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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SB1 UNITS 13-14 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc

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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SB1 UNITS 13-14 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第1页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SB1 UNITS 13-14 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第2页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SB1 UNITS 13-14 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第3页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).多项填空1_treating the homeless as a shame of the society,Mrs Turner provided them with food and clothes.ARegardless of BAs a result of CInstead of DIn the process of【解析】instead of而不是,符合题意。【答案】C2Weve missed the last bus.Im afraid we have no_but to take a taxi.Awa

2、y BchoiceCpossibility Dforce【解析】have no choice but to do别无选择只好。【答案】B3The school was named_a businessman devoted to Chinas education.Ain honour of Binstead ofCin favour of Dby means of【解析】这所学校以一位商人的名字而命名,以纪念他对中国教育的贡献。考查介词短语的用法。in honor of 纪念,符合题意。B项意为“而不是,代替”,C项意为“支持”,D项意为“凭借”。【答案】A4When the old lady

3、 saw the old photo,her face_.Acheered up Bshone upCstood up Dlit up【解析】light up容光焕发,符合题意。【答案】D5When doing shopping,remember that a good name of product doesnt_mean good quality of it.Aessentially BsimplyCpurposely Dnecessarily【解析】not necessarily 不一定。【答案】D6Nowadays airline often offer_to avoid the un

4、necessary loss of an empty seat.Aservice BgiftCbargain Ddiscount【解析】offer discount打折。【答案】D7Its good manners to_your seat to an old man on the bus.Agive out Bgive offCgive in Dgive away【解析】give away赠送,让出;give out分发,公布,用完;give off发出;give in呈交,屈服,让步。【答案】D8I was_by the salesmanit turned out that the was

5、hing machine was of poor quality and wasnt worth so much money.Ataken off Btaken awayCtaken in Dtaken out【答案】C9Tell the men that they can rest for an hour.Does that_me,too?Ado with Bgo forCcome with Dfit for【解析】Does that go for me,too?“我也可以休息吗?”go for 也适合于。【答案】B10The friends didnt see each other ver

6、y often,but_they got together to chat about the good old days at school.Aevery now and then Blittle by littleChere and there Dby and by【答案】A.完成句子11Only in this way_(你才能取得进步) step by step.(progress)【答案】can you make progress12The company employed a famous actress as its spokeswoman in order _(使它的产品更出名

7、)(wellknown)【答案】to make its product betterknown13There are five pairs_(可供选择),but Im at a loss which to buy.(choose)【答案】to choose from14Tom is never late for work.Why is he absent today?Something _(一定发生了) to him.(happen)【答案】must have happened15You _(不应该迟到) for yesterdays meeting,as it was so importan

8、t.(ought)【答案】ought not to have been late16The media can help solve problems and draw attention to situations _(需要帮助)(need)【答案】where help is needed17_(我第一次去) China,I paid a visit to the Great Wall.(time)【答案】The first time I went to18You had _(最好不熬夜),for it harms your health.(stay)【答案】better not stay

9、up 19It is good manners _(尊敬) the elders.(show)【答案】to show respect for20Youd better speak English _(经常) you can to improve your spoken English.(as)【答案】as often as.完形填空What Do Teachers Make?A group of dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life.One man,a CEO,decided to explain the pro

10、blems with_21_.He argued,“Whats a kid going to learn from a teacher? You know what people say about teachers:those who can,dothose who cant,_22_.”To stress his point he turned to another guest,“Youre a teacher,Bonnie.What do you_23_?”Bonnie,who had a reputation for_24_and frankness,replied,“You want

11、 to know what I make?”She_25_for a second and then began.“Well,I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.I make kids sit through 40 minutes of_26_time while their parents cant make them_27_for five minutes without an iPod.You want to know what I make?”She paused again and looked at e

12、ach and every person sitting at the table_28_.“I make kids wonder and question.I make them_29_for what they do_30_.I make them have_31_for the old and take responsibility for their actions.I make them write.I make them read.I make them learn everything they_32_to know in English while theyre preserv

13、ing their own unique_33_identity.I make my classroom a place where all of my students feel_34_without fearing any danger.Finally I make them understand that if they use the_35_they were given,work hard,and follow their hearts,they can_36_in life.”Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.“Then

14、when people try to_37_me by what I make,I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are_38_.You want to know what I make? I make a_39_!What do you make?”There is much truth in this_40_:teachers make other professions possible.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。一群宾客坐在一起讨论人生,其中的一个CEO决定讨论教育问题,他认为孩子从老师那里学不

15、到什么。然而一个名叫邦妮的老师说出了她的看法:老师会让孩子们更加努力学习;会让他们提出问题;会让他们写,让他们读;让他们明白,如果他们利用自己的天赋,努力工作,就可以在生活中取得成功。所以很多事实证明:教师使得其他行业变得可能。21A.business BeducationCliterature Dfood【解析】考查上下文暗示。根据后面的“Whats a kid going to learn from a teacher?”可知他讨论的是教育问题。business商业,literature文学,food食物 。【答案】B22A.listen BwaitCwatch Dteach【解析】考查语

16、境逻辑。根据前面的“those who can,dothose who cant”可知这个CEO在贬低教师。【答案】D23A.make BgetCwin Dpossess【解析】考查上下文照应。由下一段的“You want to know what I make?”可知此处选“make”。get得到,win获胜,possess拥有。【答案】A24A.beauty BhonestyChumor Dgenerosity【解析】考查上下文暗示。此处应用honesty与后面的“frankness”并列,表示她有着诚实和坦率的名声。beauty美丽,humor幽默,generosity慷慨。【答案】B2

17、5A.ate BthoughtCpaused Dfrowned【解析】考查上下文照应。根据后面的“She paused again and looked.”可知此处选“paused”。frown皱眉。【答案】C26A.practice BrestCclass Dwork【解析】考查上下文暗示。根据前面的“I make kids sit through 40 minutes”以及她是一个老师可知,她可以让学生在课堂上坐40分钟。【答案】C27A.sit BplayClearn Dsleep【解析】考查上下文照应。老师可以让学生坐40分钟,而家长只有在给孩子们“iPod”玩的时候,才可以让学生安静

18、地坐5分钟。【答案】A28A.nervously BcalmlyCcoldly Dcuriously【解析】考查上下文暗示。这里表示她很平静地看着坐在旁边的人们。nervously紧张地,coldly冷淡地,curiously好奇地。【答案】B29A.prepare BapplyCapologize Dseek【解析】考查上下文联系。由后面的“what they do _30_”可知她让他们为了做错的事而道歉。其他三项均不符合题意。【答案】C30A.importantly BwronglyCvaluably Dmeaningfully【解析】考查上下文联系。此空与第29空联系起来选择比较容易,

19、答案为B。其他三项用在这里不符合语境。【答案】B31A.fear BconcernCsympathy Drespect【解析】考查上下文暗示,从后面的“for the old”可知是让学生们学会尊敬老人。fear害怕,concern关心,sympathy同情。【答案】D32A.need BhaveCdesire Dmean【解析】考查语境化选词。根据后面的“know in English while theyre preserving their own unique_33_identity”可知此处是指老师教给学生们需要了解的知识。【答案】A33A.national BculturalCme

20、ntal Dsocial【解析】考查上下文暗示。结合前面的“in English”可知,他们在学习英语的同时维护着他们自己独特的文化特色。national国家的;mental思想的,精神的;social社会的,交际的。【答案】B34A.comfortable BhappyCsafe Dfair【解析】考查语境逻辑。由后面的“without fearing any danger” 可知此处是指让学生们在教室里感到安全。comfortable舒服的;happy快乐的,乐意的;fair合理的,公正的。【答案】C35A.tools BsuppliesCchances Dgifts【解析】考查上下文暗示

21、。根据后面的“they were given,work hard,and follow their hearts,they can _36_in life”可知,这个老师认为让学生们充分利用他们的天赋,就可以取得成功。其他三项不符合语境。故选D。【答案】D36A.succeed BstruggleCsurvive Dlive【解析】考查上下文暗示。根据前面的“use the gifts”和“work hard”可知答案。struggle奋斗;survive幸存。【答案】A37A.pay BjudgeCadmire Daccuse【解析】考查语境逻辑。根据后面的“I can hold my he

22、ad up high and pay no attention”可知,这个老师对于别人给她作出的评价不屑一顾。pay付,admire羡慕,accuse控告。【答案】B38A.rude BfoolishCcritical Dmean【解析】考查上下文暗示。她认为别人以她做了什么来评价她是愚蠢的。rude粗鲁的,critical批评的,mean吝啬的。【答案】B39A.decision BpromiseCdifference Dmistake【解析】考查固定词组辨析。make a difference有作用。make a decision作出决定,make a promise许下诺言,make a

23、 mistake犯错误。【答案】C40A.account BdeclarationCexplanation Dstatement【解析】考查上下文暗示。根据后面的“teachers make other professions possible”可知应选D。account描述,报告,侧重对亲身经历或目睹之事所作的书面或口头的报道或叙述。declaration宣告;explanation解释,说明。【答案】D.阅读理解It is quite reasonable to blame traffic jams,the cost of gas and the great speed of modern

24、 life,but manners on the road are becoming horrible.Everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind the wheel.It is all right to have a tiger in a cage,but to have one in the drivers seat is another matter.Road politeness is not only good manners,but good sense.It takes the mos

25、t coolheaded drivers great patience to give up the desire to beat back when forced to face rude driving.On the other hand,a little politeness goes a long way towards reducing the possibility of quarrelling and fighting.A friendly nod or a wave of thanks in answer to an act of politeness helps to cre

26、ate an atmosphere of good will and calm so necessary in modern traffic conditions.But such behavior of politeness is by no means enough.Many drivers nowadays dont even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.However,misplaced politeness can also be dangerous.Typical examples are the drive

27、r who waves at a child crossing the street at a wrong place into the path of oncoming cars that may not be able to stop in time.The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they want to.An experienced driver,whose manners are faultless,told me it would help if dri

28、vers learnt to correctly join in traffic stream without causing the blockage that gave rise to unpleasant feelings.Unfortunately,some modern drivers cant even learn to drive,let alone master the roadmanship.Years ago,experts warned us that the fast increase of the car ownership would demand more giv

29、eandtake from all road users.It is high time for all of us to take action.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述的是司机在开车过程中的行车礼貌问题。41The passage mainly talks about_.Aroad politeness Btraffic jamsCgood manners Dmodern drivers【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文可知本文主要讲述的是司机在开车过程中的行车礼貌问题。【答案】A42Troubles on the road are often caused by_.Atraffic jams

30、Bthe behavior of the driversCgreat speed Dterrible road conditions【解析】推理判断题。从文中第二、三段的讲述可知本题应选B。【答案】B43According to the writer,a good driver should_.Abeat back when forced to face rude drivingBbe able to recognize politeness when he sees itCencourage old ladies to cross the road whenever they want to

31、Djoin in traffic stream quickly however other people feel【解析】细节理解题。由文章第二段中的“.recognize politeness when they see it.”可知答案。【答案】B44. The following statements are right EXCEPT that_.Asome modern drivers are not good at drivingBroad politeness is good sense as well as good mannersCit is also right to hav

32、e a tiger in the drivers seatDa friendly driver should nod or wave thanks in answer to an act of politeness【解析】细节理解题。从文中第一段的最后两句可知C项错误。【答案】C45It is not right for drivers to_.Amaster roadmanshipBrecognize politeness when they see itCencourage old ladies to cross the road whenever and wherever they want toDgive a friendly nod in answer to an act of politeness【解析】细节理解题。文中第三段讲述了“misplaced politeness”,由该段的最后一句可知应选C。【答案】C- 6 - 版权所有高考资源网


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