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2019-2020学年英语人教版必修1作业与测评:UNIT 5 SECTION Ⅰ PRE-READING (WARMING UP & READING) WORD版含解析.docx

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1、Unit 5Nelson Mandelaa modern heroSection Prereading (Warming Up & Reading)对应学生用书P49基础题单词拼写1Jack is rich, but he is very _(吝啬的). He never lends his money to others.答案:mean2As a student, John is very _ (积极的) in class. For example, he often answers teachers questions.答案:active3He shows strong leadershi

2、p _ (品质)答案:qualities4Ms Black is considered a _ (慷慨的) lady by her neighbors, for she often helps the poor old man next door.答案:generous5It is true that we should follow the _ (原则) ofseeking truth.答案:principle6(2017全国卷)When a leafy plant is under a_, it doesnt sit quietly.答案:attack7The man is gratefu

3、l for his wifes s_ devotion to the family.答案:selfless8It is said that it is a great invention that will benefit m_.答案:mankind9Eton College was f_ by Henry in 1440.答案:founded10They hope for a p_ settlement of the dispute.答案:peaceful单句语法填空1I think Ive been very _ (self). Ive been mainly concerned with

4、 myself.答案:selfish空格处前面有系动词,并有very修饰,故应填形容词。selfish“自私的”。句意:我认为我是自私的,我只关心我自己。2Workers _ (fight) against the decision to close the factory and finally they made it.答案:fought空格处与下文中的made是并列关系,故用一般过去时。句意:工人们极力反对关闭工厂的决定,最终他们成功了。3You can be generous _ your smiles, your advice and many other things.答案:wit

5、hbe generous with . “在某方面大方”。句意:你可以多一些笑容,多提供一些建议,也可以在许多其他事情上表现得慷慨一些。4I dont believe _ these diets.答案:inbelieve in sth.“相信某物有用/正确”。句意:我不相信这些节食方法。5He devoted all his energies to _ (write) films.答案:writing本句中to是介词,后应接名词或动名词。句意:他全身心致力于创作电影剧本。6Old as he was, Mr Wang worked _ (self) for the factory.答案:sel

6、flessly空格处修饰动词作状语,应用副词,再结合句意可知用selflessly。句意:王先生尽管年岁已大,但还无私地为工厂工作。7We all know that everybody likes to work with whoever is _ (rely) and easy to get on with.答案:reliable分析句子结构可知,空格处充当表语成分,所以用形容词的形式。句意:我们都知道,每个人都喜欢与任何一个可信赖并容易相处的人工作。8She also hopes her children will get a good _ (educate)答案:education在本

7、句中,作动词get的宾语,应用名词形式。句意:她也希望她的孩子可以接受良好的教育。9Schools try to teach children a set of _ (principle)答案:principles由a set of可知,这里用名词复数形式。10She was the one _ did most of the talking.答案:who空格处所填词引导定语从句,引导词在从句中作主语,先行词为the one,指人,故填who。句意:大部分时间都是她在说话。能力题阅读理解A painting by Chinese artist Qi Baishi set a record fo

8、r modern art and calligraphy (书法) on the Mainland when it sold for 425.5 million yuan at an auction (拍卖) on May 22. The sale was a milestone in the auction of modern and contemporary artworks.The price meant its value had risen more than 2,000 percent in six years. The work, Eagle Standing on Pine T

9、ree with Fourcharacter Couplet in Seal Script, measures about 2.6 meters by 1 meter. It was the second highest price paid for an artwork on the Mainland. A Song Dynasty work by Huang Tingjian sold for 436.8 million yuan in 2010. Qis painting was finished in 1946 when Qi was 82, and it was his larges

10、t work. With a starting price of 88 million yuan, it attracted nearly 50 bids (出价) in half an hour. Shanghai businessman Liu Yiqian said that the work had belonged to him and had cost less than 20 million yuan in 2005. The auction company said the work was brought back to the Mainland after being bo

11、ught from a private owner in San Francisco six years ago.China ranked first in global art sales last year, ahead of the United States and Britain. Four Chinese artists were among the top 10 in worldwide sales: Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Xu Beihong and Fu Baoshi. Qis works ranked second in sales to Pab

12、lo Picassos last year. Qi was born into a peasant family in Hunan Province in 1864. He taught himself to paint and focused on nature including plants, insects, birds and fish. He is mostly well known for his paintings of shrimps. In 1953, he was elected president of China Artists Association. He die

13、d in Beijing in 1957.1Whats the best title of the passage? AQi Baishis Painting Was Discovered BQi Baishis Painting Was Brought Back CQi Baishis Painting Set an Auction Record DThe Value of Qi Baishis Paintings Is on the Increase答案:C标题判断题。根据文章第一段的内容可知,本文主要讲的是齐白石的一幅作品被拍卖出了“天价”,创造了中国大陆艺术品拍卖的纪录。故选C项。2W

14、hose artwork sold for the highest price on the Mainland? AQi Baishis. BHuang Tingjians. CXu Beihongs. DZhang Daqians.答案:B细节理解题。根据文章第二段第三、四句“It was the second highest price paid for an artwork on the Mainland. A Song Dynasty work by Huang Tingjian sold for 436.8 million yuan in 2010.”可知,黄庭坚的作品在中国大陆拍卖

15、出了最高价。故选B项。3The auction price of Qis painting was _ million yuan higher than the starting price in the auction. A337.5 B348.8 C50 D11.3答案:A细节理解题。根据第二段第六句中的“With a starting price of 88 million yuan”可知,齐白石这幅作品的起价是88 million yuan,最终拍卖了425.5 million yuan,那么他的这幅画拍卖出的价格比最初的价格多了(425.588)337.5 million。故A项正确

16、。4The passage is most probably taken from a _. Acomputer book Blibrary guide Ctechnology magazine Dnewspaper report答案:D推理判断题。文章主要介绍了齐白石的一幅作品在拍卖会上拍出了“天价”,属于新闻报道。故D项正确。1milestone n. 重大事件,里程碑2contemporary adj. 当代的,现代的3rank v. 排列,位列4worldwide adj.&adv. 遍及全世界的;在全世界1belong to 属于2focus on 专注于完形填空An 11yearo

17、ld girl looked at the coconut tree (椰子树) in her backyard at her island home of Antigua. She dreamed of one day becoming a(n) _1_ in America. She told everyone about it. Of course, not everyone _2_ her dream and some even laughed, saying, “Why do you want to be a lawyer in America? They have enough l

18、awyers.” However, she _3_ to change her mind. Her mother told her she could do _4_ and if she wanted to be a lawyer, thats what she would be. At 16, she graduated from high school _5_ her mom was not ready to let her _6_. So, she stayed two years in Antigua State College. At 18, her mom gave her $1,

19、000 and with one suitcase she left for America. New to the American _7_ system, she didnt know how to _8_ a college and how to apply (申请). She searched for information and visited a few _9_. However, when she arrived at New Jersey City University, she knew it was “home”. She applied and got _10_. Ha

20、ving spent two years in college in Antigua, she _11_ to graduate in two years. This was not _12_; she needed 128 _13_ to graduate. She was told that what she planned to do was _14_. But she decided she would do it. In the following years, she threw herself into her _15_, getting all the credits requ

21、ired. She made it _16_.On the day of her graduation from the law school, her mother cried over how _17_ her baby had come. On the day she _18_ her first bar exam at 25, her life came full circle. From her _19_ to be a real lawyer in America, she _20_ that anything is possible. And that girl was me.1

22、A.doctor BteacherClawyer Dengineer答案:C从文章第二段中别人嘲笑女孩的话“Why do you want to be a lawyer”可知,女孩的梦想是在美国当一名律师 (lawyer)。下文中的“if she wanted to be a lawyer”也是信息提示。2A.remembered BrealizedCheard Dshared答案:D从下文有人嘲笑女孩可知,不是每个人都和她一样,有同样的梦想。share在此处意为“有同样的想法”。3A.determined BrefusedCchose Dtried答案:B纵观全文可知,女孩坚持并最终实现了自

23、己的梦想,故可推断这里是指她拒绝(refused)改变主意。4A.anything BsomethingCnothing Deverything答案:A从下文中的“if she wanted to be a lawyer, thats what she would be”可知,女孩的妈妈鼓励她,她可以做任何事情。anything意为“任何事物”,符合语境。5A.or BandCso Dbut答案:D16岁时,女孩高中毕业。从下文中的“she stayed two years in Antigua State College”可以推断出,虽然女孩已经可以去美国申请大学了,但是她妈妈还没有准备好让

24、她走,此处表示转折,所以要用but。6A.go BlearnCcry Dstop答案:A下文中的“she left for America”是提示信息,她妈妈还不愿意让她远赴美国。7A.education BtechnologyCbusiness Dmedicine答案:A从上一段可知,女孩是去美国读大学的,所以她不熟悉美国的教育(education)体系。8A.change BfoundCfind Dmanage答案:C根据语境可知,此处表示女孩不知道怎么找到(find)一所大学,也不知道怎么申请入学。9A.relatives BprofessorsChomes Dcolleges答案:D从

25、下文中的“when she arrived at New Jersey City University .”可以推断,女孩拜访了几所大学(colleges)。10A.trusted BacceptedCanswered Dattacked答案:B下文直接介绍了女孩的学习计划,故可推知她已经申请并进入了New Jersey City University。由此推断,她被接受(accepted)了。11A.begged BregrettedCdecided Dagreed答案:C从本段最后一句中的“she decided she would do it.”可知,女孩决定(decided)在两年内毕

26、业。12A.useful BlegalCboring Deasy答案:D由第13空所在句子和本段末尾的“But she decided she would do it.”可知,完成这件事情是不容易的(easy)。13A.credits BfriendsCcourses Dplans答案:A女孩在两年内修完128个学分(credits)才可以毕业。倒数第二段中的“all the credits”是提示。14A.meaningful BhopefulCselfish Dimpossible答案:D用两年时间修完128个学分的难度很大,所以她被告知这件事是不可能的(impossible)。15A.l

27、ife BstudiesCjob Dmarriage答案:B要在两年内修完整个大学期间的学分,当然要把全身心都投入到学业(studies)上。16A.unwillingly BimmediatelyCfinally Dfrequently答案:C根据文章内容,只有finally(最终)才能体现出实现该计划之艰难。其他三项不符合语境。17A.far BoftenCsoon Dlong答案:Ahow far sb. has come是固定用法,字面意思是“某人走了多远”,这里是“某人取得了多少成就”的意思。18A.missed BpassedCfailed Dignored答案:B根据“her l

28、ife came full circle”可推知,此处是指她通过(passed)了律师资格考试。19A.imagination BdreamCsuggestion Didea答案:B从第一段可知,女孩11岁时开始梦想着在美国当律师。所以此处是指她的梦想(dream)得以实现。20A.told BdeclareCproved Dshowed答案:C女孩的成功证明了(proved)一切皆有可能。短文改错Last Sunday I am about to leave the Green Lake Park when I met a foreign visitor whose seemed to be

29、 lost. I tried to help him but I found we had difficulty in understand each other because of my poor English. Just at that moment, tall young lady came to our help. He spoke very good English. With her help, the foreign visitor finally found the way but I learned some English as well. Before he left

30、, the foreigner thanked to us for our kindness. I was very exciting that day. This experience have made me realize that English is real useful and worth learning. I will work hard at it from now on.答案:Last Sunday I about to leave the Green Lake Park when I met a foreign visitor seemed to be lost. I

31、tried to help him but I found we had difficulty in each other because of my poor English. Just at that moment, tall young lady came to our help. spoke very good English. With her help, the foreign visitor finally found the way I learned some English as well. Before he left, the foreigner thanked us

32、for our kindness. I was very that day. This experience made me realize that English is useful and worth learning. I will work hard at it from now on.难项分析:第二处:whosewho/that考查定语从句的引导词。when引导的句子是一个含有定语从句的复合句,定语从句修饰先行词a foreign visitor,引导词在从句中作主语,故将whose改为who或that。第四处:tall前加a考查不定冠词。此处表示“一个高个子年轻女士”前来帮助,为泛指概念,应用“a/an单数可数名词”,tall的发音是以辅音音素开头的,故应加a。第八处:excitingexcited考查过去分词作表语。exciting用来描述事物的本身的特征;excited用来描述人的主观心理活动,意为“(觉得)激动的,兴奋的”,故将现在分词改为过去分词。


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