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2011届《龙门亮剑》高三一轮英语必修4 MODULE 6课时作业(陕西外研版).doc

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1、.单项填空1The minister has been _ by the newspapers for his comments.AhitBattackedCbeaten Dstruck2The dispute _ an argument between a worker and the foreman.Abecause of Bresulted inCcame by Dgrew out of3It is hoped that these discoveries can _ the origins of the universe.Acome to light Bthrow light onCc

2、ome to life Dbring to light4They _ all the details of the plan time and again to make sure that the project would go smoothly.Agot through Bwent throughCgot over Ddipped into5It is too late to treat his disease.You _ me about his illness earlier.Amust tell Bshould tellCmay have told Dshould have tol

3、d6If no one _ the lost bag,the person who found it can give it to the Lost and Found Department.Aclaims BdemandsCrequires Ddeserves7He finally won the general election because many of his promises were quite popular _ the voters.Afor BinCto Dwith8The young man has a reputation _ laziness,so he leads

4、 a poor life.Afor BasCwith Din9The drivers injuries were of little worth compared with _ suffered by his passengers.Aones BthoseChis Dtheirs10China Daily sent many journalists to_the election campaign.Acover BinterviewCwrite Drepresent11The patient was_of losing his life and had to be operated on at

5、 once.Ain danger Bin the dangerCout of danger Dout of the danger12_ no point in beating around the bush.Lets _.AIts;come straight to the pointBTheres;come to the pointCThis is;get to the pointDThat is;reach the point13Studies have shown that 45 percent of reptile species and 24 percent of butterflie

6、s in these countries are in danger of _.Adying down Bdying awayCdying back Ddying out14Mary actually saw lung cancer kill her father,who had smoked _ since he was a teenager.Abadly BseriouslyCheavily Dfiercely15Later,Catherine had the Amber Room _ to the palace outside St.Petersberg where she spent

7、her summers.Ato move BmovingCmove Dmoved.句子翻译16过去我们村庄周围有很多树。(used to)_17她说她与皇室有亲戚关系。(be related to)_18人太多了他们无法接近那座大楼。(get close to)_19去国外时,你必须适应新的风俗习惯。(adapt.to)_20Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend._.完形填空Everyone is looking for love.But what is real love? Maybe its

8、 not an easy question for us to answer.But remember,loving someone means accepting his or her success or failure.Freda Bright says,“Only in opera do people die of love.” Its true.You really cant love somebody to death.Ive known people to die from no love,but Ive never known anyone to be loved to dea

9、th.We just cant love one another enough.A heartwarming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ask her boss for a raise in salary.All day she felt _21_.Late in the afternoon she gathered the courage to see her employer.To her delight,the boss _22_ to a raise.The woman arrived home that evening

10、 to a beautiful table _23_ with their best dishes.Candles were _24_ glowing.Her husband had come home early and prepared a festive meal.She wondered _25_ someone from her office had told him about the _26_,or.did he just somehow know that she would not get _27_?She found him in the kitchen and told

11、him the good news.They _28_ and kissed,then sat down to the wonderful meal.Next to her plate the woman found a beautifully lettered _29_.It read,“Congratulations,darling! I _30_ youd get the raise! These things will tell you how much I love you.”_31_ the supper,her husband went into the kitchen to c

12、lean up.She noticed that a second card had _32_ from his pocket.Picking it off the floor,she read,“Dont _33_ about not getting the raise!You _34_ it anyway!These things will tell you how much I love you.”Someone has said that the _35_ of love is when you love without measure.What this man feels for

13、his wife is total _36_ and love,whether she succeeds or fails.His love _37_ her victories and soothes (减轻) her _38_.He stands with her,no matter what life _39_ in their direction.Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize,Mother Teresa said,“What can you do to promote world _40_? Go home and love your fam

14、ily.And love your friends.Love them without measure.”21.A.nervous BexcitedCpleased Ddisappointed22A.allowed BrefusedCagreed Drequired23.A.made BsetCbought Ddesigned24A.quickly BslowlyCstrongly Dsoftly25A.that BwhichCif Dwhy26A.raise BbossCjob Ddinner27A.turned in Bturned downCturned over Dturned up2

15、8A.looked BsatCasked Dembraced29A.letter BdiaryCnote Demail30A.knew BsupposedCpredicted Dthought31A.Eating BFollowingCPreparing DCooking32A.fallen BhiddenCrun Dthrown33A.cry BworryClaugh Dsmile34A.received BunderstoodCdeserved Dmade35A.balance BpriceCvalue Dmeasure36A.acceptance BforgivenessCsympath

16、y Dmisunderstanding37A.congratulates BsuggestsCcelebrates Dshows38A.tiredness BanxietyCwounds Dfear39A.gives BdoesCthings Dthrows40A.peace BwarChappiness Dpleasure.阅读理解Every family with kids has seen its share of arguments,shouting and complaining.It turns out that all that conflict serves an import

17、ant purpose in the development of children.Saying “no”,followed by a temper tantrums (发脾气),just may be an unavoidable part of growing up.And thats a good thing.These are the first steps toward independence.Even young children have to challenge their parents sometimes.Studies have shown the following

18、:Although stressful,conflict is beneficial for children.Learning to manage conflict is necessary for a childs development.Conflicts during the preschool years occur because children desire even more attention than parents can or should give.If you understand why conflict occurs,it can minimize (最小化)

19、 the conflicts between you and your children.Conflict is a childs attempt to develop a sense of self and how he or she learns to express needs and ideas.Parents develop and drive this independence by exposing children to the outside world both formally and informally.Conflict can grow out of a diffe

20、rence of opinion or might just be a way to blow off steam (发泄怒气)In rare situations,constant conflict between a parent and child can indicate a deeper emotional problem.Consult your doctor if this seems to be your situation.Its important to offer your child choices,which should be determined by age a

21、nd developmental level.The more responsible a child is,the more choices he or she gets in reward.You can threaten your child with punishment,but often offering a choice will better improve angry situations.Consequences and rewards should have some meaning to your child.Often a childs adverse (敌对的) r

22、eaction when he or she hears the word “no” can be avoided by giving the child an explanation as to why you have refused their request.41What would be the best title for the passage?AChildrens temper tantrumsBSaying “no” is part of growing upCHow to deal with childrenDRelationship between parents and

23、 children42Why does the author say “thats a good thing”in Paragraph 1?AConflicts benefit parents a lot.BThat means children want to be independent.CThe conflict between parents and children is a must.DConflicts are useful for childrens physical development.43According to the passage,conflicts can oc

24、cur when_.Aparents try to control their childrenBchildren refuse to express needs and ideasCchildren are exposed to the outside worldDparents and children have different ideas44According to the passage,which of the following is useful for reducing conflicts between parents and children?AAvoiding say

25、ing “no” to children directly.BRespecting childrens choices completely.CPunishing children if necessary.DSeeing a doctor frequently.45The passage is mainly written for_.Ateachers BchildrenCparents Dexperts课时作业答案.单项填空1B句意为“部长因其发表的言论而受到各家报纸的强烈抨击”。此处表达的是在社会舆论方面受到抨击,而不是具体的“打或击”。2D句意为“这场争执是由一名工人和工头的争论引发的

26、”。grow out of源于;because of不能作动词;result in导致;come by经过,得到。3B句意为:希望这些发现能帮助弄清楚宇宙的起源。come to light 是不及物短语,意为“显露”;throw light on 帮助弄清楚,阐明;come to life 复活,苏醒;bring sth.to light 使显露。4B句意为“他们屡次仔细检查计划的所有细节,以确保工程顺利进行”。go through是个多义词组,意为“详细调查;对仔细查看,搜遍某个地点;通过法律”等;get through 也是多义词组,有“通过考试;做完;取得联系”等意思;get over超

27、过;渡过;克服(困难);dip into蘸到里面。5Dshould have done 表示“本该做却未做”。6A句意为:如果没有人认领这个丢失的包,发现包的人可以把它送到失物招领处。claim 声称,索回,认领;demand 要求;require 需要;deserve 应该得到。7D句意为“他最后赢得了大选,因为他的许多承诺很受选民的欢迎”。be popular with是固定搭配,意为“受到喜爱/欢迎”。8Ahas a reputation for是固定短语,意为“以/因而出名”。9Bthose在此处表特指,因为后面有定语修饰,替代的是injuries。10A根据句意“中国日报派了很多记者

28、去报道选举活动”。cover采访,报道某事;interview采访某人。11A句意为:这位病人有丧失性命的危险,必须立刻做手术。12BTheres no point in doing sth.是固定结构,意为“做某事没有用处”。句意为:旁敲侧击是没有用处的,让我们开门见山吧。come straight to the pointcome to/get to/reach the point 意为“开门见山,说明重点”。13D句意为:研究表明在这些国家里45%的爬行动物和24%的蝴蝶正处于灭绝的危险状态。die down(骚动、闹声等)渐渐平息;die away(风、闹声等)渐弱;die back(

29、指植物)茎死,根不死;die out灭绝,消亡。14C表示吸烟很厉害时,要用heavily。15D本题考查过去分词作宾语补足语的用法。have sth.done 意为“使某事物被”。句意为:凯瑟琳二世把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡外她避暑的宫殿里去了。.句子翻译16There used to be a lot of trees around our village.17She says she is related to the royal family.18There were so many people that they couldnt get close to the building.19

30、When you go to a foreign country,you must adapt yourself to new manners and customs.20那个周末因快速驾驶造成的交通事故很多。.完形填空21A由下文“她鼓起勇气”可知她感到紧张。22C由to her delight可知,老板同意加薪。23Bset有“摆放”的含义,常与table连用,表示“摆放餐具或饭菜等”。24D丈夫想创造一种美好的氛围,这儿指“蜡烛发出柔和的光”。25Cwonder常与if连用,表示“怀疑是否”。26A因为丈夫提前做好饭菜为其庆祝,所以她怀疑丈夫知道了她加薪的好消息。27Bturn down

31、表示“拒绝”。28Dembrace(拥抱)与kissed衔接紧密。29C因为有beautifully lettered修饰,并且是在餐桌旁发现的,所以不能是diary和email。30A我已经知道你加薪了。31B丈夫去整理厨房的东西,当然是在吃了晚饭之后。32Afall from表示“从中掉出来”。33B让妻子不要为不能加薪而烦恼。34C此处用deserved表示丈夫认为“不管怎样,你都应该得到”。35D根据下文的without measure得出答案。36A表示对妻子的成功和失败都接受。37C由下面的victories可知,此处表示“庆祝成功”。38Cwounds(伤痛)与前面的victor

32、ies相对。39D此处表示“不管生活把什么抛到他们前进的路上”。40A由Mother Teresa获得诺贝尔和平奖可以得出答案。.阅读理解41B标题归纳题。文章的中心观点是:孩子对父母说“不”是成长过程中不可避免的一部分,是走向独立的第一步。42B细节理解题。由文章第一段的These are the first steps toward independence以及下一段的conflict is beneficial for children可知作者认为孩子对父母说“不”是一件好事情,是孩子们想要独立的表现。43D细节理解题。由文章中Conflict can grow out of a difference of opinion可知在孩子和父母就某一问题有不同观点时,矛盾就有可能发生。44A推理判断题。由最后一段可知,为了减少冲突,父母要尽量避免使用刺激孩子的字眼,如“不”。45C推理判断题。文章开头便提出问题,即父母与孩子之间的冲突,紧接着给父母提出了一些建议。因此,本文的读者对象主要是父母。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m


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