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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SB1 UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc

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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SB1 UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第1页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SB1 UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第2页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SB1 UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第3页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SB1 UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第4页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SB1 UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第5页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SB1 UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第6页
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1、(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).多项填空1What do you think of his suggestion read at the meeting?It_good,but I have to give it a second thought.Alooks BappearsClistens Dsounds【解析】建议听起来很好,sound听起来。【答案】D2It seems that our village is_to him.He spent part of his childhood here.Astrange BsimilarCnew Dfamiliar【解析】be

2、 familiar to对来讲熟悉。【答案】D3Its said the city has a top firstaid system.No one will wait_10 minutes for an ambulance.Amore than Bless thanCno more than Das much as【解析】句意为:据说这座城市有一流的急救系统,救护车不到10分钟就能达到。【答案】A4While there are many kinds of different understanding of our body language,some gestures seem to b

3、e_.Auniversal BusualCcommon Dordinary【解析】句意为:尽管对体态语言有不同的理解,但有一些却是通用的。universal通用的,符合题意。【答案】A5The program had to be cancelled largely_a lack of government funding.Aaccording to Bowing to Cin the name of Din the eyes of【解析】句意为:这个项目被迫取消主要因为缺少政府资金。owing to由于,因为。符合题意。【答案】B6My grandfather is a very humoro

4、us person,and he often _us for hours with funny stories.Aencourages BentertainsCeducates Ddirects【解析】考查词义辨析。句意为:我爷爷非常幽默,经常会给我们讲几个小时的有趣故事来使我们快乐。encourage鼓舞;entertain使快乐;招待;educate教育;direct指导。【答案】B7She_Japanese when she was in Japan,now she can speak it freely.Apicked out Bmade outCmade up Dpicked up【

5、解析】考查动词短语辨析。pick out挑出;make out辨认出,理解;make up编造,构成,化妆;pick up学到,拾,搭车,加速等。本题考查pick up“学到”之意。【答案】D8You dont have to_.There is nobody else here.But I must make sure that no one hears us.Aperform BrecordCwhisper Dexpress【解析】该句意为“你没有必要低声说话。这儿没有其他人”。【答案】C9When I was doing shopping in the market the other

6、day.I_an old friend of mine,who I hadnt met for twenty years.Acame up Bcame overCcame across Dcame down【解析】由题意可知,二十年未见的老朋友是在购物时遇见的,这当然是“不期而遇”。这四个选项中,come up发生,走到附近;come over从远处来,过来; come across偶遇,碰到;come down降低,失望;只有C项符合题意。【答案】C10Come on,tell me whats wrong.Sometimes it helps to_your problems,you kn

7、ow.Asolve BdivideCshare Dseparate【解析】share your problems共同分担问题。【答案】C.完成句子11As freshmen in college,most students will find_(很难适应) college life in the first few months.(adapt)【答案】it very difficult to adapt to12I have given him the suggestion that he_(伴随音乐跳舞)(dance)【答案】(should)dance to music13If only a

8、ll the people,regardless of races and religions_(和谐相处) together in the future.(harmony) 【答案】would/could live in harmony14Have you considered_(听一些民歌) in your spare time.(folk)【答案】listening to some folk songs15They have come to the point_(必须作出决定) at once.(decision)【答案】where a decision must be made16Wo

9、uld you please keep silent? The weather report_(正在播送) and I want to listen.(broadcast)【答案】is being broadcast17_(无论谁违法) will be punished in the end.(whoever)【答案】Whoever breaks the law18He lowered her head and continued writing,_(没有注意到) the coming danger.(attention)【答案】without paying any attention to1

10、9He talks about America a lot _(好像他去过) there.(as)【答案】as if/though he had been20Our new lab is said_(装备了) advanced equipment made in German.(equip)【答案】to have been equipped with.完形填空He met her at a party.She was outstanding;many guys were_21_her,but nobody paid any attention to him.After the party,he

11、_22_her for coffee.She was_23_.In order not to appear rude,she went _24_.As they sat in a nice_25_shop,he was too nervous to say anything and she felt_26_.Suddenly,he asked the waiter,“Could you please give me some salt? Id like to put it in my coffee.”They stared at him.He turned red;but when the_2

12、7_came,he put it in his coffee and drank._28_,she asked.“Why salt with coffee?” He explained,“When I was a little boy,I lived near the sea,I liked playing on the sea I could_29_its taste salty,like salty coffee.Now every time I drink it,I_30_my childhood and my hometown.I miss_31_and my parents,who

13、are still there.”She was_32_touched.A man who can admit that hes homesick must love his home and care about his family.He must be_33_.So they dated,_34_and lived happily together.And every time she made coffee for him,she would put in some salt,the way he like it.After forty years,he_35_and left her

14、 a letter which said:My dearest,please_36_my lifelong lie.Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous I asked for salt instead of_37_.Sweetheart,I dont exactly like salty coffee.But as it mattered so_38_to you,Ive_39_to enjoy it.Having you with me was my greatest happiness.If I could live a s

15、econd time,I hope we can be together again,_40_,it means that I have to drink salty coffee for the rest of my life.21A.before BbeyondCafter Dnear【解析】由后半句“但是没有人注意他”可知此空应用after“跟随”。【答案】C22A.invited BpaidCforced Dasked【解析】invite邀请,符合题意。pay付费,force强迫,ask要求。【答案】A23A.interested BshockedCmoved Dsurprised【解

16、析】由于是陌生人突然邀请她喝咖啡,所以会感到惊奇。【答案】D24A.away BalongCover Ddown【解析】go along同意。【答案】B25A.coffee BteaCbeer Dwine【解析】上文说到他们去喝咖啡,故这里应是咖啡店。【答案】A26A.comfortable BdifferentCuncomfortable Dindifferent【解析】由too nervous to say anything可看出他紧张,她感受当然不舒服,故选C。【答案】C27A.sugar BpepperCcandy Dsalt【解析】与上文的salt相对应。【答案】D28A.Angry

17、 BCuriousCAnxious DHappy【解析】由常识可知很少有人往咖啡里放盐,所以她感到好奇。【答案】B29A.feel BseeCnotice Dfind【解析】从its taste salty可知用feel恰当。【答案】A30A.think over Bthink upCthink of Dthink through【解析】think over仔细考虑,think up想出,think of回想起,think through全面考虑。【答案】C31A.this BitChim Dher【解析】it指代上文中的childhood。【答案】B32. Ahighly Bspeciall

18、yChardly Ddeeply【解析】只有D项修饰touch(感动)最合理。【答案】D33. Aresponsible BreasonableCsensible Drepresentative【解析】由上句可推理出他一定是负责的人。【答案】A34A.married BengagedCseparated Dsplit【解析】从下文可知他们结婚了。engage订婚,separate分离,split离婚。【答案】A35A.walked away Bleft awayCpassed away Dgot away 【解析】pass away去世,其他项为实际动作的“走开”。【答案】C36A.forge

19、t BforgiveCapologize Dvalue【解析】forgive原谅,与lie搭配合理。forget忘记,apologize道歉,value珍惜。【答案】B37A.coffee BcandyCsugar Ddrinks【解析】由常识可知咖啡中可以加糖,故选C。candy糖果。【答案】C38A.many BmoreCany Dmuch【解析】so只能与much搭配。【答案】D39A.studied BlearntCaccustomed Dused【解析】learn to do sth.学会做某事,be accustomed to doing sth.习惯做某事,used to doi

20、ng sth.过去经常做某事。study无此固定结构。【答案】B40A.however Bas itCwhen Deven if【解析】even if引导让步状语从句,意为“即使”。【答案】D.阅读理解After a little snowstorm yesterday I began to think of what snowflakes had to offer other than nice scenery and dangerous road conditions.From the way they fall,to the way they look,snowflakes have s

21、ome similarities with our life.Here are some life lessons these little white ice crystals have to offer.Be uniqueEvery snowflake has its own shape and look.So should you!Accept yourself and be yourself.Everyone is different and should remain that way.Work with othersOne flake doesnt fall during a st

22、orm,millions do.As they build up and stick together,they accomplish a lot.Billions of them can become inches,maybe even feet tall and blanket miles upon miles.If you want to achieve success and change your life,you will need help from others eventually.You can be small but powerfulSnowflakes are ver

23、y small but very powerful.Theyre extremely delicate but can shut down whole cities and states.You may be weak physically but mentally you can be strong.Take your timeUnless wind is pushing them,snowflakes usually take their time to get to their destination.Dont rush through life;its the journey that

24、s important,not the destination.Divert_away_from your planned routeMost snowflakes are supposed to land on the ground and may be headed that way when theyre falling.But sometimes they land in trees,lakes,or the street.They go with the flow and are very flexible.Its great if you have planned out your

25、 time and life,but events are going to throw those off course.So be flexible and let certain events take you for a ride.Bring happiness and enjoyment to othersAt times snow can be extremely dangerous,but think about how many times snow has made people happy and joyful.Just the sight of a fresh blank

26、et of snow makes people feel good.You should do the same,make people happy to see and talk to you.Dont be unhappy because youll bring those around you down.Life is shortSnowflakes dont last that long.Frequently they melt the instant they hit the ground,but theyve had an interesting journey.Cherish y

27、our life and every minute you have.【语篇解读】本文作者通过将人和雪花进行对比,告诉大家一些人生道理。例如:人像雪花一样独一无二;雪花需要许多片聚在一起才能落下来,而人也需要相互合作,方能取得大的成功等。41What is the best title of the passage?AThe advice from snowflakesBLife lessons from snowflakesCEnjoy the nice scenery of snowflakesDSnowflakes,small but powerful【解析】通读全文可知,作者借助雪花告

28、诉读者一些人生的道理,因此B项正确。【答案】B42The underlined part “Divert away from” probably means“_”Aswitch away from Bstick toCescape from Dfight for【解析】从该部分内容中的be flexible可知,作者此处想要告诉大家,人要像雪花一样,学会变通,而不能抱住既定的计划不变,要学会灵活处理突发情况。由此可推知,A项与画线部分的意思相近。此处switch表示“转变,转换”。【答案】A43According to the writer,if you have a low spirit_.

29、Athose around you will laugh at youBthose around you will not be willing to help youCthose around you will be depressedDyou can not enjoy the fresh blanket of snow【解析】根据Bring happiness and enjoyment to others部分的最后一句内容可知,如果你情绪低落,就会使周围的人感到沮丧。【答案】C44Which of the following is not true according to the p

30、assage?AEvery one needs help from others to achieve success eventually.BYoull achieve great success even if you are weak physically.CCherish your life and every minute you have.DIf you rush through life,youll get to the best destination.【解析】根据Take your time部分的最后一句话可知,D项与原文内容不符。作者此处劝告大家人生的路上不必太匆忙,因为重

31、要的是旅途,而不是目的地。其他几项在原文中都能找到依据。【答案】D45From the passage we may learn that the writer_.Aenjoys snowflakes and has the habit of thinking about snowflakesBhas learned many lessons from snowflakes in his lifeCintends to teach us some life lessons in terms of snowflakesDis living a much happier life after the careful observation of snowflakes【解析】通读全文可知,作者是要通过雪花给大家讲一些人生的道理。【答案】C


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