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2020-2021学年八年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday(能力提升)单元测试卷(含解析)(新版)人教新目标版.docx

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2020-2021学年八年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday(能力提升)单元测试卷(含解析)(新版)人教新目标版.docx_第1页
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2020-2021学年八年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday(能力提升)单元测试卷(含解析)(新版)人教新目标版.docx_第10页
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1、Unit 8 When is your birthday?能力提升卷班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ 分数_一、单项填空1.My birthday is _ .A.June fourth B.June forth C.July four D.June four【答案】A【解析】根据日期的正确表达法可知,只有 A 项正确。2.Happy birthday to you,Gina!_.A.All right B.Thank you C.Thats all right D.Youre welcome【答案】B【解析】别人向你祝贺生日,应表示感谢。3. Look!There are so many people

2、 in the park. Nobody likes to stay at home_ Sunday morning.A in B.on C.at D.to【答案】B【解析】在具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上用介词 on。4.When is your schools contest?Its _ May 25th.A.in B.on C.at D.to【答案】B【解析】在具体的某月某日介词用 on。5.There are _ months in a year.The_ month of a year is December.A.twelve;twelve B.twelfth; twelfth C.t

3、welfth;twelve D.twelve;twelfth【答案】D【解析】根据常识知一年有 12 个月。第 12 个月应用序数词。6.Our school has_ Art Festival every year.A.a B.an C.the D./【答案】B【解析】以元音音素开头的词前用 an。7. July 1st of this year is_ birthday of CPC( 中国共产党 ).A.ninety B.the ninety C.the ninetieth D.nine【答案】C【解析】表达第几个生日要用序数词。8.I really want to watch the

4、basketball _ .A.trip B.bat C.play D.game【答案】D【解析】game 在此意为“比赛”。9._? Im fourteen. A.How are you B.When are you C.What are you D.How old are you【答案】D【解析】根据答语可知,上句是询问对方的年龄。10. This is _ room.The twin sisters like it very much.A.Lucys and Lilys B.Lucys and LilyC.Lucy and Lilys D.Lucy and Lily【答案】C【解析】表示

5、两人共用的房间选 C。二、完形填空Peter is very excited about his twelfth birthday. “ I t s my birthday tomorrow .Can I 1 a birthday party with my dear 2 ? ” He asks his mother. “ You don t 3 to have a party this year Peter. You had one last year, and don t 4 your friends to come to our home. I think 5 must be busy.

6、 ” says his mother. Peter is not happy. Next 6 he goes out from his 7 for breakfast and he sees some balloons in the living room. And a big birthday cake is 8 the table. His friends and parents are all here. “ Happy birthday, Pater. This is for you, says his mother. ” Isn t this a great surprise (惊

7、喜) Happy birthday. ” his friends say. “ We have some 9 for you. Wow, they look nice on you. ” Peter is so 10 and he loves his parents and friends so much.1. A.find B. take C. get D. have2. A. brothers B. sisters C. cousins D. friends3. A. need B. ask C. know D. say4.A. want B. cal l C.meet D.help5.A

8、.he B. she C. you D.they6. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. week7. A. class B. room C. library D. bed8. A. in B. on C. under D. at9. A. pens B.books C. fruits D. clothes10. A. easy B. late C. happy D. great【答案】1 . D【解析】 根据后文中“ tohavepartythisyear ”可知应选 D 。2 . D【解析】 根据后文中“ yourfriendstocometoour

9、home ”可知应选 D 。3 . A【解析】 句意为:你今年不需要生日派对了。 N eed :需要; ask :问; know :知道; say :说。故选 A 。4 . B【解析】 句意为:你去年举办一个了,今年也不要叫你的朋友们来我们家。故选 B 。5 . D【解析】 结合语境可知此处指代前面的 friends ,故选 D 。6 . A【解析】 根据后面的 breakfast 可知是第二天早上 , 故选 A7 . B【解析】 根据上下文可知 Peter 是在家里,因此应该是从房间里出来吃早饭。故选 B 。8 . B9 . D【解析】 根据后句“ theylookniceonyou ” 可

10、知应选 D 。10 . C【解析】 结合语境可知 Peter 很高兴,故选 C 。三、阅读理解AA Birthday PresentSusan had three dollars-the pocket money (零用钱) she had saved up. She wanted to buy a birthday present for her father. She came to a big shop. She looked at the goods in a shop window and thought, I should give him something to wear. ”

11、“ Can help you, little girl?Said the shopkeeper,Mr. King .Yes, please.I m looking for present for my dad,said Susan, but I don t know what to buy. “ Mr. King showed her a nice shirt and said, What about this? No, I have only three dollars, said Susan. Then she saw a beautiful white tie. She knew her

12、 father would like it. She wanted to get it, but it might be very dear, she was afraid.How much is it? She asked. Mr. King looked at her for a while and then he took off the price tag and said. That s just three dollars. Oh, fine! Susan said happily, I ll take it.1. Susan wanted to buy _.A. somethin

13、g to wear B. a skirt C. a shirt D. a present for her dad2. How much money did Susan have? _A. About 3 dollars. B. L ess than 3 dollarsC. More than 3 dollars. D. Only 3 dollars. 3. Mr. King is _.A. the salesman B. the shopkeeper C. a friend D. a neighbour4. At last, Susan bought _.A. a shirt B. a pai

14、r of shoes C.a tie D. a tag5. From the story we know that Mr. King is a _ man.A. kind B. bad C. tall D.fat【答案】1 . D【解析】 根据后文中“ tohavepartythisyear ”可知应选 D 。2 . D【解析】 根据后文中“ yourfriendstocometoourhome ”可知应选 D 。3 . B【解析】 句意为:你今年不需要生日派对了。 N eed : 需要; ask :问; know :知道; say :说。故选 A 。4 . C【解析】 根据第二段最后三句可知

15、应选 A 。5 . A【解析】 根据最后一句可知应选 A 。BMy name is Alan. I m an English boy. I m 13 years old. Today is my birthday. I am in a new orange sweater a pair of new blue trousers and pair of new black and white shoes, look cool! I have a big birthday party. It is from 11: 30 a. m. to 2: 30 p. m. My friends come t

16、o my party. They bring (带来) me some CDs, model planes , a soccer ball, a basketball and some notebooks. We sing and dance. My mother buys a big cake for us. We eat the cake and my friends sing Happy Birthday to You for me. We talk and play games. We are all very happy. 6. How old is Alan? _A. 13 yea

17、rs old. B. 12 years old. C. years old. D. 10 years old.7. Alan is in _ today.A. a new black shirt B. a new red sweaterC. a pair of new blue trousers D. a pair of new black shoes8. How long is Alan s birthday party?A. 2 hours. B. 3 hours. C. 4 hours. D. 5 hours.9. Alan doesn t get _ at his birthday p

18、arty.A. a soccer ball B. a baseball bat C. notebooks D. model planes10. Alan and his friends don tat the party. _A. sing or dance B. have the cake C. play games D. watch TV【答案】6 . A【解析】 根据第三句可知应选 A 。7 . C【解析】 根据第五句可知应选 C 。8 . B【解析】 根据文中 “ Itisfrom1 : 30a . m . to2 : 30p . m . ”可知应选 B 。9 .B【解析】根据文中“

19、TheybringmesomeCDs, modelplanes , asoccerball , abasketballandsomenotebooks ” 可知应选 B 。10 . D【解析】 根据倒数第二、三、四、五句可知应选 D 。CVera is thirteen years old. She was born on July 27th. Mrs. Smith is her mother. Today is Vera s birthday. There is a party for her. Lots of her friends come to her birthday party.

20、A birthday cake is on the table. There are some bananas, oranges, strawberries and apples on the table, too. But Vera doesn t like them. What does she want? Can you guess? Just then Vera sees red card in her mother s hand. It says: Happy birthday to you, dear Vera. There is a nice present for you. O

21、pen the box on your dresser, you can find it. Vera runs to her dresser and opens the box, Ah, a nice T-shirt! How glad she is!11. When is Verabirthday? _A. November 27. B. September 27. C. July 27th. D. July 29th.12. Where s Mrs. Smith s present? _A. On the desk. B. In the box. C. In the dresser D.

22、In the drawer. 13. What does Vera want? _A. Apples. B. Bananas. C. A T-shirt. D. A book14. How old is Vera? _A.13 B.14. C.15. D.1615. There aren t _ on the table.A. apples B. strawberries C. oranges D. ice creams【答案】11 . C【解析】 根据第一段第二句可知应选 C 。12 . B【解析】 根据第二段最后一句可知应选 B 。13 . C【解析】 根据最后一段可知应 C 。14 .

23、A【解析】 根据第一段第一句可知应选 A 。15 . D【解析】 根据第一段倒数 第四句可知应选 D 。四、任务型阅读A- F 是英语节才艺表演的主题,请你仔细阅读下面5位学生的情况说明,从 A-F 中为他们选出最符合各自兴趣爱好的主题。(其中有一项为多余选项)A.Music B.Science C.SportS D.Cooking E.Art F.Games_ 1. Helen likes drawing very much. She can draw nice pictures. She always reads books about artists._2. Tom likes almo

24、st every NBA game. He also knows a lot about tennis and basketball stars._ 3. Mary studies in a junior school . She can t always get good grades, but she can cook well. She wants to be a cook._ 4. John is 12-year-old boy. He likes singing and dancing very much and he also does well in playing the pi

25、ano._ 5. Jeff likes to say, All work, no games makes Jack a dull boy. And he thinks playing games is very interesting. Sometimes games can help him work well.【答案】1 . F2 . C3 . D4 . A5 . F五、词汇运用A. 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. They have a school t _ every year.2. August is the e _ month of the year.3. F _ is the

26、 second month of the year.4. They have two art f _.5.S _ 10th is Teachers Day.6. We have an English evening _(聚会)on May 5th7. December is the _ (第十二)month of the year8. _ (十一月)comes after October.9. My birthday is in _ (八月)10. My uncle is twenty. Today is his _ (第二十) birthday【答案】1 . trip2 . eighth3

27、. February4 . festivals5 . September6 . party7 . twelfth8 . November9 . August10 . twentiethB. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。one go test student month1. We have two English _ every month.2. My dog is only six _ old.3. National Day is on the _ day of October.4. All these boys and girls are my _.5. Mike _ to Shanghai

28、by plane yesterday.【答案】1 . tests2 . months3 . first4 . students5 . went六、语法填空It s September. 1. _( teacher )Day is coming. Anna and Bob to buy some flowers 2. _ their teacher. Their friend, Tom, 3. _ ( think ) it is a good idea. Bob also wants to buy 4. _ card. Anna s and Bob s 5. _( birthday ) are

29、all in October. There are two birthdays in October, 6. _ about Tom s birthday? 7. _( be ) is 8. _ next Wednesday. He is 12 9. _ ( year ) old now. 10. _ the school trip is on that day, too.【答案】1 . Teachers 【解析】 固定搭配。 Teachers Day :教师节 。2 . for【解析】 固定搭配。 buysth . forsb . :为某人买某物 。3 . thinks【解析】 主语“ To

30、m ”是单数,时态是一般现在时,故谓语动词填第三人称单形式 。4 . a【解析】 表示一张卡片, card 发音以辅音音素开头故填不定冠词 a 。5 . birthdays【解析】 此处指 Anna 和 Bob 两个人的生日,故填复数形式 。6 . How / What【解析】 结合语境理解句意为:那 Tom 的生日呢?固定搭配。 what / howabout :关于怎么样 。7 . His【解析】 结合语境可知此处指代 Tom 的生日,故填名词性物主代词作主语 。8 . on【解析】 表示在星期几 , 填介词 on 。9 . years【解析】 数词 12 修饰可数名词复数形式 。10 .

31、 And【解析】 前句意为“他现在 12 岁了”,后句意为“学校日也在这一天”,前后表示并列关系,故填并列连词 and 。七、句型转换1. She is fifteen years old. (对画线部分提问)_ _ is she?2. We have an English party every month. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ an English party every month?3.July 26th is Cindy s date of birth. (改为同义句)July 26th is _ _.4 We have a Music Festival each year

32、(对画线部分提问)_ do _ have each year?5. His birthday is in July . (对画线部分提问)_ _ his birthday?【答案】1 . howold2 . Doyouhave3 . Cindy sbirthday4 . Whatyou5 . Whenis八、书面表达看下面表格中第三中学最近的活动安排 , 写一则通知 , 开头结尾已经给出。要求:语言简洁清楚,不少于 40 词。ActivityTimePlaceMusic FestivalOct.19PlaygroundEnglish Speech ContestOct. 25Meeting H

33、allBasketball GameDec.2PlaygroundEnglish PartyDec. 10Room 301, Teaching Building INoticePlease pay attention, everyone._Welcome to take part in the activities !No. 3 Middle SchoolOct.10【范文】NoticePlease pay attention , everyone .There are a lot of activities this term.On October 19th,we have a Music

34、Festival.It is on the play ground . The English Speech Contestison October 25th.The place is the Meeting Hall.On December 2nd ,you can watch an exciting basketball game on the playground . On December10th , we have an English Party . It is in Room 301 of Teaching Building 1 .Welcome to take part in the activities !No . 3Middle SchoolOct . 10


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