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1、高一册122单元阶段测试.语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(2009湖北省八校第二次联考)1storm A. comfortable B. editor C. afford D. world2paragraph A. character B. cast C. distance D. operate3examine A. exist B. excited C. exercise D. expert4packet A. develop B. immediately C. collect D. comedy5sugar A. sign B. peasant C. island D. Asi

2、a答案15 CBADD.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)6What _ to them?They appeared _ in the accident.A. happened; to have been injuredB. had happened; to be injuredC. happened; injuredD. have happened; to be injured7Questions and exercises are given by the computer, which decides _ to move the student ahead, review a

3、n easier level _ give more work on the same level.A. both; andB. whether; orC. not only; but D. either; or8From the date _ on the gold coin, we decided that it was made five hundred years ago.A. marking B. markedC. to be marked D. having been marked9Flight BA123 to Vienna is now boarding at _.A. Gat

4、e 21 B. 21st GateC. the Gate 21 D. 21 Gate10How did you find him out?I _ his name by chance on the list.A. came down B. came aboutC. came up D. came across11Do you know when the Chinese custom _ from?Its hard to say. But its characteristics _ the Tang Period.A. began; prove B. started; showC. is; ap

5、pear D. dates; suggest12All the preparations for the project _, and were ready to start.A. completed B. had been completedC. complete D. have been completed13The expert said she _ Xinjiang to join the development of the West Regions the next month.A. had left for B. left forC. was leaving for D. wou

6、ld leave for14Everybody in our hometown, men and women, young and old, _ sports and games.A. are fond of B. joinsC. enjoys D. go in for15If you _ talk about it with me, please wait till I finish my work at hand.A. can B. mayC. must D. should16Some of the drivers were also _ by the police because of

7、their good behavior in the traffic accident.A. examined B. questionedC. praised D. punished17Gina, _ Mr. Brown wanted you on _ phone just now.Mr. Brown? Who is he?A. a; the B. /; theC. a; a D. /; a18_ than a century ago _ of the things were doing now were thought impossible.A. More; much B. Fewer; f

8、ewC. Longer; more D. Less; many19Yesterday evening I came across the man _ you think is pleased to _.A. whom; get along withB. who; work withC. whom; be talked withD. who; talk20How about some more coffee?Its very kind of you. _.A. Thats all rightB. It tastes nice and sweetC. Just a little, pleaseD.

9、 I enjoyed it very much答案6A。what (has) happened to them? “他们怎么啦?”appear to do/have done.“似乎做/做了”,此处为被动,“被伤到”。7B。分析题干,“move.review.give”表示选择,并非表示并列,whether to do A or do B表示“是还是”。8B。过去分词短语作定语,表被动。9A。英语中的习惯用语“21号门”应该为“Gate 21”,因为21号门已经确定了,故不应加冠词。10D。come across“碰巧遇到”。11D。date from“可追溯到”,在句中做谓语时,用一般时态。

10、suggest此处“指明,提示了”。12D。由语意可知此处应用完成时,且是被动形式。13C。表示动态的动词,如begin, start, leave, go, come等用于进行时表将来时。14C。主语为everybody,第三人称单数,动词应用enjoys。15C。考查情态动词。语境:如果你非要和我谈论这件事,请等我完成手头的工作。此处must表示“非要,一定要”。16C。考查词义辨析。从后面的good behavior可知是“受表扬”,而不是“检查、问讯或惩罚”。17A。在对话中考查冠词。泛指某个人或物时,用some, a certain, a Mr. Sb.等。表达“某人有电话”时,用“

11、sb. is wanted on the phone”,这里的the表特指。18D。many of the名词复数意为“中的许多”;much of the不可数名词。19B。you think是插入语,干扰思维,后面应是定语从句,sb. is pleased to work with“与某人一起工作很愉快”。20C。由Its very kind of you.可知说话者接受了对方服务,故选C。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)(2009福建质检)I was working on my usual Sunday afternoon shift at the bakery. Th

12、e flow of _21_ rushed to finish weekend shopping in order to return home _22_ to prepare supper or watch the football game. I _23_ on my job of stamping hundreds of bags for the coming holiday weekend _24_ I heard a weak voice, “Excuse me, Miss.” I _25_ up to see an elderly man standing before me. H

13、e _26_ asked if he could have a tart(果馅饼). I went to fetch the tart and placed it in a box.“Three dollars, please,” I told him. The man looked _27_ and began shaking his head. This is one of the most awkward _28_, because you want to give the dessert away, but cannot. He apologized, saying he would

14、not _29_ more than expected on a tart._30_ I felt upset, I waited on the customer behind him, a woman who asked for various breads and desserts _31_ a dinner party she was hosting. After finishing her _32_, she asked if I would _33_ adding a tart to her bill and placing it in a _34_ box. My curiosit

15、y grew as I handed it to her. She paid, _35_ me and walked away.I _36_ to stamping bags, but I couldnt concentrate. I could not stop thinking about the little old man who could not, or _37_ not, spend three dollars on a dessert.Just then, I saw the woman giving the man _38_ muchdesired tart. His fac

16、e _39_, brilliant and appreciative. _40_ her kindness, he reached into his pocket and gave her the only thing he had: a piece of candy.21A. workers B. womenC. housewives D. customers22A. whether B. eitherC. as D. while23A. insisted B. dependedC. focused D. put24A. then B. thatC. which D. when25A. ca

17、me B. gotC. looked D. covered26A. politely B. loudlyC. proudly D. rudely27A. angry B. disappointedC. happy D. poor28A. moments B. personsC. manners D. ways29A. pay B. useC. spend D. waste30A. Because B. SinceC. Before D. Although31A. for B. inC. from D. to32A. question B. orderC. shopping D. need33A

18、. mind B. likeC. try D. consider34A. similar B. usualC. divided D. separate35A. greeted B. excusedC. thanked D. left36A. ran B. turnedC. returned D. walked37A. dared B. wouldC. should D. must38A. her B. hisC. my D. their39A. showed up B. turned upC. lit up D. lifted up40A. In honor of B. In addition

19、 toC. In place of D. In return for答案本文讲述了作者在面包店工作时看到的感人的一幕:一位老人想要一个果馅饼,却无力购买,后面的一位女士买了这种馅饼送给他,而作为回报,老人将他身上仅有的一块糖果送给了这位女士。21D。作者在面包店工作,故应为“顾客”流。22B。either.or.“或者或者”。本句意为:顾客们匆忙地结束周末购物以便回家准备晚餐或看足球赛。23C。focus on sth.“聚精会神地做某事”。下文倒数第二段的concentrate也有暗示。24D。结合语境及所提供的选项可选D。25C。look up“向上看”。26A。根据常识及句中的“aske

20、d if he could have a tart”可以判定,客人是很客气的。27B。disappointed“失望的”。通过后面的“began shaking his head”可知,他觉得太贵,有些失望,又摇头表示不要了。28A。moment“时刻”。此处表示“这是最令人尴尬的时刻之一”。29C。spend“花费(金钱、时间等)”。30D。although在此处引导让步状语从句。31A。breads and desserts for a dinner party“为晚宴准备的面包和甜点”。32B。order“订购”,shopping则指“购物”。从后面这位女顾客又要了一个果馅饼可知,她并没

21、有结束购物。33A。mind doing sth.“介意做某事”。34D。separate“分开的,单独的”。35C。此处paid, thanked and walked away为三个连续的动作。36C。return to(doing) sth.“恢复原先的活动或情况”。作者一开始就在stamp bags,中间打断了一会儿,现在又重新开始,所以用return to。37B。would在此处表示意愿,would not do sth.即“不愿做某事”。38B。根据上文可知,那位男顾客很想要这种果馅饼,但是因为贵没舍得买。39C。light up“(脸上)流露出喜悦”。40D。in return

22、 for“作为对的回报”;in honor of“出于对的敬意”;in addition to“在的基础上,除之外”;in place of“代替(某人或某物)”。.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A(2009龙岩毕业班质检)Although the 2008 US presidential elections are still a long way off, candidates are already getting ready for the campaigns ahead.For the Democrats, the two leading candidates are

23、 a surprising pair. The first is Hillary Clinton, 60, the wife of former President Bill Clinton. The second is Barack Obama, 45, a Harvard educated senator(参议员)It is the first time that the leading presidential candidates for a political party are either a woman or black. The dynamic pair has certai

24、nly gotten peoples attention.But the question remains, is America ready for either one?Its not a simple question to answer. For the past 220 years, Americans have elected only white males to the nations highest office. That can hardly be called a tradition of diversity. However, many people believe

25、that 2008 will be the year that this changes.“The white men that have been running the country recently have done such a bad job, at home and abroad,” said Dorian Cool of San Francisco, California.The polling numbers seem to back up his opinion: 86 percent of Americans say they would vote for a qual

26、ified woman. An impressive 93 percent say they would vote for a black man if he seemed right for the job. These numbers are much higher than they were just 20 years ago. They may suggest that Americans are ready to be led by a different type of person.Still, there is a lot to overcome. Although wome

27、n represent 51 percent of the American population, there are only nine female governors out of 50. Out of 100 senators, only 16 are women. The numbers are significantly lower for blacks in office.Since the American Civil War, only two blacks have been elected governor and only three have been electe

28、d to the Senate.Surely both candidates face difficult odds, but never before has there been so much support for either a female or a black candidate.As Barack Obama himself said, “There is not a black America and a white America, a Latino America and an Asian Americatheres the United States of Ameri

29、ca.” If others share his vision, maybe the United States will end up with a new type of leader.41The author considers Hillary and Barack “a surprising pair” because they are _.A. both powerfulB. both likely to winC. either a woman or blackD. either the wife of former president or a Harvard educated

30、senator42Many people expect the 2008 US presidential elections to _.A. be nothing specialB. bring changes to AmericaC. be a common political campaignD. change the tradition of diversity43Both Hillary and Barack face difficult odds mainly because _.A. few women or blacks hold high official positions

31、in American historyB. women take up 51% of the American populationC. they are either too young or oldD. they lack financial support44We can infer from the passage that _.A. Barack Obama is well educatedB. Hillary Clinton is likely to win the electionC. the two leading candidates represent different

32、partiesD. the public pay little attention to the 2008 presidential elections答案本文介绍了美国2008年总统大选中民主党的两位候选人希拉里和奥巴马。美国历史上很少有女性和黑人登上高位,因此,他们成了人们关注的焦点,但同时他们也面临着困难。41C。由第三段可知两个候选人分别是女性和黑人,这在美国历史上是第一次,因此引起了人们的关注。由此可知C项符合题意。42B。由第五段最后一句话“However, many people believe that 2008 will be the year that this chang

33、es.”可知。43A。根据倒数第四段可知,有很少的女性可以取得领导地位;根据倒数第三段可知,自从美国内战以来,只有少数的几个黑人取得了领导地位。因此,A项正确。44A。由第二段最后一句话可得出答案。B(2009南通调研测试)It was graduation day at Etihad Training Academy, where the national airline of the United Arab Emirates held a sevenweek training course for new flight attendants.Despite her obvious prid

34、e, Ms. Fathi, a 22yearold from Egypt, was amazed to find herself here. “I never in my life thought Id work abroad,” said Ms. Fathi, who was a university student in Cairo when she began noticing newspaper advertisements employing young Egyptians to work at airline based in the Persian Gulf.A decade a

35、go, unmarried Arab women like Ms. Fathi, working outside their home countries, were rare. But just as young men from poor Arab nations poured into the oilrich Persian Gulf states for jobs, more young women are doing so.Flight attendants have become the public face of the new mobility for some young

36、Arab women, just as they were the face of new freedoms for women in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s. They have become a subject of social anxiety and fascination in much the same way.For many families, allowing a daughter to work may call her virtue into question. Yet this culture is changi

37、ng, said Musa Shteiwi, a sociologist at Jordan University in Amman. “Were noticing more and more single women going to the gulf these days,” he said. “Its still not exactly common, but over the last four or five years its become quite an observable phenomenon.”Many of the young Arab women working in

38、 the Persian Gulf take delight in their status as pioneers, role models for their friends and younger female relatives. Young women brought up in a culture that highly values community, have learned to see themselves as individuals. The experience of living independently and working hard for high sa

39、laries has forever changed their beliefs about themselves, though it can also lead to a painful sense of separation from their home countries and their families.From New York Times(December 22, 2008)45It can be inferred from the passage that young Arab women _.A. go to work abroad after American wom

40、ens exampleB. didnt start to work abroad until the late 20th centuryC. are commonly used to living and working separatelyD. expect to take the same family responsibilities as men46According to the passage, the Arab women flight attendants can be described as _.A. proud, homesick or independentB. hon

41、est, outstanding or optimisticC. mature, enthusiastic or energeticD. painful, desperate or conservative47How do the public respond to young Arab womens new mobility?A. The public think highly of it.B. The public care very little about it.C. The public show both interest and anxiety.D. The public are

42、 strongly against it.48The author intends to tell the readers that _.A. Arab women can hardly find any workB. flight attendants are badly needed in the gulfC. flight attendants lead quite a different lifeD. young Arab womens values are changing答案随着社会的发展,人们的观念也在改变。10年前,外出务工的阿拉伯妇女很是罕见。如今,她们和男子一样走进了时代的

43、大潮。45B。推理判断题。根据文章第三段“A decade ago.”与文章结尾的时间:“December 22, 2008”可知阿拉伯妇女在二十世纪末才开始外出务工。46A。细节归纳题。根据文章第二段和最后一段可以得出答案。47C。细节理解题。根据文章第四段最后一句“They have become a subject of social anxiety and fascination in much the same way.”可知答案为C。48D。写作意图题。纵观全文可知本文是想告诉读者阿拉伯妇女的价值观在发生着变化。C(2009重庆)How to Be a WinnerSir Stev

44、en RedgraveWinner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals“In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes(糖尿病). Believing my career(职业生涯) was over, I felt extremely low. Then one of the specialists said there was no reason why I should stop training and competing. That was itthe encouragement I needed. I could stil

45、l be a winner if I believed in myself. I am not saying that it isnt difficult sometimes. But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasnt finished yet. Nothing is to stand in my way.”Karen PickeringSwimming World Champion“I swim 4 hours a day, 6 days a week. I manage that sort of workload by putting it

46、on top of my diary. This is the key to successyou cant follow a career in any field without being wellorganized. List what you believe you can achieve. Trust yourself, write down your goals for the day, however small they are, and youll be a step closer to achieving them.”Kirsten BestPoet & Writer“W

47、hen things are getting hard, a voice inside my head tells me that I cant achieve something. Then, there are other distractions,_such as family or hobbies. The key is to concentrate. When I feel tense, it helps a lot to repeat words such as calm, peace or focus, either out loud or silently in my mind

48、. It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence. This is a habit that can become second nature quite easily and is a powerful psychological(心理的) tool.”49What does Sir Steven Redgrave mainly talk about?A. Difficulties influenced his career.B. Specialists offered him medical advice.C. T

49、raining helped him defeat his disease.D. He overcame the shadow of illness to win.50What does Karen Pickering put on top of her diary?A. Her training schedule.B. Her daily happenings.C. Her achievements.D. Her sports career.51What does the underlined word “distractions” probably refer to?A. Ways tha

50、t help one to focus.B. Words that help one to feel less tense.C. Activities that turn ones attention away.D. Habits that make it hard for one to relax.52According to the passage, what do the three people have in common?A. Courage. B. Devotion.C. Hard work. D. Selfconfidence.答案本文用三位成功人士的话告诉读者这样一个道理:当

51、生活中遇到困难或者不顺时,要相信自己有能力克服它们,并采取一些切实可行的措施来解决问题,以取得最终的成功。49D。主旨大意题。根据第一段中Sir Steven Redgrave说的话可知,当他刚发现自己患了糖尿病的时候,意志非常消沉,认为自己的职业生涯结束了。但在一位专家的鼓励下,他重新找回了自信。由此可知,D项合理。50A。细节理解题。根据第二段中Karen Pickering说的话,尤其是该段第二句话可推知答案。“I manage that sort of workload by putting it on top of my diary”中的workload的意思是“工作量”,即训练的日

52、程、目标。51C。词义猜测题。根据最后一段中Kirsten Best说的前两句话可推知C项正确,即一些让人分心的事情,如家庭、爱好等。52D。通读全文可知,这三个人有一个共同的特点,即自信。如Sir Steven Redgrave说的I could still be a winner if I believed in myself; Karen Pickering说的Trust yourself, write down your goals for the day.及Kirsten Best所说的“.increases my confidence.”D(2009湖北)My grandfathe

53、r came from Hungary and was the only one in his family who settled down in the United States. The rest of his family remained in Europe. When World War broke out, he seemed to have become another man, downhearted. Such obvious change was not born out of concern for his welfare, but out of fear: if h

54、is only son, my uncle, had to go to war, it would be cousin fighting against cousin.One day in 1918, my Uncle Milton received his draft_notice. My grandparents were very upset. But my mother, at the age of 10, felt on top of the world about her soldier brother going off to war. Realizing how he was

55、regarded by his little sister and all of her friends, my uncle bought them all service_pins,_which meant that they had a loved one in the service. All the little girls were delighted.The moment came when my uncle and the other soldiers, without any training but all in uniforms, boarded the train. Th

56、e band played and the crowd cheered. Although no one noticed, Im sure my grandmother had a tear in her eye for the only son. The train slowly pulled out, but not about a thousand yards when it suddenly paused. Everyone stared in wonder as the train slowly returned to the station. There was a dead si

57、lence before the doors opened and the men started to step out. Someone shouted, “The war is over!” For a moment, nobody moved, but then the people heard someone bark orders at the soldiers. The men lined up in two lines, walked down the steps, and with the band playing, marched down the street, as r

58、eturning heroes, to be welcomed home. My mother said it was a great day, but she was just a little disappointed that it didnt last a tiny bit longer.53What the grandfather was most worried about was _.A. the spread of the world warB. the safety of his two cousinsC. a drop in his living standardsD. h

59、is relatives killing each other54The underlined phrase “draft notice” means _.A. order for army serviceB. train ticket for EuropeC. letter of rejectionD. note of warning55What did the “service pins”(in Para. 2) stand for in the eyes of the little girls?A. Strength. B. Courage.C. Victory. D. Honor.56

60、Which of the following words can best describe the ending of the story?A. Disappointing. B. Unexpected.C. Uncertain. D. Inspiring.答案作者讲述了第一次世界大战的一段插曲。作者的舅舅当时应征入伍。装载着新兵的列车刚出发不久,突然传来消息,第一次世界大战已经结束。53D。考查细节理解。第一段说,第一次世界大战爆发后,我外祖父很担心他的儿子会被迫参战,而他的其他家人生活在欧洲,如果那样就成了自家人与自家人的残杀。54A。考查猜测词义。语境说作者的舅舅接到了draft no

61、tice,作者的母亲觉得很风光,因为自己家有亲人要当兵去打仗。由此判断画线部分的含义是A,应征入伍的通知。55D。考查推理判断。第二段说,舅舅意识到自己被妹妹和她的朋友看做英雄时就为她们买了service pins,意思就是她们有心爱的人在参军。由此判断,这是荣耀的象征。56B。考查推理判断。从最后一段可知,作者的舅舅准备开赴前线时,列车却退回了火车站,有人说“战争结束了!”这真是一个让人意想不到的结局:准备奔赴前线时,突然说战争已结束。E(2008皖南八校二联)Dyslexia(诵读困难)is a learning problem some kids have with reading an

62、d writing. This makes it difficult for a kid to read and remember what was read. So whats going on inside the persons brain? Well, it doesnt mean the person is dumb. In fact, some very smart people have had dyslexia.The problem does occur in the brain, though. A kid who has dyslexia might find it ha

63、rd to do schoolwork. But the good news is that dyslexia doesnt need to keep a kid down.A kid who has dyslexia might start out doing fine in school. But it can become a struggle. The best thing to do is to ask for help from specialists.Most kids begin learning to read by learning how each letter of t

64、he alphabet looks and sounds. Next, they start figuring out what the letters sound like when theyre put together to form words. Reading is a little like riding a bike because you have to do a lot of things at once.You may know that certain parts of your brain do certain jobs. For reading, you need y

65、our centers of vision, language, and memory. And you also need a network of nerve cells to connect these centers.Kids who have dyslexia can learn new ways for remembering sounds. For example, “p” and “b” are called brother sounds because they are both “lip poppers(爆破音)”. You have to press your lips

66、together to make the sound.Kids who have dyslexia might lose heart sometimes. But they can get help to improve their reading skills and go on to do great things in lifejust like Einstein, Walt Disney, the actor Tom Cruise, and the long list of others who succeeded despite dyslexia.57The center of _

67、in ones brain may not have connections with dyslexia.A. vision B. languageC. movement D. memory58We can infer from the passage that _ are regarded as “brother sounds”A. t & d B. k & wC. f & e D. i & h59According to the passage, _ doesnt belong to the same group as the other three.A. Einstein B. Newt

68、onC. Walt Disney D. Tom Cruise60Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?A. A kid with dyslexia must be very slow in studying.B. A kid with dyslexia has difficulty in reading rather than in remembering.C. Reading is like riding a bike because they both need to do a lot of things at t

69、he same time.D. Even specialists cannot help those with dyslexia.答案本文首先提出孩子们在读书时遇到的诵读困难这一问题,然后分析其产生的原因以及解决的方法。57C。细节理解题。由文章第五段中“For reading, you need your centers of vision, language, and memory.”可推断出C项与诵读困难无关。58A。推理判断题。由第六段内容以及常识可得出答案,t、d发音特点相似。59B。细节理解题。由文章最后一段内容可知答案为B。60C。细节理解题。由第四段最后一句“Reading i

70、s a little like riding a bike because you have to do a lot of things at once.”可得出答案。.补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(2009北京市东城区高三综合一)What can I do for you, sir?I bought this mobile last Saturday here in your shop. _61_Whats the matter with it?_62_How long does it last?It can last only one day! Then, Ill have

71、to recharge it. Sometimes it just turns off by itself.It doesnt seem to matter much. _63_Id like you to return the money._64_ We can repair the mobile for you.No, I hope you can change it for a new one of the same model at least.All right. _65_A. Im sorry, but we cant.B. But it doesnt work well.C. I

72、s there anything wrong?D. So what do you want us to do?E. The battery doesnt last long.F. We can change it for another one.G. All right, dont worry.答案6165 BEDAF.单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(2009唐山市4月抽样)66Nowadays women in some places are still struggling for their _(平等) rights.67She has much _(经验) in tea

73、ching children to swim.68Mr. Smith has _(献身于) all his energy to his work.69He visits the city _(定期) every year.70The film _(产业) all over the world brings in much money.71As an _(官方) language, Putonghua is widely used all over China.72They invited him to visit their country at a _(方便) date.73Weve won

74、 two gold medals in weight _(举重)74I have no idea how long the walk _(实际上) took.75China is doing her best to catch up with _(先进的) countries, such as America and Japan.答案66equal67.experience68.devoted69.regularly70industry71.official72.convenient73.lifting74actually75.advanced.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分

75、)(2009西安八校联考)Hello! Welcome to England. We hope your visitwill be a pleased one. Today, I would like to draw76._your attention to a few of our law. The first one is77._about drinking. You must buy wine here if you78._are under the 18, no more can your friend buy that79._for you. Secondly, smoke. It

76、is against the law to80._buy cigarettes or tobacco if we are under 16. Thirdly,81._as crossing the road, be careful. The traffic moves82._on the right side, which is the opposite in China. My83._last point is that it is for the law to throw waste away84._in a public place. When you have something th

77、row85._out, please put it in a dust bin.答案76pleasedpleasant。pleased多描述人,而pleasant多描述事物。one指代your visit,因此把pleased改为pleasant。77lawlaws。下文中介绍了几项英国的法律规定,且law作“法则”讲时是可数名词,因此把law改为laws。78must后加not。表示法律禁止做某事,应用must not,因此在must后加not或mustmustnt。79去掉the。under 18“年龄低于18岁”为习惯表达法,因此去掉the。80smokesmoking。前文描写了关于d

78、rinking(喝酒)的法律规定,此处介绍的应该是关于“抽烟”的法律规定,因此应与前文照应,把smoke改为smoking。81weyou。说话人是导游,他/她在给中国的游客提出忠告,因此应把主语we改为you。8283rightleft。根据下一句中的which is the opposite in China可推测在英国车辆靠左行驶,因此把right改为left。84foragainst。在英国乱扔垃圾是违法的,be against the law“违反法律”,因此把for改为against。85在throw前加to。这里为动词不定式作后置定语。.书面表达(满分30分)(2010江南十校)

79、假如你是一名中学生,名叫方华,根据下表内容用英语写信给某谈话节目的主持人开心姐姐,请求她帮助你解决一个长期困扰你的问题:如何与同桌相互交流、沟通。 你的情况:学习成绩好,喜欢与同学交谈,乐于助人。 你同桌的情况:学习勤奋,遵守纪律;性格内向,很少与人交流、沟通;有时爱发脾气。注意:1开头已写好;2可适当发挥,使文章更连贯;3词数100左右。参考词汇:发脾气lose ones temperDear Kai Xin,Im a middle school student._Yours,Fang Hua参考答案Dear Kai Xin,Im_a_middle_school_student. Im do

80、ing well in my studies, and ready to help others. In the school I like to talk with my classmates. However, I have a problem that troubles me all the time. It is the relationship between my deskmate and me. My deskmate is a hardworking student, who keeps the school rules well. However, he is a perso

81、n of few words. Whats more, he loses his temper sometimes. I dont know how to communicate with him. Maybe its because we have seldom sat down and exchanged our feelings and thoughts. I hope we can know more about each other and understand each other better. I do hope well be closer. What can I do?Yours,Fang Hua


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