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1、兴化市第一中学高一英语第8周45分钟练习(满分100分,训练时间45分钟)班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_完形填空Many of us spend a great deal of time and energy trying to prove that we are right-and others are wrong. Many people believe that its their job to 1 others how their positions, statements, and points of view are 2 , and that in doing so, the pe

2、rson they are correcting is going to some how 3 it, or at least learn something. Wrong!Think about it. Have you ever been 4 by someone and said to him, “Thank you so much for showing me that Im wrong and youre right.” Or, has anyone you know ever 5 you when you corrected them, or made yourself “righ

3、t” at their 6 ? Of course not. The truth is, all of us 7 to be corrected. We all want our positions to be 8 and understood by others. Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest 9 of the human heart. And those who learn to 10 are the most loved and respected. Those who are in the 11 of correc

4、ting others are often hated and 12 . A wonderful way for becoming more peaceful and loving is to practice 13 others the joy of being right-give them the glory. 14 correcting. When someone says, “I really feel its important to”, rather than jumping 15 and saying, “No, its more important to ”, simply

5、let it go and allow their statement to 16 . The people in your life will become less defensive and more 17 . They will appreciate you more than you could ever have 18 . Youll discover the joy of joining in and witnessing other peoples 19 , which is far more rewarding than a battle of egos ( 自我 ). St

6、arting today, let others be “ 20 ”, most of the time! 1AshowBaskCproveDteach2AunimportantBunbelievableCincorrectDimperfect3AconsiderBappreciateCunderstandDrefuse4Afooled BhelpedCtaughtDcorrected5AthankedBrewardedCcaredDaccepted6Aside Bprice CexpenseDcost7Alike Bhate CpreferDafford8AadmiredBreceivedC

7、realized Drespected9AshortcomingsBadvantagesCdesires Dwishes10Atalk Bpraise ChelpDlisten11AhabitBform CpositionDpurpose12ApunishedBavoidedCleftDscolded13AlettingBlending CallowingDowing14AStopBContinueCPractiseDTry15AoutBup CinDoff16AlastBgo Cwork Dstand17AhelpfulBloving Ccareful Dpopular18AdreamedB

8、wantedCaskedDdemanded19AsufferingsBworries Csuccess Dhappiness20Ahappy BrightCsorry Dproud阅读理解A We have two daughters: Kristen is seven years old and Kelly is four. Last Sunday evening, we invited some people home for dinner. I dressed them nicely for the party, and told them that their job was to j

9、oin Mommy in answering the door when the bell rang. Mommy would introduce them to the guests, and then they would take the guests coats upstairs and put them on the bed in the second bedroom. The guests arrived. I introduced my two daughters to each of them. The adults were nice and kind and said ho

10、w lucky we were to have such good kids. Each of the guests made a particular fuss over Kelly, the younger one, admiring her dress, her hair and her smile. They said she was a remarkable girl to be carrying coats upstairs at her age. I thought to myself that we adults usually make a big to do over th

11、e younger one because shes the one who seems more easily hurt. We do it with the best of intentions. But we seldom think of how it might affect the other child. I was a little worried that Kristen would feel she was being outshined. I was about to serve dinner when I realized that she had been missi

12、ng for twenty minutes. I ran upstairs and found her in the bedroom, crying. I said, What are you doing, my dear? She turned to me with a sad expression and said, Mommy, why dont people like me the way they like my sister? Is it because I m not pretty? Is that why they dont say nice things about me a

13、s much? I tried to explain to her, kissing and hugging her to make her feel better. Now, whenever I visit a friends home, I make it a point to speak to the elder child first.21The underlined expression make a big to do over (paragraph 4) means _. Ashow much concern about Bhave a special effect on Cl

14、ist jobs to be done for Ddo good things for22The guests praised Kelly for carrying coats upstairs because of her _. Abeautiful hair Bpretty clothes Clovely smile Dyoung age23Kristen felt sad and cried because _. Athe guest gave her more coats to carry Bshe didnt look as pretty as Kelly Cthe guests p

15、raised her sister more than her Dher mother didnt introduce her to the guests24We can conclude from the passage that _. Aparents should pay more attention to the elder children Bthe younger children are usually more easily hurt Cpeople usually like the younger children more Dadults should treat chil

16、dren equally25Which of the following saying is right? AKristen and Kelly are not getting along with each other. BKristen is older than Kelly. CThe mother likes Kristen more than Kelly. DPeople usually talk more to Kelly than they do to Kristen.BThe following is a true story. It happened in the north

17、ern end of Queens land, Australia, where all kinds of animals live in the forest. Lisa, a 33-year-old woman, went to prepare lunch in the kitchen, leaving Barney, her three-year-old son, playing by himself in the back garden. Suddenly, a sharp cry of Barney came into the mothers ears, and Lisa rushe

18、d into the backyard in a hurry and found a big snake entwining(缠绕) the little child with its terrible body and trying to eat the boy as its delicious dish! It was a boa(蟒)! Lisa was terrified and quite angry. She made up her mind to save her son from the snakes mouth. It was fearless mother love tha

19、t made Lisa forget what she faced. She took up an old hoe from the ground and beat the boa with all her might. One.two. With the hoe, Lisa beat the snake repeatedly, but useless. The little boys voice and breath were getting weaker and weaker. Lisas heart was broken and she got nearly mad. Suddenly

20、Lisa put away the hoe and threw herself to the boa, opening her mouth and bit into the boas back as if trying to eat a rare steak(牛排). Lisa was really mad! Blood was spurting(喷射) out of the boas body and covered most of Lisas body. The boa was so badly wounded that it let go of Barney and moved back

21、 into the forest hurriedly. It had never known how a man had such terrible sharp teeth! On halfway home, the boa died. It was fearless mother love that saved the little boy.26When she rushed into the back garden, Lisa found _Aa boa eating her son Bher son was playing with a big snakeCher son in dang

22、er of losing his life Dher son was fighting with a boa27Lisa failed in fighting against the boa at first just because _. Ashe was bit by the boa Bthe boa was too strong Cthe hoe was not sharp enough Dshe was afraid that she would hurt her son28 Lisa bit the snake because _. Ashe was mad Bshe thought her teeth were much sharper than the boa Cher son was entwined by the boa Dshe hadnt got any other way to fight with the snake29The best title for this passage is _. AMother and Boa BFearless Mother Love CA Boa and a Boy DSaving a Boy from a Boa .高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u


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