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2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第三部分 话题拓展阅读与写作 第3节 WORD版含解析.docx

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2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第三部分 话题拓展阅读与写作 第3节 WORD版含解析.docx_第1页
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2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第三部分 话题拓展阅读与写作 第3节 WORD版含解析.docx_第2页
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2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第三部分 话题拓展阅读与写作 第3节 WORD版含解析.docx_第3页
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2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第三部分 话题拓展阅读与写作 第3节 WORD版含解析.docx_第4页
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2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第三部分 话题拓展阅读与写作 第3节 WORD版含解析.docx_第5页
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2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第三部分 话题拓展阅读与写作 第3节 WORD版含解析.docx_第6页
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2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第三部分 话题拓展阅读与写作 第3节 WORD版含解析.docx_第7页
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2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第三部分 话题拓展阅读与写作 第3节 WORD版含解析.docx_第8页
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2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第三部分 话题拓展阅读与写作 第3节 WORD版含解析.docx_第9页
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2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第三部分 话题拓展阅读与写作 第3节 WORD版含解析.docx_第10页
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2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第三部分 话题拓展阅读与写作 第3节 WORD版含解析.docx_第11页
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1、第3节旅游与交通(一).阅读理解AWhy does most of the world travel on the right side today? Theories differ,but theres no doubt that Napoleon was a major influence.The French have used the right since at least the late 18th century.Some say that before the French Revolution,noblemen drove their carriages on the lef

2、t,forcing the peasants to the right.Regardless of the origin,Napoleon brought righthand traffic to the nations he conquered,including Russia,Switzerland and Germany.Hitler,in turn,ordered righthand traffic in Czechoslovakia and Austria in the 1930s.Nations that escaped righthand control,like Great B

3、ritain,followed their lefthand tradition.The US.has not always been a nation of righthand drivers;earlier in its history,carriage and horse traffic travelled on the left,as it did in England.But by the late 1700s,people driving large wagons pulled by several pairs of horses began promoting a shift(改

4、变) to the right.A driver would sit on the rear(后面的) left horse in order to wave his whip(鞭子) with his right hand;to see opposite traffic clearly,they travelled on the right.One of the final moves to firmly standardize traffic directions in the US.occurred in the 20th century,when Henry Ford decided

5、to massproduce his cars with controls on the left(one reason,stated in 1908: the convenience for passengers exiting directly onto the edge,especially. if there is a lady to be considered)Once these rules were set,many countries eventually adjusted to the righthand standard,including Canada in the 19

6、20s,Sweden in 1967 and Burma in 1970.The UK.and former colonies such as Australia and India are among the Western worlds few remaining holdouts(坚持不变者)Several Asian nations,including Japan,use the left as wellthough many places use both righthanddrive and lefthanddrive cars.1Why did people in Switzer

7、land travel on the right?AThey had used the righthand traffic since the 18th century.BNapoleon introduced the righthand traffic to this country.CRich people enjoyed driving their carriages on the right.DHitler ordered them to go against their lefthand tradition.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Regardless of the o

8、rigin,Napoleon brought righthand traffic to the nations he conquered,including Russia,Switzerland and Germany.”可知,在瑞士人们靠右行驶是因为拿破仑把靠右行驶带到了这个国家。故选B。2Henry Ford produced cars with controls on the left .Aso that passengers could get off convenientlyBin order to change traffic directions in the US.Cbecau

9、se rules at that time werent perfectDthough many countries were strongly against that答案A解析推理判断题。根据第三段中的“one reason,stated in 1908: the convenience for passengers exiting directly onto the edge”可知,福特生产的汽车操纵装置在左边是为了方便乘客下车。故选A。3According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?ABefore the French

10、Revolution,all the French people used the right.BThe Burmese began to travel on the right in 1970.CPeople in Britain and the US.travel on the same side nowadays.DAll the Asian nations use the left at present.答案B解析推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Once these rules were set,many countries eventually adjusted to the right

11、hand standard,including Canada in the 1920s,Sweden in 1967 and Burma in 1970.”可知,缅甸在1970年开始靠右边行驶。故选B。4What would be the best title for this passage?AWho Made the Greatest Contributions to the Shift of Traffic Directions?BHow Cars Have Become a Popular Means of TransportationCHow Henry Ford Produced

12、His Cars with Controls on the LeftDWhy Dont People All Drive on the Same Side of the Road?答案D解析标题归纳题。文章主要解释了为什么世界上有的国家靠右行驶,有的国家靠左行驶,而不是靠同一侧行驶。故选D。B(2018广东深圳一模)My motivation for starting our family tradition of reading in the car was purely selfish: I could not bear listening to A Sesame Street Chris

13、tmas for another 10 hours.My three children had been addicted to this cassette on our previous summers road trip.As I began to prepare for our next 500mile car trip,I came across a bookJim Treleases The Read Aloud Handbook.This could be the answer to my problem,I thought.So I put Roald dahls James a

14、nd the Giant Peach into my bag.When I began to read aloud the tale of the boy who escapes the bad guys by hiding inside a giant peach,my three kids argued and wrestled in their seats.But after several lines,they were attracted into the rhythm of the words and began to listen.We soon learned that the

15、 simple pleasure of listening to a wellwritten book makes the long miles pass more quickly.Sometimes the books we read became highlights of the trip.I read Wilson Rawlss Summer of the Monkeys as we spent two days driving to the beach.We arrived just behind the power crews restoring(恢复) electricity a

16、fter a tropical storm.The rain continued most of the week,and the beach was covered with oil washed up by the storm.When we returned home,I asked my son what he liked about the trip.He answered without hesitation,“The book you read in the car.”Road trips still offer challenges,even though my childre

17、n now are teenagers.But we continue to read as we roll across the country.And Im beginning to see that reading aloud has done more than help pass the time.For at least a little while,we are not shut in our own electronic worlds.And maybe weve started something that will pass on to the next generatio

18、n.语篇解读本文讲述了作者原本开启家庭传统“在车里阅读”的动机完全是自私的,没想到它竟然使枯燥的旅程变得有趣而使人享受。5Why did the author start reading in the car?AShe wanted to have a better journey.BShe wanted to keep a family tradition.CHer children were addicted to reading.DHer children were tired of the cassette.答案A解析推理判断题。由第一段第一句可知,作者忍受不了在旅途10小时中一直听芝

19、麻街圣诞,所以为了使旅途更愉快,作者开启了阅读的传统。故选A。6How did the children react after the author read a few lines?AThey kept fighting.BThey hid themselves.CThey soon settled down.DThey read together aloud.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,作者在车里给孩子们读书,没读几行孩子们就安静了。故选C。7What can we learn about the author and her familys trip to the b

20、each?AThey were caught in a storm.BThey enjoyed reading on the road.CThey had a good time on the beach.DThey thought it had passed too quickly.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,作者一家在去海边的旅途中很享受在车里读书。故选B。8Which can be the best title for the text?ABetter Traveling than ReadingBBooks that Changed My ChildrenCRoad

21、Trips Full of ChallengesDReading Makes Great Road Trips答案D解析标题归纳题。本文讲述了作者原本开启家庭传统“在车里阅读”的动机完全是自私的,没想到它竟然使枯燥的旅程变得有趣而使人享受。因此最佳标题是“阅读使旅途变得美好”。故选D。.完形填空(2018山东淄博一模)This past summer I went on a journey to Canadas Arctic with Students On Ice.When I left Calgary I 9 what I would find,what I would learn and

22、 who I would meet.On the trip to Ottawa I was wrapped 10 a blanket of uncertainty and 11 .But when I first met the group of students,scientists and leaders,I knew that I didnt have 12 to worry about.The group was amazingly receptive and I was soon part of a big family 13 on an amazing adventurean ad

23、venture of a lifetime!When we reached the 14 I was surprised by its great size and beauty and my senses were repeatedly 15 and amazed.I stood on the Kapitan Khlebnikov and 16 twelve Polar bears.They walked in 17 of seal holes,and 18 waited for a meal.I learned that polar bears are 19 only one out of

24、 every twenty hunting attempts.I saw a vast land that appeared untouched and original. 20 ,I learned that the Arctic and its people are being threatened by pollution and global warming.I learned that pollutants are 21 by ocean and air and have a bad 22 on all Arctic people.I learned that global warm

25、ing has put Polar bears at 23 because a warmer climate means that they have a 24 time to hunt seals on the ice.The trip was a 25 for the senses.I have learned more about our environment,and particularly how alive and interesting the Arctic is and 26 it is so important to take care of it.I learned po

26、llution,ignorance of individual and global problems need to be 27 .The Arctic deserves to be preserved.My trip with Students On Ice has made me more determined to try to ensure that I do not leave 28 footprints on either Earth or its people.9A.remembered BfeltCdoubted Dwondered答案D解析remember记得;feel感觉

27、;doubt怀疑;wonder想知道。当我离开卡尔加里的时候,我想知道我将会发现什么,我将会学到什么,以及我将会遇见谁。根据句意可知选D。10A.in BwithCup Don答案A解析be wrapped in完全沉浸于。在去渥太华的途中,我完全被不确定和兴奋笼罩。可知答案为A。11A.worry BexcitementCsorrow Dsympathy答案B解析句意见上题解析。worry担忧;excitement兴奋;sorrow悲痛;sympathy同情。可知答案为B。12A.nothing BeverythingCanything Dsomething答案C解析nothing无事;ev

28、erything每件事情;anything任何事情;something某事。但当我第一次见到一群学生、科学家和领导者们时,我知道我没有什么可担心的。故选C。13A.setting out Blooking downCgetting along Dbreaking away答案A解析set out出发;look down往下看;get along进展;break away脱离。开始了一场奇妙的冒险。根据句意可知答案为A。14A.Calgary BArcticCOttawa DKapitan答案B解析当我们到达北极的时候,我惊讶于它的壮观和美丽,我的感官被反复地震惊和惊讶。根据句意可知选B。15A

29、.frozen BawokenCshocked Ddestroyed答案C解析句意见上题解析。freeze(使)结冰;awake唤醒;shock使震惊;destroy毁掉。根据句意可知选C。16A.counted BseizedCshot Dsaw答案D解析count数数;seize抓住;shoot射击;see看见。我看到了十二只北极熊。故选D。17A.search BsightCdirection Dfear答案A解析search搜寻;sight视力;direction方向;fear害怕。它们走着寻找海豹的洞,耐心地等待着一顿饭。in search of寻找,搜寻,故答案为A。18A.hap

30、pily BfirmlyCconstantly Dpatiently答案D解析句意见上题解析。happily高兴地;firmly坚定地;constantly不断地;patiently耐心地。根据句意可知答案为D。19A.clever BsuccessfulCalive Dcrazy答案B解析clever聪明的;successful成功的;alive活着的;crazy疯狂的。我了解到,北极熊每二十次尝试中只有一次成功。故选B。20A.Therefore BBesidesCHowever DAnyhow答案C解析therefore因此;besides另外;however然而;anyhow无论如何。

31、然而,我了解到北极和那里的居民正受到污染和全球变暖的威胁。联系上下文此处表示转折。故选C。21A.blown BflowedCcarried Dproduced答案C解析blow风吹;flow流动;carry搬运;produce生产。我得知由海洋和空气携带的污染物对所有北极的人都有不好的影响。根据句意可知选C。22A.effect BresultChabit Dservice答案A解析effect影响;result结果;habit习惯;service服务。have an effect on sth.对有影响,故答案为A。23A.war BpeaceCwork Drisk答案D解析war战争;p

32、eace和平;work工作;risk冒险。我了解到,全球变暖让北极熊受到威胁,因为气候变暖意味着它们在冰面上捕猎海豹的时间更短。at risk处于险境,受到威胁。故选D。24A.fewer BshorterCbetter Dharder答案B解析句意见上题解析。fewer较少的;shorter更短的;better更好的;harder更难的。根据句意可知选B。25A.challenge BfeastCtest Dcomfort答案B解析challenge挑战;feast宴会;test 测试;comfort安慰。这次旅行是感官的盛宴。故选B。26A.how BwhenCwhy Dwhere答案C解

33、析我对我们的环境有了更多的了解,特别是北极是多么的生机勃勃和有趣,以及为什么照顾它是如此的重要。此处是why引导的宾语从句。故选C。27A.solved BshownCmentioned Dunderstood答案A解析solve解决;show展示;mention提到;understand明白,理解。我了解到污染、个人的无知和全球性的变暖问题需要被解决。故选A。28A.clear BsolidCsteady Dharmful答案D解析clear清楚的;solid固体的;steady稳定的;harmful有害的。努力确保我不会在地球上或其人民身上留下有害的足迹。根据句意可知选D。.语法填空(20

34、18湖南邵阳二模)All Chinas major cities have good transport 29 (network)There are tour buses,minibuses,taxis,as well as public buses.Public buses in Chinese towns are always 30 (crowd)The fare depends on distance,and 31 (be) payable to the conductors of buses.A taxi is often 32 most convenient means of tra

35、vel in the city.They are available at airports,railway stations and hotels and even in urban areas.The total fare depends on the starting meter price, 33 can range from 5 to 12 yuan,and the distance.Extra fees 34 (charge) for waiting and low speed driving during traffic jams.If you take a taxi after

36、 11 pm,a 20 percent surcharge applies over the basic fare.The minibus is a compromise between the 35 (relative) expensive taxis and full public transport.Their charge is a little more than that of the bus,about 2 yuan or more 36 (depend) on distance,but it is very convenient,because it can stop 37 a

37、ny point you want along the route.Tour buses,normally 38 (equip) with air conditioning and TV,are managed by travel agencies,hotels and airports and provided for short tours.A tour guide is usually present on such buses.语篇解读中国所有主要城市都有良好的交通网络,有旅游巴士、迷你巴士、出租车,还有公共汽车。本文介绍了这几种交通方式的有关情况。29答案networks解析句意为:

38、中国所有主要城市都有良好的交通网络。network网络,是可数名词,此处用复数形式,故答案为networks。30答案crowded解析句意为:中国城镇的公共汽车总是拥挤的。are为系动词,后跟形容词作表语,crowd的形容词形式为crowded“拥挤的”,可知答案为crowded。31答案is解析句意为:车费取决于距离,并支付给公共汽车售票员。此处为and连接的两个并列谓语,主语the fare为第三人称单数,时态应与depends保持一致,用一般现在时,故填is。32答案the解析句意为:在城市里,出租车通常是最方便的旅行方式。形容词最高级前用定冠词the。33答案which解析此句中间是

39、逗号,所以不可能是并列句;后半句没有主语,所以不可能是状语从句更不可能是名词性从句,它是一个非限制性定语从句;这里先行词是price,指物,关系词在从句中作主语,故答案为which。34答案are charged解析句子主语Extra fees是复数形式,和谓语动词charge之间是被动关系,由上下文语境可知,文章主体时态是一般现在时,所以用一般现在时态的被动语态,故答案为are charged。35答案relatively解析此处expensive“昂贵的”,是形容词,应该用副词来修饰,故答案为relatively“相对地”。36答案depending解析句意为:他们的收费比公共汽车多一点,

40、大约2元或更多,这取决于距离。此处是现在分词作伴随状语,故答案为depending。37答案at解析句意为:因为它可以在沿线你想要下车的任何地点停下来。at any point在任何地点,故答案为at。38答案equipped解析句子有谓语动词,句子主语Tour buses和动词equip之间是被动关系,所以这里是过去分词作后置定语,答案为equipped。细节理解题数字计算题(2018全国,A)Welcome to Holker Hall & GardensVisitor InformationHow to Get to HolkerBy Car:Follow brown signs on

41、A590 from J36,M6.Approximate travel times:Windermere20 minutes,Kendal25 minutes,Lancaster45 minutes,Manchester1 hour 30 minutes.By Rail:The nearest station is CarkinCartmel with trains to Carnforth,Lancaster and Preston for connections to major cities & airports.Opening TimesSundayFriday (closed on

42、Saturday)1100 am400 pm,30th March2nd November.Admission ChargesHall & GardensGardensAdults:12.00 8.00Groups: 9.00 5.50Special EventsProducers Market13th AprilJoin us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks.Meet the producers and get some excellent recipe ideas.Holker Garden Festival30th Ma

43、yThe event celebrates its 22nd anniversary with a great show of the very best of gardening,making it one of the most popular events in gardening.National Garden Day28th AugustHolker once again opens its gardens in aid of the disadvantaged.For just a small donation you can take a tour with our garden

44、 guide.Winter Market8th NovemberThis is an event for all the family.Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while enjoying a live music show and nice street entertainment.语篇解读本文是一篇应用文,题材是旅游广告。文章介绍了游览霍尔克庄园的游客须知和四项特别的活动。21How long does it probably take a tourist to drive to Holker from Mancheste

45、r?A20 minutes. B25 minutes.C45 minutes. D90 minutes.答案D解析细节理解题。根据文章的How to Get to Holker部分中“By Car:.Approximate travel times:.Manchester1 hour 30 minutes.”可知,游客从Manchester开车到Holker大约用一个半小时,也就是90分钟。故选D。22How much should a member of a tour group pay to visit Hall & Gardens?A12.00. B9.00.C8.00. D5.50.答

46、案B解析细节理解题。根据文章的Admission Charges部分中Hall & Gardens一列与Groups一行的交叉处可知,旅游团的一个成员游览Hall & Gardens所需要的费用为9.00。故选B。23Which event will you go to if you want to see a live music show?AProducers Market.BHolker Garden Festival.CNational Garden Day.DWinter Market.答案D解析细节理解题。根据文章的Winter Market部分中的第二句“Wander among

47、 a variety of shops selling gifts while enjoying a live music show and nice street entertainment.(流连于形形色色的礼品商店间,同时欣赏着现场的音乐演出和好看的街头娱乐活动)”可知,如果想看现场的音乐演出,你就去Winter Market。故选D。一、题型解读1数字计算细节理解题一般会涉及时间、年龄、价钱、数量、距离等的简单计算。一般来说,从数学的角度讲,计算量都比较小,计算容易。但是英语阅读中的数字计算必须要找出计算背后所隐含的信息。这些“暗”信息会涉及对某个难句的理解,从这个角度上讲,理解文中相

48、应的复杂句是解这类题的关键。2数字计算细节理解题的话题有:(1)广告类;(2)故事类;(3)科普知识类;(4)史地自然类;(5)文化教育类。设问方式以when,in which year,how many/much等疑问词开头引出问题。二、解题技巧“加减乘除”得数据1阅读题干,查看题干中的关键词,然后寻读原文,同时标记数字、时间、年代等相关信息。2弄清题干询问数据与原文数据的逻辑关系,并进行加减乘除计算。3特殊信息应注意:(1)特殊数字:decade十年;fortnight两周;double两倍;couple两个;score二十;dozen十二。(2)特殊词汇:off削价,减价;discount折扣。例如:【真题感悟】中第21题阅读题干,根据第一段How to Get to Holker中By car里Approximate travel times后面的内容可知,从Manchester到Holker要用1 hour 30 minutes,即一个半小时,也就是90分钟,故选D。


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