psychological Association warns that anyone who continually cares for others or who witnesses others sufferings is also at risk.Research shows compassion fatigue can be successfully treatedwith stress-reduction techniques, such as meditation, as well as with specific treatment. The

16、 key is learning how to recognize the symptoms so that you can get help.When the two of usa psychologist and a social workerfeel like we have “nothing left to give,” supporting our own sad friends or caring for a sick relative can feel like running a marathon with aching muscles. But showing sympath

17、yand avoiding emotional burnoutdoesnt have to be painful for anyone. As Stanford psychologist Jamil Zaki notes in his book The War for Kindness, “empathy (共情) is a skill we can all strengthen through effort.”5Which of the following is “compassion fatigue”?AThe guilt after refusing to help your neigh

18、bors.BThe loneliness without getting emotional support.CThe anxiety from failing to be successfully treated.DThe sadness from seeing people suffering from cancers.6What can we learn from the passage?APeople are unable to offer help when theyre stressed.BShowing no sympathy for others sufferings is u

19、nacceptable.CWhoever cares for others will suffer from emotional tiredness.DThose constantly attending to others may experience compassion fatigue.7What does this passage try to convey?ACompassion fatigue can be easily treated.BAvoiding emotions causes pain to everyone.CThe skill of showing sympathy

20、 can be built up.DExperts can do nothing about compassion fatigue.8Which of the following is the best title for the text?AHelping Hands Need A BreakBSympathy Is What We Can AcquireCStress Symptoms Need RecognizingDPsychologists and Social Workers In Danger C(2020江苏镇江市高一月考) Nobody likes to fail. It m

21、akes people feel embarrassed and discouraged. Whats worse, it may cause major professional or personal trouble and lead to negativity. Basically, failure is no fun for most people. However, a vast body of research tells us that failure provides us with a chance to grow and develop, increases adaptab

22、ility, and helps protect against anxiety.Its hard to change the mindset (心态) of a lifetime. But even if we still cant get over the broken marriage or the failed College Entrance Examination or the work presentation that went fearfully wrong, it might not be too late for our kids.Christy Pennison, a

23、professional consultant, says she works with an increasing number of kids and teens who show significant anxiety around a fear of failure. She said, We want to protect our children, and we want them to live happy and meaningful lives, so we frequently tell them the harm of failure and ask them to av

24、oid failure. The children experiencing internal and sometimes extenal pressure think they shouldnt fail. Meanwhile, we always have high expectations of them. So when they dont live up to a certain standard, or things dont go according to the plans, they will feel upset and anxious.Pennison argues th

25、at failures, are often the hidden learning chances that can help people develop positive qualities, like persistence, focus, flexibility, patience, and positive self-image.So what can parents do to help their children embrace (拥抱) failure instead of avoiding it at all costs? Pennison suggests direct

26、ing praise towards the effort, not the result. This allows children to build confidence in themselves, she explains. Acknowledging the effort can give children permission to try new things without a fear of failure. And the bigger picture is that the development of the mindset Id rather try and fail

27、 than not try at all.helps them keep a belief in themselves, and expands their world of possibilities. As Pennison points out, we all fail, but how we get up after we fail is what matters.9What aspect do most people focus on when thinking of failure?AThe great courage to face it.BThe efforts made to

28、 handle it.CUnexpected benefits it brings.DUnpleasant side effects it brings.10What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?ABring up the main topic.BList the challenges in our life.CAdd some background information.DStress the importance of the mindset11What is mainly talked about in the third p

29、aragraph?AThe causes of childrens anxiety.BChristy Pennisons comments on adolescents.CThe consequences of overprotecting children.DChristy Pennisons experience in educating children.12Which of the following advice can help parents encourage kids to face failure? Praise kids every achievement. Make k

30、ids embrace a bright mindset. Focus on the process of kids effort Expand kids knowledge about the world. Encourage kids to make new attempts.ABCD D(2020福建省福州第一中学高三月考)13Which of the following statements is TRUE about the studios services?AFrames come in three different colors and sizes.BThere is no n

31、eed to make an appointment to take photos.CPhotographs will be delivered within three business days.DSomeone on the staff can help customers look good.14How much can non-club members save when they use the Fantastic Package Plan instead of buying the same products individually?A$20.B$30.C$40.D$50.15

32、We can learn from the text that _.Aclub members need to pay a $40 membership fee every yearBas many as five pictures can be included in a Multi-image sheetCcustomers can receive a 20th anniversary discount until December 31Dyou must have a Fantastic Club membership to receive a free gift第二节(共5小题;每小题

33、2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2021湖南衡阳市八中高三月考) Competition is all around us and it makes the strong stronger and the weak weaker. It can also teach us how to survive in a fast-paced and stressful world. 16. How many of us have seen young boys weeping because their teams didn

34、t win inter-school tournament? How many of us have seen young teenagers cheat just to win? 17 So its important to develop healthy competition among children.When it comes to encouraging healthy competition among children, the first thing to do is set goals for them to stick to. 18Since children may

35、be easily affected by wrong ideas from popular media and the Internet, its up to you to develop the right kind of spirit in them. Team spirit will help them grow into human beings who arent easily annoyed by small losses or too excited by victories. 19 So give them examples where family members refu

36、sed to cheat to win.20. When they take an exam, dont ask about how much they expect to score; instead, ask what they wrote about. If your son played a cricket match at school, dont ask him whether his team won or lost; ask him how many runs he scored and encourage him to score higher next time inste

37、ad. When you let your children know that youre more interested in how they performed rather than whether they lost or won, they will surely try to better themselves.AHowever, you mustnt push them too hard and burden them with too high a goalBWe should also encourage healthy competition among childre

38、nCThese are the effects of unhealthy competitionDIn addition, they may also not want to adopt just any method to win, like cheating or lyingE.Care more about childrens performance rather than the results in a sports matchF.However, children can be hit by competitionG.Sending your children the right

39、signals is also important第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2020江苏南通市海门中学高三月考) A Uber driver stopped her work day so she could help a mother with a sick child.Nicole Ihuss son John Henry was 21 last month with a severe disease. Nicole, living in K

40、ansas City, contacted doctors from Minnesota and Missouri hoping to treat John Henry for the condition, but in vain. Luckily, Nicole managed to contact “the 22 doctor in the world for this condition” at Johns Hopkins in Florida so she traveled 23 there to give her newborn son a fighting chance.After

41、 John Henry was 24 into the ICU, Nicole felt sad and 25 in the new state, but she had to leave her sons side to buy him some 26 . Upon ordering an Uber ride to the nearby childrens store, she was 27 by a woman named Belinda. Shortly after Nicole got into her car, the mother poured out her heartbreak

42、ing 28 .“She told me her story,” Belinda said. “She was 29 a couple of times and I really felt sorry for her.” 30 simply dropping Nicole off at the store, however, Belinda parked the car and insisted on accompanying her 31 into the store so she could 32 John Henry to new clothes. Obviously, Nicole w

43、as filled with gratitude.Nicole said, “For this 33 to go completely out of her way stop what she was doing to be with me for several hours while we shopped together, that was just 34 .” As Nicole cares for her newborn son, she hopes to introduce the Uber driver to her son as a thank you for her comp

44、assionate (富有同情心的) 35 .21AcuredBadoptedCabandonedDborn22AresponsibleBoutstandingCselflessDgenerous23Aall the timeBall the sameCall the wayDall the while24AbroughtBadmittedCdraggedDpushed25ArelievedBcuriousCaloneDhopeful26AmedicinesBclothesCtoysDsnacks27Ahugged upBpicked upCcovered upDcalled up28Asit

45、uationBdivorceCtravelDillness29Ain terrorBin tearsCin excitementDin surprise30AOther thanBApart fromCRather thanDAside from31AfriendBneighborCpassengerDson32AtakeBtreatCpushDexpose33AstrangerBdoctorCnurseDpasser-by34AunusualBunbearableCunbelievableDunacceptable35AmeasureBtreasureCpleasureDgesture非选择

46、题部分第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第二节(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(2020重庆高三三模)The International Olympic Committee took the extraordinary step Tuesday of 36 (postpone) the 2020 Tokyo Games, which 37(schedule) to start on July 24, because of the coronavirus outbreak.Just how extraordinary

47、 was the step? This marks only the 38(four) time since the first modern Olympics in 1896 that the Games have been affected 39outside forces. The other three occasions were cancellations during the first and second World Wars. So this is the first time the Olympics have been postponed, rather than40(

48、cancel).“The Tokyo Olympics will still be held,” Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters in Tokyo after a call with International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach on 41matter.The IOC later said in a 42(state) that the Games will be “rescheduled to a date beyond 2020 but not 43(late)

49、 than 2021!”This time around, its a pandemic(疫情), not a war, 44 is changing the Olympics schedule. The IOC said that “The leaders agreed that the Olympic Games in Tokyo could stand as a beacon of hope to the world during these times and that the Olympic flame could become the light at the end of the

50、 tunnel in which the world finds 45(it) at present.”第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节、提纲类作文(满分15分)(2021江苏南通市海安高级中学高三月考)假设你是李华,自从上了高中,来到了新校园后,有时感到很苦恼,发现自己不是很适应高中的学习生活,现在请你就目前的情况,给自己初中时的老师写一封求助信。1.对老师的问候。2.高中生活的基本情况:(1)学科比初中多(9门功课),难度也加深了。(2)作业量大,每天平均需3至4小时完成,课外活动时间很少。3.你目前遇到的最大压力以及现在的感受。4.期盼建议。注意: 1.内容应包括以上信息,要有适

51、当发挥;2.词数100左右。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3.参考词汇:课外活动 activities after class.Dear Mr. Wang,How are you now? I need your help because I find Im not very used to the high middle school life._Yours truly,Li Hua第二节、 读后续写(满分25分)(2019海南省直辖县级行政单位嘉积中学高三月考)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。I woke up earlier than my brothe

52、r as every other day of the week. I jumped out of the bed, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and had breakfast. Saying good bye to my mother, I got in the car no later than 7:05. I got to school on time, even though my brother came out of the house late as he used to.It was a Thursday. I was walking to

53、 the chemistry rooms when my phone in my left pocket vibrated(震动). I took it out and looked at the shiny screen. As soon as I saw my fathers name on that screen I realized something was not right.He would not call me in the middle of a school day just to talk. He would want me to focus in school and

54、 do well. I answered the phone, and my father sounded worried. He told me to find my brother as soon as possible, walk with him to the school picking-up zone and get in the car with my brother. Our driver would take us back home where my father was.When I was in the car with my brother my dad called

55、 the driver and told him to take us to the hospital. We were going to meet him and my mum there. As soon as my brother and I found about the change in plans, we looked at each other in the eyes. I immediately noticed the fear in brothers eyes.To be honest, I was really scared too, probably more than

56、 he was. But I did not say anything. We arrived at the hospital. I saw my dad on the phone waiting for us at the entrance. He was smoking. Seeing my dad smoking made me more worried. I had never seen him smoke before. He hated it. As soon as he recognized the white car, he threw the cigarette away.

57、I looked at my brother; he was looking out of the other window. I did not tell him what I just saw. I did not want him to worry.注意:1、所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2、至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3、续写部分分为两段,每段的开头已为你写好;4、续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:The car stopped right in front of my dad._Paragraph 2:We walked down t

58、he hall with our eyes closed._参考答案1C2B3D4A【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了佃农的儿子Ernest Gaines怎样受到教育,并通过给成人写信奠定写作基础,后出版小说的经过。1细节理解题。根据第一段He would say later in life that his ear for the stories of his elders was developed as he wrote letters for adults who couldnt read or write.可知,到晚年时,他会说,因为他帮不会读写的成年人写信,所以他对长辈的故事有了深

59、入的了解。由此可以看出,Ernest帮成年人写信为他给长辈写作奠定了基础。故选C。2细节理解题。根据第二段his family moved to the northern California where he could do something that had been forbidden in the South: visit a library可知,他们家搬到北加利福利亚,在那里他能去图书馆,这是在南方他不可以做的;根据第二段He took it as a sign that the South was changing and that he could be part of th

60、at change.可知,他把它当作一个标志,这是指南方正在改变,而且他是改变的一部分。由此可以看出,Ernest的离开和回来对他的生活有很大影响。故选B。3细节理解题。根据第二段The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman which told the story of a black woman born as a slave who lives long enough to witness the civil rights era. Ernest would later say that the fictional Jane was modeled aft

61、er his disabled great-aunt, Augustine Jefferson,可知,The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman讲述的了一个出生即为奴隶的黑人妇女的故事,她见证了民权时代。Ernest后来说,这个虚构的Jane是以他残疾的伟大的阿姨Augustine Jefferson为原型的。因此,在The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman这本小说里,你可以了解Ernest的阿姨。故选D。4推理判断题。根据最后一段“If Auntie could sit here with me, or my stepfa

62、ther who took me away from here, or my uncle George, who used to take me to those old beat-up bars in Baton Rouge if I could, Id just buy him a good glass of Gentleman Jack, and we could sit here and talk. Oh, I wish I could do that.”可知,如果阿姨可以跟我坐在这里,或者带我离开家的继父,又或者是过去常常带我去旧式酒吧的叔叔乔治叔叔。如果我可以的话,我会给他买一杯杰

63、克绅士,我们可以坐在这儿聊天。我希望我可以那样做。从这些可以看出,作者想念他的亲戚了。故选A。5A6D7C8A【分析】这是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了“同情疲劳”这种社会现象,告诉我们这不意味着我们不友善,是可以理解的,并告诉我们这种现象产生的原因和治疗方法5推理判断题。题目需要我们判断选项中哪项是“同情疲劳”。根据第三段关键句“If youre feeling insensitive or overburdened these days in response to anothers pain or request for help, that doesnt make you unkind.

64、What youre feeling could instead be what we mental health professionals call “compassion fatigue (同情疲劳)”. Anxiety, sadness, and low self-worth can also be symptoms of this sort of emotional tiredness, the American Institute of Stress notes.”(如果你现在对别人的痛苦或请求帮助感到麻木或负担过重,那并不意味着你不友善。你所感受到的可能是我们心理健康专家所说的“

65、同情疲劳”。美国压力研究所指出,焦虑、悲伤和低的自我价值感也可能是这种情绪疲劳的症状。)可知,“同情疲劳”是对别人的痛苦或请求帮助感到麻木或负担过重,这是可以理解的,并不意味着你不友善,这种情绪疲劳的症状是焦虑、悲伤和低的自我价值感。结合选项可知,“The guilt after refusing to help your neighbors.”(拒绝帮助邻居后的内疚。)这是“同情疲劳”的一种情况,并不意味着你不友善。故选A项。6细节理解题。根据第三段关键句“Often we associate this stress condition with health care workers, b

66、ut the American Psychological Association warns that anyone who continually cares for others or who witnesses others sufferings is also at risk.”(我们经常把这种压力与医护人员联系在一起,但美国心理协会警告说,任何持续关心他人或目睹他人痛苦的人也有风险。)可知,任何持续关心他人或目睹他人痛苦的人都有患“同情疲劳”的风险。由此可知,那些一直照顾别人的人可能会经历同情疲劳。故选D项。7推理判断题。根据最后一段关键句“But showing sympathy

67、and avoiding emotional burnoutdoesnt have to be painful for anyone. As Stanford psychologist Jamil Zaki notes in his book The War for Kindness, “empathy (共情) is a skill we can all strengthen through effort.”(但对任何人来说,表达同情和避免情绪枯竭并不一定是痛苦的。正如斯坦福大学心理学家贾米尔扎基在他的著作仁爱之战中指出的那样,“共情是一种我们都可以通过努力加强的技能。”)可知,文章通过贾米

68、尔扎基的话告诉我们“共情是一种我们都可以通过努力加强的技能”。由此可知,这篇文章试图表达的是“表达同情的技巧是可以培养起来的”。故选C项。8主旨大意题。根据文章内容和第三段关键句“If youre feeling insensitive or overburdened these days in response to anothers pain or request for help, that doesnt make you unkind. What youre feeling could instead be what we mental health professionals cal

69、l “compassion fatigue (同情疲劳)”.”(如果你现在对别人的痛苦或请求帮助感到麻木或负担过重,那并不意味着你不友善。你所感受到的可能是我们心理健康专家所说的“同情疲劳”。)可知,本文主要介绍了“同情疲劳”这种社会现象,告诉我们这不意味着我们不友善,这种现象是可以理解的,并告诉我们这种现象产生的原因。“Helping Hands Need A Break”意为“援助之手需要休息一下”,能够概括文章内容,当我们经历“同情疲劳”时,要学会接纳这种现象并进行休息和调整。故选A项。9D10A11A12C【分析】这是一篇议论文。文章论述了失败并不完全是一件坏事,它可以培养人们积极的品

70、质,如坚持和耐心,并阐述了我们应该如何让儿童学会面对失败。9细节理解题。根据第一段关键句“Nobody likes to fail. It makes people feel embarrassed and discouraged.”和“Basically, failure is no fun for most people.”可知,没有人喜欢失败,它让人感到尴尬和气馁。基本上,失败对大多数人来说并不是一件有趣的事。由此可推断出,当想到失败时,大多数人会关注它所带来的不愉快的影响,例如,让人感到尴尬和气馁。故选D项。10推理判断题。根据第二段关键句“But even if we still c

71、ant get over the broken marriage or the failed College Entrance Examination or the work presentation that went fearfully wrong, it might not be too late for our kids.”可知,即使我们仍然不能克服生活中的失败带来的恐惧,但对我们的孩子来说可能还不算太晚。根据下文内容可知,下文讲述了父母应该如何鼓励孩子面对失败。由此可推断出,作者想通过第二段的内容来引出文章主题,如何鼓励孩子面对失败。故选A项。11主旨大意题。浏览第三段内容,根据第三

72、段关键句“Meanwhile, we always have high expectations of them. So when they dont live up to a certain standard, or things dont go according to the plans, they will feel upset and anxious.”可知,我们对孩子总是抱有很高的期望,所以当他们没有达到一定标准,或者事情没有按照计划进行时,他们就会感觉不安和焦虑。由此可推断出,第三段主要是告诉我们儿童焦虑的原因。故选A项。12细节理解题。题目需要我们选择哪些建议可以帮助父母鼓励孩

73、子面对失败。根据最后一段关键句“Pennison suggests directing praise towards the effort, not the result.”可知,父母的表扬应该指向努力的过程,而不是结果。表述与 Focus on the process of kids effort(关注孩子努力的过程)一致。再根据最后一段关键句“And the bigger picture is that the development of the mindset Id rather try and fail than not try at all.helps them keep a be

74、lief in themselves, and expands their world of possibilities.”可知,父母应该发展孩子好的心态,宁愿尝试但失败了,也不要完全不尝试,拓展他们世界里的可能性。表述与 Make kids embrace a bright mindset.(让孩子拥有光明的心态)和 Encourage kids to make new attempts.(鼓励孩子们做出新的尝试)一致。故选C项。13D14C15B【分析】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了有关全家福的风格、内容、价格等等,以吸引顾客前往购买。13细节理解题。由文中“Basic Portrait T

75、ypes”一栏可知选项A错误;“Call us today at 555-456-0727 to schedule an appiontment”可知选项B错误;“Your photos will be ready for pickup within three business days ”可知选项C错误。由“Our stylist can help with hair and makeup.Youll look fantastic!可知,我们的发型师可以帮忙做头发和化妆。你会看起来棒极了!所以工作人员可以帮助客户看起来棒极了。故选D。14细节理解题。由“Basic Portrait Typ

76、es”和“Special offers”可知单独购买这些产品需要240,但如果使用 Fantastic Package Plan 只需200,故节省了(240-200)40,故选C。15细节理解题。由文中Basic Portrait Types一栏中Multi-image sheet一列中“Any combination of 2 to 5 photos”可知,多达五张图片可以包括在一个多图像表中。故选B。16F17C18A19D20G【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了如何培养孩子之间的健康的竞争意识。16根据下文提到的两个问题:我们中有多少人见过年轻的男孩因为他们的球队没有赢得校际比赛而哭泣



79、C24B25C26B27B28A29B30C31C32B33A34C35D【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一名优步司机叫停了一天的工作,以便帮助一名生病的孩子的母亲的故事。21考查动词词义辨析。句意:约翰亨利上个月出生时就患有严重疾病。A. cured治愈;B. adopted收养;C. abandoned抛弃;D. born出生。由后句尼科尔联系了医生,希望为约翰亨利治疗这种疾病,但毫无结果可知,她没有抛弃亨利,亨利的疾病也没有被治愈。排除C和A。D对应这段最后一句her newborn son。故选D。22考查形容词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,尼科尔设法联系到了一位世界上治疗这方面疾

80、病的杰出的医生。A. responsible负责任的;B. outstanding杰出的;C. selfless无私的;D. generous慷慨的。根据上文“Nicole, living in Kansas City, contacted doctors from Minnesota and Missouri hoping to treat John Henry for the condition,”可知尼科尔想为儿子治病,因此她要找世界上最杰出的医生。故选B。23考查固定搭配辨析。句意:为了找到世界上最优秀的医生,她一路千里迢迢来到那里,只想给她刚出生的儿子一个拼搏的机会。A. all t

81、he time一直;B. all the same依然;C. all the way一路上,千里迢迢;D. all the while一直以来。根据上文中“the_doctor in the world for this condition”以及下文中“.in the new state, 新的地方”可知,为了治疗儿子的病远离故乡。故选C。24考查动词短语辨析。句意:亨利被送入重症监护室。A. brought into把拿入;B. admitted into 准许进入,收容,住院;C. dragged into扯进;D. pushed into推进。根据下文“she had to leave

82、her sons side to buy him some.(她不得不离开儿子的身边去给儿子买衣服)”可知,儿子已经住院。故选B。25考查形容词词义辨析。句意:亨利被送入重症监护室后,尼科尔在这个陌生的地方感到悲伤和孤独。A. relieved感到轻松的;B. curious 好奇的;C. alone孤独的;D. hopeful有希望的。填空处形容词体现她的心情,and表示填空处应该与sad并列。故选C。26考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是为了给儿子买些东西,她不得不离开儿子的身边。A. medicines药;B. clothes衣服;C. toys玩具;D. snacks零食。联系本文倒数第五行

83、new clothes可知她要给儿子买的是衣物。故选B。27考查动词短语辨析。句意:在叫了一辆优步车去附近的儿童商店后,一个叫贝琳达的女人接了她上车。A. hugged up错误表达,不存在这个短语;B. picked up捡起,获得,乘载,不费力地学会;C. covered up掩盖;D. called up打电话给,召集,使想起。根据语境可知,此处指一个叫贝琳达的女人接了她上车。故选B。28考查名词词义辨析。句意:尼科尔进了车后不久,这位母亲就向她诉说了她心碎的处境。A. situation处境;B. divorce离婚;C. travel旅行;D. illness疾病。此处与下文“She

84、 told me her story”相对应。故选A。29考查介词短语辨析。句意:她哭了几次,我真的为她感到难过。A. in terror在恐惧中;B. in tears流着泪;C. in excitement处于兴奋中;D. in surprise惊讶地。in tears与前文heartbreaking;sad and alone对应。故选B。30考查介词短语辨析。句意:然而,贝琳达并没有简单地把妮可送到商店,而是把车停了下来,坚持要陪她一起进商店。A. Other than 除了,不同于;B. Apart from 除了;C. Rather than 而不是;D. Aside from 除

85、了。根据文中“Belinda parked the car and insisted on accompanying her(贝琳达停好车并且坚持陪她一起)”可知,贝琳达不是简单的把乘客送到地方后就走了。故选C。31考查名词词义辨析。句意:贝琳达把车停好,坚持要陪她的乘客进商店。A. friend朋友;B. neighbor邻居;C. passenger乘客;D. son儿子。贝琳达是Uber司机所以尼科尔是她的乘客。故选C。32考查动词词义辨析。句意:贝琳达坚持要陪尼科尔进商店,这样她就可以给亨利买新衣服。A. take拿走;B. treat治疗,请客;C. push推;D. expose暴

86、露。尼科尔想给亨利买新衣服。故选B。33考查名词词义辨析。句意:让一个陌生人完全不顾一切地停下她正在做的事情,陪我几个小时一起购物,这真是难以置信。A. stranger陌生人;B. doctor医生;C. nurse护士;D. passer-by路人。空格处指代贝琳达。贝琳达与尼科尔素不相识,因而是陌生人。故选A。34考查形容词词义辨析。句意:让一个陌生人完全不顾一切地停下她正在做的事情,陪我几个小时一起购物,这真是难以置信。A. unusual不同寻常的;B. unbearable难以忍受的;C. unbelievable难以置信的;D. unacceptable难以接受的。贝琳达与尼科尔

87、素不相识,却停下手中的工作陪同尼科尔,这件事让人难以相信。故选C。35考查名词词义辨析。句意:尼科尔希望把贝琳达这位优步司机介绍给她的儿子,作为对她同情的举动的感谢。A. measure措施,方法;B. treasure珍宝;C. pleasure愉快;D. gesture善举,手势。根据上文中贝琳达给儿子买衣服以及本句中“compassionate(富有同情心的)”可知,此处应该是指贝琳达的善良的举动。故选D。36postponing37were scheduled38fourth39by40canceled/cancelled41the42statement43later44that45i

88、tself【分析】本文是说明文。 讲述国际奥委会星期二因为冠状病毒爆发推迟了2020年东京奥运会。这是第一次奥运会推迟,而不是取消。36考查动名词。句意:因为新冠病毒爆发,国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)周二采取了非同寻常的举措,推迟了原定于7月24日举行的2020年东京奥运会。分析句子可知,of是介词,故其后应用动名词结构作宾语。故填postponing。37考查被动语态。句意:因为新冠病毒爆发,国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)周二采取了非同寻常的举措,推迟了原定于7月24日举行的2020年东京奥运会。分

89、析句子可知,此处是一个定语从句,which指代的是前文的the 2020 Tokyo Games在从句中作主语,且schedule与主语之间是被动关系,故应用被动语态。分析文章可知,此处讲述的是过去发生的事情,故应用一般过去时的被动语态,故填were scheduled。38考查序数词。句意:这是自1896年首届现代奥运会以来,奥运会第四次受到外部势力的影响。分析句子可知,此处指的是“第四次”,故应用序数词。故填fourth。39考查介词。句意:这是自1896年第一届现代奥运会以来,奥运会第四次受到外部力量的影响。be affected by为固定搭配,意为“受影响”。故填by。40考查过去分

90、词。句意:因此,这是奥运会第一次被推迟而不是被取消。分析句子可知,这是rather than 连接的两个平行结构,表示的是“这是奥运会第一次被推迟而不是被取消”,表被动,故应用过去分词形式。故填canceled/cancelled。41考查冠词。句意:日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)在与国际奥委会主席巴赫(Thomas Bach)就此事进行电话会谈后告诉记者:“东京奥运会仍将举行”。分析句子可知,此处是特指上文奥运会被推迟一事。故填the。42考查名词。句意:国际奥委会随后在一份声明中表示,奥运会将“重新安排到2020年以后,但不迟于2021年!”。不定冠词修饰单数名词,故填state

91、ment。43考查形容词比较级。句意:国际奥委会随后在一份声明中表示,奥运会将“重新安排到2020年以后,但不迟于2021年!”。由than可推断,用比较级,故填later。44考查强调句。句意:这一次,是一场疫情,而不是一场战争,改变了奥运会的日程安排。a pandemic(疫情), not a war, is changing the Olympics schedule是完整的句子,故此句考查强调句型,其构成形式是:it is/was +被强调成分+that+其他成分。故填that。45考查反身代词。句意:国际奥委会表示,“各国领导人一致认为,在这些时期,东京奥运会可以成为世界的希望灯塔,

92、奥运圣火可以成为目前世界发现自己的隧道尽头的一盏明灯”。分析句子可知,此处的itself指的是the world,表示“世界发现自己”。故应用反身代词。故填itself。第一节、提纲类作文(满分15分)Dear Mr. Wang,How are you now? I need your help because I find Im not very used to the high middle school life.We have nine subjects in all. Every day I have to spend at least three to four hours doi

93、ng my homework, so there is little time left for activities after class. I hardly have any time to do what I want to. Besides, I sometimes feel sleepy in class because I dont have enough sleep. The great pressure of exams and the high expectations from my parents often make me even more tired.The bi

94、ggest problem I meet now is my maths study, which is much more difficult than that in junior middle school. I dont know how to improve it. So I hope I could get some advice from you.Yours truly,Li Hua【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给自己初中时的老师写一封求助信。【详解】第一步:审题体裁:应用文时态:根据提示,时态主要为一般现在时。结构:总分法总分法指把主题句作为总说,把支持句作为分说,并

95、以这种方式安排所写内容。要求:1.对老师的问候。2.高中生活的基本情况:(1)学科比初中多(9门功课),难度也加深了。(2)作业量大,每天平均需3至4小时完成,课外活动时间很少。3.你目前遇到的最大压力以及现在的感受。4.期盼建议。第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)in all; at least; activities after class; hardly; sleepy; pressure; high expectation; tired; junior middle school; improve; get some advice from sb.第三步:连词成句1. We have nin

96、e subjects in all. 2. Every day I have to spend at least three to four hours doing my homework, so there is little time left for activities after class.3. I hardly have any time to do what I want to.4. Besides, I sometimes feel sleepy in class because I dont have enough sleep.5. The great pressure o

97、f exams and the high expectations from my parents often make me even more tired.6. The biggest problem I meet now is my maths study, which is much more difficult than that in junior middle school.7. I dont know how to improve it.8. So I hope I could get some advice from you.根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和

98、时态问题。第四步:连句成篇(衔接词)1.表并列补充关系:Besides2.表因果关系:Because, So连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰。【点睛】高分句型1 I hardly have any time to do what I want to. (运用了what引导宾语从句)高分句型2 Besides, I sometimes feel sleepy in class because I dont have enough sleep. (运用了because引导原因状语从句)第二节、读后续写(满分25分)The car stopped right

99、in front of my dad. He opened the door and I jumped out of the car and hugged him. He noticed that I was worried right away and with a smile on his face told us he had a surprise for us. “What good things happen in hospital?” When we approached the ward, my dad told my brother and me to close our ey

100、es and hold his hands. So we did . His warm hands made us feel more secure. We walked down the hall with our eyes closed. Suddenly we stopped. When we walked into the room, Father told us to open our eyes. We saw our mother lying on the bed. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I was not in pain. Right n

101、ext to my mother was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It was a girl. She was sleeping. She was my sister. I still remember that day as one of the happiest days of my life.【分析】这是一篇续写。【详解】1.第一段给出的首句是The car stopped right in front of my dad.这一句是故事发展的转折点。可以从“他打开车门,我跳下车,拥抱了他。”入手扩展开去,无论从何角度拓展,需注意

102、与续写第二段首句呼应。2.第二段所给首句We walked down the hall with our eyes closed.这一句呼应前文,紧接着可以从“我们突然停止了。当我们走进房间时,父亲告诉我们要睁开眼睛。”入手续写。【点睛】这篇续写符合150词左右的要求,且至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语。句子衔接紧密,故事发展合乎情理。文中使用高级句子。He opened the door and I jumped out of the car and hugged him.句中使用并列句;He noticed that I was worried right away and with a smile on his face told us he had a surprise for us.宾语从句用在句中;When we approached the ward, my dad told my brother and me to close our eyes and hold his hands.句中when引导时间状语从句;Right next to my mother was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.句中使用定语从句。


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