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1、云南省昆明市“三诊一模”2020届高三英语复习教学质量检测试题(含解析)注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上,并认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名、考场号、座位号及科目,在规定的位置贴好条形码。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡交回。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项

2、中,选出最佳选项。AKALW On-Air Folk Festival Sat. May 16Join us on Saturday May 16th from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. for over three hours of continuous live music. The Folk Festival is presented by KALWs music hosts Jo Ann Mar, Kevin Vance, and Peter Thompson. Heres the line-up:3:00 p.m.Briana di Mara is a violinist

3、who performs in a wide variety of traditional styles including Celtic, Balkan, Turkish and Arabic. Shell be playing songs from her first recording Haven.3:45 p.m.Paper Wings is the duo (搭档)of Emily Mann and Wilhelmina Frankzerda, two young famous musicians, harmonizing together on songs inspired by

4、old-time and traditional styles. Well hear them perform songs from their new upcoming release Clementine.4:15 p.m.Miko Marks is an enthusiastic singer. At the start of her career, she was praised as a hot new artist breaking the sound barriers in music by the magazine Ebony. Miko got a standing welc

5、ome last year at the Freighfs 50th anniversary concert in front of a full house.5:00 p.m.Mokai plays original country music. Accompanying himself on finger-style guitar, he tells old stories and rhymes freely. He mixes the strange and beautiful into traditional performances through his songs.5:30 p.

6、m.The Wildcat Mountain Rambers are a bluegrass band based in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Chad Johnson, Mark Wardenburg, Robert Cornelius, Suzanne Suwanda, and Alex Mayers will be previewing their upcoming appearances at the Brookdale Bluegrass Festival.6:00 p.m.Forest Sun returns to KALW. His home is

7、in the Bay Area and around the world. A second-generation folkie, he comes from the school of Do-It-Yourself writing his own songs, recording and releasing his work, giving global performances, and gaining a following.1. When can we enjoy the songs from Clementina?A. At 3:00 p.m.B. At 3:45 p.m.C. At

8、 4:15 p.m.D. At 5:30 p.m.2. Who favors the country music lovers?A. Briana di Mara.B. Miko Marks.C. Mokai.D. Alex Mayers.3. What do we know about Forest Sun?A. He has toured the world.B. He is on a bluegrass band.C. He was praised by Ebony.D. He performs modem songs.【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A【解析】这是一篇应用文。文章主要

9、介绍了一场于5月16日下午3点至6点举办的超过3小时的现场音乐的节目单。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第三段内容“Well hear them perform songs from their new upcoming release Clementine.”可知,在3:45pm将听到他们演唱即将发布的新专辑克莱门汀中的歌曲。故选B项。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第五段内容“5:00 p.m. Mokai plays original country music.( 下午五点,莫凯演奏原汁原味的乡村音乐。)”可知,莫凯会带来乡村音乐,因此他更偏爱乡村音乐爱好者。故选C项。【3题详解】细节

10、理解题。根据文章末尾段落内容“A second-generation folkie, he comes from the school of Do-It-Yourself writing his own songs, recording and releasing his work, giving global performances, and gaining a following.( 作为第二代民谣歌手,他来自于自己创作歌曲的学校,录制并发布自己的作品,在全球范围内表演,并赢得了一批追随者。)”可知,他做了全球巡演。故选A项。BI was sitting in an airport wh

11、en a woman behind me asked, “Whats the best gift youve ever got?” I closed the magazine Id paid too much for and listened for an answer. “What do you mean, like the best birthday present?” a young man said, “Probably the gold coin I got for graduation.”I threw my magazine onto a neighboring chair an

12、d thought about the question. Whats the best gift Ive ever got? Good health aside, when it comes to material objects, for me the answer is easy. It was a high school graduation present, gift-wrapped and hand-delivered by my grandfather. He handed it to me and said, “Stay close to the land. Dont be a

13、fraid to dig in and get a little dirt on you.”That fall, I went off to college and that shiny new green-handled spade with the silver blade (刀刃)hung untouched on the wall in my parents, garage. A few years later, I had my own family and that graduation spade made its way from my folks5 garage into m

14、y own. I dug gardens, planted trees, roses and bushes. The spade was nothing but a tool.The years rolled by. The spade has lost some of its color and Ive added some gray, but I still dig hard into the earth, more often than ever. Its more than a trusted workout partner. Its a reminder of my family,

15、one proudly rooted in agriculture. Its a useful tool with a memorable message about staying close to the earth. Priceless!A few months from now, my daughter will finish graduate school, and she has already had a job waiting in another city. Shes knowledge-rich but cash-poor, and though shes expectin

16、g nothing from me, I have something valuable to give her before she moves away. Itll be wrapped of course, and itll be worth the weight in gold.4. Why did the author mention his experience in the airport?A. To compare his gift with the mans.B. To introduce the topic of the text.C. To recall his grad

17、uation ceremony.D. To share his way of killing time.5. How was the spade dealt with at first?A. It was hung on the wall.B. It was sold for gold coins.C. It was used to plant trees.D. It was wrapped without touch.6. What does the author consider the spade?A. A practical garden tool.B. An ordinary wor

18、kout partner.C. A very precious present.D. A reminder of his school life.7. What can we infer from the text?A. The family makes a living by farming.B. The spade is kept in the garage at present.C. The author gradually changed his attitude to life.D The spade will be passed down to the next generatio

19、n.【答案】4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了作者毕业时收到的最好的礼物一把铁锹,回顾了其对于自己的意义。【4题详解】推理判断题。分析可知,文章第一段提出了问题“Whats the best gift youve ever got?”,且作者在后文段落进行了详细回顾“the best gift Ive ever got”。可推知,作者讲述机场经历是为了引出本文话题“the best gift Ive ever got”。故选B项。【5题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第三段内容“That fall, I went off to college and tha

20、t shiny new green-handled spade with the silver blade hung untouched on the wall in my parents, garage.( 那年秋天,我去上大学,那把崭新的银刃绿柄铁锹完好无损地挂在父母家车库的墙上。)”可知,起初,这份礼物spade被挂在车库里。故选A项。【6题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第四段末尾内容“Its a reminder of my family, one proudly rooted in agriculture. Its a useful tool with a memorable messa

21、ge about staying close to the earth. Priceless!( 这让我想起了我的家庭,一个以农业为荣的家庭。这是一个有用的工具,它传达了贴近地球的令人难忘的信息。无价的!)”可知,在作者看来,这把铁锹是无价之宝。故选C项。【7题详解】推理判断题。根据文章末尾段落内容“A few months from now, my daughter will finish graduate school, and she has already had a job waiting in another city. Shes knowledge-rich but cash-p

22、oor, and though shes expecting nothing from me, I have something valuable to give her before she moves away. Itll be wrapped of course, and itll be worth the weight in gold.( 再过几个月,我女儿就要毕业了,她已经在另一个城市找到了一份工作。她知识渊博,但手头拮据。虽然她对我没有任何期望,但在她搬走之前,我有一些有价值东西要送给她。它当然会被包裹起来,而且它会值那么多金子。)”可知,作者的女儿要毕业了,作者将会把自己毕业时收

23、到的最好毕业礼物铁锹作为毕业礼物送给自己的女儿。故选D项。CRunning after fireflies (萤火虫)on a warm summer night might become a rare childhood memory if humans dont take action. There are over 2,000 different firefly species around the world, but their populations are decreasing due to artificial light pollution, pesticides (杀虫剂)

24、and smaller habitat size.A team of Tufts University-led researchers surveyed scientists and conservationists about the threats to firefly populations around the world. According to the study, one of the main threats to fireflies in East Asia and South America is artificial light. Fireflies light up

25、to attract mates, but they can easily mistake human-made lights as potential partners. Adult fireflies typically live only a few days, which doesnt give them long to find a mate.Humans destroying the insects natural habitats creates another threat. During their larval phase (幼虫期),Malaysian fireflies

26、 live in riverside bushes that are often pulled out for human-made fish farms. In Europe, Lampyris fireflies are finding less food to eat due to the growing urbanization of what were once woods and farmlands. In Malaysia, adult pteroptyx fireflies that usually prefer to mate in specific trees next t

27、o rivers have to find new mating areas because the trees are being knocked down for farmhouses.The study also looked at the effects of climate change, tourism, invasive (侵入的)species and water pollution. On a positive note, while fireflies around the world seem to be suffering from the previously men

28、tioned issues, Big Dipper fireflies living in the US happen to be booming. Those guys can survive pretty much anywhere,said Sara Lewis, a biologist from Tufts University.The study urges countries where firefly populations are dwindling to take measures to preserve suitable habitats, lessen light pol

29、lution, reduce use of pesticides and develop better guidelines for tourism around known firefly areas.8. What mainly causes the drop of the firefly population in East Asia?A. Light pollution.B. Habitat loss.C Climate change.D. Food shortage.9. Which of the following is more likely to adapt to the en

30、vironment?A. The Malaysian firefly.B. The Lampyris firefly.C. The Pteroptyx firefly.D. The Big Dipper firefly.10. What does the underlined word “dwindling” in paragraph 5 mean?A. on the riseB. on the decreaseC. under controlD. out of control11. What does the text mainly talk about?A. Watching firefl

31、ies is a rare childhood memory.B. Cooperation is the key to firefly protection.C. Urbanization becomes a main threat to fireflies.D. Human activities lead to less firefly population.【答案】8. A 9. D 10. B 11. D【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了人类的行为包括光污染、杀虫剂和更小的栖息地使得萤火虫的数量减少。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第二段第2句内容“According to the

32、study, one of the main threats to fireflies in East Asia and South America is artificial light.”可知东亚和南美洲的萤火虫面临的主要威胁之一是人造光。因此,这一地区萤火虫数量减少的原因应是光污染。故选A项。【9题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第四段第2句内容“On a positive note, while fireflies around the world seem to be suffering from the previously mentioned issues, Big Dipper fi

33、reflies living in the US happen to be booming. Those guys can survive pretty much anywhere,said Sara Lewis, a biologist from Tufts University.( 积极的一面是,当世界各地的萤火虫似乎都在遭受上述问题的困扰时,生活在美国的北斗七星萤火虫却在蓬勃发展。塔夫茨大学的生物学家萨拉刘易斯说:“这些家伙几乎可以在任何地方生存。)”可知生活在美国的北斗七星萤火虫几乎可以在任何地方生存而使得它们数量激增。因此可知,北斗七星萤火虫能够适应环境。故选D项。【10题详解】词义

34、猜测题。分析可知,划线单词所在句“where firefly populations are dwindling”应是之前名词的areas的定语从句,根据主句“The study urges countries to take measures to preserve suitable habitats, lessen light pollution, reduce use of pesticides and develop better guidelines for tourism around known firefly areas.”可知该研究敦促这些国家采取措施,保护合适的栖息地,减少

35、光污染,减少杀虫剂的使用,并制定更好的指南,在已知的萤火虫地区周围旅游。因此可知,这些国家应是萤火虫数量在减少的国家。可推知划线单词“dwindling”应有“减少;下降”等含义,与选项B. on the decrease(在减少)表达含义一致。故选B项。【11题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章结构为总分结构,首段提出了本文的话题中心“There are over 2,000 different firefly species around the world, but their populations are decreasing due to artificial light pol

36、lution, pesticides and smaller habitat size.( 世界上有超过2000种不同种类的萤火虫,但是由于人为的光污染、杀虫剂和更小的栖息地,它们的数量正在减少。)”,可知本文主要讲述了人类的行为使得萤火虫的数量减少。选项D.Human activities lead to less firefly population.合理概括了文章主旨要义。故选D项。DSwiss researchers have developed a machine that can keep human livers (肝脏)alive outside of the body for

37、 one week. At present, technology and methods are only able to keep human livers alive for up to 24 hours. The new machine is able to keep the liver active by performing several functions normally carried out by the human body.Scientists from the University of Zurich in Switzerland developed the mac

38、hine. The researchers say the purpose of their “Liver4Lifb” machine is to perform what they call liver perfusion (灌注)operations outside of the human body. Perfusion is the process by which blood or other fluids are pumped through organs and tissue. The machine keeps the liver at the right temperatur

39、e and moves it in a way that would be natural in the body. It uses a pump to fill the liver with blood acting like a replacement for a human heart. The machine also provides oxygen to the organ, controls red blood cell levels and removes waste.The research team began their experiments using livers f

40、rom pigs. After repeated testing and engineering development, the team said it was able to get the pig livers to survive for seven days with support only provided from the Liver4Life machine.They also discovered that the system can work to repair damaged livers. In one test, the team connected the m

41、achine to 10 injured human livers that had been rejected for transplantation by all European medical centers. After seven days of perfusion treatment from the machine, six of the human livers fully regained important liver functions, the researchers reported.The success of this unique perfusion syst

42、em, developed over a four-year period by a group of surgeons, biologists and engineers, clears the way for many new applications in transplantation and cancer medicine, helping patients with no liver grafts (移植)available.12. How does the machine keep the liver active?A. By pumping to fill it with ki

43、nds of medicine.B. By balancing the temperature of the body.C. By providing blood for the liver like a heart.D. By controlling its white blood cell levels.13. What do we know about the system?A. It took researchers four periods to invent it.B. It is designed to repair damaged livers.C. Its possible

44、that it may have a bright future.D. It needs more evidence to prove its functions.14. In which section of a newspaper may the text appear?A. Education.B. Environment.C. Psychology.D. Technology.15. Whats the best title for the text?A. New Machine Keeps Livers Alive for Full WeekB. Ways to Cure Liver

45、 Diseases Have Been FoundC. Animals are Used to Do Experiments in SwitzerlandD. Six Human Livers Fully Regained Their Functions【答案】12. C 13. C 14. D 15. A【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一项新的研究-独特的灌注系统可以让人的肝脏在体外存活一周。【12题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第一段末尾句内容“The new machine is able to keep the liver active by performing several f

46、unctions normally carried out by the human body.( 这种新机器能够通过执行人体通常执行的几种功能来保持肝脏的活性。)”且文章第二段内容提及“It uses a pump to fill the liver with blood acting like a replacement for a human heart.( 它利用一个泵将血液注入肝脏,就像人的心脏一样。)”可知,这部机器通过向肝脏提供人体机能比如供血维持其活性。故选C项。【13题详解】推理判断题。根据文章末尾段落内容“The success of this unique perfusi

47、on system, developed over a four-year period by a group of surgeons, biologists and engineers, clears the way for many new applications in transplantation and cancer medicine, helping patients with no liver grafts available.( 这一独特的灌注系统是由一组外科医生、生物学家和工程师历时四年开发的,它的成功为移植和癌症医学的许多新应用扫清了道路,帮助没有肝脏移植的病人。)”可知

48、,该系统可以帮助移植肝脏,因此可推知它的前景良好。C项“Its possible that it may have a bright future(它有可能有一个光明的未来)”属于依据文章作出的合理推断。故选C项。【14题详解】推理判断题。根据文章主要介绍一个新的研究发明-perfusion system,可以帮助肝脏在人体外存活一周,因此可推知,文章涉及科技话题。故选D项。【15题详解】主旨大意题。根据文章结构为总分结构,首段提出本文话题“Swiss researchers have developed a machine that can keep human livers alive o

49、utside of the body for one week.( 瑞士研究人员开发出一种机器,可以使人体肝脏在体外存活一周。)”,且后文对此进行了详细的介绍。因此选项A“New Machine Keeps Livers Alive for Full Week(新机器能使肝脏存活一个星期)”合理概括了文章主题,可作最佳标题。故选A项。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Five Ways to Reduce Food WastePlan AheadBefore you head out for your w

50、eekly shop, create a meal plan for the week. Think about what you are going to cook each day and how you are going to use the leftovers._16_, make a shopping list and most importantly, stick to it!Shop SmartShopping smart may sound simple, but it is an important way to reduce food waste. When you go

51、 food shopping, avoid overbuying as this can lead to throwing food away._17_. It may also be useful to take a photo of your fridge and cupboards to remind you of what you already have. _18_When purchasing fresh food products, be sure to check the use-by dates to make you have enough time to use it a

52、nd avoid any waste. If a product is labelled “best before”,it is a guideline and is about quality, not safety. The food will be safe to eat but may not be at its best.Freeze Your LeftoversWhen you cook a big meal, make sure to save the leftovers and eat them at a later date. You should label your le

53、ftovers so you can keep track of how long theyve been in your fridge._19_ .Get Smart with Storage_20_ For example, fruit should be stored in the fridge, except bananas and pineapples. It will extend its life and make it fresh and crisp for snacking on. And potatoes and onions are not friends, as the

54、y produce gases which spoil each other. Both should be stored separately in cool, dry, dark places.A. Check Use-By DatesB. Avoid Wasting FoodC. Once you have planned your mealsD. If you want to store fruits and vegetablesE. Storing your food in the right way can extend its lifeF. It means shopping m

55、ore often and buying less each timeG. Adding them to your daily meal plans saves yourself time and money【答案】16. C 17. F 18. A 19. G 20. E【解析】【分析】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了5种减少食物浪费的方法。【16题详解】根据本段小标题“Plan Ahead”可知,本段在讲述提前做好购买计划以减少浪费。选项C“Once you have planned your meals(一旦你计划好了你的饮食)”贴合主题,且与后文“make a shopping list

56、 and most importantly, stick to it!( 列一个购物清单,最重要的是,坚持下去!)”形成条件关系,符合逻辑分析。故选C项。【17题详解】根据本段小标题“Shop Smart”以及前文“When you go food shopping, avoid overbuying as this can lead to throwing food away.( 当你去买食物的时候,不要买太多,因为这样会导致食物被扔掉)”可知本段强调“明智购物”,即一次不买太多以免浪费,但可以增加购物频率。选项F. It means shopping more often and buyi

57、ng less each time.( 这意味着多去购物,每次少购买)符合主题,且对小标题进行了合理解释,可作支持句。故选F项。【18题详解】设空句为本段小标题。根据空后内容“When purchasing fresh food products, be sure to check the use-by dates to make you have enough time to use it and avoid any waste.( 购买新鲜食品时,一定要检查保质期,确保有足够的时间使用,避免浪费。)”可知,本段主要话题为“保质期”。选项A. Check Use-By Dates合理概括了本

58、段主题。故选A项。【19题详解】根据前文“You should label your leftovers so you can keep track of how long theyve been in your fridge. (你应该给你的剩菜贴上标签,这样你就可以知道它们在你的冰箱里放了多久了。)”可知,本段主题与如何处理“剩菜”有关,贴上标签是为了以后方便食用。选项G. Adding them to your daily meal plans saves yourself time and money(将它们添加到你的日常饮食计划中可以节省你的时间和金钱)提到其作用,且选项中的them

59、与前文“leftovers”呼应,符合本段语境。故选G项。【20题详解】根据本段小标题“Get Smart with Storage”可知,本段的话题为合理存储食物以免造成浪费,选项E. Storing your food in the right way can extend its life(以正确的方式储存食物可以延长食物的寿命)可为小标题的进一步解释,并与后文“For example, fruit should be stored in the fridge, except bananas and pineapples. It will extend its life and make

60、 it fresh and crisp for snacking on. And potatoes and onions are not friends, as they produce gases which spoil each other. Both should be stored separately in cool, dry, dark places.( 例如,水果应该储存在冰箱里,除了香蕉和菠萝。它将延长它的寿命,使它新鲜和脆的零食。土豆和洋葱也不是好朋友,因为它们会产生相互破坏的气体。两者应分别存放在阴凉、干燥、黑暗的地方。)”举例相呼应。故选E项。【点睛】标题结构好判断。如果

61、考查段落标题,先看看其他标题的语言形式,同一文章中的几个段落小标题基本上是同一语言形式。如果其他标题是名词短语,该题答案也是名词短语;如果其他标题是祈使句,该题答案也是祈使句。比如文章第3小题: _3_When purchasing fresh food products, be sure to check the use-by dates to make you have enough time to use it and avoid any waste. If a product is labelled “best before”,it is a guideline and is abou

62、t quality, not safety. The food will be safe to eat but may not be at its best.A. Check Use-By Dates本题要求选小标题。观察其他标题都是祈使句结构,因此本标题也应是祈使句结构;七个选项中只有A, B是祈使句结构,这样就可大大缩小选择范围;浏览两个选项,再看空后文字,发现“check the use-by dates”为本段主题。故选A项。第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入

63、空白处的最佳选项。When Tom saw his fathers hair turn gray overnight after a deadly accident during a surgery his father performed in 1993, he decided to never _21_medical school. However, today, Tom is an anesthesiologist (麻醉师)at a famous hospital.In 2019, the 20th year since he_22_ the field, Tom wrote a le

64、tter to his father, who passed away over two decades ago. The son recalled his dads final_23_.“Although there are so many _24_, I hope you become an anesthesiologist.”Toms father told him,“Surgeons cant_25_ without anesthesiologists. The risk of anesthesia is high, and no one wants to do it. You are

65、 my son. I hope you can carry this_26_with courage.”In the letter, Tom recalls several events that_27_both of their careers. As a skillful surgeon, his father_28_high praise from his patients. But two deadly medical incidents_29_his life. Tom also_30_two events when his patients nearly died during s

66、urgery. Thanks to _31_in the field, both were saved. He wonders if_32_technology could have saved his fathers patients and if he might have been more_33_to enter medical school. The 45-year-old,s biggest _34_is that he could not work alongside his father. “_35_, improved anesthesiology means the dis

67、tance between us as father and son is_36_a little more,”Tom writes in the letter.The letter_37_him the 2019 Wakley-Wu Lien Teh Prize, which aims to give a_38_to doctors to tell their own stories and_39_their concerns. The Lancet, one of the worlds leading medical journals, comments that Toms essay s

68、hows a_40_voice to tell clinical truths that inform and encourage.21. A. look forB. apply forC. pay forD. wait for22. A. openedB. foundC. enteredD. left23. A. wordsB. goalsC. promiseD. decision24. A. factsB. jobsC. opportunitiesD. difficulties25. A. workB. judgeC. surviveD. study26. A. knowledgeB. p

69、lanC. burdenD. letter27. A. developedB. shapedC. managedD. proved28. A. demandedB. ignoredC. receivedD. refused29. A. exposedB. controlledC. improvedD. changed30. A. sharedB. experiencedC. spottedD. appreciated31. A. researchesB. resultsC. advancesD. standards32. A. amazingB. majorC. temporaryD. con

70、temporary33. A. curiousB. gratefulC. willingD. responsible34. A. secretB. regretC. complaintD. wish35. A. FortunatelyB. EventuallyC. ImmediatelyD. Especially36. A. wideningB. arisingC. sinkingD. disappearing37. A. madeB. showedC. wonD. passed38. A. voiceB. suggestionC. choiceD. task39. A. assessB. e

71、xpressC. exchangeD. repeat40. A. powerfulB. sweetC. familiarD. soft【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. A【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了主人公Tom作为麻醉师在一封写给父亲的信里对其父亲的回顾,此信使他获得了奖项,并受到了好评。【21题详解】考查动词词组辨析。句意:1993年,在进行了一次致命的手术中,汤姆看到父亲的

72、头发一夜之间变白,他决定永远不申请医学院。A. look for寻找;B. apply for申请;C. pay for付账;D. wait for等待;等候。结合后文“However, today, Tom is an anesthesiologist at a famous hospital.”可知,Tom的职业为麻醉师,应是上大学时选择的专业,且空后为“medical school”可知,应是申请大学。故选B项。【22题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:2019年,他进入这个领域第20个年头,汤姆给20多年前去世的父亲写了一封信。A. opened打开;B. found找到;C. enter

73、ed进入;D. left离开。根据语境可以理解“the field”应是麻醉师这个职业,是Tom的工作领域。故选C项。【23题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:儿子回想起父亲最后说的话。A. words话;B. goals目标;C. promise承诺;D. decision决定。根据后文“Although there are so many _4_, I hope you become an anesthesiologist.”可知,Tom在回顾父亲曾说过的话。故选A项。【24题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然有这么多的困难,我希望你成为一名麻醉师。A. facts事实;B. jobs工作;C

74、. opportunities机会;D. difficulties困难。根据后文“The risk of anesthesia is high, and no one wants to do it.”可知,麻醉师工作是有风险的,困难的。故选D项。【25题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:没有麻醉师,外科医生不能工作。A. work工作;B. judge评判;C. survive幸存;D. study学习。根据常识判断,外科手术需要麻醉。因此本句在强调没有麻醉师,外科医生就无法工作。故选A项。【26题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我希望你能勇敢地承担这个重任。A. knowledge知识;B. pl

75、an计划;C. burden负担;责任;D. letter信件;字母。根据前文“The risk of anesthesia is high, and no one wants to do it.”可知麻醉师工作是有风险的,父亲希望Tom能够做这项工作,有勇气承担起这项责任。故选C项。【27题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:在信中,汤姆回忆了几件影响他们两人职业生涯的事件。A. developed发展;养成;B. shaped塑造;影响;C. managed管理;成功做成某事;D. proved证明;显示。根据后文“But two deadly medical incidents_9_ _his

76、 life. Tom also_10 _two events when his patients nearly died during surgery.”可知,他回顾的事件是对自己和父亲有深刻影响的。故选B项。【28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一名熟练的外科医生,他的父亲受到了病人的高度赞扬。A. demanded强烈要求;B. ignored忽略;不理睬;C. received收到;受到;D. refused拒绝。Receive sth from sb,“从某人那里获得某物”,句中应指父亲受到病人的认可好评。故选C项。【29题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:但两起致命的医疗事故改变了他

77、的生活。A. exposed揭露;使显露;B. controlled控制;C. improved提高;改善;D. changed改变。根据前文“When Tom saw his fathers hair turn gray overnight after a deadly accident during a surgery his father performed in 1993”可知,父亲的生活由于这样的医疗事故而发生了改变。故选D项。【30题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:汤姆也经历了他的病人在手术中差点死亡的两件事。A. shared分享;分担;B. experienced经历;体验;C.

78、 spotted发现;D. appreciated欣赏;感激。根据后文“two events when his patients nearly died during surgery. Thanks to _11_in the field, both were saved.”可知,他的两个病人差点死于外科手术中,但得益于麻醉领域的进步,他们获救了,对此,Tom的体验比较深刻。故选B项。【31题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:多亏了这一领域的发展,两人都得救了。A. researches研究;B. results结果;C. advances发展;进步;D. standards标准。根据后文“bot

79、h were saved”可知,他们获救了,应是得益于麻醉领域的进步发展。故选C项。【32题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他想知道如果现代科技可以拯救他父亲的病人,如果他更愿意进入医学院(这有多好)。 A. amazing令人惊异的;B. major 主要的;重要的;C. temporary暂时的;临时的;D. contemporary当代的;同时代的。根据句子语法结构可知,应是虚拟语气结构,表达Tom的遗憾,希望他所处的这个时代即当代的麻醉技术能够挽救父亲当时的病人。故选D项。【33题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他想知道如果现代科技可以拯救他父亲的病人,如果他更愿意进入医学院(这有多好

80、)。A. curious好奇的;B. grateful感激的;C. willing乐意的;D. responsible有责任心的。结合前文“he decided to never _1_ _medical school.”可知,由于父亲的原因,他对于上医科大学并不情愿,本句用虚拟语气结构表达了如果当时有现在的先进技术挽救父亲的病人,他会更乐意上医科大学。故选C项。【34题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位45岁的男人最大的遗憾是他不能和父亲一起工作。A. secret秘密;B. regret遗憾;后悔;C. complaint 抱怨;投诉;D. wish希望。根据前文“who passed a

81、way over two decades ago”可知,父亲已经过世,不能与父亲一起工作成为最大的遗憾。故选B项。【35题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:“幸运的是,改进的麻醉学意味着我们父子之间的距离正在进一步消失,”汤姆在信中写道。A. Fortunately幸运地;B. Eventually最终;C. Immediately立即;马上;D. Especially尤其;特别。结合前文“he decided to never _1_ _medical school.”可知,由于父亲的原因,他对于上医科大学并不情愿,与父亲之间有隔阂;且后文提及“improved anesthesiology m

82、eans the distance between us as father and son is_16_a little more”由于麻醉学的进步,使得能够理解父亲了,这是幸运的。故选A项。【36题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“幸运的是,进步的麻醉学意味着我们父子之间的距离正在进一步消失,”汤姆在信中写道。A. widening拉大(不同或差距);B. arising出现;C. sinking使沉没; 下沉;D. disappearing消失。结合语境“The 45-year-olds biggest _14B_is that he could not work alongside hi

83、s father.”可知,他希望和父亲一起工作,因此,父子之间的距离感在消失。故选D项。【37题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这封信为他赢得了2019韦克利-吴连德奖,该奖项旨在让医生讲述自己的故事,表达他们的担忧。A. made制作;使让;B. showed展示;C. won赢得;D. passed经过。根据后文“Wu Lien Teh Prize”可知,他获奖了。故选C项。【38题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这封信为他赢得了2019韦克利-吴连德奖,该奖项旨在让医生讲述自己的故事,表达他们的担忧。A. voice声音;B. suggestion建议;C. choice选择;D. task

84、任务。根据后文“to tell their own stories and_19 _their concerns”可知,这个奖项是为了给与医生一个发言权讲出自己的故事。give a voice,“争取发言权”。故选A项。【39题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这封信为他赢得了2019韦克利-吴连德奖,该奖项旨在让医生讲述自己的故事,表达他们的担忧。A. assess评估;B. express表达;C. exchange交换;D. repeat重复。对应并列短语“tell their own stories”,可知应选动词express。故选B项。【40题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:世界领先的

85、医学杂志之一柳叶刀评论说,汤姆的文章展示了一种强有力的声音,来讲述临床真理,提供信息和鼓励。A. powerful强大的;B. sweet甜蜜的;C. familiar熟悉的;D. soft柔软的;温和的。根据后文“tell clinical truths that inform and encourage”评论其文章具有鼓励性,因此可知应用形容词powerful作为定语修饰。故选A项。第二节(共10小题;每小题L5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Many adults advise children not to color on clothi

86、ng._41_, Rebecca Bonner from Texas not only encouraged her students to draw on her dress, but she also wore it twice to display childrens artwork.As an art teacher at McAuliffe Elementary School, she said she_42_(simple) got the inspiration for her dress from a chat with another art teacher. Bonners

87、 students_43_(allow) to paint using Sharpies and fabric markers on a plain white dress she bought online.My kids loved taking part in_44_(design) my dress. We talked about how to respect each other5s artwork. I was fond_45_watching my kids design it.” She said the purpose of the dress was to build_4

88、6_(excite) about art.Photos of her dress gained popularity soon after Bonners daughter posted_47_(they) online. “Im not really sure how it became known by so many people,” Bonner said.Bonner is so creative_48_most of the comments on the post are from college age_49_(student) who want to be teachers

89、like her. She also said she was pleased_50_(play) a small role in inspiring future leaders and creators.【答案】41. However 42. simply 43. were allowed 44. designing 45. of 46. excitement 47. them 48. that 49. students 50. to play【解析】【分析】这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了一位美术老师鼓励学生参与涉及自己的裙子,而她的女儿将她的婚纱照片传到网上后,这些照片迅速走红而得到了

90、很多大学生的认可。【41题详解】考查副词。句意:然而,来自德克萨斯州的Rebecca Bonner不仅鼓励她的学生在她的裙子上画画,而且她还穿着它两次展示孩子们的艺术作品。分析可知,前后句为转折关系,空在句首,应用转折副词。故填However。【42题详解】考查副词。句意:作为麦考利夫小学的一名美术老师,她说她的设计灵感只是来自与另一名美术老师的交谈。分析可知,所填空应是副词作状语起到强调作用,simply,副词,可意为“仅仅;只是”。故填simply。【43题详解】考查时态和被动语态。句意:Bonner的学生们被允许在她从网上购买的一件素色白色连衣裙上用锐利的颜料和织物记号笔作画。分析可知,

91、所填空应是句子谓语,且与主语之间为被动关系,结合语境可知,应是一般过去时被动。故填were allowed。【44题详解】考查动名词。句意:我的孩子们喜欢参与设计我的衣服。take part in doing,“参加做某事”。故填designing。【45题详解】考查介词。句意:我喜欢看我的孩子们设计它。be fond of,“爱好;喜爱”。故填of。【46题详解】考查名词。句意:她说,这条裙子的目的是为了激发人们对艺术的兴趣。分析可知,about为介词,之后应接名词作宾语。故填excitement。【47题详解】考查人称代词。句意:Bonner的女儿将她的婚纱照片传到网上后,这些照片迅速走红

92、。分析可知,posted为动词,之后接人称代词宾格形式作宾语。故填them。【48题详解】考查结果状语从句。句意:Bonner是如此的有创造力,以至于帖子上的大多数评论都来自一些大学生,他们想成为像她一样的老师。sothat+从句,“如此以致于”。故填that。【49题详解】考查名词复数。句意:Bonner是如此的有创造力,以至于帖子上的大多数评论都来自一些大学生,他们想成为像她一样的老师。student为可数名词,此处应用复数形式。故填students。【50题详解】考查动词不定式。句意:她还表示,她很高兴能在激励未来的领导者和创造者方面扮演一个小角色。be+adj.+to do,“对做某事

93、感到”。故填to play。【点睛】语法填空之谓语动词的填写有提示词与主语构成主谓结构判断要填的动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词,句子没有别的谓语动词,或者虽然已有谓语动词,但所填的动词与之是并列关系时,所给动词在句子中作谓语,就要考虑时态和语态。有时也要根据语境判断是否要变成名词或否定含义。比如文章第3小题:Bonners students_3_(allow) to paint using Sharpies and fabric markers on a plain white dress she bought online.空后有提示动词“allow”,分析可知应是谓语动词,与之前主语为被动关

94、系,结合后文“she bought online”可知应是一般过去时,故填were allowed。第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)51.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写岀修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第1处起)不计分。Online lea

95、rning provides a excellent choice for us students who are unable to attend classes during regularly hours. It meets your needs with a teacher on the scheduled time. Connecting the Internet, we can take online courses on equipments such as mobile phones. It is also of great use to those whom would li

96、ke to take additional lessons. The distance education offer a platform of communication to both teachers and students participated in courses. Even if we dont have time to sit at a desk, and we can learn conveniently. When we had a problem, we can easily work it with the help of the teachers online.



99、学生提供了交流的平台。分析可知,句子主语为“the distance education”,为第三人称单数,因此谓语应用第三人称单数形式。故将offer改为offers。7.考查非谓语。句意:远程教育为参与课程的教师和学生提供了交流的平台。分析可知,“participate in courses”应是之前名词短语“teachers and students”的后置定语,与其之间为主动关系,应用现在分词形式。故将participated改为participating。8.考查句子结构和连词。句意:即使我们没有时间坐在书桌前,我们也可以很方便地学习。分析可知,“Even if we dont ha

100、ve time to sit at a desk, and we can learn conveniently.”中even if引导让步状语从句,主句为we can learn conveniently,无需连词and连接。故将and删掉。9.考查时态。句意:当我们有问题的时候,我们可以很容易地解决它在网上老师的帮助下。结合句意和语境可知,本文使用一般现在时。故将had改为have。10.考查介词。句意:当我们有问题的时候,我们可以很容易地解决它在网上老师的帮助下。work out,固定结构,“解决;算出”,代词宾格形式应放在短语中间。故在it后加out。【点睛】短文改错之代词误用代词误用在

101、短文改错中属于高频错误。如果某一代词根本无所指,或与其指代的实词意义不一致那么就需要对其进行纠正。比如文章第3处错误:Online learning provides a excellent choice for us students who are unable to attend classes during regularly hours. It meets your needs with a teacher on the scheduled time.结合句意可知,“It meets your needs with a teacher on the scheduled time.”句

102、中的形容词性物主代词应与之前的名词“us students”保持一致,即第一人称,此处用错,需要纠正,故改为our。第二节 书面表达(满分25分)52.假如你是某英文报社的小记者李华,请你报道你校本周开展的题为“保护野生动物”的征文活动。内容包括:1.活动目的;2.征文情况。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_【答案】 This week our school held an essay contest whose theme is protecting wild animals. The purpose of this activity is to raise s

103、tudents awareness of caring for wild animals, especially endangered ones.The activity attracted a number of students. A total of 300 articles were received, all of which were submitted through the Internet. There are different styles of essays, including novels, poems, and letters. Some students exp

104、ressed their great concern for the situation of wild animals, and others put forward a wide variety of measures to protect them.The students have come to realize the importance of protecting wild animals through the activity.【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生报道本校本周开展的题为“保护野生动物”的征文活动。详解】第一步:审题体裁:应用文时态:根据提示,时态应

105、为一般过去时和一般现在时。结构:总分法总分法指把主题句作为总说,把支持句作为分说,并以这种方式安排所写内容。要求:1.写作背景及征文目的(an essay contest; the purpose of) 2.征文情况介绍 1)参与人数(attract a number of students) 2)征文体裁及内容(different styles of essays;express concern for;put forward measures) 3.征文效果(have come to realize)第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)hold an essay; the purpose of;

106、 raise sbs awareness of doing; a total of; express the concern for; put forward; come to realize; the importance of 第三步:连词成句1. The purpose of this activity is to raise students awareness of caring for wild animals, especially endangered ones.2. A total of 300 articles were received, all of which wer

107、e submitted through the Internet.3. Some students expressed their great concern for the situation of wild animals, and others put forward a wide variety of measures to protect them.4 The students have come to realize the importance of protecting wild animals through the activity.根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意

108、主谓一致和时态问题。第四步:连句成篇(衔接词)连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,第五步:润色修改【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。1.作者在范文中使用了较多主从复合句,如:This week our school held an essay contest whose theme is protecting wild animals.这句话运用了whose引导定语从句修饰先行词an essay contest。A total of 300 articles were received, all of which were submitted through the Internet.这句话运用了介词+which引导非限制性定语从句。2.使用了一些固定词组,如hold an essay; the purpose of; raise sbs awareness of doing; a total of; express the concern for; put forward; come to realize; the importance of等。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外,文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。


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