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《创新方案》2015届高三英语一轮复习 2014百所名校高考模拟题分类汇编:第四讲 时态和语态.doc

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《创新方案》2015届高三英语一轮复习 2014百所名校高考模拟题分类汇编:第四讲 时态和语态.doc_第1页
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1、第四讲 时态和语态1.(2014 北京101中学高三模拟) Hello, I _ to ask if I can book two tickets for tonights film. Sorry, weve already sold out.A. phone B. will phone C. am phoningD. have phoned【解析】C 考查时态。句意:“嗨,我打电话咨询能否订两张今晚的电影票?”“对不起,已经买完了。”现在进行时be doing,代表正在进行的打电话的行为,根据语言环境需要用现在进行时。选C。2.(2014北京101中学高三模拟)Can you tell me

2、 what time the flight to Detroit leaves?Im sorry, but it _ .A. has been canceled B. had been canceled C. has canceled D. had canceled【解析】A 考查时态和语态。句意:“你能告诉我去底特律的航班什么时候离开吗?”“对不起,但是它已经被取消了。”the flight 和cancel是被动关系,故排除C,D两项。根据句意应该表示现在已经取消,强调结果,选A。3.(2014吉林一中开学验收)I felt very tired when I got home, and I

3、 _ straight to bed.A. go B. went C. had gone D. have gone【解析】B 考查动词的时态。整个句子描述的都是过去发生的事情,排除选项A,D;上床睡觉是在到家这个动作之后发生的,不能用过去完成时,排除选项C。4.(2014山东枣庄期中模拟)Cathy! You _ on the phone, by a Sir named John Smith.A. are being wanted B. will want C. are wanting D. are wanted【解析】D 考查时态。句意:柯西!电话上有个叫约翰史密斯的先生找你。you和wan

4、t是动宾关系,即sb wants you,应该使用被动语态,排除B、C两项。描述现在的情况,用一般现在时,故选D。5.(2014山东枣庄期中模拟)I met him last autumn and _ him ever since. A. didnt see B. havent seen C. hadnt seen D. wouldnt see【解析】B 考查时态。 句意:我去年秋天见过他,从那以后就再没见过了。ever since“自.以后”,与现在完成时连用,故选B。6.(2014山东潍坊实验中学模拟) You look excited! I _ the expensive diction

5、ary that I left in the library yesterday. A. am finding B. foundC. have foundD. had found【解析】C 考查时态。句意:“你看起来很兴奋。”“我找到昨天丢在图书馆里的昂贵的字典了。”从you look excited可知双方谈论的是现在的结果,表示对现在的影响,所以用现在完成时,选C。7.(2014山东潍坊实验中学模拟)Do you know our town at all? No, this is the first time I _ here. A. was B. have been C. came D.

6、 am coming 【解析】B 考查时态和固定句型。句意:“你了解我们的城镇吗?”“不,这是我第一次来这儿。”this is the first time 后用现在完成时。如果是this was the first time+从句,从句的谓语用过去完成时,8.(2014山东潍坊实验中学模拟)Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _ when he _ at the party. A. left, had arrived B. left, arrived C. had left, had arrived D. had left, arrive

7、d【解析】D 考查时态。句意:汤姆很失望,当他到达会场的时候,大部分客人已经离开了。汤姆到达会场是在过去,客人们都走了,这件事发生在他到达之前,因此要用过去完成时。因此选D。9.(2014 四川宜宾南溪二中模拟)The information that _will become your ability once you use itA. absorbs B. is absorbing C. is absorbed D. had been absorbed【解析】C 考查时态和语态。句意:被吸收的这些信息,一旦你用到它,它就会成为你的能力。结合语境可知定语从句中描述的是客观性的状态,故用一般现

8、在时态,主语是动作的对象,故用被动语态,选C。 10.(2014四川雅安中学模拟)Im exhausted. I _ on a project day and night.Youd better have several days off after finishing it. Otherwise you might break down.A. worked B. have worked C. work D. have been working 【解析】D 考查时态。句意:“我很累,整天都在忙着这个计划。”“结束后你最好休息几天,否则你会垮掉的。”说明做这个项目是从过去到现在说话的时候一直进行

9、的,有可能还要继续,用现在完成进行时。所以选D。11.(2014 陕西西安交大阳光中学模拟)He _ a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when it is finished. A. was writing B. wrote C. has already written D. is currently writing【解析】D 考查时态。句意:他现在正在写关于西藏探险的书,我希望完成后他能找一个好的出版商。从when it is finished.可知是现在正在写,用现在进行时,所

10、以选D。12.(2014河南周口中英文学校模拟)Ill come to see your performance at 9:00 tomorrow evening.Im sorry, but by then my performance _ and I _ reporters in the meeting room. A. will have ended; will be meetingB. will end; will meet C. will be ended; am going to meetD. is to end; will meet【解析】A 考查动词时态。句意:“明天晚上九点钟我

11、会去看你的演出。”“抱歉,到那个时候我的演出已经结束了,那时我正在会议上接见记者呢。”从上下文可以then是指9:00 tommorrow evening,那么时间状语by then就是将来完成时的标志,所以演出结束应该用将来完成时,后句是指明天晚上九点钟的时候正在接见记者,所以正确选项是A。13.(2014河南中原名校联盟模拟)Mr. Black _ for Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane _ on Sunday? A. leaves; takes off B. leaves; is taking off

12、C. is leaving; is taking off D. is leaving; takes off【解析】D考查动词时态。第一空用进行时表将来时,第二空用一般现在时表将来时,因为飞机航班是有固定时间表的。所以用一般现在时表将来时。句意:Black先生几天后要去上海,你知道星期天最早的航班是什么时候吗?14.(2014河南中原名校联盟模拟)May I speak to your manager at four oclock this afternoon?Im sorry. He _ to a conference long before then.A. will have gone B.

13、 had gone C. would go D. has gone【解析】A 考查动词时态。此处will have gone 表示将来完成时;had gone 表示过去完成时;would go 过去将来时;has gone 现在完成时。句意;“今天下午四点我可以和你的经理谈谈吗?”“对不起,他那时早已经去开会了。”根据句意这里用将来完成时。故选A15.(2014河南中原名校联盟模拟)The shoes are of high quality and _ long.A. wore B. are worn C. wear D. will be worn【解析】C 考查动词时态和语态。句意:这双鞋质

14、量好并且耐穿。根据句意可知,这表明了鞋的特征是耐穿,而没有强调具体穿的动作,故用一般现在时表示性质和特征。故选C。16.(2014湖南湘中名校联考)What do you think of his speech at the court?Er., sorry, I _ about something else. A. had thought B. thought C. was thinking D. have been thinking【解析】C 考查动词时态。句意:“你认为在法庭上的演讲怎么样?”“哦,对不起。我刚才在想其他的事情。”这里指当对方在法庭上说的时候,第二句中主语“I”在想别的事

15、情,没有听清对方说的内容。所以这里表示过去正在进行的动作,故选C。17.(2014湖南湘中名校联考)Mr Li arrived at the Wuguang train station twenty minutes ago, but the train to Guangzhou _ yet. A. hadnt come B. wont come C. hasnt come D. didnt come 【解析】 C 考查动词时态。句意:20分钟前李先生到达了武广火车站,但是去广州的火车还没有来。根据yet可知它常与现在完成时连用,20分钟前来到车站,到现在车还没有来,强调结果,故选C。18.(2

16、014 湖南湘中名校联考)She wont be able to come next week, because she _ herself in Mount Tai then.A. enjoys B. will be enjoying C. is enjoying D. Enjoyed【解析】B 考查动词时态。句意:她下周不能来,因为她那还是正在泰山玩的高兴呢,then指的是next week,将来的某一个时候正在进行的动作,所以应该用将来进行时,其形式是will be doing,故选B。19.(2014 湖南衡阳第八中学模拟)Mr White _ his racing bicycle b

17、y himself yesterday, but Im not sure whether it is ready.A. repaired B. had repaired C. was repairing D. would repair 【解析】C 考查时态。句意:怀特先生昨天自己修自行车,但是我不确定现在是不是修好了。因为时间是yesterday,故排除B、D项,又因为but I am not sure whether it is readay这句话,排除A。因为是一般过去时,表示动作已经结束了,就不会说不知道有没有修好,用过去进行时表示正在做的动作,选C。20.(2014湖南衡阳第八中学模拟

18、)Our English teacher , having explained to us how to designa project, allowed us a whole weeks preparation and then _ the class. A. to dismiss B. dismissed C. dismissing D. having dismissed【解析】B 考查动词时态。句意:我们音乐老师,和我们解释了怎么设计一个项目后,允许我们一周的时间,然后下课了。根据主句动词allowed为一般过去时态,and后的动作是顺成关系,故也用一般过去时。选B 21.(2014湖南

19、衡阳第八中学模拟)It was reported that an agreement _ between the two companies and that they would carry out a project together.A. reached B. had been reached C. was reached D. has been reached【解析】B 考查时态和语态。句意:根据报道两个公司之间已经达成协议,他们会一起实施一个计划。因为在报道之前两个公司就达成了协议,用过去完成时的被动,选B。 22.(2014湖南衡阳第八中学模拟)Have you heard fro

20、m Nelly recently? Yes, I _ his letters and cards many times while I was in Italy.A. have received B. received C. had received D. would receive【解析】B 考查时态。句意:“你最近收到Nelly的来信了吗?”“是的,我在意大利的时候,收到过他很多的信和卡片。”时间是while I was in Italy,属于过去的一段时间,用一般过去时,选B。23.(2014 湖南衡阳第八中学模拟)Bob tried to sweet talk his mother i

21、nto letting him go out. but when he saw his sweet talk _, he lost his temper. A. hadnt worked B. wasnt working C. isnt working D. doesnt work【解析】B 考查时态。句意:鲍勃试图用花言巧语诱骗妈妈让他出去,但是当他看到他的花言巧语没有用的时候,他发脾气了。从前面的句子,Bob tried to sweet talk his mother into letting him go out,可知是发生在过去的事情,排除C、D,因为是先花言巧语诱骗妈妈,然后才发现

22、不管用,所以不是过去完成时,用过去进行时表示当时的情况,所以选B。24.(2014湖南衡阳第八中学模拟)The past two years_ a sharp rise in oil price,whichadds to the burden of auto transportation industry. A. witnessed B. witnesses C. is witnessing D. has witnessed 【解析】D 考查时态。句意:在过去的两年里我们目睹了油价的急剧上升,这增加了汽车运输业的负担。the past two years 是表示过去的两年中,是现在完成时的时间

23、,此处是过去两年油价的上升对现在造成的影响,故用现在完成时,选D。25. (2014湖南长沙实验中学模拟)Youd better not phone me tomorrow evening; I _ an important meeting then. A. will have B. would haveC. will be havingD. will have had【解析】C 考查时态。句意:你最好明天晚上别给我打电话,那是我将正在开一个重要的会议。根据时间状语tomorrow evening和then 可知这是将来某时正要做的事,因此用将来进行时will be doing 故选C。26.

24、 (2012潍坊期末 )Anna,where _ you _ with so many things in your hands?To my office. It has been moved to the third floorA.are; heading B. will; head Chave; headed D. do; head【解析】A 考查具体语境中动词的时态。由答语“To my office.”可以看出,应该用现在进行时。句意:“Anna,手里拿着这么多东西上哪里去啊?”“去办公室。(我的办公室)已经搬到三楼了。”27. (2012泰安期末 )Hes already gone h

25、omeBut before he leftHe_ all the mistakes in his paperA. would correct B. has corrected C. corrected D. had corrected【解析】D 考查动词的时态。句意:他已经回家了。但是在他离开之前,他早已把他的试卷上的错误都改正了。改错这个动作发生在离开之前,left是过去时,发生在这个动作之前,是过去的过去,要用过去完成时。28.(2012哈尔滨一中期中 ) Its many years since I saw you last; I _ you at all. I wouldnt have

26、, either, if someone _ you by the name.A. didnt recognize; hadnt called B. didnt recognize; didnt callC. havent recognized; didnt call D. recognized; had called【解析】A本题考查时态和虚拟语气。句意:“自从我上次见到你已经有好多年了;我刚才根本没把你认出来。”“如果没有人叫你名字,我也认不出你。”第一空用一般过去时表示刚才(过去)发生的事实;第二空根据主句“I wouldnt have(recognized)”是woud+have do

27、ne形式(对过去的虚拟),可知if从句也是对过去的虚拟(用过去完成时形式)。29.(2012潍坊期末)What do you think of the Eiffel Tower?Splendid. When I was in France, I _ it.A. have visited B. had visited C. could visit D. visited【解析】D 考查动词的时态。由答语中的时间状语(When I was in France)可以看出,这是发生过去的动作,是对过去行为的客观叙述,所以用一般过去时。30.(2012顺义素质展示) My mum is not in Be

28、ijing now. She has gone to Paris. Oh, can you tell me when she _?A. is leaving B. would leave C. has left D. left【解析】D 考查时态。上一句提到她已经去了巴黎,此句说话人询问的是她离开的时间,所以用一般过去时。31.(2012顺义素质展示) I wonder if you could go with me to the post office. Id like to, but I _ my experiment report and have to finish it this a

29、fternoon.A. wrote B. was writing C. have written D. am writing【解析】D 考查时态。根据答语后半部分中的内容可知答话人现在正在写实验报告,所以用现在进行时。32.(2012金华十校期末)The iPhone 4s has been on the market for some timeHave you got one?Yes, I _ one during my visit to Hong KongA. have bought B. bought C. had bought D. would buy【解析】B 考查时态。从答语中的y

30、es来看,他已经买了iphone4s,是在去参观香港的时候买的,也就是说,这是发生在过去某个时间的一个动作,所以用一般过去时。33.(2012顺义素质展示)The decision _ for almost a year because of the local residents complaints that the newly built factory would disturb the quietness of the place. A. has been delayed B. was delayed C. would be delayed D. will be delayed【解析

31、】D考查时态。空格处所在分句表达的意思是“但是他知道的还没有我们知道的多呢”,叙述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时,另外根据句中的“do”,也可知应用一般现在时。34.(2012上海春招)Before I began this job, I _ _ _ a baby sitter for two years.A. have been B. was C. would be D. had been【解析】D 考查动词时态。句意:我开始这项工作之前,我做了两年的保姆。此处began为一般过去时,在这之前应用过去完成时。35.(2012上海春招)The diamond mine _ accidentall

32、y by a little boy when he was playing hide and seek.A. discovered B. was discovered C. has been discovered D. would discover【解析】B 考查动词的被动语态。句意:这个钻石矿是在那个小男孩玩捉迷藏的时候偶然被发现的。36.(2012江西丰、樟、高、宜四市联考)I have just received another message, telling me I have won a big prizeDont jump on it. You_ .A. should be ch

33、eated B. are being cheated C. are cheating D. must have cheated【解析】A 考查动词的时态。语意表示“Robert许诺我当我有困难的时候他会帮我”,promise这个动作发生在过去,许诺的内容应该相应地用过去将来时,故选A项。37.(2012 九江一模)It is reported that many a new house _ at present in the disaster areaA. are being built B. were being built C. was being built D. is being bu

34、ilt【解析】D 考查动词的时态和语态。句意:据报道目前在灾区许多新房子在建设中。many a new house和build是被动的关系,故用被动语态;根据句中的at present,要用现在进行时。故选D项。38.(2012枣庄期末)Have you seen the film?Yes. I _ it three times when I was in America.A. saw B. had seen C. have seen D. was seeing【解析】A 考查动词的时态。这里指的当我在澳大利亚期间发生的三次动作,所以用一般过去式。39.(2012九江一模)Where is T

35、om? Well, he _ you _ hereOtherwise he would come down right now A. didnt know; were B. hasnt known; are C. doesnt know; are D. hadnt known; were 【解析】C 考查动词的时态用法。句意:“汤姆在哪里?”“哦,他不知道你在这里。否则他会马上下来的。”otherwise后面跟的从句与过去的事实相反,用虚拟语气,而前面的句子说得现在的事实。故用一般现在时。40.(2012浙江调研)When you reach the other end of the brid

36、ge, I _ right there to show you the way.A. wait B. have waited C. was waiting D. will be waiting【解析】D 考查时态。根据本句的时间状语从句可知表示的是将来的时间,而且后半句强调的是那时我就在桥的那头等你,表示将来某个时刻正在进行的动作,所以用将来进行时。41.(2012宝鸡一次质检)His carelessness cost him nearly all the money he _ .A. saved B. has saved C. had saved D. saves【解析】C 考查动词的时态

37、。很显然动作“save(储蓄)”发生的过去的动作cost之前,也就是所说的“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。42.(2012合肥质检)Remember the first time we met?一Sure. You _ in the supermarket.A. had shopped B. have shopped C. were shopping D. shopped【解析】C 考查过去进行时的用法。这里指的是过去某个时间,就是我们第一次见面的时候正在做的动作,所以用过去进行时。43.(2012吉林期末)When I was at college, I _ three foreign la

38、nguages but I _ all except a few words of each.A. spoke; had forgotten B. had spoken; had forgotten C. spoke; have forgotten D. had spoken; have forgotten【解析】C 考查时态。句意:我在上大学的时候,能说三种外语,但是现在(当时会说的每种语言)除了几个词汇外,都已经忘记了。第一空强调的是过去的动作为过去时,第二空强调的是过去的动作的结果,用现在完成时。44.(2012潍坊三县联考)The wet weather will continue t

39、omorrow, when a cold front _ to arrive.A. will be expected B. is expectingC. expects D. is expected【解析】D 考查动词的时态和语态。句意:预计将有一股冷锋到来,因此潮湿的天气明天将会继续。a cold front与expect之间是动宾关系,expert是发生在现在的动作,要用一般现在时,故选D项。45.(2012 北京市西城区期末)The most delicious cake in the world _ by MomPlease wait an hour to enjoy it A. ma

40、kes B. is made C. is going to make D. is being made【解析】D 考查时态。从后面的Please wait an hour to enjoy it可以看出,这个蛋糕正在被做,所以用现在进行时的被动语态。46.(2012江苏南通市高三第一学期期末调研)Until we have discussed all the details, no decision _ about any new operations.A. will be made B. is made C. is being made D. has been made【解析】A 考查时态。

41、 until引导的时间状语从句中一般现在时表示的是将来的动作,所以,主句用一般将来时。47.(2012银川一中模拟)In the past few years thousands of films _ all over the world.A. have produced B. have been produced C. are producing D. are being produced【解析】B In the past few years为现在完成时的标志,主语“电影”和谓语动词“produce”为动宾关系,所以用完成时的被动语态。48.(2012石家庄质检)SorryI would h

42、ave come earlier,but I _ that you were waiting A. didnt know B. hadnt known C. dont know D. havent known【解析】A 考查动词的时态。语境为:我该早来的,但是我不知道你一直在等我。前半部分用的是虚拟语气,是对过去情况的虚拟,后半部分是叙述的是一个事实,意思是当时我不知道你在等,所以用一般过去时。49.(2012宁波八校联考)Wed better take umbrellasIm sure It _ when we arrive in London; its always wet there a

43、t this time of year. A. will rain B. is raining C. will be raining D. would rain【解析】C 考查动词的失态。when 引导的是时间状语从句,一般现在是表示的是将来的动作,表示将来某个时间点正在进行的动作,用将来进行时,故选C。50.(2012苏北四市调研)How can I get the main idea of a news article quidkly?Just look through the first and last paragraph, and you _ what it is mainly ab

44、outA. see B. will see C. are seeing D. have seen【解析】B 考查时态。答语是一个“祈使句+and+陈述句的将来时”结构,故用一般将来时。51.(2012海淀期末)How is your new job?Not so good at the moment. I _ it very muchA. wont enjoy B. am not enjoying C. didnt enjoy D. wasnt enjoying【解析】B 考查时态。该句承前省略了标志词at the moment,所以用现在进行时。52.(2012海淀期末)Youve got

45、your flat furnished, havent you?YesI _ some used furniture at the Sunday Market and it was a real bargainA. will buy B. have bought C. had bought D. bought【解析】D 考查时态。由后面的was 可以看出,买二手家具是过去的一个动作,所以用一般过去时。53.(2012海淀期末)In the weeks before the Academy Awards ceremony, movie reviewers make predictions abo

46、ut which movies and actors _ .A. have awarded B. will award C. are awarded D. will be awarded【解析】D 考试时态和语态。由make predictions可以看出,动作还没有发生,所以用将来时,演员是被奖励的,所以用被动语态,故选D。54.(2012郑州预测)Ill call on you at 10:00 tomorrow morning.Sorry, I _ the flight to Shanghai then.A.have enjoyed B. will be enjoying C. am e

47、njoying D. am to enjoy【解析】B 考查时态。表示将来一个时间点(明天上午10点)正在进行的动作用将来进行时。55.(2012三明联考)It was a pity that when we got to the cinema, the movie_ , so we saw only the end of it. A. was finishing B. has just finished C. just finished D. had just finished【解析】A 考查时态。由下文的so we saw only the end of it.可以看出,我们到的时候电影还

48、没有放完,看到的是结尾,也就是说马上要放映完了,所以用过去进行时,表示过去将来时。56.(2012 聊城五校联考 )She _ _ volleyball regularly for many years when she was young.A. was playing B. played C. has played D. had played【解析】B考查时态。由后面的时间状语when she was young来判断,这是客观的叙述过去的一个动作,所以应该用一般过去时。如果忽略了when she was young,仅仅从for many years判断,就会误选C。57.(2012南昌调

49、研)Have you seen Tom recently?No. He _ for a software company overseasA. worked B. had worked C. is working D. was working【解析】C 考查时态。答语承前省略了标志词recently,所以用现在进行时。58.(2012西安一次质检)By the time Pierce comes back from the meeting, we _ here for three hours.A. will be waiting B. is waiting C. will wait D. wi

50、ll have waited【解析】D 考查时态。by the time 引导的时间状语从句一般现在是表示的是将来的动作,by 表示:在之前。表示在将来某个动作之前将要完成的动作,用将来完成时。59.(2012莱芜期末)Zhang Ning is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class, and she _ English for a year. A. is studying B. will study C. studies D. has been studying【解析】D 考查动词的时态。第一个分句告诉我们学习这一动作正在进行,后一个分句的时间状语for a year告诉我们用现在完成进行时。60.(2012 宁波八校联考)I would have attended your birthday party last night but for the fact that it _ at that time. A. would rain B. was raining C. had rained D. had been raining【解析】B 考查时态。时间状语为at that time,表示的是过去某个时间点正在进行的动作,所以用过去进行时。


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