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1、高一英语备课组预习学案(14)预习目标:Learn new words in task and project预习自测:1. embarrass vt 使尴尬,使难堪She is making fun of you and trying to embarrass you into trying harder.她在取笑你并尽力让你知耻而后勇。embarrassed 窘迫的,尴尬的 embarrassing 使人难堪的embarrassment n 难堪,困境 Some women are too _ to consult their doctors about the _ question.2.

2、 conclusion n 结论,推论 conclude vin conclusion 最后,总之,综上所述come to/ arrive at/ reach/ draw a conclusion 得出结论conclude 、from从、中得出结论conclude 、 with 以、结束、 In conclusion, we need to know the customs of a country so that we do not make others embarrassed or annoyed. 最后,我们需要了解一个国家的习俗,以便不让别人尴尬或生气。He concluded hi

3、s speech with a poem.他以艺术诗结束了演讲。3. interrupt v 插嘴,打断,暂停 Sayiny “sorry” if we interrupt someone also helps us to be polite. 如果我们打断某人时说“对不起”也有助于使我们看起来有礼貌。interrupt 指使原来正在进行的活动中断或停顿下来,尤指打断别人的话。disturb 指妨碍工作的进行或使人不能安宁。trouble 指一般的烦劳、打扰或烦恼不安。4. differ vi 相异,有区别 n difference adj different differ from 与、不同

4、 A and B differ in sth. A differs from B in sth. A和B在、不同。 Differ with/ disagree with sb about / on sth 在、同某人持不同意见 Considering Yushus location and culture, its rebuilding plan will differ greatly from that of Wenchuan. 考虑到玉树的地理位置和文化,其重建计划将与汶川大不相同。拓展:be different from tell the difference between A and

5、 B( tell A from B) make a/ some/ no difference 有关系 / 没关系 5. stand for 代表,象征,支持,主张 What does BBC stand for? What do the letters BBC stand for? 代表什么?6. represent vt 代表,展示,描绘Then he had the idea that he could use different shapes to represent different objects. 接着 他又有了用不同形状代表不同物体的想法。Our company is repr

6、esented in India by Mr. Hall.霍尔先生是我公司驻印度代表。These countries will be represented at the summit.这些国家都将派代表出席首脑会议。7. combine v combination ncombine A with/ and B 把A和B结合(联合, 兼有) combine theory with practice combine to do sth 联合起来干、 combine against 为反抗、而联合We cant always combine work with pleasure.我们不是总能在工作

7、中享受到乐趣。 These two companies combined against their competitors. 这两家公司联合起来反对竞争者。8. distinguish v distinguish between 、and、区别(辨别)、和、 d istinguish、 from、把、和、分辨开 Its easy to distinguish their meanings by looking at them. 只要看一眼他们的外形就很容易辨别出他们的意思。 Its hard to distinguish one twin from the other. 很难分辨出一对孪生儿

8、谁是谁。9. convenient adj inconvenient adj 不方便的 convenience n be convenient to/ for 、是方便的 Its convenient for sb to do sth. 做某事对某人来说是方便的。 at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候 The whole system was not convenient for use. 整个系统用起来不方便。 Please come whenever it is convenient to you. 方便的时候请随时来。 Please send me an answer

9、 at your convenience. 请方便时给我回话。 Its a convenience to have the school so near. 学校这么近真是方便。10. as a whole 作为整体 on the whole= generally 大体上, 总的来说 We must examine the problem as a whole. 我们必须从整体上考查这个问题。 You have made a few mistakes but on the whole you have done well. 你出了一些错,但总的来说很好。单词拼写1. Her _ (温和的) ma

10、nnersgave us much comfort.2. There are many _ (风俗)in our country.3. Her tone _(暗示)that she didnt believe a word of my xxplanation.4. Dont judge a man by his _.(外貌)5. We advised him to overcome his _. (缺点)6. How many new Chinese _(文字) are there in the passage?7. The old man lost his _(视力) in a battle

11、.8. Could you show me how to use the _?(打字机)当场训练:按要求写出下列单词的对应形式1. different(V/ n)_ _ 2. appear(n) _3. draw(n) _ 4. simple(v) _5. convenient(n) _ 6. practice(adj) _翻译下列句子她在取笑你并尽力让你知耻而后勇。_最后,我们需要了解一个国家的习俗,以便不让别人尴尬或生气。_他以艺术诗结束了演讲。_如果我们打断某人时说“对不起”也有助于使我们看起来有礼貌。_考虑到玉树的地理位置和文化,其重建计划将与汶川大不相同。_代表什么?_接着 他又有了用不同形状代表不同物体的想法。_霍尔先生是我公司驻印度代表。_这些国家都将派代表出席首脑会议。_我们不是总能在工作中享受到乐趣。_ 这两家公司联合起来反对竞争者。_只要看一眼他们的外形就很容易辨别出他们的意思。_很难分辨出一对孪生儿谁是谁。_学校这么近真是方便。_方便的时候请随时来。_请方便时给我回话。_整个系统用起来不方便。_你出了一些错,但总的来说很好。_我们必须从整体上考查这个问题。.高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u


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